//------------------------------// // Chapter 20 // Story: Friendship is Prime // by Gammerick //------------------------------// "And so, life on Griffin Rock returns to normal," the reporter announced. "All of the chaotic activity has been undone, and any damages seemed to have disappeared. Many speculate it has something to do with the rainbow explosion that passed over the sky, or 'Rainboom' as I personally like to call it. Reports are coming in on a global scale that life seems to be returning to normal everywhere else as well. With these strange incidents behind us, we can now look forward to what tomorrow may bring. I'm Huxley Prescott, and this has been your Eyewitness News." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimus smiled contently at the report on the monitor as he turned off the screen. He turned and looked down to face his pony friends in front of the Groundbridge, with the Discord statue right behind them. "Are you certain you want to take him with you?" Optimus asked. "He has proven that he can be quite dangerous." "It's fine, he only got this bad because he was in your world in the first place," Twilight answered. "Besides, he's our responsibility, anyways." "Very well," Optimus replied. "Then I believe this is where we part ways." "One thing first," Ratchet interrupted as he bent down toward Twilight. "I want to give you guys a little something I've been working on." He opened up the palm of his hand to reveal a small golden and metallic sphere. "What is it?" Twilight asked inquisitively as she used her magic to levitate the sphere in front of her eyes. "If you ever need our help for something, this should come in handy." Ratchet replied cryptically. "Thank you very much, we'll be sure to keep it safe then." Twilight then turned to face the Groundbridge. As she observed the giant portal, an idea sprang in her head. "Hey Ratchet, this thing can go anywhere right?" Twilight asked. "If I know where I'm sending something, yes," Ratchet replied hesitantly. "Why?" "Can you do make a delivery for us?" Twilight hinted on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia sat quietly in her throne room, pondering what Discord could have possibly gotten involved into, when she suddenly heard a loud humming noise. "Sister, come quick!" Luna yelled out for her sibling. "There's something in the Royal Garden!" The two sisters immediately rushed out to the garden to find a large swirling green pool of light, right where Discord's statue had originally been placed. Celestia and Luna's horns began to glow, getting ready for whatever may come next. They were surprised, however, when the green light immediately began to vanish, and in its place, Discord's statue stood once more, exactly where it had been before. "By Star Swirl's beard!" Luna exclaimed. "How is this possible?" Celestia gave a small giggle before replying. "I'm certain that Twilight and her friends have done their job." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thank you for saving us a trip to Canterlot," Twilight congratulated Ratchet. "Thank you for providing the coordinates," Ratchet returned the gratitude. "Most people don't make it so easy for me." As Twilight let a small smile pass on her face, the six ponies turned to their Autobot counterparts, making their final goodbyes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well partner, it's been a blast," Applejack addressed to Bulkhead. "I hope we can do this again sometime." "You have the true Wrecker spirit Applejack," Bulkhead responded. "Stay in touch." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratchet typed away on his keyboard, getting the Groundbridge ready to send them home. Suddenly, he heard an explosion of confetti as Pinkie Pie once again surprised him with her unexpected appearance. "Pinkie!" Ratchet shouted aggravated as he jumped back in shock. "Don't do that!" "Aww, but I just wanted to give my new bestest friend one last big surprise before I left," Pinkie rambled. "I would have had a big party planned, but we were short on time, so I"- "Look," Ratchet cut in. "I'm sure you're very popular back home, but I don't exactly like surprises. So I'd appreciate it if we didn't make this more complicated than it needed to be and just said goodbye." Pinkie looked down, slightly deflated. "Okay, goodbye Ratchet," she said sadly before walking off. Ratchet watched her walk off with a stern face. As soon as he was sure she was gone, he turned back to his keyboard. "Although it was a little bit funny," Ratchet whispered to himself as he gave off a quiet chuckle. "I heard that!" Ratchet heard the shout ring loudly in his ear. He quickly turned to suddenly find Pinkie hugging his foot. He let out a sigh of exasperation, but instead of his usual scowl, Ratchet had a small smile on his face. