//------------------------------// // Chapter 13: Isolation // Story: The Harmony Initiative // by Madame Hellspawn //------------------------------// “Solemn?” The mare’s head shot up from her thoughts. “I-I’m sorry Commander.” Twilight looked down at the poor mare, obviously unable to completely grasp the severity of the situation. And the situation itself. Solemn Vigil was a good soldier, one who Twilight likened to Fluttershy, if she had the stomach for violence. It pained her to have to see such talent go to waste because of nothing more than suspicion. It was especially painful to see the makeshift apparatus locked around her horn and the glowing rune encased in a small locking mechanism. It was degrading and morally reprehensible in Twilight’s eyes; to have fear of sabotage or espionage make a pony resort to something so barbaric. The fact that she had one of the engineers whip it up in less than an hour because she was trying to keep conditions in her favor may have been seen as overkill in most ponies’ eyes, but for now, it was completely necessary and Twilight had to seem confident with her own decision. But even if it all was a little suspicious, Twilight was not taking any chances. It was too big of a coincidence that other ponies had branded themselves with insignias mirroring Solemn Vigil’s cutie mark. Could she be the mastermind behind a force meant to thwart The Harmony Initiative during a time of unrest and panic? The chances were low, but there was still a chance, nonetheless. So far, Twilight had yet to decide how to deal with Solemn and her mother. Of all the things that happened in the past three hours, that had to be the one thing that made her sick to her stomach. It was bad enough to have a friendly soldier detained, but it was even worse to have her mother detained as well, especially one who had seemed so caring and maternal to everypony, not just her daughter. Almost out of habit, Twilight tried to put herself in Solemn’s shoes. Would she be any different in that position? At least neither were in the real interrogation chamber. That spot was reserved for the surviving member of the convoy attack. There were many ways the scientists and Starlight Glimmer had designed the facility to make a prisoner talk. But that was exactly the problem. Solemn and Overnight Vigil were both soldiers under Twilight’s command. To just throw them in the chamber and have them tortured... Twilight cleared her throat. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to get this over with as soon as possible.” Solemn remained silent, looking up at the alicorn from the rim of her worried brow. Twilight’s horn glowed, casting a short bolt of magic towards Solemn, the small orb diffusing along the surface of her coat and mane. Twilight gave much thought as to how she was going to question Solemn in the time Shining spent trying to get her and her mother down to the sublevels of the base. Shining suggested the silent treatment for Overnight and possibly even the same for Solemn, but Twilight thought against it. “Just a precaution.” Twilight said in the friendliest tone she could possibly muster. “I don’t expect you to be a liar in the slightest, but...well, the world has a funny way of proving my previous preconceptions wrong.” “Yeah, me too.” Solemn said simply, hanging her head lower. “So,” Twilight spoke, trying to ignore that last comment. “You were born and raised in Manehattan, correct?” “I was,” Solemn answered. “Downtown area. Where the invasion started.” Her form glowed a soft blue, Twilight feeling a slight tinge of relief at the sight. It was a visual cue for Twilight; Solemn would not notice, of course. It was for Twilight’s eyes only. “I see. Your file said you use pretty adept level magic from time to time. Did Overnight teach you all of it?” “She taught me the basics really. Mom was always pretty busy with her job. I stuck to reading books when I wasn’t with Rime or May. I learned a lot of the magic I know by myself.” Twilight waited a moment for the spell to process the information, content when the spell made the mare softly glowed a light blue. “I’m more or less a self taught unicorn myself. My mom helped where she could, but she could only help so much. Speaking of...I’ve heard a lot about your mother. She...seems like a nice mare. Reminds me a lot of my own. However, none of your records say anything about your father.” “My dad…” Solemn paused, pushing her glasses up her muzzle and sighed. “He wasn’t around much when I was younger. Mom doesn’t talk about him a lot. I’ve...never really questioned it. I figured that if he wanted to stay with us he would’ve.” Twilight waited again, making a mental note for herself. Again, it was the truth. “Is there anything at all that you remember about him?” Solemn shook her head. “I was too young to even remember what he looked like. At least, I think. I don’t know.” The aura of magic around her flashed yellow. A