Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls

by KnightGomora1994

Dangerous Skies

It was a bright sunny day for Canterlot City, the reconstruction of the city was almost complete. There have been no Kaiju sightings yet, but the city has earned a sigh of relief. Rei however, was in Carousel Boutique, standing completely still as Rarity took his measurements. He wanted to run, but Rarity managed to lock the door and hide the key.

"Rarity, this really isn't necessary, I"m fine with my uniform."

"But have you ever smelled yourself lately? You smell like you've just left the gym. Most of all, you can't always go walking around in your uniform. People will think you're some kind of cosplayer."

Even though Rei didn't want to admit it, but she was right. He needed to blend in with the crowd a bit more, by trying on a new outfit.

"Alright, you made your point."

He soon noticed that a certain rainbow haired dare devil hasn't returned yet, he was getting worried of what she's up to.

"Where is Rainbow Dash...? She should have been back by now."

"She's probably pulling some prank on someone, or letting Indigo borrow her charger. Why do you ask?"

Rei started to panic as he began to realize something.


Crystal High (Formerly Crystal Prep)

At Crystal High, a spark of electricty shot out as Lim Eleking powered up Indigo Zap's cellphone. Indigo could hardly believe that this little Kaiju could actually be a walking battery charger, she looked to Rainbow with an amazed expression.

"Whoa! Where did you find this thing Rainbow?!"

"Oh, I have my resources."

Lim Eleking chirped angrily at her.

"Well, where ever you got it, it did a good job charging my phone."

"You're welcome! So, how have things been going since the Friendship Games?"

"Better now that Cinch is gone, Dean Cadance reported what she did, the bribery towards Twilight, endangering her students, all of it. Speaking of Twilight, how is she?"

Rainbow winced a bit as she remembered the break up, Indigo noticed it and started growing curious.

"Rainbow... what happened...?"

Rainbow Dash was starting to sweat bullets, and at that moment... she couldn't handle the pressure anymore.

"Well, she's fine... but she went through a pretty bad break up."

Suddenly when she wasn't looking, Indigo grabbed her by her jacket and got in her face.

"Who's the creep that broke up with her?!!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Chill, she's trying to get over it, no need for you to go on a killing spree."

Eleking chirped to help calm Indigo down, as much as Indigo wanted to kill the jerk who broke up with Twilight. She couldn't let her anger control her actions, so she took a few deep breaths and calmed down.

"Okay, I'm calm..."

"Okay, good... can you let me go now?"

Indigo see's that she's still has a tight grip on Rainbow's jacket, she finally got control over herself and let go of Rainbow.


"Its okay, I know its hard to hear about what happened to Twilight, but she still has her friends trying to help her."

Indigo chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, I hope so... well I bette-"

Before she could finish, the wind started to pick up. Rainbow and Indigo shielded their eyes from the dust that was flying, soon they heard the roar of a monster. They looked to the source and see's it hiding within the glare of the sun, it swooped down at them and snatched them off the ground. They screamed as loud as they could, the students of Crystal High saw it and began to panic. They rushed to report it to Priniciple Cadance, meanwhile, Eleking was still on the campus when the creature snatched Rainbow and Indigo. She panicked but ran as fast as she could to CHS.

Canterlot High, Rooftop

Twilight was writing in her book, enjoying the quietness of area around her. The sound of the birds chirping, the softness of the wind. She read what she wrote in her book, and fixed a few corrections. Suddenly the door to the roof opened, she looked to it and saw Flash Sentry.

"Flash...? What are you doing up here?"

"I was gonna ask you the same thing."

"Well... this was the best place I could think, the only peaceful spot in the school."

Flash sat down next to her and looked out to the city.

"Now that you mention it, it does have a good view of the city from here as well."

Twilight smiled knowing he was right, Flash soon noticed what she was writing in her book. It was lyrics to a song, he looked to her and wondered what the song was.

"What song did you write?"

