Post Revolution

by SC_Orion

Chapter 19

Twilight smiled warmly. Her friends, all of them, sat around a luminous purple orb hovering in the air. Even from across the river, she could see their smiles and hear them talking and laughing. She could also hear sighs see sadness as they discussed difficult subjects. That made her smile waver, then disappear. She spread out her wings, then beat them and gracefully flew over the river. She silently landed on the other side in the grass, then started toward them.

Each silent step brought her closer to them. Each step slowed down as she approached them. Her mind wandered a mile a minute, anxious and uncertain. Before she started gathering them, before she gave being Rainbow's friend again a chance, she hadn't been so anxious. Five of the six mares surrounding the orb deeply hurt her. She was giving them another chance, she was their friend, she would protect them, she knew she should not be anxious about it- they were not going to repeat their mistake again, and yet, her heart still raced, and every muscle in her body tensed as she walked.

She closed her eyes and came to a stop, then lifted her head toward the sky and opened her eyes. She let the stillness of the dark night sky clear away her worries and concerns. She let herself go, giving herself over to freedom as she looked at the specs of light cast by thousands of stars spanning across the cold, dark night sky. She took strength from the sight of her moon, her inheritance from Princess Luna. Despite the strength and support her moon gave her, she felt agony in her stomach at the sight and memories that accompanied it.

She closed her eyes again and took a deep breath, then lowered her head and slowly let the breath out. She hesitantly picked her hoof up, then paused for a second. Nopony surrounding the orb had noticed her approach, save for Discord who was glancing at her from the corner of his eye. Twilight met his gaze for a brief moment, then glanced up at her mane. It calmly flowed in an ethereal breeze, as if it was a nebula in the vast expanse of space, with her pink highlight turned into a swirl reminiscent of a galaxy. She lowered her hoof back to the grass. Her mane and tail, despite how anxious she felt, were still calmly flowing, almost as if they were seperate entities from herself, not experiencing the stress she did. She watched her mane idly flow for several seconds, letting her heartbeat calm down, then she started walking toward them at a gentle pace. The steps came easier, and her body didn't tense as much as it had, but she still wanted to pin her wings against her sides and never let go.

She forced the distress away as she neared them, then she slowed down and came to a stop behind them. She looked at each one of them in turn, briefly reminiscing on their past. She lingered over them, her eyes stung slightly, and her chest pounded. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, then slowly exhaled. For a few seconds, she stood there in silence, letting her friends' voices calm her. "Girls," she acknowledged, opening her eyes. The group fell silent and turned around to face her, still smiling. Their smiles slowly wavered, then dispersed, being replaced by furrowed brows and concern. Twilight took a deep breath and twitched her head up. She cast her gaze on Zenith. "Zenith, Discord, Spike... can... can you give us a few minutes?" she asked.

Zenith opened her mouth, then slowly closed it. She nodded, then slowly stood up. Discord uncurled himself from Fluttershy, then walked over passed Zenith, heading toward the river. Fluttershy's lips curled downward, then twitched back up into a neutral line as Discord left her. Spike balled up his fists. For a few seconds, he stood his ground, then relented under a single look from Twilight. No words passed between them, but Spike understood what went unsaid. He sighed, then hung his head and walked over to Zenith. Zenith wrapped an arm around him and smiled reassuringly, then started making her way over to Discord.

Twilight watched them leave absently, too preoccupied with her thoughts to give any thought to them leaving. For several seconds after Zenith and Spike joined Discord by the river, she remained still and unmoving, save for her breathing and the flowing of her mane. She blinked, then glanced at the grass. Her lips grew into a wide, empty line, then they went blank. She lifted her head back up and turned to the five mares and blinked.

All five of them were sitting quietly, facing her and looking up to her, almost expectantly. They had formed a half circle around Twilight. Twilight glanced at the grass, then tentatively lifted a hoof. She turned around to face them, then looked up from the grass. She sat down on her haunches at length, then ruffled her wings. "We need to talk," she said calmly. She opened her mouth, then held it open for several seconds before slowly closing it. She licked her lips. "You all hurt me," she said evenly. She took a second to meet each of their gazes.

