//------------------------------// // Chapter III: The Coming Storm // Story: Three Years Gone // by DeletePlease //------------------------------// Unknown Location, Present Day Based off of her name you would have never guessed that Raincloud would have ever been in this situation. Even her cutie mark was a droplet of rain. It had always been obvious that she should become a member of the weather patrol but she wasn’t exactly one to adhere to destiny. She was a fairly small pony, at least she was smaller than anypony else her age, or those younger than her for that matter. She wasn’t the fastest flyer in her class at flight school but she was by far the most agile; on the obstacle course no one could catch her. She had taken plenty of self-defense classes for just such situations as these and had even excelled at them. Unfortunately, none of those things helped when pinned by a pony three times her size and weight. She could only blame that cursed professor of hers. Perhaps that had to do with the apparent inability to take blame for anything but it actually was, at least partially, his fault. He knew that she was far too curious for her own good but mentioned illegal spells anyway. She had to think back to the day when this all started. * * * Canterlot, Eighteen Months Ago It was a strangely cold night, Raincloud could see her breath. There was hardly a sound, not even from her as she snuck through the garden. A few leaves fell around her as she walked past a tree but she hardly noticed; she was focused on her goal: The Canterlot Archives. She spotted the open window and looked around to make sure nopony was looking. She waited three seconds and then jumped forward, spreading her wings, and took flight. She had gone over the flight dozens of times in her mind, not because it was difficult, it was literally straightforward, but so that she could look around to make sure no one saw her. Just as she reached the window a beam of light fell over her body. She tensed as the bright light flood her eyes, and crashed into the bottom of the window, falling inside. Three guards dashed to her, surrounding her completely. She could have easily flown out had she not crashed; not that it was entirely avoidable. Raincloud had a long history with bright lights but that’s a story for a different time. “Who are you? And what are you doing in the archives?” One of the guards asked. “Is that how you treat all of the ladies? How rude, you didn’t even ask my name,” Raincloud replied. She didn’t feel she had to respect this guard at all and figured that they wouldn’t hurt her so she decided to be as sarcastic as possible. “Well now, aren’t you just so smart?” The guard said back. He turned to the other guards. “Grab her, take her to the princess.” “Sir, with all respect, couldn’t this wait for the morning? The princess needs her sleep too,” One of the other guards said. “I think she’ll want to know about this. It isn’t every day that someone attempts to break into the archives,” The leader guard said. “That is, if we exclude Twilight.” He trotted off chuckling to himself. As soon as he was gone the other guards let go. “I don’t suppose you’d mind walking, would you?” The one to Raincloud’s left said. “I’m not that heavy, am I?” She said standing. “Oh, no, miss. I’m sorry. I just- ah,” The guard blushed, stepping back a bit. “I’m only kidding. I can’t fly, my wing is pretty busted up, so I’m not going to be escaping if that’s what you’re asking. Just lead the way,” She replied, gesturing in front of them. The two guards led her down a long hallway lit only by the moonlight. She probably could have escaped if she wanted to but it wasn’t very often that one got an opportunity to speak with the leader of one’s land. They turned into yet another long hallway and approached a large doorway. The guard to her right put a hoof in front of her. “Let me go in first, to see if she’s even awake.” It surprised Raincloud that the massive doors opened so easily. A moment later the doors creaked open again as the other guard motioned them inside. The room was at least one hundred meters tall and was another three hundred to the end. It was at the end that Princess Celestia stood, looking as elegant and strong as Raincloud had imagined ever since she was a little filly. Raincloud reached the end and bowed as Celestia started to walk forward. “I hear that you broke into the archives; is that true?” Celestia asked. “Yes, it’s true your majesty,” Raincloud responded. “And why exactly did you do that?” “Research your majesty. We don’t have a library in Ponyville so I had to come here. Celestia thought for a moment. “What kind of research is so important that it brought you all that way from Ponyville to break in to the most secure gathering of information in all of Equestria?” “My psychology professor mentioned something about illegal spells and I’m a bit too curious for my good your majesty. I had to see what kind of spells where potentially harmful enough that they had to be made illegal,” Raincloud stumbled through her explanation, speaking a bit too quickly. “Please, call me Celestia, but tell the truth as well. What would a pegasus need with information on illegal spells? Are you a spy?” Celestia glared. “I told you, princess. My psych professor, I just graduated by the way, told me something about illegal spells cropping up and I wanted to know more. He said something about blinding spells, mind control, and some other nasty stuff. I’m telling the truth!” Raincloud was genuinely afraid now. Celestia bowed her head for another moment of thought. “Guard, you may go to the others, you all have the night off. Raincloud, come with me, there is something I must show you.” The guard ran off and Celestia started walking down the long room, Raincloud following behind. They walked along the same corridors that the guards had led Raincloud down until they reached the window where she had crashed. To be honest, Raincloud had no idea where she would have begun looking for information on illegal spells; now perhaps she would find out. Celestia led her through another series of corridors, down a flight of stairs and through a doorway into a medium sized room with a wooden table in the middle and bookshelves on the walls. “There are going to be very important events going on very soon. I’m going to have to pay attention to such things. It is fortunate that you came when you did because other, equally important events have been set in motion recently. Stay here, in the castle, and learn everything you can about all of the spells in the books in this room. On the day before the summer sun celebration I want you to come to me and I will further instruct you. I need to know I can