Twilight blushed a bit embarrassed, and tried to hide it. She knew it wasn't finished, in fact she had only started.

"I haven't decided on a name for it yet, but I'm still working on it."

"Can I take a look at it?"

As much as she wanted to keep it hidden, she handed him the book to show what she finished. Flash took the book and looked at the lyrics, he started to nod at what he read.

"These are good, even though its not complete yet. Would you like for me to help you with the rest of the lyrics?"

Twilight was surprised at his offer, she felt nervous about it. But she looked to him and nodded.

"Alright, do you have your guitar?"

"No, but I can get i-"

But before he could, Twilight used the magic from her geode to summon his guitar.

"That works too."

He opened his guitar case, and pulled out his guitar. He started tuning it, to get the right tune.

"Okay, ready when you are."

Twilight inhaled and exhaled to calm her nerves, she nods knowing she's ready to begin. Flash soon started to strum a few cords as Twilight closed her eyes memorizing the lyrics. Spike watched from a distance...

"This should be good."

(This song is parody of Guide you Home from The Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon)

Twilight: This is the darkest night,
stars have all faded away.
Quiet upon this world.
Through the clouds, there is a light.
We will find our way

Spike watched her and was amazed at how well she started off.

Twilight: I would die for you.
Cross the sky for you...
I will send out a light burning for you alone.
You're all I need.
You set me free.
And this fire will guide you... home.

She finished the first part really well, even though it was only half the song. Flash looked to her, feeling enchanted by her voice.

"That was amazing..."

Twilight blushed from his compliment.

"Thanks, but it's only the first part of the song..."

Flash thought of something that might be able to help with the song.

"I think I know how I can help finish it."

Twilight looked to him feeling surprised, he strummed his guitar to help with the song.

Flash: There is an open door.
Somehow it feels so familiar,
we have been here before.
Through this old forgotten fight,
there must be a way...

Twilight watched him, feeling something inside her that made her heart leap. She smiled and joined in the song.

Flash & Twilight: I would die for you.
Cross the sky for you.
I will send out a light burning for you alone,
you're all I need.
You set me free,
and this fire will guide you home.

They looked to one another, both feeling something in their hearts.

Flash & Twilight: Where our hearts are wide open.

They couldn't tell what it was, but they knew for one thing.

Flash & Twilight: Where our bond is unbroken.

Twilight looked into Flash's eyes, feeling just as enchanted as he was by the song.

Twilight: I would die for you,
cross the sky for you.
I will send out a light burning for you alone...

Flash smiled at her as he felt his heart skip a beat, but that did not stop him from continuing the song.

Flash & Twilight: I would die for you.
Cross the sky for you,
I will send out a light burning for you alone!

Twilight: You're all I need...

Flash: You set me free...

They felt as though time itself had stopped in place, like nothing could ever ruin this moment.

Twilight: You're all I need...

Flash: You set me free...

They smiled at one another, as they were close to finishing the song.

Flash & Twilight: Set me free...
And this fire will guide you...

Twilight: Home...

Flash strummed his guitar strings a bit, and finished his solo. They looked to each other, feeling both their hearts pounding.

"That was... wow..."

"I know, I gotta hand it to you Twilight, this song was amazing..."

"But the song... it was played perfectly, even if it wasn't finished, and its all thanks to you Flash."

"Well, I can't take all the credit..."

Suddenly he felt something touch his hand, he looked only to see Twilight's hand on his. A faint blush was beginning to form on his face, he looked to Twilight noticing her face was just as red. He wanted to pull his hand away, but he knew it would only hurt her. So he gently grasped her hand in return, which was returned with a smile from Twilight. He smiled back at her, soon they started to slowly lean to one another. Just before they could finish, Eleking showed up chirping like crazy. Twilight and Flash looked to her surprised, and couldn't understand a word she was saying.

"Whoa, whoa Eleking, slow down... I don't understand what you're saying."