Applejack immediately looked down at her hooves, unable to meet Twilight's gaze. She reached up to her stetson with a hoof and pulled it down, hiding her face from sight.

Rarity bit her lip and shifted her weight. Her deep blue eyes looking slightly misty.

Pinkie didn't meet Twilight's gaze, she kept her eyes focused on Twilight's hooves.

Fluttershy shied back from Twilight's gaze and lowered her head toward the grass, but she kept her gaze on the alicorn. Twilight slowly twitched her head down and grimaced at Fluttershy. Fluttershy lifted her head back up slightly, drawing her head out from behind her mane. Twilight gave Fluttershy a half-smile, trying to reassure her, then turned to Rainbow.

Rainbow shifted her weight and looked everywhere except Twilight as the alicorn's gaze met her own. She hung her head a little and looked at her hooves under Twilight's empty gaze. She shivered a little as Twilight continued to scrutinize her. Eventually, Twilight slowly looked away from her. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

Twilight looked down at her hooves. She took a calm breath, then exhaled. "You... you're all a part of me. You made me into... who I am. I... would not be who I am without you..." she said calmly. "And... you all betrayed me." She looked up, haunted. "I was alone, on my own for three years... granted, I had not been the most... social pony back when I was Celestia's student..." She sighed. "But... those three years were by far the worst I have ever experienced. I... none of you know how much that hurt..." She looked down at her hooves and closed her eyes.

"Twilight, we're sorry," Applejack said softly.

Twilight nodded slowly. "I... know." She looked back up and opened her eyes, then tilted her head to the right and brushed away tears with the back of her hoof. "I... I had convinced myself that... you weren't sorry, that... you did it on purpose or something." She grimaced and shook her head. "I... hated you because of what you did. I..." she trailed off, letting her head hang limply. "I wanted to kill you," she said softly.

Pinkie teared up and clenched her eyes shut. Fluttershy stood up, then all but jumped on Twilight and wrapped her arms around the alicorn. Twilight looked up at Fluttershy. For half a second, confusion passed through Twilight's eyes, then it melted away. A small smile crossed Twilight's lips, and she wrapped an arm around Fluttershy's withers. "He... took everything from me... everything I knew... even though I was still alive, he... took my life from me," Twilight said, closing her eyes again. Another pair of hooves wrapped around her body. She lifted her wing from her side, then draped it around Rainbow and Fluttershy. A second later, Twilight's body jerked, then she sniffled. Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack immediately joined the others and wrapped their arms around Twilight.

Twilight's lips flashed into a smile, then shrunk, but her smile remained. She closed her eyes and pulled her friends close with her wings, then held them against her large body. She lowered her head and pulled everypony around in front of her, then wrapped her arms around them and laid her head on top of theirs. She squeezed them and shuddered as more tears leaked out of her closed eyes.

"We're here for you now, Twilight... it's going to be okay," Fluttershy cooed, holding onto the alicorn tighter.

"Yeah, we're not gonna let anything like that happen again!" Pinkie agreed.

"Twilight, dear, I speak for all of us when I say that not listening to you that night was by far the biggest mistake of our lives," Rarity added, shifting her weight uncomfortably. She glanced up at her mane and bit her lip.

"The Inquisitor lied ta us and we didn't listen to ya. We made a mistake, and we're sorry," Applejack said.

"I'm sorry that I... helped him, Twilight. I don't want to be responsible for hurting my friend, and that was exactly what I did," Rainbow said at length, shying away from the large alicorn's embrace. Twilight felt it and reacted by pulling her closer. Rainbow resisted, then relented at Twilight's insistence, letting her pull her closer.

Twilight opened her eyes and smiled. "I-I know..." she trailed off. "I love you all," she said softly. "You're all a part of me... I-I need you all..."

"We're here for you," Fluttershy said softly.

"I-" Twilight fell silent as a pair of claws wrapped around her.

"Don't forget about us!" Spike shouted in a heavy, pained voice. Twilight pressed her eyes closed and lowered her head at his touch. Try as she did, she could not fight back the growing discomfort coming from her eyes.

