//------------------------------// // Time and Hiding (No cake was harmed in this chapter. Some may have been eaten though.) // Story: Time Problems with the Sun // by KingJoltik //------------------------------// "Twilight Sparkle? You wish to meet my protégé?" Celestia asked, surprised at Chrono's sudden request to leave Canterlot. "Why do you want to meet her?" "Well..." Chrono muttered, his form slightly shaking from asking Celestia such a request. It had been just an hour or so after Flurry Heart had given her suggestion. Seeing that his time spells were not working, he agreed to it...but didn't exactly plan the next move. "Welp, old Fury Heart was totally right. You're an impulsive idiot." "Chaos! That was uncalled for!" "Its the truth and you know it. After all, he just-" Will you two be quiet and help me?! "Sooo...are you acknowledging us now?" Just help me or shut up. Chrono thought, anger in his thinking tone. After another moment of thinking, he mentally facehoofed as he realized he was finally acknowledging the talking voices in his head. That and the fact that they weren't going to help him since they decided to shut up. Okay...let's see if I can bluff myself out of this one. "Is it a time thing?" Celestia blurted out before he could speak, causing Chrono to hop in place. "Is that reaction a yes?" "Err...you could call it that." Chrono replied as he started scratching his neck. Think! Come on! Think up an excuse!!! Chrono mentally hit himself again before saying, "I uh...believe that the time anomaly I'm looking for might not happen here in Canterlot and um..." "I see." Celestia rubbed her chin in response. "It definitely is true that where Twilight lives right now is a...center for trouble. But why are you asking this now? Haven't you been trying to figure this out the past week or so?" "Let's just say I was recently asked to take a...new perspective." Chrono muttered, looking down at the ground. Please buy this. Please buy this. "Hmm...very well. I'll let you see Twilight." "Really?!" "Yes." Celestia nodded. "I have no reason to refuse. Though you will have to agree to do something with me first." "Okay." Chrono agreed. He had learned over the time he had spent with Celestia that it would probably be something fun. That or some excuse for her so she could slack off for a day. "What are we doing?" "Simple. You're going to help me prank some nobles that are annoying me. Oh, and we'll do it tomorrow." "Oh...okay." Chrono nodded again, his mind wanting to blink at that statement. Oh boy, that's not good. Last time we did some prank, it almost set the kitchen on fire. "Um...not to disturb you but uh...aren't you forgetting our time traveling companion?" Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Chrono thought as he hugged Celestia before returning to his room. As he entered the hallway towards his destination, he mentally kicked himself. Hmm...what should I do? I'm not going to be able to leave Canterlot unless I do this tomorrow. So...what do I do? "Guess you gotta spill the beans to Fury Heart. Can't wait to see this." "Chaos! Stop being mean!" Its fine. Just shut up you two. Chrono thought as he grabbed his bedroom's doorknob. Here we go... "About time you got back, you ********." Flurry said as she watched the colt walk in. Cadance had woken up while the two were out trying the time spells, so Flurry was able to sneak back into his room with ease. "Well, did it ******* work?" "Well..." One explanation later... "WHAT THE ****?! ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME?!" "Will you stop yelling?! You're not supposed to be here, remember?!" Chrono barked back, trying to calm her down. "Besides, you should be glad its just one day. She could have said a week. Do you want to sneak around here for one week?" "Well...no." Flurry admitted. "But still-" "Then don't complain." Chrono deadpanned. "We should see this as a blessing in disguise. That means you have a day that you can use to secure a route for you to sneak out of here if you need to." "Grrr...fine. You have a point." Flurry pouted. "Alright, I'll use tomorrow to find a route to Ponyville without being seen as a just in case plan. Shouldn't be too hard." "Good." Chrono replied before going inside his closet. There, he tapped his hoof, activating his skin-tech. Let's see...I should have some spare camping equipment I can summon with my tech. There should be a