partial truth. Something was missing. Another mental note was made, causing a slight stir of worry to brew inside Twilight’s mind. It was not common for a family to divide in Equestria, at least, to the best of Twilight’s knowledge. A nation founded on the ideas of love and friendship and carrying traditions which valued those very things would spread among the population like a good natured plague. Even on the advent of advancing technology, ponies still found the time to love and care for one another and families all around were no exceptions. I suppose it wouldn’t be farfetched for a pony to just stop loving their significant other. The thought did not sit well with Twilight, but the idea was not all too foreign to her. Perhaps there was a limit to how much a pony could bear of the same surroundings and even ponies themselves. Twilight could not adequately imagine it, but she ruled it as a possibility. Love was not exactly her specialty. “Okay, moving on.” Twilight said. “Your time in Manehattan. I’ve read over the extended interview Moondancer had with you. Simple childhood, very few friends, but overall very good natured. Of all the things I’ve read, none could tell me anything about your cutie mark. How did you get it?” Solemn pursed her lips, looking away, towards the walls. “I don’t know.” “You don’t know?” Twilight looked at the mare, confused. “Getting a cutie mark is one of the most important things that can happen to a pony. I’m sure you know how you got it. It’ll be easier to just tell me now, Solemn. You want your name cleared, right?” Solemn shut her eyes and sighed again. She looked up at Twilight, mouth open. “I don’t know Commander. I’ve thought about it for so long now, and every time, all I can remember is just...waking up! It was there and mom congratulated me. I’ve just chalked it up to signifying my perception or something similar. My whole life, I never questioned it. It just felt...wrong to doubt fate like that.” Again, she flashed a darkening yellow. Twilight narrowed her eyes. There had to be something that she knew. The lie detection spell never failed Twilight, and given Solemn’s inability to use magic, there was no way that she had counteracted the spell in the slightest. Clearly, there was a level of magic done on the mare that even she did not know about. To have to go digging into memories was not only a breach of privacy, but far too much work to go through just based on suspicion. But for all Twilight knew, Solemn did know a way to counteract her spell, as unlikely as it was. Whatever would have been the case, Twilight was not satisfied. She wanted to believe Solemn was innocent, but so far, the evidence, or lack thereof was stacked against her. Solemn looked up, over the rim of her glasses and under the bangs of her mane as though trying to assess the level of punishment based on Twilight’s demeanor. The alicorn tried to remain steadfast, tall, straight, and refraining from showing any emotion on her face. Truth be told, Twilight did not have much of a plan. She had hoped, desperately, that Solemn could prove herself, that the questioning would have turned in her favor. Now, Twilight was lost. She looked around the room; a small chamber, probably bigger than a closet by a few square feet, but big enough for a pony to stay in, should there be a cot or a bed. There was already a small table separating Twilight from Solemn Vigil, one that, if shifted over to the farthest wall, could act as a desk, with a lamp for late night reading. Glancing around some more, Twilight grimaced. There was not much that could have been done to the room. Perhaps a few modifications and the room could be retrofitted into a simple containment cell for Solemn, and the same could be done to another room for Overnight. “I’ve thought it over a thousand times in my mind,” Twilight said, Solemn turning her head and looking up at her with a pleading look. “I want to respect the privacy of all of my soldiers...but after the last mission...I’m sorry Vigil, but somehow, we need to dig a little deep in your memories. Furthermore, I...I’m going to have to place you under containment for the time being.” Solemn turned pale, eyes shrinking. “W-wasn’t my word good enough? You placed a lie detection spell, I passed, right? I-I’m not a spy! I swear, I don’t know what more I can do to prove that!” “What you can do,” Twilight said, raising a hoof. “Is allow Princess Luna to...explore. I don’t quite like the idea as much as you do, but I see no other option. Whatever results she yields will determine what will be done with you moving forward. For now, I’m sorry to say, but you and your mother will remain here in sublevel C for the time being. Security will watch over you for the time being, until we can get a proper holding cell, with accommodations that should make things at least a little more comfortable.” “What? N-no! I have nothing to do with those damned ponies! I’ve done