The Courageous and Awesome Trixie Lulamoon

by SuperChaosKG

And then Trixie was a foalsitter.

It was another day at Sweet Apple Acres. After much salt was had over Mario Party yesterday, Applejack had to work double to make up for spent with her friends. Her brother, Big Macintosh, was in her plow making sure all the fields were ready for new crops. Granny Smith was taking her nap. And Applebloom was doing some weekend studying.

At least, that SHOULD have been what Applebloom was doing.

No, instead, the little earth pony was in the living room hopping around her sister, who was busy making her namesake. "C'mon, Applejack! I gotta go wit' the girls so we can find our cutie marks!" "No, Applebloom. Ah thought I told you to finish studing."

"But, Sis! Ah am finished studing! Ah promise!! Besides, we were gonna try out some new things today!" "Like?" asked Applejack. "Uh, I don't know yet." repiled Applebloom.

Applejack facehoofed, "Now, why should Ah trust that you're not going to git yourself in trouble when you don't even know what you're doing?" "Um... big sister intuition?" asked Applebloom with a nervous grin. Applejack crossed her front hooves. "Please?" "No."




It was starting to get on AJ's nerves.


"ALRIGHT!! Fine. But when you get back, you better know the answers to some questions." "YAY!!" yelled Applebloom, racing to the door. But just before she left,


Applejack rolled her eyes and opened the door. She saw a gray pegasus with a mailbag on her flank on the ground. "Good morning, Der-" She then noticed that the pegasus had straight eyes, instead of the usual derp. "Oh, hi Ditzy Doo. Where's your sister?"

"Somewhere with The Doctor. She had the nerve to push her entire mailload on me! Do you not know how diffulcult it is to juggle two at once? No wonder I crashed. Anyway. MAILCALL!!"

"Derpy- I mean Ditzy-"

Ditzy Doo frowned.

"Ditzy Doo, you don't have to yell when Ah'm right in front of you." "Hmm.. I see. Okay, I won't." "Tell your sister that, okay?" "'kay. Later." The pegasus flew off to other mailboxes across Equestria.

"All Right. Let's see here. Bill, Bill, Junk, Bill, Junk. Hey! It's a fancy letter. And it's for you, Applebllom." "Wow!! I get fancy letters?" "Seems you do today. Open it and let's see what it says."

Applebloom opened the letter. It read,

<i> Applebloom Apple:

You and your two friends, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo Winds, have generated enough desturuction as to use up 50,000 bits from the Ponyville City Budget. We have no idea how three schoolfillies did this, though when asked, Miss Belle reported that on that day, the three fillies decided to be, quote, Cutie Mark Crusaders Demolitionists-</i>

"DEMOLITIONIST?!!" yelled Applejack. "We didn't know the fire would spread that far!" cried Appleblooom.

<i>-. As such from hence forth, the three fillies listed shall now be forced to have a guardian. This guardian will take full responsibility for the actions of these minors and pay for damages. If we see you three, "Crusading" without a guardian, then the guardians will be fined.

-Ponyville Officials. </i>

"You three tryed-" "Well, that's not important right now!! Applejack, can you watch our crusades?"

"Well, I would love to make sure that you three fillies don't do nothing crazy like ARSON!!" Applebloom winced. Applejack resumed "But Ah gotta finish makin' this here applejack today. Sorry, sis. Tell you what. I'll go see if one of my friends are open." And so, Applejack picked up the phone and dialed


"I'm sorry, Applejack, but we just got really busy. Summer readimg event and all." said Twilight, running around the library. "The one time you're busy-" Applejack hung up.


"I have a big order and I need to finish it today. If I don't do it in time, it will become THE. WORST.-" Applejack hung up. "Applebloom. If someone starts saying that, walk away. It only makes them seem more annoying then they are."


"What Rarity said!" "Wait. How did you even-" Pinkie Pie hung up.


"Listen, AJ. I may be damn good with kids. But I have better things to do today than foalsit the CMC. You'll have to find someone else." "Okay. That's fine." Applejack hung up. Rainbow Dash resumed her nap.


"I'm sorry, Applejack. But Angel just got a mean summer cold. It'll take all day to take care of him. I hope you're not mad at me." "No, it's fine. Sorry for disturbing." "Oh, it's no problem-" Applejack heard a sneeze. "I got to go. Goodbye." Fluttershy hung up.


"Who's free? Who's free?" Applejack was trying to find anypony else to take the three fillies. "Does this mean we can't go crusadin'?" asked Applebloom. "No. Ah just gotta think of somepony who's not busy." Applejack got an idea.

"How 'bout Starshine?" "Starshine? Who's Starshine?" "Starshine Brighlight. She's the new fortune-tellin' mare! I think that she gets a 2 week starting vacation, if fortune-tellin's like any other business here in Ponyville!"

And so, Applejack and Applebloom headed to Star Fortunes. Along the way, they picked up Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle so that Starshine could meet all of them.

If Applejack knew the real name of who she was entrusting these three fillies with, she would never have taken them, and would have probably run her out of town single-handedly.


The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon was eating some pinecones when she heard the doorbell. Throwing on her green,blue, and white Painterly Pack Paint, she opened the door. There stood Applejack and three fillies she never saw before.

One had a bow, one looked a lot like a small Rarity, and one had wings too small to fly. "Starshine, Ah need ya help." Deciding to be a huge ham (As usual), Trixie responded, "I heard you require the services of The Gre-" Realizing what she was about tosay, she quickly said, "Me. My services. Why?"

"Ah need you to foalsit these three foals. They kinda got in trouble with FIRE!!" shouted AJ, making the CMC flinch.

"Ya gotten help us-" said Applebloom

"'Cause we need to find our cutie marks!" followed up Sweetie Belle.

"After all, we are-" started Scootaloo.

"THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!! YAY!!" they all screamed at once.

"Starshine" was a bit thrown back from the loud outburst. "So you want me to foalsit little ponies who play with fire, have loud voices and don't know when to quit at something? Like say, a showmare?" "Yeah, like that crazy mare Trixie."

After hearing that," Percy." stated "Starshine". Percy handed her some shades that she put on.

"CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!" shouted "Starshine"

The other four ponies, and two Ursa Gamers, blinked and gave her a look.

"I'll pick you guys up after school, okay?" asked "Starshine". "Fine." the CMC said as one. "C'mon girls. Let's go swimming!" "NOT CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SWIMMERS!! YAY!!" they all screamed as they raced to the pool.

And so, "Starshine Brightlight" spent the rest of that Friday trying to figure out what she was going to do..