"Wasn't she supposed to be with Rainbow Dash?"

"I think so, lets find Fluttershy, she's better at translating animal language."

Eleking could only chirp frustratingly as they picked her up, Spike followed them only to give Eleking a look and whispered...

"Nice timing, you ruined a perfect moment."

If Eleking could show it, she would show an angry scowl towards Spike.

CHS Cafeteria

Fluttershy was eating some fruit, she looked into her Battlenizer seeing Bolgil's sleeping peacefully. She smiled at the sight, but soon noticed Twilight and Flash walking to her with Eleking.

"Fluttershy, we need your help."

"Eleking just showed up on the roof of CHS, chirping up a storm... we couldn't understand her,. Or why she wasn't with Rainbow Dash, so we came to you to translate."

"Alright, set her down."

Flash set Eleking down on the table.

"Okay Eleking, just take your time, and tell me why you're not with Rainbow Dash."

Eleking chirped at her so she could understand the situation.

"You and Rainbow were at Crystal High hanging out with Indigo...?"

Eleking chirped explaining what happened after.

"She mentioned the break up to Indigo and she got angry?"

Eleking nodded as Twilight rubbed the back of her head.

"Normally that's Sour Sweet's routine..."

Eleking chirped explaining what happened next, and Fluttershy's eyes were wide as dinner plates.

"Rainbow and Indigo were snatched up by a giant flying kaiju?!"

Twilight's and Flash's eyes widen in shock, and new they had to find Rei, and fast.

Carousel Boutique

"Alright Rei, tell me what you think."

Rei was wearing the outfit she made for him. He liked the way she designed it, there was just one last thing to complete it. He looked to a blue scarf that was laying around, he picked it up and wrapped it around his neck and looked into the mirror. One look, that's all it took, even Rarity was beginning to like it.

"The scarf definitely speaks Rei."

"How much do I-"

"Oh don't worry about paying for it darling, its free."

Twilight and Flash soon rush in with Fluttershy and Eleking.



He looked to them, surprised to see that Eleking is with them.

"Eleking? Where's Rainbow Dash?"

"That's just it, she told me that Rainbow and Indigo Zap were kidnapped by a kaiju."


Eleking chirped at him describing what the kaiju looked like, it had the form of a dragon, but the face of a bird. Rei processed this information in his mind, and could only think of one creature that could match that description.

"If I have to guess... it must be Melba."


"Its an ancient dragon type Kaiju, 57m, 46,000t. Normally it wouldn't venture out of the place it originally hatched..."

"But why would it come all the way to Canterlot City?"

Before he could answer, a roar the Eleking recognized from earlier. They went outside to see what it was, and it turns out Rei was right. Melba was flying over the city, taking pieces of the buildings it got its claws on. It then started flying down into the streets, snatching cars and street gravel, Frightening the civilians as they fled.

"Get everyone to seek shelter!"

Melba's eyes began to glow as it unleashed its Melbanic Ray from its eyes, Twilight and Flash were working on getting everyone into the shelters. But soon, Twilight heard the cries of a baby, she looked and see's Pound Cake sitting in the street. Melba soon heard him and looked to where he was, Twilight saw it and began to panic. She ran to save Pound Cake, Flash see's it and saw Melba charging right at them.

"Twilight! Look out!"

He ran after her as fast as he could, Twilight managed to grab Pound Cake, but Melba was hot on her heals. She ran to Flash and handed him Pound Cake, before they could run however... Melba snarled at them as it reached out with its claws. Twilight panicked and pushed Flash away to protect him, Melba snatched her up as she screamed at the top of her lungs.


Rei see's it and was about to summon Litra, but Fluttershy stopped him.

"Rei no! You can't attack it, otherwise you might hurt Twilight."

Rei knew she was right, if he attacked Melba, he'll hurt Twilight. Flash walked up to them after giving Pound Cake to his mothers, he looked to Rei with a determined expression.

