//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: the dragonfire alicorn an anthros of harmony tie in // by Tempest_Flare //------------------------------// The Dragonfire Alicorn An Aspects of Harmony Tie-In By Tempest Flare The day started normally enough for me. I woke up, got dressed and Skype chatted with my sister at our first home in the United States. I told her that Mom and Dad had given the old house at the back of our 40-acre farm here in southern Siberia. Oh, sorry. Guess I should introduce myself, huh? Well, my name is Ayumi Tempest Flare Dno’oove. I’m a pegasister; a female teen\adult fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I’m 19 years old, but due to my parents moving back to Russia before I graduated in America, I had to start high school from my junior year again. Thus I signed up for a foreign exchange program to finish those last two years with the only friend I kept in touch with during the whole ordeal. The friend I'm talking about is my penpal, Rina. The first letter I got from her was in third grade when my teacher decided that I needed somepony to talk to. I was a loner; an outcast, if you will, due to how I had a Russian-American father and a Japanese mother who had moved to Rochester, New York after my older sister was born so that my dad could get a job at Kodak. But after four years he was laid off, so when I was born we lived off of welfare and my dad’s odd jobs. My teacher was friends with Rina’s mother and got letters from them every month. She also knew my mother wanted me to practice writing, so she talked with both our parents and covered the mailing fees. When I first wrote to Rina, I was hesitant, to say the least. I wrote a simple half page saying hi and telling her a little about myself. I wasn’t expecting to get more than a page of the same in return. Oh, boy! Was I wrong! What I got back could be called a manuscript, it was so thick! The girl wrote me her whole life’s story just as a way to say hi! The reason I mentioned Rina is that after Skyping with my older sister, I got an email from her signed ‘Pinkie Pie’. I wrote back, asking her when she found the show and finally realized why I called her ‘Pinks’ for the last few years. After sending the email, I tried shutting my laptop down, but instead got shocked by static build-up - as usual when I forget to de-static the screen after waking up. So while I shook off the pins and needles that came with the shock, the changes started. sitting on my bed I didn’t notice how my feet shifted into hooves and midnight purple fur and scales started to grow up from those hooves. by the time I stood up, the fur and scales had only reached mid-thigh. But inside me, some things had already changed. My heart and lungs had increased in efficiency and durability. These changes also made me very tired, and I lay down to take a nap. As I slept the changes sped up. The fur and scales covered my whole body and my -already large- DDD cup bust grew to H cups while I grew three inches taller from 5’6” to 5’9” and I gained about 300 pounds of muscle, bone and other tissue, though I actually slimmed down due to the extra weight being that of increased density instead of regular muscle, bone and tissue gain, similar to how Superman or Wolverine weigh more than a normal human does in the comics. A 9 inch long curved alicorn horn grew from the forehead of my new muzzle, while two curving dragon horns sprouted from the sides of my head just above my temples, while my ears migrated up the sides of my head reforming into pony ears larger than normal with scales on the edges. Leathery batlike wings grew out my back. If extended, these wings would span 15 feet. My hands shifted from human’s to that of a dragon, with retracting claws. My tail and mane changed color as they grew in. My dark red hair remained, but only as a streak, while midnight blue and near-white gray made up the rest. When I awoke, I was laying on my stomach with my wings partially extended. Looking at my clock told me it was eleven at night. I felt fully awake and energized as if my four-hour nap was a full twelve hours of rest. Getting out of bed, I felt and heard my hooves touch the floor. Thinking something was different I walked over to my full-length mirror and instinctively lit my hand and horns alight. To say I was shocked would be a... bit of a lie as I sometimes lucid-dreamed of this happening to me. But after falling on my flank and feeling the pain, I knew I wasn’t asleep. Standing up, I turned on my bedroom light and looked at my reflection. I noticed I looked like my main oc Ayumi-Twilight Aurora Sparkle, A.K.A. Tempest Flare. Realizing I had somehow become Tempest, I decided to test something. Focusing on my hooves, I imagined them turning into a fusion of human feet and dragon back claws. As I thought, they would they transform into what I pictured. Practicing a bit to see just how fast I could change my hooves showed me I could change them in a split second if need be. Satisfied with that, I moved on to larger parts of my body. I practiced Shifting -as I dubbed it- the scales on the leading edges of both my wings into sharp obsidian-like blades only much more durable. While still practicing shifting, I levitated my laptop over to me. Rereading Rina’s email and her reply told me all I needed to know to determine that this wasn’t an isolated phenomenon. Rina’s reply went something like this. “Hey there, you silly billy! it’s been a while. I just got your email and I’m super duper excited to finally meet you next week! You may not recognize me at first as I've… well, let’s just say I've changed since the last time I sent you a picture. But you’ll know it’s me, I promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! I can’t wait! Your super duper bestest penpal, Rina/Pinkie Pie” Figuring that Rina had somehow changed into Pinkie, I also thought there might be another Twilight Sparkle and decided to Shift my form slightly. I changed my horn length from its 9-inch norm to a more reasonable 6 inches. I left my pony fur and hair the same, due to the vast difference to my canon counterpart, but recolored my scales black. I grew out my canines a bit to make any snarl more threatening on my hybrid muzzle. The biggest thing I changed was my cutie mark. It was, at first, the normal six-pointed star. Now it had a blue sun and moon behind it to mark who my pony mothers were. Satisfied I wouldn't be mistaken for my canon counterpart, I left it at that and looked at my closet. Using what I knew about magic from reading so many fanfics -and also writing a few-, I cast a hammerspace pocket spell to store my clothes -which had changed as I did- and was surprised to find a selection of armor, a couple of swords and a few spell books all addressed to me from the Equestria I thought Tempest up in. One of the books had