Open up your Heart

by Haseo55

Prologue(Part 2:Sugarcoat)

The sun was setting in the distance. In a small park two children were shown playing one boy and one girl yet they appeared fuzzy.

“Hey hurry up!” said the boy as he climbed a hill. The girl was walking as fast as she could only to fall.

She started to cry only for the boy to return and help her up. As she continued to cry he hugged her in a tight embrace. The boy was about to speak again when suddenly…...


A pair of grayish orchid eyes shoot open. The owner of the eyes was a girl with long white hair and blueish gray skin.

Sitting on the bed she turned the alarm clock off. She rubbed her forehead in annoyance at what she just was experienced.

“Why do I have those dreams?.” She asked herself. “Or are they memories from my childhood? Ugh my head hurts” For the last couple of months Sugarcoat has been having dreams that she couldn't explain.

Letting out a sigh the girl got out of bed and went to take a shower to calm herself. Letting her body feel the water she indeed felt more relaxed.

After finishing she headed for the mirror in the same room, removing the blur with her hand she took a better look at herself, just looking at the reflection for a while. Despite her nerdy appearance Sugarcoat was an attractive girl yet unlike some of the other crystal prep girls whe was more modest.

Removing her towel she looked at her reflection once again, more specific to the scar she had. Coming from her chest to her stomach, she didn’t remember how did she got it. She only remember waking up in a hospital bed and with six years of her life missing.

Walking out she started to prepare herself as she got dressed in her crystal prep uniform. Getting her her hair into it’s usually style and finally putting her glasses on.

Before leaving the room she look at a box in front of her. She pulled two items. One was a small pink hairpin that she immediately put on. The other was a necklace.

“Why do I still have these?” She asked but still she also put the necklace anyway and left the room. The girl lived in a small apartment alone. Moving into the kitchen she started to prepare her breakfast just as any other morning.

Finishing her breakfast and after putting the dirty dishes away she was ready to leave until her phone rang.

“Hello” She answered in her usual tone.

“Good morning Sugarcoat” said a older male voice on the other side of the line.

“Dad. You know you don’t have to call me everyday.” She said bluntly and almost without emotion.

“I know but i'm worried about you.” Said the girl's father with a worried tone.

“You know I can take care of myself. Despite living alone i'm not having any problems” she spoke in the same manner as before. Her father only let out a sigh.

“Alright.Just be careful ok.” Sugacoat just then hanged the phone after her father said his goodbyes.

Getting out of her apartment Sugarcoat preceded to take her daily route to school. Walking her face had the same serious expression she always had.

Even when she arrived at school her face didn’t change. Sugarcoat was not like the other students at crystal prep. Yes she shared their views and competitiveness but unlike them her family was not that rich.

Her father had to work out of town thus she lived alone in a cheap apartment that her father paid a rent for. Thankfully she managed to get scholarship all thanks to being the student with the best grades at school.

Well almost as the only student with better grades that hers was one Twilight Sparkle yet Sugarcoat was better at sports that her.

“Hey Sugarcoat!” said a girl’s voice which made Sugarcoat turn around. She then saw four girls coming in her direction.

These girls for a lack of better term were her friends even though she was weary of the term. They were Indigo Zap, Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet.

“So. How are you this morning dear?” Asked Sunny Flare.

“The same as yesterday. The day before that and the day before that” Sugarcoat answered as she always did which made the four girls to just stare at her with odd looks.

“That’s good to hear” Said Sour Sweet on her sweet tone before turning to her sour one “Except that’s what you always tell us everyday”

“I don’t know what do want me to tell you, i'm being honest”

“Well you don’t have to be so blunt about it!” Indigo spoke while the rest agreed. Except for Lemon who was listening to her headphones..

“That's how it has been, not sure what you were expecting ” Sugarcoat crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow towards the rest of the girls.

“No that’s not what I meant. Ugh sorry ok!” Indigo responded trying to calm the situation. It’s just that i had a bad start today”

“What do you mean dear. Did something happen?” this time it was Sunny Flare who spoke with surprise and concern.

“Ledger happened. He hasn’t left me alone for the past couple of days and now I feel like i'm gonna lose it”

“Have you tried telling principal Cinch? It seems like the most obvious course of action if you ask me” Sugarcoat commented

“Are you kidding?. I tried a while back but she dismissed it.” Indigo’s increased in anger remembering the incident.