"We have to save her, we have to save Twilight."

"We will Flash, but we don't know where it took Twilight."

"Actually, I have a pretty good idea where it went."

They looked over to Sunset wondering how she found out.

"Where's it heading?"

"I began following Melba's path to where it kept flying, and I found out where its hiding."

She held out her laptop to show exactly where Melba is going, Applejack was surprised by the location.

"Easter Island? Now why in the world would that overgrown featherless chicken go to Easter Island?"

"Well, Melba does seem to resemble much like a bird, so its possible like most birds would return to the place they hatched from."

"And if its heading to its nest... then maybe..."

Rei began to realize why Melba was really attacking.

"Then maybe Melba is going to be a mom..."

The girls eyes were wide as dinner plates, but Pinkie Pie was showing off a large grin on her face.

"Whoa now! Are we talking baby Mels?!"

Pinkie grabbed both Applejack and Rei, bringing them closer to her.

"How many little angels exactly?!"

"From a birds normal lifecycle... I'd say maybe, two, three maybe more... and they're gonna wake up hungry."

Pinkie's smile soon began to fade as she realized how bad it was, she then let Rei and Applejack go.

"Oooohhh... so... not a good thing?"

"Does this mean that by capturing Rainbow, Indigo, and Twilight, they're...?"

As regrettable as it was to say the words, but Rei knew what was going to happen to them if he and his team didn't move quickly.

Easter Island

Melba flew over the nest to keep watch over her nest, meanwhile inside the nest, Twilight was on the ground unconscious. But someone was pushing her shoulder, and she began to stir.

"Twilight! Wake up!"

"Come on girl, wake up!"

Twilight's eyes opened up as she saw Rainbow Dash and Indigo, she sat up and hugged them both, relieved that they were safe.

"Thank goodness you two are all right."

"Well we did try to escape, but mama bird up there wouldn't let us leave."

Twilight looked at her surroundings, seeing a whole nest around them.

"Where are we?"

"Easter Island by the looks of it..."

"But why would it bring us here?"

Rainbow looked to something that was behind them, her eyes began to widen.

"I can think three guesses..."

She pointed to what she was looking at, Twilight and Indigo looked to it and their eyes were just as wide as Rainbows. There were three eggs, 7 feet in height.

"Are those...?"


"And inside them are...?"


Cracks began to form in one of the eggs, as one of the Melba chicks was starting to hatch.

"Think we should...?"


They ran as the first hatchling hatched from its egg, it shrieked as it struggled to get its bearings. It soon looked to the three girls that were running, and chased after them. The girls climbed to the highest point that was safe, the Melba chick tried to reach them.

"Where are you Rei...?"

Easter Island Shore

Litra flew towards the island, trying to avoid Melba's vision. She landed on the ground, letting Rei and the others to get off.

"Thanks for the ride Litra, you should rest now... return."

Litra nodded as she turned into an aura of light, and returned to his Battlenizer. He put his Battlenizer away, and looked to where Melba was. See's its flying over the nest, as well as guarding it, he turned to the others.

"It's definitely guarding a nest, but we have no way of finding out if Twilight and the others are alright."

"Actually there is, I took the liberty of installing a small camera into Twilight's glasses, so we'll be able to see what she see's."

Sunset pulled out her phone and accessed the camera app, she worked on connecting to the camera that she installed. Once it finished gaining access, what shocked them... was that there were three Melba chicks trying to reach them. Flash was shocked when he saw them, but was relieved that Twilight was safe.

"Thank goodness she's safe."

"Yeah, but we got another problem."

Applejack pointed to a group of tanks that were rolling up, the Army had been called in. Leading them, was a meat head named General Iron Will, a muscle bound man who is completely stubborn as a bull. Rei could easily tell he won't stop until Melba and her chicks are destroyed, but if he starts firing, Twilight, Rainbow and Indigo will get caught in the crossfire.

