//------------------------------// // the author is currently on an incredibly long road trip and ended up turning around because the weather decided to puke slush-balls down on the road? // Story: What If... // by TheMajorTechie //------------------------------// And seriously, I'm still wondering how I have internet access in the middle of nowhere. Seriously, T-Mobile has amazing 4G coverage when it comes to the middle of nowhere. Like as in, I've got better reception here then in my own bathroom. Now then, that aside... onto the chapter! CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS DERP DERPY DERPED A DERP OF DERPED DERPYS AND THEN A METEORITE FELL AND THINGS WENT BOOM AND THE THINGS GOING BOOM WENT UN-BOOM AND STUFF SO YEAH THAT HAPPENED. Honestly, I'm more interested right now in taking pictures of the scenery from my window than writing.