//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 // Story: Friendship is Prime // by Gammerick //------------------------------// Jack opened his eyes, unsure of what may lay in front of him. He was surprised to see nothing was there. Nothing at all. Not even the trees, or the sky, or the clouds, not even the ground. Jack was trapped, all alone, in an empty void. Only an endless darkness for as far as he could see in every direction. He floated along, and felt himself drifting in a vast sea of emptiness. "Hello?" Jack called out. His voice echoed on for several moments, only to be returned by complete and utter silence. "Great," Jack muttered to himself. "Stuck here in the middle of...nowhere, and I have no idea how to get back. I suppose I've been in worse situations, though." Jack began to look around to see if he could find anything that might stick out. As he looked below his feet, he noticed a small golden flicker of light. Jack tried to get himself to move. It started out as awkwardly waving his arms and legs around, but once he got his bearings, he realized he was able to swim through this void. He started swimming down towards the light, and when he got closer, he was able to recognize the shape. It was Twilight's tiara! "Well that's a relief," Jack said out loud to himself. "For a moment, I thought this was going to be hard." But as he reached his hand forward to try and take the necklace, he noticed that his fingertips were starting to fade away! Jack pulled his hand back in fright, but his hand continued to disappear, and it climbed up until eventually his entire right arm was missing! "What's going on!?" Jack screamed in panic. Not expecting any response from the dark, he was surprised to hear someone answer him. "It's pointless, Jack," he recognized the voice of Twilight Sparkle instantly. He looked up to find her also floating along in the void, directly over him. "Eventually, we all just fade away into nothingness." "Well, maybe so," Jack protested. "But I'm not disappearing yet!" He began to swim toward the element once more when he felt his left leg fading away underneath him. "What's the point?" Twilight stated flatly yet depressingly. "Everything's doomed anyway." "What's the point?!" Jack echoed in frustration. "Discord's going to destroy life as we know it, and right now, the only thing that can stop him is 10 feet right in front of me." Jack tried to awkwardly hobble over to the tiara while missing two of his limbs, but he could barely move a few inches forward. He gave one last kick forward before his other leg began to disappear as well. "Twilight, listen," Jack pleaded. "Right now, everyone we care about is in danger. My mom, Optimus, and even your friends! Don't you care what happens to them?!" "It doesn't matter if we're good friends," Twilight continued in her depressive monotone. "Even the best of friendships will fall apart eventually, there's no stopping it..." "Look, I don't make friends because of how it begins or ends," Jack argued while making swimming motions with his only good arm. "I make friends for everything that happens in between." Jack continued as he inched closer and closer to the element. "I know I won't be friends with the Autobots forever, but if I never agreed to help them in the first place, I would have lost out on some of the best moments of my life!" Jack made one final push for the element, but as his hand came within inches of the crown, they started to fade away, until Jack was nothing more than a torso and a head. "Don't you think the time with your friends more than makes up for a little heartbreak?" Twilight closed her eyes and remembered all the good times she had with everypony she met in Ponyville. The overwhelming joy and happiness began to flow into her mind as the memories flooded back into her mind. She even remembered what Applejack had said to her right before this journey began. "We're with you to the end, Twilight. And nothing's going to change that." Twilight opened her eyes with a look of renewed vigor spread across her face. Her gray coat slowly changed back to its original purple color. She looked over to Jack, whose torso was no fading away. Soon he would be nothing more than a head! "I don't have time to get to the element," Twilight observed as she looked down to at her tiara. "So I'll just have to make it come to me!" As Jack's torso faded completely away, Twilight shot a purple energy beam out of her horn straight down at the tiara. It soon enveloped the entire crown in a purple glow. "Yes!" Twilight muttered to herself. Looking over to Jack, she noticed his head was slowly fading away now. If she didn't act soon, he would disappear completely! Twilight used her magic to reel the element back in as fast as she could. As the element sped up toward her, most of Jack's head was already gone. He was now nothing more than a single eye! The element was getting closer and closer, all the while, what little of Jack that was left was fading away. Finally, the tiara finally made it to Twilight as it touched her horn. The black nothingness was suddenly filled with an intensely shining white light that completely engulfed Twilight. When she woke up, Twilight found herself wearing her tiara in the meadow she and Jack were at before. She was struck with realization as she began frantically searching around her. "Jack? JACK!?" She called out in concern. Unfortunately, she wasn't met with any response. "Oh no," Twilight whispered to herself sadly. "I didn't make it in time!" Just then Twilight heard a small grumbling noise, followed by a rustling in some nearby tall grass. "No, you did," answered the figure slowly rising out of the grass. "I just have to get readjusted after losing my body parts." "Jack!" Twilight screamed happily as she rushed over to greet her friend. "I thought you were a goner!" "Yeah, me too," Jack grumbled sorely as he was still recovering from the experience. "Thanks for saving me, Twilight." "Thank YOU Jack for saving me," Twilight returned the gratitude. "If you hadn't snapped me out of it, I don't know what would have happened." "What exactly WAS that anyway?" Jack asked in concern. "I know Discord's powerful, but I didn't think he could pull of something like THAT!" "I'm not so sure that was Discord's doing..." Twilight though to herself silently. "Twilight?" Jack asked after a lack of response from his friend. "You there?" "Oh, yeah!" Twilight replied as she snapped back to reality. "I was just...thinking..is all." "Well, we'd better get back to the base," Jack responded. "Let's hope the others didn't have as much trouble as we did." Jack pulled out his cellphone and dialed Rafael's number. "Hey, Raf? Take us back home, will you?" Shortly after his phone call, a familiar green portal opened up in front of the pair. The two stepped inside, and the portal closed up once more, leaving the adventure behind them.