The 63 files

by punisher143


Out of all the ships that exist, I tend to be drawn to the ‘opposites attract’ pairings. That being said, I have to say that shipping itself is a strange beast. Since gender-bends have started taking hold, I would have thought that mixed gender-bent couples would take hold much the same way. I guess it has too, but for the purposes of this experiment self shipping doesn’t count. Since I need experience writing romance, let’s see this as a learning experience. Since Twi-Dash is my current favorite ship at the moment, let’s start there.

Twilight was resting in the library by herself enjoying the latest in a series of books she’s been reading, ‘The eggheads guide to relationships.’ Twilight found it funny; she wouldn’t have been interested in these kinds of books a few weeks ago. It’s funny what love does to somepony.

“Incoming!” Twilight heard a familiar voice yell, and she magically opened a window without looking up from the book she was reading. She caught a blue colored blur in her peripheral vision and the familiar crash behind her as she marked her place in the book and walked over to the pile of books.

“If you wanted to see me Rainbow, you could just use the door,” Twilight said. The colt pushed his head up through the books and shook his head.

“I caught a bad wind,” Rainbow said as Twilight started levitating the books off him and back onto the shelves. “But it brought me to you, so I’m not really complaining.” Rainbow flashed a grin at Twilight, who turned away with a light blush.

“Always a charmer, aren’t you Blitz,” Twilight said and put the last of the knocked down books back on the shelf. “So, what were you working on?”

Blitz stood up and stretched his wings a bit. “Oh not much, just a new routine that’s totally awesome,” Blitz said and brought his hoof up in a dramatic pose, “If I can perfect this one, the Wonderbolts are bound to want me in their ranks.” Blitz said it with such intensity that Twilight was sure he could burst into flames.

“Oh really, well let’s go see,” Twilight said and started walking to the door, noticing Blitz look a little shaken.

“W-what, you want to see it now?” he asked. Twilight looked back at him with a slightly teasing smile.

“Of course, I love seeing your tricks. Is there a problem with me watching this time?” Blitz shook the nervousness from his demeanor and put on his usual cool detachedness.

“Of course not, it’s just a work in progress. Not entirely finished, you know.” Blitz said and walked up to Twilight. Her coltfriend’s behavior made Twilight giggle and she nuzzled against Blitz’s neck, which caused him to blush and made his wings tense up a little.

“Well, if it’s good as it is, it’ll be amazing when it’s done. Come on, let’s go see it.” Twilight walked over to the door and magically opened it, Blitz following behind her.

“By the way, where’s Spike?” Blitz asked.

“He’s off on business in Canterlot; he should be back by tomorrow,” Twilight said and closed the door when Blitz was clear. Blitz trotted up to Twilight’s side.

“That’s been happening a lot lately,” Blitz said.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked giving Blitz a questioning look.

“Spike going off on trips, leaving you alone with your books and me,” Blitz grinned at Twilight, “I’m starting to think you’re sending him off just so you can spend time with me.” This little accusation caused Twilight to look away from Blitz and blush, which took Blitz by surprise.


“I might have sent him around town on minor errands a couple times, but I never sent him out of town just for that.”
Twilight looked back at Blitz, who stared at her a little before laughing and ruffling her mane.

“I learn something new about you every day, babe,” he said and grinned at her. “You know, if you wanted to spend time with me, all you would have to do is let me know and I’ll let you stay at my place.”

“Oh quiet you,” Twilight said and lightly pushed Blitz. The rest of the way out they laughed, made small talk, and said hi to any friend they came across.

The two of them soon reached an open plain, perfect for what Blitz had in mind. Blitz started doing a couple stretching exercises while Twilight settled down to watch.

“So, what tricks are you going to be doing?” Twilight asked. Blitz finished his stretches and turned to Twilight.

“It’s a work in progress,” he said.

“So, you’re just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks?”

“Pretty much, it’s worked before,” Blitz said and grinned at Twilight, who started laughing.

“Right, we’ll be watching.”

“We?” Blitz asked and Twilight motioned to a nearby bush, where a certain orange pony was watching. Blitz chuckled and lowered into a ready position.

“Well, let’s give you a show,” Blitz said, took a running start and took off into the air. For a moment, Blitz felt a twinge of nervousness grow inside him. He shook the feeling away as he reached the height of his climb and flipped into a dive.

While he was diving, Blitz scanned the skies for stray clouds. It was a mostly clear sky that day but there were still a couple clouds here and there. An idea edged its way into Rainbow’s head and he decided to see where it would go.

Rainbow pulled out of the dive, headed to the nearest cloud and started flying around it. When he got it spinning fast enough he grabbed a hold of it and flung it out in the air. He kept an eye on how fast the cloud went and how it traveled as he the same thing to another cloud and flung it on a collision course with the first one. When the two clouds were close enough, Blitz started flying around them in a way where the clouds started combining into one big cloud. Then with the cloud still spinning, Blitz kicked the cloud in several spots causing it to burst into several water droplets.

With the wind carrying the water behind him, Blitz formed a funnel and spread the droplets out from the top, which caused a rainbow to shine through. Twilight stared at the sight as Blitz flew down and landed next to her slightly dizzy. Once he shook the dizziness from his head, he sat down and put a hoof to his chin.

