
by QuartzScale

1. Decisions

From the desk of the newly christened Nebula Gray

My name is Nebula Gray formerly known only as Jack. Last name is omitted not on purpose but from the fall of time. As of now I have been dragged into something far beyond my understanding but this journal entry should be able to explain what happened to me that particular night back in 2012. I don’t know how to explain it well because memories are always fickle when you want them to return. Either way I think it is important to figure things out as it goes.

During that night way back I watched the world decide to turn to horror and anarchy. The supposed end of the world, I guessed at the time. It was just another normal day to me. In fact all that happened was that I was driving to home that day and noticed that the entire street was abandoned. It wasn’t looted either. It was just empty. Going into my home also left more questions than answers. I wasn’t looted nor was I sentenced to being attacked on the street. I was just alone.

“Great, a riveting audience set to the stage of nothing. Now time for a snack and hopefully rest.” I felt my eyes roll like they had so many times before. I wasn’t much for crowds so the imagined one in mind came as a great relief. I was awkward enough when dealing with others and didn’t need my sarcastic wit turning others cynical.

That snack took only a short while to finish and the trip to my room took even less time than that. I hadn’t played any games recently nor had I looked through that long list of stories I wanted to write either. Then again hearing about the end of the world might have been the cause of that. Apathy was kind of a big thing and the necessity to care was very small at this point. Not so much on the faith of humanity as a whole but of the individuals that make up that group.

I had gotten the week off prior to all the rumors of the end of the world as we all know it and it just spiraled into worse territory as the days went by. Three days prior my work had turned into a hunting ground and the perpetrator was once my best friend… I think his name was Henry but at this point I don’t think he could be considered that any more. What he did was monstrous and when the police was forced to whittle him down to mush I could see that he was always bad on the outside as he was on the inside. During that week he had kidnapped one of the younger girls of the neighborhood. I don’t think I need to say more. On the other side of the spectrum my older neighbor a kindly old woman named Geraldine turned into a sociopath. She had fed a few of the people working downtown poisoned sweets. Needless to say she followed them with her own creation leaving my neighborhood the ghost town that it was. Two days prior to that I had been forced to get out the old generator from the small shack behind my house just to keep the power on. The following day I was forced to hide the car inside the garage because I didn’t have the means to get more gas for it. It was a giant shitstorm at that point.

And to this day I don’t know why I did what I did that day. I just sat down in my living room and pulled out a Kingdom Hearts game and played it until the supposed end of the world. Sometime during that game while I was in the World That Never Was I fell asleep and I don’t think I woke up after that.

Several hours later… I think. I woke up to a giant sphere of light. I just stared at it and slowly stood up.

“Yo. How’s it going?”

“Hello my child. It seems you have passed.”

“Yup I sure did. What did I win?”

“You’re not surprised or confused?”

“Nah. Just gonna roll with it until I can’t make sense of this anymore. Right now I’m thinking either God or YHVH from the Shin Megami Tensei series which makes me want to hit you a bunch of times because it’s evil in that series.”

“It’s indeed God. I do know of the series you mean though and not to worry. I’m nothing like that creation, anymore at least.”

I could hear the wistful chuckle and immediately slapped myself. It merely hurt and brought his attention back to me.

“You certainly have acted different from the others who have come here. Most try to hit me. First time anyone decided to hit themselves. So, as for why you are here, you have passed my test in particular for your kindness and general unsinful nature. I’m here to grant you a wish of your choosing. What you would want for making it thus far? Any ideas?”

“Sure I have plenty of ideas but I would like to hear what are some of the choices. Most of the ideas I have are going back to face the fallout from that false apocalypse.”

“Why would you want to go back? There is nothing but death there now.”

“I’d rather face death with dignity than run like a coward. I’m not really that afraid anymore and have made my peace with it. Just quick favor… when I do die mind bringing my body back and cremating it. Maybe put me in a flower pot for an Iris or a Sunflower. Seems like a good way to go wouldn’t you say?”

“You truly are a strange one. Most jump at the chance for escape why aren’t you?”

“Because life isn’t that boring I guess. It’s hard but makes it worth it. If it wasn’t so hard would it even be worth living? If I really must choose another world and powers mind giving me ideas. Right now the last thing I played is Kingdom Hearts and I don’t know if that’s a cliche yet or not.”

