//------------------------------// // Chapter 17 // Story: The Perilous Gestation of Swans // by kudzuhaiku //------------------------------// Gosling was no stranger to hustle, but at the moment he was taking it to a ridiculous level so he could meet with Purple Party on schedule. No doubt, there was a lot to do and very little time to do it, because that was the natural order of things. Beans and Toast galloped along behind him, keeping up with his swift pace with no trouble at all on their part. “Cor, that Prince Blueblood is a tosser,” Toast muttered while her hooves clattered against the marble tile floor. “What a right git.” Unable to help himself, Gosling began to chortle. The twins belonged here in this place, and in time, he could see them becoming part of the family. The great big dysfunctional family that lived within this cuckoo’s nest known as Canterlot Castle. As the trio went in one direction, plenty of ponies were going in the other direction, and some of the passing guards saluted. “I understand that you have a lot more royalty back home,” Gosling said to the twins, making an attempt to be conversational. “With no alicorns, there are only tribal monarchs.” “Right,” was Beans’ soft reply. “All we do is bicker though, there is nothing but fighting and nothing ever gets done. None of the various royal families ever agree on anything and more and more they are relying on parliament to run the country.” “Parliament is no better.” Toast’s voice was firm to the point of being a bit abrasive. “The earth pony parliament doesn’t want to talk to the pegasus pony parliament because they feel the pegasus ponies have been a bit too lax with the weather, and the pegasus ponies feel that the earth ponies are a bit too lazy and aren’t farming like they used to. Meanwhile, the unicorn parliament has turned our markets into an anarcho-capitalist nightmare and I fear we’re heading towards our own Mister Mariner incident back home on the isles.” “Yeah.” Beans’ head bobbed up and down as he kept pace beside his sister. “You royals know how to get things done, which is why we want to stay here and become citizens.” “You mean you don’t want to go home and fix everything that is wrong?” Gosling asked. Toast snorted. “That’s an impossible task. I want results from my hard work. I’d rather stay here and work with royals that actually get things done. Prince Blueblood, he might be a tosser, but he’s a hard working tosser, and I’d be just as proud to be his assistant as I am proud to be yours.” Thinking of everything that had been said, Gosling didn’t know how to respond. Purple Party appeared to be a nervous wreck, and Gosling could tell after just one glance that the high strung unicorn hadn’t slept well. Guards shuffled around the room while various members of the castle staff entered and exited. In the center of the room was a massive map of Canterlot Castle, a magical map that displayed all manner of relevant data about all sorts of things. There was a stopped up toilet in the barracks, for example, and a leaking shower in the north wing’s guest quarters. The pilot light on the trash incinerator that serviced the south wing had gone out. But none of this was as impressive as the sheer scope, scale, and size of the map, which left Gosling flabbergasted every time he viewed it. “Sir,” Mister Party said with his ears held low, “there is a lot of work to do and we are a few weeks behind schedule. The castle needs to be decorated for the holidays. Some of the work has been done, but we are woefully behind schedule due to quite a number of circumstances beyond our control.” “What’s the problem?” Gosling asked. “Why, everything,” Mister Party replied. “Well, start somewhere.” Gosling glanced at the map, a bell rang and there was another stopped up toilet, this time close to Blueblood’s study. “Well, to begin with, there is the issue of actually decorating the castle, Prince Gosling. That’s an impossible task unto itself—” “Over a thousand rooms,” Beans said in a soft voice, “sometimes even more, depending upon the current configuration. Over a hundred miles of hallway, but this can jump to well over two-hundred and fifty miles of hallway, again, given the configuration.” Hearing this, Gosling let out a low whistle. “Yes.” Mister Party gave Beans an appreciative nod. “We lack decorations—” “Don’t they store decorations in some closet somewhere?” Gosling asked. “Well, a few special