trust you, Raincloud, because your task may determine the very fate of Equestria.” Celestia’s voice was shaky, as though she were afraid of something. But she was Celestia; she had nothing to fear, right? “You can trust me, Celestia,” Raincloud said. In the past she hadn’t been very trustworthy, but this was somepony she had truly looked up to as a filly. “I’ll see what I can do about setting up a library in Ponyville too. A student of mine will be there soon and I’m sure she would love the task,” Celestia smiled. “I’ll leave you to it, and if you need anything feel free to ask anyone. You are now a personal guest of mine in this castle.” * * * Canterlot Castle, Fifteen Months Ago Raincloud had grown accustomed to the castle grounds. Every square inch was a piece of heaven. She had spent a lot of time in the towers, she loved being up high, reading the various books in the room Celestia had shown her. The Summer Sun Celebration was tomorrow which had given Raincloud just enough time to read through the entire collection. It was time to get her next set of orders from Celestia. She gathered her things and began possibly the last walk through the castle. Three months had gone by and she still noticed new features every day; she could have spent a year there and not have explored everywhere. As Raincloud approached the familiar doors to Celestia’s room she heard a crash from inside. It took only a split second for Raincloud to react. She ran forward immediately, charging through the doors. “Princess, are you alright?” Celestia was lying on the floor in a rather uncomfortable looking position. “Oh, yes Rain. I was just testing something out.” She said standing up, giving a forced laugh. “Alright,” said Raincloud, a bit unsure. “I’ve finished up with my research and the Summer Sun Celebration is tomorrow. What is it you need me to do now?” “I need you to return to Ponyville now. Pay attention to everything that happens around you and remember what you have learned. If anything suspicious happens, track down the source and stop it at all costs.” Celestia said, still seeming distracted. “Suspicious, like what?” Raincloud knew something was up. “Raincloud, over the last few months we have become good friends. Tomorrow, something will happen at the summer sun celebration but don’t be afraid; it will be taken care of. You will know what I mean when by suspicious when you see it,” Celestia started toward the door. “You’ll also find that there my student is working at a library there. Don’t mention that you know me but if you need any books there should be anything that you could possibly need there. Again, you’ll know where to look. I must be off now, there are preparations to be made for tomorrow.” With that, Celestia was gone. Raincloud still had many questions, and for the first time in her life she was afraid. In three months she and the princess had had many talks and had become good friends and with almost no warning, no information, she was gone. Something was bothering the princess in a way that Raincloud hadn’t seen before. Raincloud hadn’t been sure of much in her life, but the one thing she was sure of now was that if the princess was scared, they all should be. * * * Raincloud’s Apartment, Ponyville, Fifteen Months ago Six Hours after the Return of Princess Luna It hadn’t taken Raincloud long to move in. It wasn’t as though she had had help, she just didn’t own very much. She sat down and thought for a moment. Her life had suddenly become so fast pace. She was used to speed but not like this. One minute she had been trying to steal secrets from a royal library, the next she was on a mission for the princess herself. Then, all of a sudden, the princess’s sister returns from a thousand-year imprisonment to rule Equestria and all she could do to help her friend was move into an apartment. She would have to make a note to stop by the castle to meet Luna some time. * * * Unknown Location, Present Day The space she was in wasn’t the largest and that wasn’t good for Raincloud. She needed big spaces. It wasn’t exactly like she could just sit and wait. She, and most stallions she had met, thought of herself as a fairly attractive mare and she knew that the stallion in the room with her had had his eyes on her for a while. She couldn’t be sure what he would do when he got a hold of her but she had ideas. Vinyl, you better hurry up or I’m going to haunt you for the rest of your miserable life, she thought. The stallion leaped toward her. * * * Concert Hall, Manehattan, Present Day “Vinyl, are you alright?” Octavia asked. She could tell something was wrong. “I think I may have forgotten something,” Vinyl replied, her face morphing into an awkward grin. “I’ll be back in time for the big show, don’t worry.” Vinyl stood, leaned over to kiss Octavia, and then hurried out the side door. That was strange, Octavia thought. She waited for a moment then walked up to the stage, signaling for Erik, who walked over quickly. “I have to go do something quickly.” Octavia said quietly as whispers came from the audience. “Go? But you can’t just go. We’re kind of in the middle of something here!” Erik whispered back to her. “Just stall, alright. I’ll be back,” Octavia said quickly and ran off to chase Vinyl. In the back of the Concert Hall the mare disguised as a stallion stood, coming out a trance. She hurried out the back door, confused. Where am I? she thought, with terror coming into her eyes. The disguise faded slowly. Who am I? She forced her way through the gathered crowd and continued walking down the street. She stopped and laid down to rest as the memories came flowing back. “Sister, what are you doing here? Stay there,” The figure had appeared above the mare and then ran off. “Guards, come quickly!” Why had the figure called her sister? Who was she? It was too much to handle at the moment and the mare drifted into unconsciousness. Inside the concert hall, Erik was trying to think of a way to waste time. Curse those two. Why do they always have to do something stupid in the middle of important things like this? He thought. “Alright, mares and gentlecolts, it appears there will be a slight delay in the proceedings. I’m supposed to be stalling but I’ve never been good at that. Oh well, don’t worry everypony, this story is about to go much, much deeper.” -------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes I really enjoyed writing this chapter but I'm not exactly sure how well I did :\ I'm just a bit afraid that the sudden skip to this new character is confusing. Anyway, please give me some feedback in the comments. I want to read it whether it's negative or positive (or neutral). I hope you all enjoyed, though! Until Next Time, <3 Shae