nothing wrong Commander, as has my mother! She...She can’t even hurt anypony in here! Just because those ponies branded themselves with my cutie mark doesn’t make me a part of whatever thing they’ve got going on!” “A mare is dying in the emergency room as we speak because of these ponies! She may not even be able to see out of her right eye again because of what happened! It does matter that they have your cutie mark branded on their flanks, Vigil! You wouldn’t be here if that weren’t the case!” Solemn brought her face down, hanging her head low and letting her ears flop against her head. Twilight composed herself, releasing a sigh of exhaustion. “I’m sorry,” Twilight apologized once again. “But as it stands, we’re in a tight spot. Ponies working against us, each with your cutie mark practically branded on their flanks. We’ve gotten lucky so far, just being able to get one back here. I don’t want to have to do this to you, I really don’t.” “I’m sorry Commander.” Solemn continued to stare down at her hooves. “I...I swear, I’m innocent. I don’t know anything. I’m sorry that...whoever is in bad shape, but I can’t take responsibility for that. I know nothing, Commander.” She was still outlined in yellow, much to Twilight’s dismay. “We need to be sure. Solemn, I’m sorry, but both you and your mother will have to stay down here until Princess Luna can visit you in your dreams. I would do it myself, but I’m nowhere near capable of performing that kind of magic.” “But…” Solemn raised a forehoof, lowering it a moment afterwards and hanging her head in defeat. “I understand.” She can’t remember? Maybe somepony isn’t allowing her to remember. A memory block spell perhaps? Could somepony even do that? A Fiducia Compelus spell maybe? No, she’s too...herself for that. Twilight stopped at the doorway, turning to face Solemn. “Has anypony, besides those who interviewed you to join our ranks, cast a memory wipe spell on you? Or by chance a Fiducia Compelus spell?” “N-no.” Solemn shook her head. Yellow surrounded the mare, fluctuating between the neon color and a deeper, darker shade of orange. “I don’t know about the other thing. I’ve never even heard of that spell.” “I see. I’ll have security escort you to a new chamber with your mother within the hour. I’m sorry.” Twilight sighed and turned away as the door slid to a close behind her. The two security officers stood still and rigid beside the doorway of the wide hallway, despite Twilight’s presence. She was thankful they were a little on the loose side of things, not bringing their hooves up for a salute when she passed. “Get everythin’ y’want outta her?” Applejack asked, her voice like salt on a festering wound. “Not exactly,” Twilight admitted in a low whisper. She did not need to look up to know that Applejack was giving her the infamous scowl of disapproval. “She’s….I need Luna’s help. Something isn’t right. She says she can’t remember much, yet, my spell is caught in the middle. I’d wager the memories are there, but she just has no access to them. Somepony’s been tampering with her head.” “Twi,” Applejack stepped closer, following Twilight down the corridor, passing concerned a small set of concerned staff being sectioned off by security. “Are ya sure this is really what you wanna do?” “Would you rather have me toss the two of them in Sky Lance’s little nuthouse? At least keeping them out of there ensures they won’t be harmed. I know you don’t agree with this Applejack, but I need you to understand that I’m trying my best to keep everypony in here safe.” “Everypony in here huh?” Applejack slowed her pace before stopping completely, causing Twilight to turn around. The orange earth pony rubbed the pink cloth wrapped around her upper left forehoof. Twilight hated when she did that. Just another grim reminder of the last time the Elements tried to keep loved ones safe and failed. “Beggin’ yer pardon, but you just put an old mare and her daughter in what may as well be prison.” “Please,” Twilight rubbed a temple with the flat of her hoof. “Applejack, I’m...trying my best here. Just give it until Luna speaks with the two of them. Afterwards, we’ll see about what we can do with them. Trust me, they’re safer here than they are in the interrogation lab. For now, I need a moment with Overnight.” Although clearly disgruntled and not at all pleased, Applejack nodded and shifted her lips, hoof still rubbing the band of fabric around her hoof. *** The balcony overlooking Canterlot held a perfect view of the city and the castle, the divide between the two different social classes very apparent from the top of EBD Headquarters. It was a sight Moondancer had seldom been granted the pleasure of seeing, but when she did, like many of the grand visages around the tower, she enjoyed every second of it. The view from Blueblood’s office was pleasant, but foreboding in a strange way. The single lamp on his wooden desk only illuminated a small radius of