//------------------------------// // Prologue: Night Court // Story: Apotheosis of the Night // by Dark0592 //------------------------------// Twilight was sitting behind and to the right of Luna during Night Court. It had been a good month since Twilight volunteered as an advisor. She couldn’t help but think about what’s happened over the last decade. She no longer lived in Canterlot, not all the time at least. Celestia had arranged for a home in Ponyville where her friends and the other elements of harmony lived and she spent at least half of her time there. She still spent some weeks here in Canterlot to be with her adopted mother and recently Luna. When Luna appeared as a child, it was quickly discovered that she wouldn’t wake up. It was strange to see a child grow into a young woman without even opening her eyes to see it. Twilight had hoped to have a sister to grow up with, but it wasn’t to be. It wasn’t until she was already nineteen years old that Luna opened her eyes. It wasn’t Luna, though. Not entirely. It was filled with Nightmares. That was a very dark day for Equestria. They had all thought they had solved the problem of Nightmare moon, but it turned out to be the spectre formed of Luna’s darkest wishes that was the source of her coma. It resurged after finally taking enough power to possess Luna’s unconscious body again and she disappeared for nearly a week. Celestia had tasked Twilight and the other elements with finding out what they could while she did her own research, and it was at the temple in the Everfree Forest where they finally found Nightmare Moon. She was attempting to seal the stones that were the catalysts into prisons of dark energy, but when the elements arrived they broke out as if the barriers were made of sugar and we all know the rest of that particular night. Nightmare Night after that was an interesting night as well, but that’s a tale for another night. Luna was trying to get Twilight’s attention. Oh no, she just spaced out in the middle of court again. “Oh I’m so sorry Princess, I was thinking during the break and I guess my brain forgot to turn back on.” Twilight said uneasily. This was the third time that night. Luna gave her a jokingly disappointed expression. “Unfortunate, I was just asking you what this man was talking about… I kind’ve spaced out too.” The Princess giggled and turned to look at the man. “It’s clear to me when I’m not wanted…” The man scoffed and turned to leave. “Sir Bright Stroll, I do apologize for my inattentiveness. I will give you my full attention if you repeat yourself.” Luna said with an almost commanding tone. She didn’t have to apologize, but she did anyways. The man grumbled and turned back around. “As I was saying, then… It’s about your Night Guard. We usually don’t have much Crime in Canterlot to deal with, not real crime anyways, but the Royal Guard seems to be rather lax in their duties at night and petty crime is up by thirteen percent. Your Guard is called the Night Guard, yet nobody even sees heads or wings of them during the night OR day.” The man repeated. Luna let out the smallest of sighs, passing it off as a normal breath. Twilight caught it, though. It looked almost like Celestia did right before her composure fell and SHE had to yell someone out of the room. It was different though, Luna didn’t care about Composure nearly as much as her sister. This was… well, she’d have to watch out for it again. “Contrary to their name, the Night Guard is not a guard at all. At least not in the same capacity as my sister’s guard. That is unfortunately all I may say publicly, for it is a matter of national security and cannot be addressed in a public court. As a member of the city council, though, you may inquire about them through private channels to learn yourself if you wish and I will answer any questions I can at that time.” Luna replied gracefully. This wasn’t the first time she had been asked about the Night Guard, but it was the first time she gave anything more than ‘can’t tell you, sorry’. “Very well, I will do so. Thank you.” He said with a bow. He turned to leave and was quickly replaced by someone who spent way too much time on their outfit. “Lord Prim Luck.” He was announced by the volunteer Herald with a long scroll of names. Twilight and Luna both thanked Celestia that he rolled it up afterwards, meaning this man was the last of the night. Luna nodded her head to the noble, signaling he could speak. “Princess, I have come to propose a simple tax reform…” The man started. Twilight inwardly groaned. Luna outwardly. Twilight recognized him though. “This man came by the Day Court last week to propose a tax reform as well. Celestia almost shouted him out, pay attention please.” Twilight leaned to say in Luna’s ear when the man paused. The playful scolding caused Luna’s mouth to twitch in a smile but she quickly sequestered it away. The man talked for about ten minutes before Twilight saw it again. He was talking about cutting the pay of the Night Guard to make way for some profiteering neither of them cared to listen to the details of. Luna’s posture slumped slightly and there was another tiny sigh. Twilight latched onto the signs though and started digging through what body language the Princess was showing. It was almost like what Twilight went through the first day after switching cities, missing her friends or missing her mother . This wasn’t quite that though. Luna was missing… something. “I’ve had enough of this, and I don’t have the energy to shout you out right now Prim Luck. Next time, stick to the first half where you talk about how you’re helping people, then make sure the people you’re helping list more than you and yours. I don’t approve of profiteering at the cost of your fellow man and my sister doesn’t either. If either of us see you in court for this again I will personally strip your titles and demand your land as compensation for the insult.” Luna said evenly. The man froze and scowled, but said no more. He gave a very unenthusiastic bow and stormed out. The Herald bowed to the Princess and left as well. The small assembly of observers and archivists finished their writings and left as well, leaving only Twilight and a few night Guards to keep the princess company. She stood up, letting out a rather unprincess-like yawn and stretched. “Captain, you are relieved of your guard duty. Take your people and continue your rounds if you would.” She said to one of the guards. The man nodded with a fist to his chest and the guards left the room as well. She turned to Twilight, who was still kinda staring at her. “Dinner?” The princess asked with a little smile. Twilight snapped out of it and returned the smile “Dinner.” She said as she stood.