Frustrating Adagio

by StormLuna

A Bitter Argument

The rest of the day seemed to drag by for Aria, Adagio and Sunset. While Adagio and Sunset both looked forward to hopefully calming Aria down, Aria knew that all they were wanting to do was to get her to be not so harsh and for Aria, that was not an option.

After school the three headed to Aria and Adagio's house where they would discuss their problems. Once they got sat down Sunset wanted to get this started. She asked, "So where were we when we cut this off during lunch?"

Aria began, "Well first, I want to bring up why Dagi just decided to run off with you and not have the courtesy to tell me that I would have to walk to school."

Adagio replied, "Look Aria, like I said, I needed time away from you, your name calling, your constant bitching and your disrespect."

Aria gave her a glare and countered, "Is that so? What about you? I remember how you used to always refer to both Sonata and I as idiots." She raised her voice and continued, "So it was perfectly ok for you to call us idiots but I simply tell someone they are the worst and it is the worst thing in the world?"

Adagio again countered, "Regarding your name calling, I remember you were devastated the day we found Sonata dead but on the very day we buried her, you go right back to referring to her as 'the worst.'"

Sunset gasped, "You did what? You referred to Sonata as 'the worst' on the day you buried her?"

Aria snapped, "Look, I just had a bad moment with Dagi and I honestly don't think we need to bring up every little detail."

Sunset sighed, "Look, I just think we need for you two to simply understand what problems you have with the other and maybe you two will be able to live together without killing each other."

Adagio replied, "I agree." She cast her gaze at Aria and began, "Aria, I know both you and I have similar mindsets but all I ask of you is that you quit with the name calling and disrespect. The way you were on the night of Sonata's funeral and when you told me I was just like Sonata and was 'the worst' I was appalled. We had just buried our sister and you still referred to her as 'the worst' while doing the same to me."

Aria groaned, "Look, I'm sorry, ok?"

Sunset could tell that this was going nowhere in a hurry. She cast her gaze at Aria and asked, "Aria, I know how you are but can't you at least show your sister a little bit of respect?"

Aria snapped, "Here we go with the respect thing again. Look Sunset, I know you're only trying to help but I've dealt with Dagi a whole lot longer than you have and respect is a foreign concept to her....especially when it came to Sonata. You think I was bad to her? For what seemed to be forever, she would always tell Sonata to shut up, not even letting her get a word in so she is no little angel."

Adagio mumbled, "At least I never disrespected her after she died."

Sunset remembered what they were talking about when she interrupted them at lunch time, "Aria, I remember when I stopped your argument at lunch and you were saying something about Adagio becoming 'the worst' when she thought she saw Sonata's boyfriend in your TV. What was all that about."

Aria began, "For quite some time both Dagi and I thought Sonata was just full of shit when she mentioned her dead boyfriend being around but that night is when Dagi went soft. She claimed she saw him in our TV and then said she thought he would do something to me in my sleep."

Adagio added, "Well I did see him in the TV and he obviously did do something to you in your sleep. Remember what happened with your radio?"

Sunset asked, "What about your radio?"

Aria replied, "Oh there was some sort of power surge that caused it to start blaring in the middle of the night and my irrational roommates thought it was Sonata's dead boyfriend in the radio."

Adagio snapped, "Aria, don't you remember how it powered up AFTER you had unplugged it and he began talking to Sonata?"

Aria sighed, "I know it came on but that could have been anything, maybe some freaky thing with electrical fields or something."

Sunset interrupted, "Dagi, this really happened?"

Adagio replied, "Yes it did but Aria simply won't believe it happened. I think she hated Sonata's boyfriend so much that she simply won't believe things like this happen."

Aria groaned, "Like I said the night the TV went haywire, you watch too many ghost shows."

Sunset knew that this would continue to go back and forth if she didn't change directions. She interrupted, "Look you two, I know you're never going to agree on the whole thing regarding Sonata's boyfriend so what else has caused this rift between you?"

Aria snapped, "The day of the funeral when that loser made that comment during Sonata's service. He knows nothing about us yet Dagi takes his side and claims that I could have been more tactful towards him." She became more agitated and continued, "And then it seems like she sided with all the losers who didn't even bother to show up and pay their final respects to our sister."

Dagi countered, "Look, I know that upset you but I'm going to go with what Sunset here said. Sonata would not have looked at the empty seats with disdain, she would have looked at the people who showed up and been happy they cared." Sunset gave her a smile as she continued, "You know something, Sunset is right. If everyone in this world had even a little bit of Sonata in them, it would be a much better place and I want to try that, I want to have some Sonata in me."

Aria groaned, "Ugh, just like Sonata was on the day I was convicted but didn't have to go to prison, you are the worst!"

Adagio yelled, "There you go again with the putting her down after she has passed." She calmed down and continued, "You know, I don't know if I can even put up with you anymore." She cast her gaze towards Sunset and asked, "Sunset, I know this is probably asking a lot from you but do you think I could at least spend a whole lot more time with you because coming home to this is unbearable!"

Both girls were staring at Sunset in anticipation of what her response would be. She replied, "Dagi, I know coming home to Aria is hard but what would Sonata want you to do?" She paused for a minute and continued, "Sonata would want you two to work things out even if it drove the two of you nuts. She would not want to see her sisters filled with hate like this, seeing you two act like this would probably make her cry."

Adagio sighed, "You're probably right but I don't know if I can do this anymore. When Sonata was around I could handle it because she was the target of her bitchiness but now I am."

Aria added, "I don't know if I can do this anymore either." Her response became more snide as she continued, "I'd rather go through that dumb portal, go back to Equestria and get thrown in Tartarus by their little princess."

Both gasped, "What?"

Aria snapped, "You heard me. Tartarus would be preferable to anything this miserable, pathetic world has to offer." She calmed down and began to smile, "Now I just have to wait for that portal to open and I can escape this shit."

Adagio yelled, "Well you go right ahead. I do have one friend here" she smiled at Sunset and continued, "and I plan on staying here with her."

Sunset smiled, "I'm glad you think of me as a friend, I think of you as a friend as well."

Aria grunted, "Well you go ahead, I'll check that dumb block of concrete everyday and when it opens, I'm going home."

Sunset finally realized that there was nothing that was going to patch things up between the two sirens. The only advice that she could give the two was to try and get along until the portal opened and Aria would go home. She did hope that something would happen that would cause Aria to change her mind but was not counting on it.

Adagio did wind up spending a whole lot more time and many more nights with Sunset while Aria was waiting for the portal to open so she could return to Equestria. Despite the fact that she would likely be the only siren left and probably wouldn't have any singing abilities, she figured that she would be able to find a way to survive.