the large room. Despite the darkness, Moondancer often felt a wave of relaxation whenever she entered the office. Especially now that the invasion seemed to be lowering in intensity. So far, there was no news regarding the aliens since Equestria had declared a state of war and the news that was heard only pertained to unidentified objects in the sky by pegasi all across the nation. Moondancer would have been a fool to believe that the aliens had vanished a month after what they had done in the month prior. If anything they were planning something big. Something huge to shock the world more than they had initially done. “Administrator,” Moondancer bowed her head, out of habit. The stallion prince had has back turned, leaning both forhooves atop the marble railing of the balcony. His dirty blond mane flowed freely as the mountaintop winds rushed through the night, glistening perfectly underneath the radiant shine of the moon. He turned his head slightly. “Moondancer. I trust your excursion to Manehattan proved worthwhile?” “Not quite,” Moondancer admitted stopping herself at the entryway to the balcony. “I don’t exactly know what I was expecting to find. All we have now is speculation and theories. Obviously, that won’t do us much good in the long run.” Blueblood was silent. Although she could not see his face, Moondancer could tell that he was frowning, displeased that another possible lead turned out to get The Bureau nowhere. Everywhere they turned, it seemed that the aliens were covering up their tracks or Luna ordered the Royal Guard to handle the situation. By the time any EBD agents—connected to The Initiative or not—arrived at the scene, operations had to be conducted swiftly and without taking enough time to examine the affected area. After releasing a sigh, Administrator Blueblood eased his body off of the railing and leaned his side against it instead. “And here I thought you would have found something of importance there. No offense.” “None taken,” Moondancer replied. “I was hoping to find something correlating what happened in Manehattan to the Spring’s Gift Abductions. That and I doubt the doctors in the hospital would have put in the proper report on the matter to both you and the princesses.” Blueblood gave a slight nod. “Yes, the report was rather detailed in comparison to Doctor...The Doctor. Whatever the case, we still have a job left to do. I trust you scheduled my appointment with Jade Dream for next week?” “Of course. I also reminded him to pack all of his documents beforehand. We don’t want to repeat our last meeting with him.” “Quite an aloof stallion for one of such a high position in Canterlot’s nobility. No matter. Unfortunately, Canterlot’s defense takes priority over all other locations in Equestria. Should the invaders try to claim Canterlot, the city needs to be ready. A shelter system deep inside the mountain would prove useful to the citizens, wouldn’t you agree?” The Administrator turned his head, awaiting Moondancer’s response. “I’d assume the defense of Equestria as a whole would take priority over all else. What good is Canterlot if it's the last bastion of ponykind?” “What good is Equestria without leaders ready to do whatever it takes to keep her safe? Assuming Celestia and Luna fell, by royal decree, it would be the EBD’s job to maintain peace and order among the population.” “Kinda contradicting don’t you think? EBD has multiple hubs all over Equestria. Blueblood Tower in Manehattan is a sterling example. I’ve never been inside personally, but everypony knows it’s just a fancier, probably better equipped version of our headquarters here. Either way, if the princesses were to fall, as unlikely as it is, and Canterlot were to be taken, destroyed, or...harvested, operations could easily continue. Protocol Twenty Four would be enacted if you were to be lost in the battle.” Blueblood looked away, snorting as he chuckled. “And that is why I am glad Luna appointed you under my wing. Metaphorically, of course. I suppose I am contradicting myself.” Moondancer cast a glance towards the Royal Palace, a sense of foreboding emanating from the grand architecture dating back thousands of years. She hesitated with her decision of spearheading her own base of operations for The Harmony Initiative. Luna was still expecting an answer no doubt. Moondancer felt as though, from her observatory, the princess was watching. “I just want the ponies of Equestria to be safe.” Blueblood spoke softly, ridding his voice of any hints of nobility and for once, appearing to Moondancer, like a normal pony. “I apologize that your workload remains so...demanding. I’ve tried to keep things fair, but I must admit...things are looking dire. For all of us.” “I understand,” Moondancer said simply. “We’re supposed to be keeping the peace,” Blueblood said, gesturing with a forehoof at the city below. “Now we have technologically advanced vigilantes doing the work for us. Do you