"Guys, if they start firing, Twilight and the others will also get caught in the crossfire."

"Think you can hold him off until we get them clear?"

"I'll try, Flash I'll ne-"

Before he could make a plan involving Flash, he found that Flash was gone.

"Where'd he go?"

"Where do you think?"

She pointed to where he was, Flash was running up the hill heading towards the nest.

"Flash you crazy-"

"Don't worry, he'll be fine... just hold off the General until he gets Twilight and the others out of there."

Rei looked at Sunset but nodded and ran towards the tanks, Iron Will turned to his troops.

"Men, this monster has caused the city too much trouble, and I want you to give it all you got, and SHOOT THAT THING DOWN!!!"

"Hold it General!"

Iron Will looked to Rei who called out.

"Who are you, and what gives you the right to take over my platoon?!"

"Listen to me, you can't start firing at Melba, it's got civilians in her nest."

"Iron Will knows exactly what he's doing, now stand aside and leave this to the professionals!"

"With all due respect sir, but you are completely, and hopelessly out gunned..."

"Is that so...?"

Rei and Iron Will locked horns with one another, knowing that things were gonna get ugly. Meanwhile, Flash reached the edge of the nest, he looked around for Twilight and the others. Till he heard the sound of screeching, he looked to the source and found Twilight along with Rainbow and Indigo as they were trying to avoid getting eaten.

"Twilight! Girls, hang on!"

Twilight heard him and looked to where he is, she began to smile brightly.

"Flash! there's a cable over there! See if you can lower it!"


Flash ran to the cable, and worked on lowering it down for them. Melba soon noticed and started charging right at him, before it could react, a tank fired a shot at its face. Melba shrieked as it looked towards the tanks, Iron Will had Rei in a headlock, while Rei was pulling his ears.

"That's right! OW! We got it!"

"General... you just made mama bird angry."

Melba roared out and used its Melbanic Ray on the tanks, destroying them. Rei and Iron Will ducked down as one of the tanks behind them blew up.

"Like I said... out gunned..."

"Iron Wills starting to see your point."

While trying to hide it, Iron Will couldn't hide the fact that he peed his pants when Melba attacked. Melba landed down on the ground and glared at them.

"Any last words stranger?"

"Just one..."

Rei held out his Battlenizer.


"Battlenizer! Mons Load!"

A light shot out of his Battlenizer, and clashed against Melba's beak. Causing it to fall down hitting the ground, Gomora landed on the ground emerging from the light. He roared out challenging Melba, and it gladly accepted. For it charged at full speed, tackling Gomora as he tried to hold his ground. But before he could react, Melba blasted him in the chest with its Melbanic Ray. Forcing him to fall to the ground, Melba roared out preparing its claws. Meanwhile, Flash and the girls were helping Twilight, Rainbow, and Indigo get out of the nest.

"You girls alright?"

"Other than nearly getting eaten by three overgrown flying reptiles, I'm good!"

Flash helped Twilight climb up out of the nest.

"You alright Twilight?"

She looked to him, and tears of joy began to form in her eyes. She then threw herself at Flash, hugging him for saving her life.

"I was so scared..."

Flash looked at her, and began to smile as he wrapped his arms around her comfortingly.

"Its all right, its over..."

"Don't count your chickens yet Flash, we still got an angry mama to deal with!"

Melba struck her claws against Gomora, and lifted its right leg kicking him down. Gomora shrieked and hit the ground.

"Oh no!"

Melba walked toward him, readying its Melbanic blast. But then out of no where, an Energy Beam shot out, hitting Melba in the face. Causing it to writhe in agony. Rei and Gomora were surprised, and soon looked to the source of the Energy Beam. Rainbow Dash also looked to the source, and to her surprise it was a flying Kaiju. Lidorias, a 48 m 58, 000 t Kaiju, given her nature to care for the humans, she screeched angrily at Melba. Melba growled back at Lidorias knowing she's another enemy, it flapped its wings about to charge at Lidorias. But something caught Melba by its leg, it looked only to find Gomora's tail wrapped around its leg. Gomora snarled and swung his tail, throwing Melba to the ground. Lidorias charged and kicked Melba, causing it to slide on the ground.