I didn’t notice at the time but I think he was laughing at me. I figured out why later but at the time I knew nothing.

“I see. Well that sounds reasonable. Any particular keyblade you want? I mean it might be a bit silly but I’m sure you can cope with a little whimsy can’t you?”

“Yeah I suppose I can. Fine I guess. I’ll try out the Organization XIII weapons and abilities. Those actually seem the most versatile. If I have to have a keyblade I guess Mickey’s keyblade he found in the World of Darkness, the Kingdom Key D."

At this point it seemed like God was having an aneurysm. I found out why later. Hopefully I don’t get dominated the way that guy was. Either way I waited patiently.

“I suppose I can allow you that. Most don’t choose those weapons because too many makes you indecisive. I can’t teach you anything about how to use them though. You’re on your own with that. As for the keyblade hold out your hand.”

I did as he said and felt a hilt within my palm within seconds of holding my hand out. There is was a golden keyblade with a white hilt and a small golden Mickey Mouse keychain.

“Now that your weapons are acquired have you decided where you wanted to go? I can give you suggestions for where to go but you are responsible for your own decisions. Especially if the others that chose this path decide to seek you out for it.”

“Where did most people choose anyways?”

“Well… They chose an Equestrian lifestyle…”

“So they rode horses?”

“Yeah. They rode horses…”

I could feel the deadpan look he gave me tear through my soul. I knew what he meant and while I was never that big a fan my niece had made me watch a bit of it with here. She was four and impressionable and always said something about ponies always smiling when that Twilight Sparkle came on screen. I’m pretty sure God was smiling at my memory of my family and merely chuckled at my softness for family.

“So would you like to join that world? I have options for full change, half change, and no change.”

“So what does that mean? Full pony, Anthropomorphic, and human?”

“Pretty much. If you go full I’m turning you into one at random. Unless you have a better idea.”

“The one with the bat wings. Those were at least interesting enough to make my niece ask me questions about it.”

“Really? That’s a first that’s for sure. Now just to be clear this is your decision and while I know you were leading me through my questions the whole time I do not fault you for it. Since you chose to have weapons of the Organization you will be considered like them. Also the world I send you to might be visited by the other people. Remember that when you get there.”

“Mind doing me one more favor?”

“What would that be?”

“If they come to my world they get morphed into a pony should they have chosen a world of Anthro or Human. Might as well have at least some way to mitigate what is most likely gonna be a bad day beforehand to something more… manageable.”

“That is actually fine. I figured as much since you’re gonna be on the lowest rung for a while. Some other guidelines erst I forget. You don’t have magic yet. You’ll have to train your weapons on your own and after a small grace period until you get used to things I’ll keep the heartless from going full force on your choice. You get one month. No more no less. Make it count kid.”

“I’m not that young am I?”

“To me everyone is.”

“Right. Should I give myself a new name then when I get there?”

“Probably. Blending in would make you less… obvious that you have no idea what you are doing.”

“Yeah…” I sighed and put on my metaphorical thinking cap. “Nebula Gray. That fine?”

“You’re really fast with this aren’t ya? Most of the others either cursed at me, hit me, or immediately gushed over the idea of being a keyblade master. You, on the other hand, remained composed and level headed enough to try to outwit me to give you a path to follow. I know you are unsure child about what you want to do in life but you must forge it yourself. You are an individual and you have a path to follow that you only know. Fate is literally in your hands right now. I’ll throw in a small deal if you do that for me.”

“What’s the deal?”

“I’ll let you find out what the world turns to when you dream. You won’t be able to retain everything but should there be more Kingdom Hearts games or Pony cartoons your niece likes it might be nice to know what’s going to happen right? At least one world didn't fall to chaos... All you have to do is find the path you want to walk whether by Dawn, Dusk or Sunset/Twilight. Got it?”

“Got it. I’ll do my best to be… proactive. Let’s make friends.” I mockingly threw my arms up and halfheartedly cheered. God merely smiled sadly and nodded in understanding.

With a heavy heart I waited for him to do whatever he needed to do as I plunged into a void of nothingness. I felt things happen to my body that shouldn’t be happening. Things were cracked and things were shifted. On the bright side I was still male at least. God wasn’t a troll like YHVH would have been. The dark side was the things in my back that tore out of my skin and stretched until I fell unconscious from the change. A new adventure waited but I didn’t really get to start it right away.