know how bad that must look? Royal Guards and even the EBD can’t be relied on to keep Equestria safe. Don’t mistake my words for contempt though, I do express my gratitude for those who are willing to put themselves on the line to defend our country. I’m quite surprised that they aren’t all unicorns, if the reports are to be believed. Everypony should have their eyes focused on the impending dangers. “But would you look at the news! Photo Finish is looking to retire, much to the public’s dismay, business is booming all over Canterlot, Songbird is returning to make her final album, A.K. Yearling is on the cusp of finishing her next book. Everything seems so fine.” Blueblood stared down at the city, the wind blowing through his mane and his eyes gazing down with forlorn hopelessness, as if a any moment, the city would be reduced to ash and he knew he would be powerless to stop it. “They have no idea what’s coming.” Moondancer nodded in agreement. “We have hundreds of drills and protocol still being shipped out all across major cities, towns, and settlements. We’ll have to hope that even with those things in mind, the populace will be safe from the invaders.” The silver stallion let out a soft laugh. “Yes, I suppose hope is something everypony will hold onto. Even us nobles. In times of danger, hope is all we have.” “On that, we can agree.” “Moondancer!” Rarity called. The door to the office was wide open, Rarity standing regal and well composed; her back straight and muzzle slightly in the air. Like most of the time she entered Blueblood’s office and saw the stallion, her eyes became stern and cold, a not-so-secret hatred burning for the unicorn. “Administrator. Letter from an old friend, Moondancer.” The unicorn held a simple parchment envelope, an indigo wax seal keeping the paper from opening. Moondancer’s horn glowed softly, taking the paper in her own magic. She looked over to Blueblood, who gave a silent nod of approval. “Well,” he sighed, with a hint of a smile leaving his face, returning to his formal demeanor. “That was a nice chat Moondancer. I suppose it’s time for me to return to work. You have the rest of the night to yourself. As well as yourself Rarity.” *** “Do you mind telling me why that convoy was so important?” It was a rather bold thing of Twilight to ask of a council member. But it was a rough day, one full of stress and to say the least, very tiring. She had gotten nowhere with both of the Vigils, gaining, more or less, the same responses from both of them, although one clearly more panicked than the other. Questioning Solemn had been rather easy, but her mother was another problem entirely. Never had Twilight ever felt so sick with herself for simply asking questions with a compassionate tone. Regardless, Overnight most likely had the same spells cast on her as Solemn. The two either had faulty memories, or there was something else at play that Twilight was not able to see. As Twilight stood in Luna’s dream realm, both mares were being held in a retrofitted containment cell. A science office repurposed with a bed and a few tables and books Twilight picked out personally. Not that either of them would read them. Twilight pushed the thoughts aside and focused on the present moment. “That is none of your concern, Commander Sparkle.” The Griffon answered plainly with a hint of annoyance in his voice. “One of my soldiers nearly died keeping that thing safe!” Twilight hissed. “Ponies tried to kill my soldiers. Ponies! That alone draws some suspicion and the fact that the party involved all harbor the same brand on their flanks that one of my field medics has for a cutie mark. I have a right to know!” Twilight could not see his face underneath all the shroud and shadow concocted by Luan’s dream magic, but she knew for a fact that The Griffon held a stern glare directed at her. His silent anger surrounded them like an aura, possibly hoping that he could perform some method of damage to Twilight right then and there. “Last I recall, your job was to protect us all from the alien threat,” The Griffon finally spoke. “You’re not supposed to ask questions Commander Sparkle. You’re supposed to train your soldiers to kill our enemies. A feat, while difficult, you have proved useful.” “No,” Luna spoke. “She is right. Her job is to exterminate the alien threat. However, ponies with access to transport ships and attacking a small Griffon settlement along the coast is no alien threat nor is it a simple bandit attack. Given Commander Sparkle’s reports, mixed with the captain on the ground, those ponies had exceptional magical ability and were far too coordinated to be the average bandit attack.” The Griffon scowled from underneath his shrouded face, that much Twilight was certain of. “While that may be the case, every delegate representing their people in this council have their share of secrets.” “But so far, none more than you,” Luna pointed out. “This council was