“Is there something wrong with that?” Twilight asked, “I thought it looked good.”

“I don’t know, it was ok but it wasn’t…cool enough. Something is missing.” Blitz thought for a minute and then turned to Twilight. “What if I tweak it a little so it rains rainbow juice?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea Blitz,” Twilight said and gave him a look telling him to think about what he just said. When he did, Blitz nodded.

“Oh yeah, it wouldn’t be really good if I tried to introduce a trick that could blind an audience. Well the base trick has merit; I’ll just have to tweak it a little.” Blitz put a hoof to his chin in thought while Twilight gave him a look.

“What do you mean blind?” Twilight asked.

“Oh yeah, if you get rainbow juice in your eye it could blind you. I know this one guy who worked at the rainbow factory back in Cloudsdale who got maybe a teaspoon of the stuff in his eye; he’s still blind in that eye to this day.” Twilight stared at him baffled.

“…When did this happen?” she asked.

“About six years ago.”

“…Yeah, rainbow juice in that trick would be a very bad idea.”

Rainbow nodded and closed his eyes in thought. After a minute he perked up and grinned widely.

“I got another idea,” Blitz said and stood up and motioned to Twilight to do the same. When she did Rainbow studied how she stood and made minor adjustments to her stance.

“Rainbow, what are you doing?” Twilight asked. Rainbow made one last adjustment before he answered.

“Don’t worry this will totally work. Just don’t move.” Rainbow then took off, stopped ascending around 50 feet in the air and flew behind Twilight.

‘This is not going to end well,’ Twilight thought to herself and waited to see what Rainbow would do.

'She’s going to hate me for this,' Rainbow thought to himself as he started pulling up and flew upside down in the other direction, keeping an eye on Twilight to make sure she didn’t move much. When he was far enough in front of her, he dived down and pulled up when he was a few feet from the ground. It was here that Twilight realized what Blitz was doing.

“Oh no, Blitz, no no-” Twilight said and stood up on her hind legs and waved her front hooves just as grabbed Blitz her and flew up with her screaming, leaving behind an orange foal staring in awe.

Twilight was holding on to Blitz for her life as he flew, him grinning and laughing occasionally. There was also the occasional barrel roll. Soon enough he slowed to a hover and braced himself for a chewing out.

“Blitz you jerk! Warn me next time you do something like that,” Twilight yelled, still holding him tightly. Blitz tried to move a hoof to rub his mane, but stopped when Twilight screamed “Don’t let go”.

“Sorry!” he said and moved over to a cloud and set Twilight on it. “I guess I didn’t think that through did I?” he asked and Twilight gave him an angry look.

“No, you didn’t.” Twilight sighed and turned away from Rainbow, “You can be such a jerk sometimes.” Blitz flew around to face her.

“But I always make up for it; just name the price and I’ll pay it,” Blitz said and landed on the cloud. This was how they usually settled these kinds of things. I would work most but not all of the time. Twilight spent a minute or two thinking up the proper punishment with Blitz waiting the entire time. Finally Twilight cleared her throat.

“Alright, you’re going to treat me to a nice dinner and you’re going to let me stay at your house for the night. There may also be minor things that I’ll tell you about when they come.” Blitz gave her a questioning look.

“How nice?” he asked.

“Better than the café we usually go to.” Twilight then looked at Rainbow’s mane, “You’ll also have to comb your mane.”

“Help me comb it and it’s a deal,” Blitz said and stuck a hoof out, which Twilight accepted.

“Fair enough, drop me off at the library and come pick me up at six.” Twilight wrapped her forelegs around Blitz’s neck while he did the same around her midsection. He was about to take off when Twilight surprised him with a kiss. The surprise action was over when Blitz realized what happened.

“Thanks for the ride,” Twilight whispered in Blitz’s ear, who managed to regain his senses.

“No problem,” he said and took off from the cloud, looking forward to later that night.

“And that should be it,” Twilight said as she looked over the things she packed for the night. Satisfied, she closed the saddlebags and giggled. She was almost as giddy as she was at her first slumber party, though this was weirder since she didn’t know why. Maybe it was because she was going to be spending time at Rainbow’s house, which she hasn’t had much time to do. It was almost six and the closer it got the more nervous Twilight got. It was ten till when there was a knock at the door.

“You’re early,” Twilight jokingly said when she opened the door and saw Rainbow.

“Yeah, a whole ten minutes. I would have been here earlier, but you have no idea how much work it took to get my mane as straight as it is right now,” Rainbow said and pointed to his mane, which Twilight had to really focus on to see it was indeed straighter than it usually is.

“Yeah, I can only guess. Come in, I’ll help you get it under control,” Twilight said and let Rainbow inside. Rainbow noticed the saddlebag on the table.

“You’re packing a bag? Why, you’re only staying a night,” Rainbow said. Twilight motioned for Rainbow to sit and floated a brush over.

“I know, but I just wanted to bring something over. I hope that’s ok and- oh wow Blitz, do you even wash your hair?” Twilight asked and was a little surprised at the resistance Rainbow’s mane was putting up.