"Mmm, yes," Discord agreed as he wrapped his body around Twilight, then laid his head on her shoulder. Twilight opened her eyes and squinted at Discord through tear stained eyes. Discord smiled at her gently. "Believe it or not, Twilight, you do matter to me. All of you do. If it wasn't for all of you, well..." he trailed off chuckling slightly. "I wouldn't know the magic of friendship." Twilight snorted and smiled.

Zenith wrapped her arms around Twilight, then nuzzled her. Twilight turned to Zenith, then levitated her, Discord, and Spike around in front of her. She spread her wings out, then welcomed them into her embrace. "Th-thank you," she said as tears spilled over her eyelids, then streamed down her face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled and pulled them closer. Holding them close, she could feel their warmth and love radiating into her, and hers radiating into them.

Seconds passed and faded into minutes, and Twilight lost track of time. When she finally lifted her wings from them, they stayed there for a few seconds before reluctantly pulling away. Their warm smiles fought back her fears and lent her strength, and she welcomed it. She brought a hoof up to her head and wiped her eyes dry. "I've missed you all s-so much..." she croaked. She averted her gaze from them and bit her lip. She breathed in and out a few times to calm herself, then continued, "I... even with all the memories and magic that I have... Even knowing how much you all mean and meant to me..." she trailed off, shaking her head. "You never... truly know what you have, until you've lost it..." she trailed off, grimacing. She swallowed and rubbed her eye with the back of her hoof. "Y-you would think I would have known that from Celestia's memories..." She half-smiled and turned back toward them.

"Twilight, you're not perfect. You're still just a pony," Fluttershy said softly, smiling gently despite moisture having gathered in the corners of her eyes.

Discord turned away from Twilight and reclined against Zenith, drawing a wary glance from the mare. Discord turned his claw around toward him and idly looked it over. "Even Celestia and Luna made mistakes, Twilight. She didn't see what was happening to Luna, and Luna... well, you know the rest of that story."

Twilight turned away from them again, her ears folding back against her head. She slowly closed her eyes, then reluctantly opened her mouth. "I... have Luna's memories. And Nightmare Moon's memories... I... have that same potential, if not worse, than what Luna had before..." she trailed off uneasily. "Just like her... I'm emotional... We felt betrayed, alone, and abandoned..."

"Ya didn't turn into Nightmare Moon, though," Applejack stated flatly.

Twilight nodded slowly. "It's getting better," she said with a brief smile. The smile quickly faded. "Still... While I may be out of the woods, for the most part, I have that potential..." she trailed off, shaking her head. She sighed and turned back to them, grimacing. She took a deep breath and sat up a straighter, putting on an air of regality. She opened her mouth to speak but hesitated as her gaze drifted downward. The air of royalty surrounding her dissipated to be replaced with guilt. "I wanted to take out my revenge on you and make Equestria suffer for betraying us, even though I knew that wasn't what they would have wanted," she lowered her muzzle toward the ground, "They had all turned their backs on us, so I was going to turn my back on them," she said calmly. She glanced up at them, then her gaze fell on Rainbow. Rainbow shifted her weight and glanced at Fluttershy and Zenith, trying to see if Twilight's gaze was directed at one of them rather than herself. It wasn't, and Rainbow grimaced but met Twilight's gaze. "I..." Twilight sighed, then looked at her hooves. "Originally I only intervened when the wolves were attacking you because I wanted to kill you myself," she admitted, then snorted. "But... when I saw you there, and the way you looked at me... I remembered what we had been through. Even if you had thrown it away. In that split second, I made a decision not to kill you, even though it would have been easy to kill you and justify it in my mind... He was using you, and you were helping him. You were my enemy..."

Rainbow stared at Twilight for a few seconds, forcing herself to not shy away from the alicorn. "For the longest time after that, I was afraid that you were going to do something to me. The more time I spent with you, the more I realized just how badly hurt you were... And I knew that we were responsible for that." She glanced at the others and forced a smile, it came out warily. She sighed and hung her head, then turned back to Twilight. "And... he was using me. I didn't want to believe it, but... you were right. He was just going to kill you like Celestia and Luna, and he was going to use me to get you. That... isn't what I wanted. I actually believed him, believed in him, I guess, rather than my friend. I'm sorry."