"Whoa! that's one tough bird!"

"She seems to be protecting us from Melba."

"What gave you that idea?"

"Most creatures develop protective instincts to protect creatures smaller than they are, sort of like showing how loyal they are."

Rainbow started to process this through her mind, she looked to Lidorias noticing how similar they were to one another.

"Not to interrupt the lesson, but we better get out of here before the battle gets too closer."

"Right, lets get out of here before Melba finds us."

They ran away from the battle, but Melba soon took notice that the three morsels she caught escaped. It grew more furious and knocked away Gomora and Lidorias. It turned to them and started to charge, Rei saw it and knew what he had to do.

"Eleking! Buy some time for Sunset and the others!"

"Battlenizer! Mons Load!"

Eleking shot out of his Battlenizer, and tackled Melba down into the nest. Melba shrieked as it landed next to its chicks, seeing they're safe, but hungry. Melba turned and was about to get out of the nest, but before it could, Gomora, Eleking and Lidorias were standing right above it.

"Gomora! Eleking! Don't let Melba leave its nest!"

Gomora's horn crest glowed as he blasted his Super Shock-wave from his nasal horn, Eleking charged up with electricity unleashing her Discharge Ray, and Lidorias fired her Energy beam. All three of their attacks hit the nest, but Melba tried to make a quick get away along with its chicks. Gomora however had other plans, he fired his Super Shock-wave at a cliff above Melba, causing rocks to fall on top of it. Melba and its chicks fell deep into the very place it was originally sealed, and were buried under tons of rocks.


Iron Will was stunned at how Rei managed to defeat Melba, meanwhile his soldiers were trying to hide a snicker because of the fact Iron Will peed his pants.

"That was by far, the most incredible thing Ive ever seen... who are you?"

Rei turned to him, with a look of disapproval for what Iron Will nearly did to his friends.

"My name is Rei, like you, I'm also a soldier. Me and my friends are your only chance against an Kaiju that appear."

Gomora walked up and lowered its head to Iron Will, giving him an angered growl. Iron Will held his hands up defensively, trying to plead for mercy.

"Whoa, easy now... I can make it up to you, I'll retire my job and not bother hunting any of you again."

Rei could only smile, knowing he was just following orders.

"Its alright General, just do us a favor."

"Anything! Name it!"

"When ever a Kaiju appears, let me and my team handle it."

"Sure thing... but... they're just kids."

"That may be so..."

Rei looked to Sunset and the others with a smile, he turned back to the General.

"But they have the Hearts of Heroes."

He walked away from the General, as well as Gomora. Meanwhile, Flash walked with Twilight towards the beach, to be away from the smoke and dust. Twilight pulled a lock of hair behind her ear, and looked to Flash with a warm smile.

"Thank you Flash, for saving me."

Flash looked to her and smiled.

"I couldn't just let Melba feed you to its chicks."

"What you did was brave..."

She playfully punches his arm.

"Insane... but, really brave of you."

She pulled him down and gently kissed him on the cheek, Flash's face turned bright red from the kiss. His heart skipped a few beats, and he rubbed the back of his head.

"W-Well... i-i-i-it was nothing..."

He chuckled nervously and cleared his throat, Sunset and the others were watching the scene, meanwhile the wheels in Rarity's head were spinning like crazy. Sunset noticed it, and grabbed some dirt.

"Rarity, don't even think about it."

"Aw but darling, this is such a perfect moment for them, and I have to come up with a plan."

"Well I think its best to let them decide their relationship, not us... right girls?"

"Yes ma'am."



"I'm totally fine with that."