a note inside saying these were gifts from a mother to her daughter and that when I received them I was to take the moon pendant from the silver armor and tap it twice as thanks. I grabbed said pendant and tapped it twice as told. Knowing that mama would get the message, I put the pendant on under my shirt. And smiled. I continued packing up till all I had left in the whole house was my Ps3, my laptop, some games for both and a week's worth of... cleanish clothes to change into. Stepping outside into the night, I felt as if I was ready to take on the world, but in my mind I knew I would have to practice with my newfound abilities if I would truly be able to match my canon counterpart someday. So began a grueling week of training. As the week wore on, I took to practicing the spells within the books mama had given me. The spells were all offensive and mobility based, but I figured I needed something more powerful than Shiny’s shield spell and Trixie’s illusions. I could make do in those departments. The first thing I learned was that at my top speed, my gallop would cause the world to blur around me. The second thing was that I could breathe all the normal dragon elements; fire, ice, lightning, and some interesting ones as well: lava, steam, condensed light -a.k,a,, a freaking laser-, that kind of thing. I learned how to teleport long distances, up to 40 miles. Though any more and I would strain my magic. I also figured out if my theory on just how fast base Rainbow Dash was before and after she activated her sonic rainboom was correct. And to my surprise, I wasn’t just right in the basic concept, but my whole theory turned out correct! From what happened to me when trying the sonic rainboom myself. I could infer that about the same would happen to Rainbow Dash and any other winged creature who tried the same, now that magic could be channeled and controlled. Using Pegasus magic I bypassed the normal sound barrier without the sonic boom and continued to increase in speed rapidly. Once I hit the Mach 5 barrier, my magic started having trouble keeping up so I forced my magic into overdrive and heard a massive *KABOOM!* behind me as a ring of light expanded and my speed instantly doubled. Slowing down I let my speed bleed off ‘till I was just coasting at 300 miles an hour. At the end of the week, I had trained both my body and mind in full. I packed up the last of my things in the hammerspace pocket and took to the air. As I got closer to the airport, I decided that I would just wing it if Pinkie’s mom said no to me living with them. After all, I don’t think Cloudy would be too welcoming to me at first, anyways. Customs at first wouldn’t let me through, but after showing them my new id and the exchange paperwork, they decided I was more of a headache than they needed. I had chartered a private plane and crew to take me to Sydney. From there, I would fly under my own power to Pinkie’s hometown. The crew was a little unnerved at my fearsome appearance at first, but I told them I only looked this way to dissuade people from trying to gold-dig me. Oh. Guess you’re wondering how I could afford all this? Well, truth is that, due to my uncle willing me over, 20 million US dollars later I'm pretty much set for life, but I live frugally. As for the first 18 years of my life, I was poorer than I would like to admit. While on the plane, I slept. I had found I could sleep for four hours and be fully functional the next day. This had helped me immensely with my week’s worth of training/self-induced torture and it had the added benefit of giving me more time to read! I woke up a couple minutes before landing and got my stuff ready for customs. Landing in Sydney was just as headache-inducing as leaving Russia, if not more so, as the government here knew about the anthro phenomenon and had set up procedures to detain any anthros coming into the country on grounds of threatening national security. They eventually gave me a pass as my exchange program was sponsored by NATO and the UN and I had already filed all proper paperwork for an anthro to enter the country after finding out about it in the first place. So after three hours of red tape cutting, I was free to take to the air again. The feeling of flying under your own power is something indescribable. All who have tried to in the past have failed miserably and even the best can only call it the feeling of pure, unadulterated freedom. In truth, it’s so much more than that. If you’ve done it, you’ll know what I'm talking about, but to those who can’t, I truly pity you, as I hated being bound by gravity as a human. As I flew through the air, I let out a whoop of sheer joy. I was my favorite character ever and I wasn’t alone;! the customs regulations had proven that! I was flying towards meeting my oldest friend in-pony for the first time and I would most likely meet my pony mothers if the rumors of Moonie showing up were true. So, yeah. It was a good day. Then it hit me; I felt the weave embrace me and saw the connections I would make with the mane seven -Sunset included-. The future I saw was blurry, but Moonie was clear. I had to find her! I also saw a ship with Tia’s cutie mark with me entering it. Then the vision faded. I was left flying over a small wood and as I slowed down. I saw the boat from the vision and landed. Using a spell I learned, I sensed no others nearby, but still felt a massive amount of magic coming off the ship itself. Reading the Equestrian script on the side, it said, ‘Star Seeker’. After looking around, I entered the ship. Lighting my horns, I saw that there used to be a box sitting in the hold, but the magic I was sensing was from above me. Climbing up to the captain's cabin, I felt the magic coming from a long box sitting on the remains of the bed. Picking up the box I found it to be both light and heavy. Upon opening the box I found two things inside. One was a set of short ninjato-like blades with my cutie mark engraved into the handles, and the other was a black version of the alicorn amulet. I grabbed the swords and strapped them on my back, but I was wary of the amulet. Still, the magic I sensed coming from it wasn’t evil or malevolent, but dark. Just dark. Knowing it’s the will of the creator or user that make dark things evil, I touched the amulet. I was blinded by a flash of black light as the amulet reacted to my magic. When I could see again I was wearing the silver armor from my hammerspace pocket. The moon pendant and alicorn amulet had fused into a purple siren pendant. Thinking this was too weird, I put the armor back in the hammerspace pocket. but still I wore the pendant. The weave showed me this pendant was more than it seemed, and that it was the equal to the Element of Magic in power. Leaving the ‘Star Seeker’, I took to the air again, landing just out of sight by the school and waited.