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Beep-zoop-rir!" Bumblebee beeped down to the white unicorn. "You take care too, darling," Rarity replied. "Bip-bip-boo-beep-bop?" Bumblebee inquired. "Why of course!" Rarity answered. "I'm more than certain we'll see each other again." "You can understand him?" Miko inquired as she observed their conversation. "Oh absolutely," Rarity answered. "We just have a connection." She turned her head up to her yellow comrade and gave him a friendly wink. Rafael smiled at how well she and Bumblebee were getting along. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash flew up to face Arcee at eye level. "So I guess this is it huh?" Rainbow asked sadly. "Who knows, maybe next time the universe needs saving, we'll stop by and say hello," Arcee answered. "I may even decide to see if you can keep up with me in a race. Rainbow Dash slowly let her classic grin return to her face. "Ha! I would so mop the floor with you!" She shouted triumphantly. "Well I guess we'll just have to find out then won't we?" The two exchanged looks of both warmth and competitive glares as Rainbow Dash headed towards the Groundbridge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optimus bent down towards Fluttershy. "How are you feeling?" Optimus inquired. "Oh I'm not scared of this place anymore," Fluttershy replied cheerily. "I know that as long as you guys are around, there is nothing in this world that can harm us." "I'm happy that you've come to accept us Fluttershy," Optimus said fondly as he smiled down at his newest ally. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thanks for everything," Twilight said as she faced Jack. "No problem," Jack responded. "I never thought I'd say this, but you're the coolest talking unicorn I've ever met." "Thank you," Twilight giggled until she thought more about his statement. "I think..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After all of the goodbyes were said, the Groundbridge portal opened up, with the six ponies standing in front of it. "Goodbye!" They all shouted as they waved their hoofs at their friends one last time. The Autobots returned the gesture, waving back and saying their own various goodbye phrases as the six ponies walked into the portal. After the last one walked through, Ratchet turned off the Groundbridge, and everything in the base went quiet for a single moment. Suddenly, one of Ratchet's monitors made a small noise as an indicator popped on screen. "Incoming aircraft," Ratchet reported. "It appears to be Agent Fowler." As the helicopter landed on their base, and the entrance lid at the top of their base opened up, they were surprised to see that it was not Agent Fowler climbing down the ladder, but a woman with black hair in a nurse's uniform. "Mom?" Jack shouted in surprise. "What are you doing here?" "That was my doing," Fowler cut in as he climbed down the stairs. "As soon as the weather cleared up, she called me and demanded me to take her to Jack as quickly as possible. She was very...convincing..." As he said that last part, he stuck a finger in his ear, as if it had been hurt by something. "Oh Jack," his mother cried out as she rushed over to grab her son in a tight embrace. "I wish I could have been here sooner, but I had so many patients at the hospital. I was so worried about what might have happened to you." "It's okay mom," Jack said somewhat awkwardly. "I'm fine, really." As Miko and Raf looked at this warm scene, they couldn't help but think of what their own families might be going through. "Hey Optimus," Miko began as she turned to him. "Do you think I could swing by my foster parent's house and check up on them?" "Are you kidding?" Bulkhead cut in before transforming into his vehicle mode. "Hop in!" Miko lit up as she climbed inside, while Raf turned to his own guardian. "Bumblebee? Do you want to?"- Before he could finish asking, Bumblebee already transformed into a car and opened his passenger door for Raf. After he was properly seated, the two cars drove out of the base's tunnel entrance. "Come on Jack, let's get you home," June instructed as she still held on to her son when walking. "Wait," Jack rebutted as he stood his ground. "Can Arcee come with us?" Arcee was shocked at this. "I'm flattered Jack, but you've got your mom to take you home. You don't exactly need me right now." "No, but we're all going home to spend time with our families right?" Jack asked as he tried to get his message through to her. "So are you coming or not?" As Arcee finally realized what he was getting at, she let a warm smile form on her face. "Alright fine," she agreed. "But only because you asked so nicely." She transformed into a motorcycle, and Jack looked pleadingly at his mother as she didn't quite release her grip on her son. "Please?" he asked. "Oh all right," June finally conceded before letting go. Jack immediately rushed over to Arcee and climbed on. "But once we get home, you and I are going to have some serious bonding time!" June shouted out before he left. As Jack and Arcee drove off, June turned back to Agent Fowler. "Ugh, kids," she sighed. "I'm going back to the helicopter. You can drop me