trinkets,” Mister Party replied. “Most of the decorations are auctioned off after the holiday and the funds collected go to various charitable agencies, and all of the usual widows and orphans. Because of the budget crisis, we haven’t purchased much in the way of holiday decorations. I’ve had ponies hard at work trying to figure out how to decorate the castle with our available funds.” “And no doubt, my unexpected request for the Winter Moon Festival messed things up.” Gosling began gnawing on his lip and he stared at the ginormous castle map. “Sir, I wasn’t going to say anything,” Mister Party said in hushed tones. While staring at the map, Gosling began to wonder, how was the Goose going to save Hearth’s Warming? The castle needed decoration, but funds were limited. They also needed more ponypower, so more work could be done in less time. It occurred to Gosling that he was going to need a holiday miracle to make this happen, and to get the Winter Moon Festival kicked off. “Hang on, I’m either getting an idea or those scrambled eggs at breakfast are giving me gas!” Gosling blurted out, and it was Beans that began chortling while his sister gave him the sort of dirty look that only a disgusted sibling could give. “When I was a foal, my Ma and I made our own Hearth’s Warming decorations.” “Sir, the castle staff are in short supply and time is short.” Purple Party narrowed his eyes and gave Gosling a calm, collected stare. “Ah, but we have an untapped resource,” Gosling said to Purple Party with a crazed glaze in his eye. Reaching out one hoof, Gosling tapped the school wing of the castle, which made the map flicker. “We have all these foals, all these powerful little unicorns, and some of them are bound to be artsy-fartsy types. If we supply them with wagon loads of dried elbow macaroni and a ton of glitter, we’ll have our decorations. Even better, we’ll turn the little horn heads loose upon the castle so they can help the castle staff. We’ll sell the idea to Celestia as a hooves on experience.” “Oh… oh my…” Mister Party gasped. “And we’ll conscript the home-ec students as well, and those who take cooking classes, we’ll wrangle up anypony that might be remotely useful to our cause, and we’ll put them to work. Decorating, cooking, and preparing.” Gosling pulled his hoof away from the map and focused his gaze on Purple Party. “Now, I want to make it clear that I am in charge.” “Sir, of course.” Mister Party nodded. “So, if I do something crazy, I want to offer you some assurances that any consequences will fall upon my neck, and not yours. I’m not going to have you suffer for my goofball ideas.” “Sir, goofball ideas?” Mister Party’s entire body quivered with dread, and the corner of his left eye had a frightful twitch to it. “Hundreds of miles of hallway.” Gosling shook his head and let out a long, shrill whistle. “How much time is wasted just getting from one place to another?” “Well, some of the unicorns on staff know how to wink to get from one place to another,” Mister Party replied. “Yeah, but all these students and these other staff members, they’ll need a way to get from here to there as fast as possible.” Gosling returned his attention to the map and began to study it in earnest. “I think chariots will work—” “Sir! Chariots?” Purple Party appeared as though he might faint. “Chariots… in… the… hallways?” “Battlefield tactics.” Gosling’s eyes roamed over the map, looking for a strategic central staging area where he could send his conscripts out to do battle. “We need to drop our troops off, fresh and ready to go, with no fatigue from long marches.” Staring at the map, a plan began to form, and Gosling nodded his head. “Oh… my…” With a loud gasp, Purple Party tumbled to the floor, his delicate sensibilities unable to take another word of Gosling’s plan, because he fainted. Right away, Toast went to his side and began to look after him. Reaching into her saddlebag, she pulled out a towel—a big fluffy looking towel—rolled it up, and placed it beneath Mister Party’s head. Lifting her head, she gave Gosling a concerned look with one raised eyebrow. “He’s out cold,” she reported, “and he clonked his gobbletyknock on the floor. He’s going to have quite a lump.” While Toast was speaking, several concerned maids came over to check on Mister Party. “When he recovers, he’s going to need a cuppa, so I reckon.” “Right.” Gosling huffed the word out, then took a deep breath. “Let’s