Twilight smiled and nodded slowly. "I forgave you. It was hard, but I have forgiven all of you."

Rainbow smiled a little. "You did originally want us close by to keep you safe as much as for you to keep us safe, and I haven't forgotten about the first part."

"I haven't forgotten the second part," Twilight replied, still smiling. She slowly stood up, then stepped forward and hugged Rainbow. Rainbow returned the hug. When Twilight pulled back, Rainbow sat up a littler straighter, and a little more of her confidence had returned. She turned her gaze to Zenith. Zenith looked at her quizzically. She waited a few seconds before speaking, "Zenith, when I first saw you, I saw your potential, and how different you were from the others. You are not my first student, nor are you my youngest, but I have enjoyed having you around. You remind me a little of myself. I am proud to call you my friend."

While Zenith had been unsure at first, her shifting ceased to be replaced with a growing smile. Zenith sat up, then stepped over to Twilight and eagerly hugged her. Twilight smiled and nuzzled her as she returned the hug. "Thank you for taking me with you. It hasn't always been easy, but... I never dreamed that I would have a princess as a teacher."

Twilight chuckled warmly. A few seconds later, Zenith pulled back, still smiling contently. Twilight turned to Fluttershy, still smiling calmly. Fluttershy looked up at Twilight with a subtle smile, and she did not back down from Twilight focusing on her. Twilight flashed a wider smile and tilted her head to the side. "Fluttershy, what can I really say? I could never hate you, even after that night. You and Pinkie had both betrayed me, but I couldn't hate you for it, you didn't do it on purpose. I would never be able to convince myself that you did it to hurt me, you're both too kind and caring. I missed our friendship during those three years. I'm hoping that we'll still be able to have tea together once the Inquisitor's gone?"

Fluttershy closed her eyes and nodded happily. "I'd like that, Twilight. I missed you too, but..." she trailed off, opening her eyes and looking at Discord. "He needed me." She looked around at the rest of the girls and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry that I ran off without telling anypony, but... After Celestia and Luna... I was..." She closed her eyes as her smile fell, and she took a deep breath.

Twilight quickly held Fluttershy in a comforting embrace, fighting off her pain for her. It took a few seconds, but Fluttershy eventually returned the hug. Zenith tentatively patted Fluttershy on the back. Several seconds passed in a still silence before Fluttershy pulled back. She cautiously wiped her eyes with her hooves but smiled. Discord wrapped an arm around Fluttershy and pulled her against him. Fluttershy glanced at Discord, then nuzzled his side.

Twilight smiled at the display, then turned her attention to Discord. She hesitated because of Fluttershy, but a glance at the pegasus reassured her. Discord looked at her with idle expectation, disinterested, yet caring. "When I found you, imprisoned in stone, with Fluttershy... guarding you..." She shook her head at the thought. "I was going to kill you," she stated flatly. Discord remained impassive. "When I fought the Inquisitor, he had chaos magic. I still don't understand that, and I'm not sure I ever will. The only thing I can conceive of is him being some kind of parasite or having a special talent for leeching magic, but that still doesn't make sense..." she shook her head slowly and exhaled heavily. "I was convinced that you had disappeared because you were the Inquisitor. Fluttershy stopped me from destroying you while you were trapped in stone, and I am glad she did. I do consider you my friend, even if you can annoy me to no end."

Discord grinned toothily. "I hope I've not been too intolerable for you since your valiant rescue of us," he said.

Twilight smiled. "You've made an effort to be my friend unlike all those years ago. You really have changed, and I am happy to have you as a friend." She squinted and opened her mouth before thinking better of it. She tentatively stepped closer to him, then laid an arm around his back and hugged him. She blinked several times and scrutinized the forest while Discord reciprocated the hug. She wasn't surprised to feel Fluttershy's hooves wrap around her during the hug, and that brought a smile to her lips. Eventually, she pulled back. "I appreciate that you'll be there for me, Discord."

