Remnants of a Dream

by Scout Charger

Third Time is the Charm ... Right?

It was now almost five weeks since the trip to Las Pegasus and Applejack and Sunset Shimmer were determined that it was only a few hours left until they would clear up the mess they made.

Two days had passed since they had talked on Sweet Apple Acres. They had planned their approach and even memorized the parts of their speeches they deemed especially important. But what was absolutely paramount was that they had agreed on a few points.

Sunset looked Applejack in the eyes. “Firstly: We will hold nothing back! We have to talk about all we did, why we did it and how we feel about it.”

Applejack took a deep breath and nodded. “Agreed! Second of all: No cheatin! We won’t swindle our way out of this. It will be his decision if he forgives us.”

This time Sunset was the one to nod. “Honesty is best policy.”

Both girls looked away from each other, let their gaze search the cafeteria and focused on the boy that was the focal point of their plan. “Third Agreement: If he ever decides to go out with one of us, we won’t hold it against one another.” They said in unison.

Applejack turned towards Sunset and smiled. “Only thing left ta’ do is a blood ritual to seal the deal alrigh’.”

Sunset winked. “If you get me about four liters of virgin blood and black candles made from the bodies of the innocent I could try to get Lilith or Baal to make an appearance.”

Applejacks smile instantly vanished and her eyes grew wide. “Uhh … Sunset? Can ya’ you know … summon a daemon for real or somethin’?” She asked with a slightly trembling voice.

With a snort and a roll of her eyes Sunset leaned back. “Of course I can’t, this world doesn’t even have daemons that could be summoned. Besides, this whole blood and innocent thing is bullshit. A fine paste made from catkin, mandrake and clover dissolved in pure alcohol and then burned in the middle of a pentagram works way better. Of course you also need a few pounds of blessed silver that has been grounded to dust for the pentagram and the barrier. Otherwise it’s really difficult to keep the little sucker in check.”

At this point Applejack had become as white as if she had seen a ghost and her eyes wide as dinner plates. Sunset cleared her throat and scratched the back of her head. “Ok, I’ll admit, I tried to teach myself some dark magic back in Equestria. But I promise that it is impossible in this world to summon a daemon.”

Applejack reached for her glass, gulped down her water in one go and looked at Sunset as if she had never seen her before. “Girl, ya’ know how to give me a mighty fine scare. Sure as sugar Ah’m not going to ask any question ‘bout that stuff ever again.”

Sunset chuckled. “It’s nice to know how to get to you.” She winked. “You know, just in case.” Both girls chuckled.

After a few seconds Sunset stood up, took the remains of her lunch and prepared to leave. “Ok, remember, today it’s his turn to clean the blackboard and get out the trash. After approximately five minutes the school will be virtually clear of students. At that point we will meet on the front lawn and take the shortcut around the gym towards the dumpsters. There we can talk in private.” Applejack nodded her approval and the two parted ways.

Scout didn’t know what but something was fishy. For the last two days he felt like something was going on, but could never exactly point out what it was. In the last couple months some magical crisis could never be ruled out, but normally it wasn’t his turn to face something like that. He desperately hoped that all things magic would remain centered around Sunset Shimmer and her friends.

He had just emptied the trash bin when he heard somebody clear his throat. Curious enough he turned around and he couldn’t help but groan. “What do you guys want now?”

Sunset tried to calm herself with a few deep breaths, gave Applejack a sideways glance and decided to start. “We just want to talk, no games or schemes, just you and us talking … about Las Pegasus.” She stammered slightly blushing.

Scout reached for the trash bin and gave Sunset a somewhat exhausted look. “Can’t you guys just leave me alone? I’m sure I have a somewhat accurate recollection of what happened. If you want to pretend nothing happened, fine, see what I care about your bullshit. Just go your ways and leave me be.”

As Scout attempted to leave Applejack quickly cut him off, hands folded behind her back and her Stetson pulled deep into her face. “Look sugar cube. Just give us a minute or two so we can get some explainin done. Would ya?” She looked up and into Scout’s eyes, her own emerald-green eyes darting around, desperately searching for something to focus on. “Ah promise it’ll be worth ya’ time.” Her voice and body language were thick with remorse and regret.

He wanted to walk away. Scout was determined to just walk away. Just let time do its thing and forget all of this. But despite his best effort, a small part of his mind desperately clung to whatever hope was still there. His shoulders dropped and he put the trash bin down. “Ok, I’ll listen. … What could possibly go wrong?” He said with a defeated sigh.