go and get Mister Party sorted out…” Princess Cadance was giving him a strange look and Gosling wished that she wasn’t. He didn’t know why he was the target of the strange look, and to be honest, he didn’t want to know. Exhausted, Gosling just wanted a bit of a breather before lunch. Flurry Heart was yammering away to his mother, Sleet, and Moon Rose was having a quiet moment with her parents. Luna, awake during the day, was knitting in total silence, having said nothing to anypony in the room. With a huff, he collapsed down upon a fainting couch and rested his head on the single arm. He had been all over the castle this morning, running to and fro. Without his wings, he was forced to walk everywhere he went, having to take the long way like some ground-bound schmuck. At least he was warm, and he was thankful for his soft, snuggly sweater. It appeared as though Luna was hard at work on the second. Her tongue was sticking out and a look of supreme concentration could be seen on her face. Her ears angled out over her eyes, rigid, together, and her nostrils quivered with each click of her long, pointed needles. To say that Luna was focused would be an understatement. Cadance’s eyes glanced over at Luna for a second, then shifted back to Gosling. Closing his eyes, Gosling did his best to relax a little, knowing how important it was. In silence, he focused on his breathing, and the rigidness of his ears relaxed a little. Everything was fine. Other than a huge lump on his head, Purple Party was fine and was expected to recover. Beans and Toast were excellent helpers, and they were doing fine. He wasn’t in hot water with either of his wives, and that was fine. “Nana Sleet, will Luna have foals?” Suddenly, things were not fine, and Gosling opened his eyes as every muscle in his body tensed. The sound of knitting needles clacking together had ceased. Moon Rose’s soft whispers to her parents had gone silent. Cadance was snickering, and Gosling’s ears bounced with each one of her giggles. He heard his mother’s sharp inhale and felt the need to make his own. “Where they come from?” Flurry asked before Sleet could answer the first question. Panic was plain to see on Sleet’s face while she gave Cadance a pleading stare, but the cotton candy alicorn was too busy tittering to do anything to help. Gosling lifted his head off the arm of the fainting couch and looked at his mother. If Cadance didn’t step in, Sleet would spill the beans for certain, Gosling was positive of this. Hazy Breeze whispered a few muffled words to Soprano Summers, but Gosling couldn’t make them out. His mother was taking deep, slow breaths, and Flurry stared at Sleet with wide, expectant eyes. Cadance meanwhile, had done nothing but giggle, and Luna had somehow resumed her knitting. No doubt, there would be a surplus of messed up stitches from this interruption. “Flurry,” Sleet began, and then the stark white pegasus licked her lips with her vivid orange tongue. “Foals are wrestling trophies,” Gosling blurted out. “When ponies who love each other very much have themselves a good wrestle, they both get a trophy they get to share.” “How?” Flurry asked, her eyes as wide as saucers. “Uh…” Gosling sucked in a deep breath, and demanded that his brain keep going. “Yes,” Cadance murmured, and a look of almost sadistic glee could be seen on her face. “How?” “Special magic!” Gosling cried out and his voice cracked. “This is a special kind of wrestling that happens between ponies that love one another. Once they have a good wrestle, it sets off a special magic signal that goes and… uh… um…” “Yes?” Cadance’s head tilted off to one side and the corners of her mouth almost reached to her ears. “There’s a foal factory in Cloudsdale.” Gosling lifted his head a little more so he could nod. “Once they get a special magic signal, they make a brand new foal in the factory from leftover rainbows and stuff. It, uh, takes a while, but then the pegasus ponies from the postal department deliver the new wrestling trophy to the anxious parents.” “Oh, neat.” Flurry blinked once and her ears waggled. “When’s lunch?” Gasping, Gosling fell back, collapsing back down upon the fainting couch and going limp. Cadance’s laughter was almost hysterical, and he could hear his mother laughing too. The both of them were laughing fit to split and Gosling could feel himself sweating. Flurry’s innocence lived to see another day, thanks to his quick thinking.