//------------------------------// // Thursday // Story: The Sun and the Shy: Shadows Rising // by Knight Light //------------------------------// There was just something she hated about Thursdays, especially after noticing the way Fluttershy was pining over her old friends who was all separated across the cafeteria during lunch. It made Sunset want to kick herself knowing that she was the one who caused the girl the heartache associated with friends despite Fluttershy’s claims that if they were really such good friends a few fake messages and tricks would never have broken them up. If they were such good friends they would have talked it out instead of avoiding each other. Sunset knew differently. She was the reason she had broken up the circle of friends and she was having trouble reconciling that thought. She still didn’t really give one damn about the others, but she hated the though of Fluttershy feeling bad over it. So she was sitting on the stairs during her free period on the landing between the first and second floors. She was staring at her phone, looking at her huge list of contacts in her spoof app. There were numbers for at least eighty percent of the school held within, teachers and students alike. She was only interested in four of them. AJ, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. “This is stupid, just do it already.” Sunset whispered to herself, trying to push herself to do this. To send the text message she had on her screen explaining that she was behind the breakup in a group text to the four of them including Fluttershy so she knew. It wasn’t something that she had planned to do when she woke up, but after seeing Fluttershy look sadly toward them she felt it would be best for Fluttershy. Maybe it would undo some of the damage she had caused the group. As the bell finally rang signaling the end of the period, Sunset jumped is surprise and hit the send button on accident. “What the hell did I just do?” It seemed the matter was no longer in her hands as the text had been sent ending all of her debating. It was for the best though since it was for Fluttershy, she only hoped that it didn’t backfire. A few hours later after school Sunset found out that things could indeed backfire as she walked out of her class to a site that had many students gaping in shock as if the end of the world was coming. It was something that nobody had ever expected would ever happen despite how they didn’t seem as close as they once were, Fluttershy was yelling at Rainbow Dash while Rarity, AJ and Pinkie Pie watched on in shock. “Don’t you ever call her a dyke again Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy actually screamed in Rainbow Dash’s face. The athlete couldn’t help looking on is the most surprised expression Sunset had ever seen on the girl. “How can you defend that bitch after everything she’s done to us? To the whole school! She broke us up for heaven’s sake, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash snarled. “Sugarcube, Rainbow Dash could have said it better, but that snake has hurt a lot of us.” AJ said reaching out to put a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder before having it shrugged off. “Darling, why are you defending her so?” Rarity asked, her face going pale at seeing Sunset walk up to them. “Because I love her!” Fluttershy screamed at the girl, tears of anger spilling down her cheeks. “She’s done more for me this week alone than any of you have in years! You know nothing about the real her, so don’t you dare pretend you do!” “Shy, its ok, don’t get worked up because of me.” Sunset said, taking Fluttershy’s hand earning a glare from the girls except for Rainbow Dash who cocked her fist back ready to punch Sunset Shimmer. “If you throw that punch Rainbow Dash, consider yourself suspended!” Luna barked out as she stormed up to the group. “I want all of you in my office, NOW!” “What? This is her fault!” Rainbow Dash snapped out pointing at Sunset. “Fine!” Rainbow Dash huffed, bumping her shoulder into Sunset as she passed. Pinkie Pie gave a worried look toward Sunset and Fluttershy, AJ looked angry even if less so than Rainbow Dash and Rarity just had a blank expression. “I’m sorry Shy, I only wanted to help.” Sunset sighed, not even mad that Fluttershy outed herself in from of everyone for loving Sunset despite the rules that was set by Sunset herself. She actually found it touching, but regretted sending the text seeing the mess she created. “You both also.” Luna said sternly motioning for the two to go. “It’s okay; you were trying to fix things. I knew it was you that sent the text.” Fluttershy whispered as they filed into the waiting area of the vice-principal’s office trying to avoid the other girls’ gaze. “You two first, I want to hear each groups story separately so I don’t have to break you up again!” Luna demanded pointing to Sunset and Fluttershy who followed the woman into the office and got comfortable in the chairs around the desk as Luna sat and steepled her fingers under her chin. “Would you care to tell me what that was all about?” “It’s my fault, I started a fight standing up for Sunset Shimmer.” Fluttershy squeaked out nervously as the reality of what she had done started to set in. “It was my fault, I broke their group of friends up a long time ago and felt bad for it so I sent text anonymously to them telling them what happened to try and fix things.” Sunset said, holding Fluttershy’s hand tight earning a smile from Luna. Unlike Celestia, Luna did have a soft spot for Sunset despite knowing who and what she supposedly was. Though the older woman still claimed Sunset was more likely a clone made from science in a way the girl wasn’t sure was teasing or not. “While I find that very honorable trying to clean up your past mistakes, I can’t overlook a fight in the hallway.” Luna said shaking her head, “At the least there is going to be detentions all around.” “I don’t want to be here anymore.” Fluttershy said softly, trying to retreat into her hair as Luna looked to her in confusion. “Are you sure, Shy?” Sunset asked, a part of her yelling at her to rethink it. She needed to be here for when the portal opened; if she left it would be much harder to justify being here for it. Looking over at Fluttershy she realized that she had something better than her desire for revenge against her mother. Something that made her happy instead of the empty feeling and rage that thinking of Princess Celestia brought on. Screw the portal. “I can’t do this anymore, Sunset. I need a fresh start and so do you.” Fluttershy said gaining some confidence when she looked to Sunset. “Please, can we go?” “Go where?” Luna asked looking back and forth between the two. “Vice-principal Luna, I would officially like to request transfer to Crystal Prep Academy for both Fluttershy and me.” Sunset said, squeezing Fluttershy’s hand in support. “And you are okay with this?” Luna asked looking over to Fluttershy. “Yes, we both need a fresh start.” Fluttershy said with a little more conviction. “You both realize that Crystal Prep Academy is a very difficult school to maintain your grades, and if you don’t keep at least a three point oh GPA, you run the risk of being kicked out. And the tuition is very expensive.” Luna warned. “While I could easily afford it, my dad has it covered.” Sunset said. “Of course he does.” Luna said in expiration, “While I do agree that it would be best for you Sunset, a fresh start would do you good away from my sister, I’m sorry to see you both go. I’ll call your father and Principal Cinch to set up your transfer then Sunset and get a hold of your father Fluttershy.” “You only need to contact my dad, Fluttershy’s guardianship was transferred to my dad and he’s sponsoring us.” Sunset explained getting a shocked look from Fluttershy. “It was going to be a surprise.” “While I really should ask, it would probably be better that I didn’t know. Seeing that you both are transferring, I guess there’s not much point in assigning detention since you won’t be here. Please send the others in on your way out.” Luna grumbled, waving the two off. “Thank you.” Fluttershy said, bowing a little to Luna before walking out hand in hand with Sunset earning glares from the girls waiting. “The Vice-Principal will see you now.” Sunset smirked to them, unable to help antagonizing them just a little. Thankfully none of them started anything as they filed into the room though Sunset couldn’t help meeting Rainbow Dash’s hate filled glare at her. It looked as if any debate over Crystal Prep was over as their choices have been made for better or worse. Sunset just hoped it would be for the better.