sleeping bag in there. A few touches later, a small sleeping bag appeared out of thin air. Good thing we stole that space tech from those space **-ow! AUGH! Why are my thoughts censored by that curse?! "You okay in there?" "Yeah...I'm fine." Chrono opened the closet and threw the sleeping bag at her. "Here, use this. I'm sorry if its too small, its all I got." "Oh..." Flurry remarked as she grabbed the bag and opened it up. "Huh. Okay. This'll be fine." With that, she walked inside the closet and unfurled the bag and laid inside. "I am kinda sleepy. I'll sleep in here so nopony can see me." "I...was about to suggest that." Chrono muttered, feeling his thunder was slightly taken. "Just be glad I'm this ******* adaptable, you piece of ****." Flurry countered as her glowed, closing the doors with her magic. "Night ********." "Yeah...good night." Chrono replied before hopping onto his bed. As he started staring into the ceiling, he let out a sigh. Time anomalies, Celestia, Flurry Heart...that space **-OW! Ugh...way too many problems. Chrono mentally stopped and stared at the closet. "Hey Flurry?" "Yeah?" "Thanks." "For what?" "For uh...for being cool with this and helping me with it." "Yeah yeah, whatever." Flurry moaned as she turned over in the bag. "My aunt Twilight taught me to try to be nice to everypony...I just have problems showing it. Either way, you're welcome." "Yeah...thanks." Two days later... Turns out, the next day wasn't so bad for Chrono Stream. He basically had a day where him and Celestia just hung out. Celestia had a cake eating contest with him, showed him a bit more of the politics of Canterlot, (She still believes he'll be around for a lot longer than he wants to be) and also showed him the secrets of sun-flavored donuts, a specialty created in secret by a pony named Joe. Despite all this, Chrono found the politics to actually be the most interesting part of the day, as it mainly involved tricking nobles in to being the biggest flank kissers ever. He was mainly intrigued by this thanks to his past experiences of low level soldier stature. Also, Flurry kept to her side of the bargain and stayed out of sight. That is, till that night where Chrono brought Celestia to his room. "So let me get this straight, you messed up another time spell?" Celestia asked as they got closer to Chrono's room. "Yes." Chrono nodded with a sheepish smile. "In doing so, I brought someone from the future of this timeline. I'm having them currently hide so they uh...you know, don't mess up the timeline." "I see." Celestia replied as they found themselves now standing in front of the door. "And you want me to give her a false identity until you can get her back to her time?" "Yes. I need it so she can make sure she doesn't arouse suspicion when she joins me to Ponyville." Chrono sighed as he looked up to Celestia. "I'm sorry mother. I didn't mean for it to happen, I was just trying to fulfill my mission." "I know." Celestia shook her head. "However, if I do this Chrono, I'll do it on one condition." "Alright." Chrono gulped. He knew he was already in trouble, so he knew it could get worse depending on what she said next. "You will never do a time spell again unless I'm around, understand?" "Well...but I'm going to your protégé so I can change what I've done." "I know. You told me this time traveler knows that Twilight is smart in this field. I understand that Chrono. Twilight is proficient in all types of magic." Celestia then glared at Chrono with a narrowed expression. "And I will allow you to do time spells with Twilight. But nopony else, got it? When you return to Canterlot, you will do the spells when I'm around. Do I make myself clear?!" "Crystal." Chrono nodded again. That's not that bad of a deal. I can handle that. "Alright, let's meet our time traveling visitor." "Er...maybe just not yet mother." Chrono motioned Celestia to sit still. "I need her to cast her illusion spell. I can't have you recognizing someone you might meet in the future. You know, time paradoxes and stuff." "Oh...of course." Celestia nodded. "I understand, go ahead." Chrono then entered his room and walked up to the closet. He tapped twice and whispered, "Hey. Flurry Heart, are you in there?" "What?!" Flurry muttered back. "I was having a good ******* nap, you ********." "I need you to use that illusion on yourself and make up a name." "Why?!" "I uh...the only way I can get you