“Of course I wash it,” Blitz said, “I just don’t comb it often.”

“Yeah, I can tell,” Twilight said and then floated the brush back to the table, “Whatever, its fine how it is.” Twilight then levitated the saddlebag onto her back and secured.

“Sorry about this, I’m not sure why this thing is so-“ Blitz said but was interrupted when Twilight nuzzled against him.

“It’s ok, I like it how it is,” Twilight said and walked to the door.

“You’re not even that mad, are you?” Rainbow asked Twilight.

“Not right now, but screw this up I will be,” Twilight said, opened the door and looked back at Rainbow. “Are you coming?”

“I’m coming and don’t worry, I’ll behave myself,” Blitz said and walked out with Twilight.

And, to Twilight’s minor surprise, he did. The dinner went off without a hitch and Blitz behaved well enough that Twilight thought that he may have crammed with a certain fashion pony in between wrestling with his mane. Rainbow and Twilight were leaving the restaurant when Blitz let out a sigh.

“That totally went better than I thought it would go. I nearly went stir crazy in there.” Twilight giggled and bumped against Blitz.

“You did really well in there. Better than I thought you would do,” Twilight said.

“Oh geez thanks for the vote of confidence, Twi,” Blitz said feigning hurt, “even if you are totally right. What all did you pack anyway?”

“Just a couple books, some notes I made,” Twilight cleared her throat and looked away in embarrassment, “a few other things.” Rainbow looked curiously at Twilight.

“As in?” he asked.

“As in something you’ll see later. Oh look, we’re at your place now.” Twilight jumped on Rainbow’s back, who buckled a little under the sudden weight. He bore it though and flew up to his cloud home.

“How long does that cloud walking spell last anyway?” Blitz asked as Twilight climbed off of him.

“The spell book didn’t really specify when it wears off, so I’ve been renewing the spell every other week,” Twilight explained as she led the way into Rainbow house.

“Huh,” Blitz said to himself and followed Twilight inside.

Twilight settled onto Rainbow’s bed while he excused himself to get a shower. Twilight looked at her saddlebags a couple times before she walked over to them and pulled out the notepad she had packed. She read over one of the notes she wrote and looked in one of the bags.
‘I wonder if he’ll be fine with it?’ Twilight thought and re-read the note a couple more times. ‘There’s only one way to find out.’

Rainbow Blitz let the water from the shower cloud run over him for a few more seconds before he hit it to stop the water. He shook off as much excess water from his coat as he could before stepping out of the shower. He hooked a wing on a towel and tossed it on his head to dry his mane out. Blitz lifted the towel briefly to check it.

“Heh, looks nice straightened but I prefer it how it usually is.” Rainbow continued to dry his mane as he walked to his bedroom. “Sorry about that Twi, I totally skipped a shower this morning and…what are those?”

Twilight looked up from her book to her coltfriend, down to her hooves which was what he was looking at, then back up to him. “They’re socks,” she said simply. Blitz blinked rapidly as he absorbed that.

“Ok, where did you get them and why do you have them now?” Blitz asked. Twilight started blushing and looked down.

“I’ve had them for a while now, but I’ve never had a reason to wear them.” Twilight looked back up at Blitz and smiled. “Maybe I should wear them more often. You seem to like them.”

Blitz looked confused at Twilight until she motioned to his wings, which he found were fully extended. He gave a yelp of surprise and blushed at the discovery.

‘Stupid wings, always giving away my thoughts!’ Rainbow thought cursing his wings. He was so focused on this he didn’t notice Twilight get off the bed until she removed the towel from his head and she was in his face with her forelegs around his neck.

“This isn’t a problem, is it Blitzy?” Twilight asked with a hint of concern. Rainbow gulped as he looked at Twilight and she started rubbing the back of his neck.

“N-no it’s fine. It’s just a little surprising is all,” Blitz said and sighed a little at Twilight’s rubbing, “And they do feel really good.” Twilight smiled and planted a small kiss on Rainbow’s lips.

“That’s good; I was worried you wouldn’t like them.” Twilight then kissed Blitz again, who returned it and wrapped his forelegs around Twilight. They held it for a minute before they broke for air. Twilight focused on moving the book back into her saddlebags magically before she went in for another kiss. When they broke this one, Rainbow rested his forehead against Twilight’s as best he could.

“How did I get a wonderful mare like you?” Blitz asked and nuzzled Twilight, causing her to giggle.

“The same way I got you; we got incredibly lucky,” Twilight answered and brought Blitz back in for a kiss, falling backwards on the bed in the process. The notebook lay forgotten on Twilight’s bags, still open on that one note.

A strange anomaly in relationships, referred hereafter as the clothing conundrum, is a strange little statistic. Generally, couples that wear clothing on occasion have healthier relations than those that don’t usually. The exact reason for this is currently unknown and pending further investigation.

Ok, I hope you see where I'm coming from here. This is mostly me just experimenting with an idea I had and getting experience with romance. There will be other couples in this, which brings up the question of how to proceed. Should this all be one universe or should it take place over several different ones? I'm leaning more toward the first option, but what do you guys think?