Applejack was the first to talk, her voice and behavior more akin to her friend Fluttershy than her usual self. “Ok, first things first, we’re sorry for wha’ we did. Ah sorta panicked at the next morning. Ma’ family isn’t that big on this whole sex ‘afore marriage thing. So Ah asked Sunset if’n she could, ya know, help me out.”

Sunset took over, her voice a bit calmer than Applejack’s. “I came up with tricking you into thinking it was a dream. I’ll admit it was sort of a long shot, but it was all we could pull of in the nick of time.”

Scout gave her a dry chuckle. “It would have worked actually. Though I still had some lipstick on my cheek and later found the remainders of the scratches you gave me.” He looked at Sunset. “It all sort of came back after that.”

Sunset blushed slightly, though a small part of her was proud that her plan had almost worked. Before she could indulge in the knowledge that her manipulative skills were still top notch however she remembered that there was still some way to go. She cleared her throat and continued. “Anyway, the important thing that we want to tell you that we are sorry for this stupid plot.”

Scout nodded and attempted to leave once again. “Ok I get it, you are sorry.” He sighed. “Look, I think I even somewhat understand why you felt you needed to pull this shit off. However, I still need some time to think it over. Give me a week or two and then I’ll know what I really think about this.” As he was about to pass by Sunset, she placed a hand on his chest and looked at him with determination.

The first step of Cadance’s plan had worked almost perfectly. Applejack and Sunset had managed to get the boy to listen and he would at least try to forgive them. “There is more that we need to tell you.” Sunset said.

Applejack stood next to Sunset and took off her hat. A habit she only displayed when she was trying to handle rather extreme emotions. “Look Scout, we’re mighty sorry for wha’ we did the mornin after, not for the night itself.” The blonde farm girl gulped. “Ah’ll admit, Ah might’ve not been in on this if Ah was sober, but it was a great night and I don’t mind in the slightest that it was you. So, yeah, if ya’ want to I would be willing to give us a proper try. You know, like datin or somethin.”

Scout’s eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. A small part of his mind had dared to hope this whole mess might clear up somehow. Granted he didn’t exactly know how it could, but this was beyond anything he would have believed possible.

Before he regained his wits however, Sunset turned his head towards her and smiled at him. “I too want to say that I’m really sorry for what I did. But I had a wonderful night with a wonderful boy and I’d feel honored if you would agree to go out with me.”

Scout’s mind went blank.

Two minutes later Applejack and Sunset still waited for the boy to say something. All the while he just stood there eyes wide and unfocussed and his jaw almost down on the floor.

Finally Scout shook his head and stumbled backwards. “You both are…?” before he could finish his question the girls nodded, both giving him gentle smiles.

What had started out in a rather tense atmosphere of distrust had now shifted. The anger had dissipated like mist in the sun. What could very well have been another attack on his mental health had turned into a completely unexpected confession … two confessions actually. It felt almost as unreal as two of the hottest girls of CHS doing it with a boy in a hotel room in Las Pegasus.

Scout grabbed the trash bin, turned it upside down and plopped down onto it. His eyes darted around like he was about to panic and his breath went as fast as if he had just finished a marathon. “I … I don’t really know what to say.” He finally stammered.

Both girls put a hand on his shoulders. “We won’t force you to do anything. We just wanted to let you know that this wasn’t just a fling to us and that we really care about you.” Sunset said with a calm voice.

“We agreed to jus’ tell ya’ ‘bout it and let ya’ decide on ya’ own what’s best. If ya’ think it’s best to leave it at that and be friends again that’s fine with us. If ya’ wanna date one of us we’re also fine with that.” Applejack added and her voice came down to a whisper. “Only thing ya’ can’t have is both o’ us at the same time. Ah’d not be willin to share you anymore, ya’ hear?”

Sunset chuckled slightly and nodded. “I agree with AJ on the last part.” Her voice took on a little more of a sultry tone. “I know sharing is caring and all, but I wouldn’t want to share you anymore.”

Scout looked at the girls in front of him. “I think I need some time to think.” He squeaked.

Applejack and Sunset nodded and left. After they had rounded the corner of the building and were sure Scout was out of earshot they looked at each other, chuckled and bumped their fists. “That went a whole lot better than Ah had hoped.”

Sunset winked at her friend. “Well, what did you expect? I asked the Princess of Love for help. In Equestria you have to work for a title like that.”

With the situation no longer in their hands, the girls left CHS for the day and would then have to wait for what the next days would bring.