Rainbow soon looked to Lidorias, and began waling towards her. Lidorias looked to her surprised by her action.

"I have to admit, for a big bird, you're just as awesome as me."

Lidorias smiled at her but noticed Rainbow lower her head.

"But... you're a free spirit, and I can't ask you to be my partner, even if I tried."

Lidorias looked at her understanding what she's going through, she lowered her head and gently nuzzled Rainbow. Even though she wasn't used to being sappy, this would be the only time she showed her soft side as she wrapped her arms around her beak.

"Wish there was a way you could be my partner."

Rainbow soon felt an aura of energy coming from her Battlenizer, she looked to it and pulled it out. She looked at it as it opened up, shooting out a stream of light towards Lidorias. An aura of light shined around Lidorias, as she disappeared and returned to Rainbow Dash's Battlenizer.

"No way..."

She looked inside the Battlenizer, seeing Lidorias chirp softly at her. Rainbow Dash beamed a bright smile, and started to cheer.

"YES!!! I have a partner! I finally got my Kaiju Partner! WOOHOO!!!"

Sunset smiled at Rainbow's joyful action.

"There's the Rainbow we know and love."

Indigo crossed her arms as she smiled at Rainbow.

"Just as awesome as ever."

Canterlot High

The team returned home to get a chance to relax after traveling all the way from Easter Island and back. Rainbow Dash however was too excited, as she was riding on the back of Lidorias. Rei watched them as he was sitting on Gomora's shoulder, he smiled at how happy she was at having her kaiju partner. Sunset used her magic to teleport to Gomora's shoulder, and she sat next to Rei.

"Rainbow Dash has always been a handful... sometimes I always thought she had a head full of rocks."

Rei smirked at the thought of it.

"But she's got a heart made of gold."

"Okay true..."

She looked to Rei noticing he was still trying to figure out who brought him to this world.

"Have you been able to find out who brought you here...?"

Rei shook his head.

"No... but whoever brought me here must've had a reason."

She looked down, wishing she had all the answers for him, but she couldn't come up with any. She looked to him knowing he had to know the truth about her.

"Rei... can I ask you something?"

"Sure... what is it Sunset?"

"Well... would you believe me, if I told you that I was also from a different dimension?"

He looked at her surprised, but smiled kindly.

"Sunset, after all we've been through the past few days, I think I'd definitely understand if you were from a different world."


"Of course... so what world did you come from?"

Sunset chuckled nervously...

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..."

"Try me..."

Sunset knew this was the only moment she had to tell him, so she took a moment to breathe.

"Okay... I'm from a world called Equestria, its a parallel world similar to this one, but different in many ways. In that world... I'm actually a pony."

Rei was surprised, to believe that this girl, who became a Reionyx, was actually a pony from a different world. But who was he to judge someone by what they are? He only smiled and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"I knew there was something about you that made you special."

Sunset was surprised by his words.

"You mean... you're not at least a bit shocked?"

"Not at all... cause you see, I'm not exactly human either."

She could hardly believe it, this Alien from another dimension is a lot like her in ways she could hardly imagine. But she smiled at him and tried to hide a blush.

"Thank you for understanding Rei."

"No Problem Sunset."

"Uh Rei..."

Rei's ear twitched a bit, he looked to where Rainbow was only to see something he did not expect. Lidorias was nuzzling Gomora's neck causing the ancient dinosaur to literally blush.

"I'm starting to get the feeling Lidorias has a crush on Gomora..."

Hearing this, Eleking forced her way out of Rei's Battlenizer and grabbed hold of Gomora's arm pulling him away. If she could show it, she'd glare at Lidorias for flirting with Gomora. Lidorias grabbed hold of the other arm shooting a glare at her.

"Look like Gomora's got some competition."

"Seems like it."

She and Rei laughed in amusement at the situation, Gomora however was not amused as he tried to get free. He could only wonder how he could have gotten himself in such a predicament.