Discord bowed exaggeratedly, then looked up at her. "Happy to be of service, Princess."

Twilight rolled her eyes, then walked away from him. Discord rose from the bow, then turned his attention back to Fluttershy. Twilight came to a stop in front of Pinkie, then looked her over. While she was smiling, it wasn't as energetic as it had been, but her mane was poofy like it should be. Her smile was gentle, soft and laidback, almost calm. It was a stark contrast to how she normally was, and Twilight found it a little offputting, even if it was a welcome change. She smiled at Pinkie. "Like Fluttershy, nopony knew where you went. You had just disappeared." Pinkie smiled apologetically. "Like Fluttershy, you are so innocent. I could not hate you if I wanted to, even if you can be overenthusiastic at times," she said with a slight giggle. "But it just makes you all the more special." Pinkie leaned in and hugged Twilight. Twilight tensed and braced herself, then relaxed as Pinkie's hug wasn't as fierce as usual.

Twilight returned the hug and nuzzled the earth pony before stepping back and turning to Rarity. She grimaced slightly. "You ignored me. I was hurt by that. I felt like you were too caught up with everything and that you were too busy for me. That hurt. But, he played us both..." she trailed off, looking at the ground and sighing. "I could have handled telling you better, that's for sure, but you still didn't listen to me... We were close, yet you and Applejack both thought I was overreacting. Since I was close with him, I felt even more betrayed by what he did. Of course, I did panic. That tends to happen when somepony chases you out of their house after you find out that they're planning to overthrow the government," she said dryly. "Still, because I was close to him, you should have known that I wouldn't have made those accusations unless I was completely sure. And I was right." She paused. Rarity's gaze had not left Twilight's hooves since she started talking to her, and she stood quite still. "I don't hold that against you, at least not now. For a while, I did. I should have kept in touch with you better than what I did..." she trailed off, grimacing. Rarity continued to remain silent. Twilight sighed, then stepped up to Rarity and hugged her firmly. Rarity returned the hug. When they parted, Rarity smiled sadly.

Twilight turned to Spike, only to feel him wrap his arms around her. She looked down at him and wrapped her arms around him. "I missed you so much, Spike," she whispered. "I'm sorry that I left you..."

"It's okay, Twilight," Spike replied.

Twilight leaned down and tenderly nuzzled him, prompting him to squeeze her tighter. They parted at length, and Twilight looked at Applejack. "He lied to all of us. We all believed him. I can't fault you for that since even I believed him." She tilted her head to the side and grimaced. "But... you of all ponies, even more than Rarity, should have known I wasn't lying. I suppose being so frantic about it didn't help, but..." she trailed off and sighed.

She stepped back and looked over everypony. She swallowed back a growing knot in her throat. "Whether you agree with me or not." She glanced at Rainbow before looking away from her. Rainbow shifted on her hooves and her wings twitched. "I am going to kill him," she said firmly, "I would say that justice demands his death... I don't know whether that is true or not, but he will die by my hoof. I demand that." She swallowed. "And then, Equestria is mine."

She sighed and slumped down. "I am dreading it just as much as I am looking forward to it. It will take me years to get everything settled back down after him, and I'll have to rebuild some portions of the government from scratch." She bobbed her head to the side. "I'll probably have to rebuild the Guard from scratch, too..." She grimaced and looked back down. "I am going to be very busy after I take over Equestria." She pursed her lips and turned to Rainbow. "However, I did make a promise that I would find and or make time to spend with all of you to be your friends, and I will keep that promise. I will also protect all of you and keep you safe..." She turned to Zenith. Zenith sat up straighter, although Twilight could see the heaviness in her eyes and the tiredness in how her back slouched forward. "I promised I would teach you magic other than combat magic, and I will." Zenith lit up a little and smiled giddily, her tail twitched from left to right. Twilight turned to Discord and squinted unsurely. "I will... get your magic back for you..." she trailed off as Discord grinned lopsidedly. Twilight inhaled slowly and leaned away from him. For a few seconds, she watched him, then she broke away and looked over the rest of her friends. "I want you... I need you all to be there for me," Twilight implored.