off right?" "I can't just fly a helicopter over a civilian area!" He began before meeting an intense glare from June Darby. "But I'll see what I can do." He resumed nervously. She gave him a not entirely sincere smile as she climbed back up the ladder and back out of the base. "Ugh, parents" Fowler sighed before turning to Optimus and Ratchet. "So how did you guys do it anyways? How did you save the world this time?" "We did not do this on our own," Optimus answered. "We received some additional help. Were it not for their assistance, our planet might have been doomed." "I'll tell you what," Fowler replied. "To save the entire planet like that, these dudes must have been pretty tough. Maybe I can meet them someday?" Optimus and Ratchet shared knowing glances at each other, but did not spoil it for Fowler. "Maybe someday..." Ratchet answered. After that, Fowler climbed the ladder, closed the lid, and took off in the helicopter. Now that they were alone, Optimus began to think about something. "I have been wondering," Optimus began. "What is it?" Ratchet asked with curiosity. "Do you remember when we all tried to get the elements of harmony back?" Optimus asked. "Yes. Is this about what happened when we actually touched the elements?" Ratchet retorted. "Indeed it is," Optimus answered. "All of the elements had a trap of some sort that made it almost impossible to retrieve the elements." "Almost being the key word," Ratchet rebutted. "We were able to get them back though." "But doesn't it seem peculiar that the key to getting them back was through the very embodiment of each element?" Optimus retorted. "It was almost as if it was some sort of trial to see who was worthy to wield the elements." "Optimus, that's crazy!" Ratchet snapped back. "Discord probably made those illusions up because he was certain the ponies couldn't use their elements." "Perhaps you are right, Ratchet," Optimus responded. "Still I get the feeling there is more to these elements...than meets the eye." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The six ponies exited the Groundbridge on the edge of the Everfree Forest, exactly where they had left it in the first place. As they all stepped back onto Equestrian soil, the portal closed up behind them, returning everything back to the way it was. "Ah it's good to be home," Applejack began as she took in a deep breath of her hometown's air. "I couldn't agree more," Twilight spoke with glee. "So what should we do now?" "Actually, Twilight," Applejack began. "I want to get home and see how the family's doing. They might need might help with the apples after all." She then trotted off to Sweet Apple Acres. "I suppose I should get going to," Rarity began as she started walking off. "Have to get started on any orders I might have missed, and make sure Opal and Sweetie Belle are alright." "Yeah, Tank and the Squirt probably want to hear all about how awesome I was during that fight!" Rainbow Dash said as she flew off. "I...should probably go see if my animals are alright..." Fluttershy stuttered. "If that's alright with you..." "Of course," Twilight said warmly as she nodded in approval. Fluttershy's face lit up as she began to fly towards her cottage. "Thank you Twilight. See you guys later!" "And I have to get back to Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie exclaimed in glee. "I've got start planning our big 'Welcome Back to Ponyville' Party!" Before Twilight could protest, Pinkie zipped off in a blur. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Twilight opened the door to her library, she was greeted by her dear friend Spike, sleeping on the floor. "Well it looks like I could count on you to keep an eye on things after all," she teased. Spike stirred from his sleep, and his eyes were filled with glee as she saw her back in the library. "Twilight!" Spike screamed happily as he rushed over to hug his friend. "I missed you too, Spike," Twilight said fondly. "How long have i been gone?" "Two days," Spike answered. "Don't worry though, I kept the place ship-shape the entire time!" "I'm sure you did," Twilight giggled as she pulled out a rolled up parchment. "By the way, I need you to send something to the princess for me." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Princess Celestia sat quietly in her chambers, next to her fireplace, when a large puff of smoke emerged from the fireplace. The smoke materialized into a roll of parchment. Celestia levitated scroll and opened it with her magic. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I learned a very important lesson. No matter how dire a situation may become, there is always a chance to persevere, as long as you never give up hope. Be it Autobot, Decepticon, human, or Equestrian, the potential to rise up to the challenge and become a hero is in every one of us. Your Faithful Student, Optimus Prime "Oh my," Celestia commented to herself as she finished reading the letter. "It seems Twilight has quite the story to tell me." THE END