“You know you can beat him to a pulp right?” Sugarcoat added

“I know. But the bastard seems to enjoy it.” This raised some eyebrows between the other four girls. Sunny Flare came close to Indigo and placed her hand on her shoulder

“So how did you managed to ditch him today?” Sunny asked as Indigo scratched the back of her neck.

“I didn’t do anything. While he was busy trying to get me to go out with him, the idiot bumped into Bronze” Indigo let a laugh “You should have seen his face.”

“Not surprising. Bronze Wing is the only one who has managed to scare Ledger” Said Sour sweet “Not to mention the entire school” she said in a sour tone.Before they could continue the school's bell rang forcing the girls to go their respective classes.

Getting into her classroom Sugarcoat sat at her usual desk in the back. Shortly after the other students yet Sugarcoat didn’t payed attention that’s until everything became dead silence.

Turning around she saw a certain student entering the classroom and sitting next to her. This student was Bronze Wing, the delinquent of Crystal prep.

Still she didn’t know why he was referred to that. After the incident with the initiation and Cinch everyone called him that but as far as she knew Bronze never bullied anyone or did things that were against the rules.

For what she learned he had good grades, not the best in school but higher that most, aswell being good in sports despite not being part of any team.

Yet there was something in the back of her head. A sensation that there was more to him that all the rumors flying around school, still she couldn't place her finger on that. Suddenly she placed her hand on her head suddenly feeling some amount of pain.

She quickly turned around as Bronze moved his head towards her just barely missing his gaze, thankfully the teacher enter the class.

While the teacher starter to give the lesson something in Sugarcoats mind went back before she woke up, that strange dream she had. It felt so familiar and warm but she couldn't remember. She knew the girl in those was her but the boy was a mystery.

After her accident she couldn't remember a lot of things, including her parents. When her father came to see her once she was awake he was shocked that she couldn't remember him and worst of all she forgot that her own mother had passed away just before Sugarcoats own accident.

She made a total recovery but from then on according to her father she changed drastically. She became more blunt, never lying but unlike her name she didn’t sugarcoated it and became direct.

Returning to her weird dreams of when she was younger and weird they were. In those dreams she looked happy like she has never look as far as she remembered. She tried asking her father but he never gave her a stray answer and it was hard on how he lived away in order to provide for her and after a while she stopped asking.

“Who are you?” she asked herself remembering again the blurred image of the boy. She let out a sigh letting it pass she had more important things to do.

The rest of the day went it’s usual course, same classes, same lectures, lunch with her group and as usual she gazed to the other tables and saw Bronze Wing eating alone again.

She brought her hand to her forehead again feeling pain again.

“Hey Sugarcoat are you ok?” Asked Lone Wolf. He was a boy with white hair, blue skin and yellow eyes. His question caught the attention of all in the table.

“Just a headache” She said without turning to see the others.

“You have been having alot of those lately. Are you sure you are all right?” This time Sunny Flare was the one who asked.

“It’s nothing ok!” Sugarcoat just shouted back in an annoyed tone. Seeing her somewhat angry made the rest drop the discussion.

As classes ended Sugarcoat return home after saying her farewells to her friends yet the theme of her dreams returned.

While she was walking she was so caught on her thoughts that she didn’t notice the light of the street change and the sudden honk made her turn around only to see a large truck at mere moments to ram her.

She actually became paralyzed and closed her eyes awaiting the hit but it never came. Just as she closed her eyes she felt being picked up.

Opening her eyes she found herself speechless and with a slight blush. She was being held in bridal style by none other that Bronze Wing. He turned to see her which started to make her feel nervous.

“Are you alright?” was all he asked in a worried tone. But instead of answering Sugarcoat slapped him.

“Put me down!” She said losing her always calm demeanor. Bronze did so.

“A thank you would have been nice” he said while rubbing his cheek.

“Why?” Sugarcoat asked with her back turned on him.

“Why what?”

“Why did you save me?” her question made Bronze see her as she grew another head.

“Your joking?, the fact that I don’t see eye to eye with you and your friends doesn't mean I want to see you rundown” Bronze spoke angry at Sugarcoat. “You know what. Forget it. You're ok with no injuries so i take my leave”

Sugarcoat watched as Bronze started to leave. Suddenly something cliqued in her mind, that moment when she was in his arms she felt something, a warmth she felt was familiar but couldn't place it.

She was about to thank Bronze but saw he was already gone. Realizing there was not much she went back to her home but with a single thought.

“What was that?”