"Well, of course we'll be there, silly!" Pinkie exclaimed, bounding over to Twilight. "Being in charge can be fun but I don't think ruling Equestria sounds very fun which means you'll probably be sad which means we need to be there for you to make you happy and since you're our friend, of course we'll help you!"

Twilight giggled a little. "Thank you, Pinkie."

"Ah reckon we owe it to ya," Applejack added.

"Yeah, it's not like anypony can just replace your number one assistant!" Spike added, jumping at Twilight.

Twilight braced herself, then caught the young dragon and pulled him against her chest with her hoof. She leaned down and nuzzled him. "Of course not, Spike... Do you have any idea how hard it was to keep track of anything while I didn't have you around!" She giggled lightly, then lowered Spike back to the ground. "I can't imagine trying to rule Equestria without you." She smiled reassuringly at Spike. Spike smiled back, then fought back a yawn. "It is kind of late, isn't it?"

"Well..." Spike sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.

Twilight lit her horn, then levitated herself and Spike up off the ground, then teleported a large blanket under them. She set herself back down, then unfurled her right wing and slowly levitated Spike over to her side and placed him at her side, just under her wing. Spike tentatively laid against Twilight's side and smiled gratefully. Twilight returned his smile, then laid down and folded her hooves under her chest. She turned back to her friends. "You're all welcome to join him," she said in a gentle, warm voice, in mimicry of Celestia's motherlike voice. She lifted her right wing up and unfurled her left.

Rainbow and Zenith slowly made their way over to Twilight, then laid down beside Spike. Twilight flashed them a smile, then looked at the others expectantly. Rarity was off-put by the idea, squinting sharply, although she looked like she was considering the offer. Pinkie just smiled and walked over and laid down beside Zenith. Twilight stretched out her wing, then wrapped it around them and pulled them a little closer.

"Darling, don't you think that this is a bit... strange?" Rarity asked cautiously.

Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Maybe it is," she admitted. "But it'd be just like old times when we'd have a sleepover. Except that this time we're outside. And you'd be sleeping under my wings."

"Which is why it seems a bit strange," Rarity said evenly.

"You don't have to," Twilight replied. "But it is a nice night to do something like this, and... we'll probably never get another chance to ever do anything like this..." she trailed off with a wry smile. "I... kind of want to do this, since... it just..." she trailed off, looking away from Rarity and trying to hide her embarrassment.

"I think it sounds nice," Fluttershy said softly. She walked over beside Twilight, then laid down under her left wing. Discord watched Fluttershy and Twilight warily before cautiously walking over, then pausing and squinting at Twilight. Twilight nodded and smiled.

"Well, this is something I never imagined I would be doing," he idly commented as he lifted Twilight's wing up, then stood up straighter and glance back at Applejack and Rarity. He blinked, then let go of Twilight's wing and slide in between Fluttershy and Twilight, then rolled over onto his side and wrapped his arms around Fluttershy, then laid his tail over her.

"Ah guess it would be kinda like that one time when ya had Rarity and myself over at the library for a sleepover because of that storm." Applejack relented and shuffled over to Twilight, then laid down to the left of Fluttershy. She watched Discord cautiously, even more so after his tail twitched slightly. She leaned away from Fluttershy and Discord, wary of his tail.

Rarity grimaced, then threw her head about. She bit her lip, then shook her head and trotted over to Twilight, then laid down beside Applejack.

Twilight smiled, then laid her wing over them, enveloping them. She pulled them a little closer to herself, then glanced at the ponies to her right. "Comfortable?" she asked. Her question was met with a murmur of agreements, although a couple of them were more reserved than the others. She smiled at her replies, then pointed her horn at the luminescent orb and slowly absorbed the magic back into her body, leaving them in the darkness of her night, softened only by the glow of her horn, her stars, and her moon. She smiled contentedly. "Good night, my little ponies," she softly whispered.