to this Twilight Sparkle is to have you meet my mother." "Uh...you mean my great aunt Celestia?!" Flurry almost yelled, causing Chrono to let out a 'shhh!' "Yes! I'm sorry, but it was the only way." Chrono forcefully whispered. "I had no choice. But don't worry, she knows you're a time traveler and she knows that she can't see what you really look like. Don't worry, I explained the rules to her and she's agreed." "Well..." Flurry wanted to talk back, but she knew her great aunt. She remembered plenty of times where her aunt would show she was one of the more level headed ponies of their family. "Okay. Give me a minute." One illusion spell later... Chrono opened the door, letting Celestia in. As she walked in, she saw Flurry with no wings and dark green hair, calling herself 'Love Wing'. Celestia was initially skeptical about the name, but knew it was just an alias. "So...Love Wing?" "Yes Princess Celestia?" Flurry responded. This feels so weird, actually saying my great aunt's title. "You do understand that I'll need to transport you separately from my son to Ponyville, correct? After all, you don't exactly exist right now in terms of your real identity." Celestia explained as she looked Flurry over. "Chrono told me you haven't even been born in this time, which makes this even harder." "I know." Flurry huffed, crossing her hooves. "I know that I have to make sure I don't make any time paradoxes with telling anypony about the future or anything. I just gotta make sure I get back to my time and not tell anypony about anything about the future." "I see. Thank you for being so...understanding." Celestia complimented, her eyes still scanning Flurry over. Hmm...I wonder if I know her parents? Then again, I better not find out. "No problem." Flurry said as she went back to the closet. "Welp, I'm going to bed. Long day tomorrow and everything." "Um...okay." Celestia tried to respond, only to see Flurry hop back inside the closet, slamming the door shut. She looked at Chrono with an expression of slight concern. "She beats to her own drum, doesn't she?" "Yeah...don't ask." Chrono replied before hugging Celestia good night. A little later, Celestia left and Chrono hopped onto his bed. He performed a quick check on his skin-tech, making sure everything was alright. Let's see here...timeline looks good even though I brought Flurry here to the wrong time. As long as I can make sure she doesn't involve herself with any major event, I should be okay. "Tch. Why are you even bothering? Haven't you messed up the timeline enough already?! Just use your skin-tech to send her back!" "You know he can't do that Chaos! He doesn't authorization!" "Yeah yeah, sounds like an excuse to not have more chocolate cake with Celestia. Instead, you want to go on some wild goose chase!" "My my, someone's cranky tonight. What's wrong Chaos, did a snake bite you?" "No. Just ticked off that I have to sit here and watch mister time magister screw up again. That and knowing that this little adventure won't make me happy." "Oh really? And what makes you happy?" "Two things. Cake or you dead." "DEAD?! Why would you think such a horrible thing?!" "I don't think it Order, I imagine. Watch:" Chaos 'snapped' his fingers and a screen appeared in Chrono's head. Chaos then began rolling through several slides on the screen. "See this? This is me. This next slide is you dead. And this slide is me happy because you're dead. You want fries with that?" "Sounds like someone's salty." Will you two be quiet?! I'm trying to sleep! And no Chaos, I'm not acknowledging you. With that, Chrono fell asleep. He felt good that he had a full plan this time, ready to seize the next day which would let him go to Ponyville. That is, till tomorrow arrived. "Yaaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn." Chrono yawned, his hooves stretching as he tried to get out of bed. A few minutes later, the colt hopped off, walking into the bathroom, ready to start his morning routine. As his eyes adjusted to the morning light, he peeked into the bathroom mirror, only to do a double take at his face. "What in the name of..." His eyes began to widen as he saw the sight before him. His red mane was bright lime green and his white coat was a distinct pitch black color. He blinked at his new form as he sat there, completely shocked at his new look. That is, till a scream could be heard throughout the castle from the sight.