formed on the concept of trust and mutual defense. A virtue which is waning with every passing moment.” “Important documents! Military plans, protocols in case the Harmony Initiative didn’t work! Weapons, for the king’s men and the kingdom as a whole, new weapon blueprints, things to help us turn the tide of war. It doesn’t matter, most of it is destroyed now. Shouldn’t we just move on from this and bring our attention to the problems at hand?” “Those weapons,” Twilight prodded, stepping forward. “What kind of weapons are we talking about here?” There was a pause. “We’ve...developed a bomb. Although experimental, we theorize it has the capacity to annihilate a whole city if unleashed against the aliens. As it just so happens, the last vehicle the convoy had left, held said weapons.” Twilight grit her teeth. “You mean to tell me that not only were my soldier’s lives in jeopardy, but the lives of countless civilians in the area as well?” “Why weren’t we informed of this sooner.” Luna growled. “Without any location of a base of operations that the invaders may be using, your weapon is pointless.” “Development of the weapon began months before the invasion.” The Griffon explained. “We didn’t know when we’d need to use it, but apparently the aliens have proven a formidable enemy that we get these weapons in their proper military installations, in the event that things get...dicey. You wished to know, and now you do.” There was a bout of silence. Twilight gave some thought on the weapon. Capable of destroying a city? Could there even be anything as powerful as that? “Why develop a weapon like that before the invasion?” Twilight asked. “There’s no reason for something so...unethical to even exist in this day and age.” “You both know as well as I that The King is rather...untrusting of others outside of the empire. Contingencies needed to be made and defenses needed to be bolstered. In the event that any nation wishes us ill and tries to invade, we would have a counter attack. None of our troops need be sacrificed to teach the opposing side of their follies. Even alicorns would not be safe from the devastation of these explosives.” “We could easily destroy these bombs of yours before they even reached a city.” “Be that as it may—” The Griffon sat, back straight like he was on the winning side of the argument. It made Twilight’s blood boil. “—You may cease the destruction of a city, but lives will still be lost. The after effects of the detonation will undoubtedly unleash famine and sickness on the affected land.” Luna looked away, face twitching, muscles tensing and teeth grit so hard, Twilight thought they would shatter under the sheer force of her rage. “You would design a weapon so...destructive, so devastating...and consider using it against your own allies!? After the atrocities of Manehattan, I thought there was only one group of true monsters in the world. How foolish of me to think that the invaders were the only monsters in our midst.” “I apologize profusely for the choices others have made, but right now, there is no reason for us to—” “Begone from our presence!” Twilight recoiled at the princess’s outburst and the dissipation of The Griffon’s slick, shadowy form. Rain poured from the seemingly clear skies, pelting Twilight’s coat and mane, but not sticking and making her wet in the slightest. She kept her eyes trained on the Princess of The Night, who stood legs spread and body hunched over. “The nerve of such wretched, untrustworthy, yaldsons!” Luna huffed, staring in the direction where The Griffon used to be. She breathed heavily, eyes boring into the empty space as she tried to compose herself before Twilight, closing her eyes and breathing roughly through her nostrils. “Have we not earned their trust!?” Luna shouted again, stomping her hoof against the ground, in perfect unison with the flash of lightning and cracks of thunder. “Have we reverted back to the Dark Age of distrust and deception?” The blue alicorn opened her eyes, brows furrowed and chest rising and falling vigorously with her intense breathing. “I’m sorry you have to see us in such an...undesirable state. Truly, our anger is one you do not wish to see. Forgive me, Twilight Sparkle. But I have much to think about.” Luna’s horn glowed a brilliant blue. “Wait!” Luna stopped, staring at Twilight, with a raised brow. “A soldier of mine, Solemn Vigil, and her mother, Overnight Vigil. I think they may connected to the ponies leading the attack on the convoy. I’ve tried questioning the two myself, but they...I think a spell was placed on them so they can’t access certain memories. I understand that you’re able to access certain parts of the mind. Could you take a look, help prove Solemn and Overnight’s innocence or involvement with those ponies?” Luna pursed her lips. “I will do as you ask. But another night. I have duties I must attend to for now. I apologize, but for now, We require a moment to ourselves.”