//------------------------------// // Queen Chrysalis Becomes an Element of Harmony:love // Story: Free Poorly Written Short Stories From Super Trampoline: Everfree Northwest 2017 Edition // by Super Trampoline //------------------------------// "Alright," said the head of Hasbro Entertainment. "Toy sales are flat. We are a toy company. if we do not sell enough toys, then we have to cancel My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and then we will probably get angry hate mail and possibly even death threats from some of the fans, because seriously, some of these Bronies are toxic." "Yeah, I agree," said some other highly ranked individual within Hasbro. Why don't we make some more alicorns. Everyone always loves that. And there is efinitely never any alicorn drama in this fandom.'' "Actually, that is very untrue," said another Hasbro Employee. But they didn't like his opinion, so they threw him out the window. "Alright," said the executive. Why don't we take a pony who's already an alicorn, and make them an element of harmony. Elements of harmony toy sets sell really well. We need a seventh element of harmony." "So, uh, hi," said Chrysalis awkwardly. She sat at the Magic crystal palace tree round table thingie with six uneasy ponies and a dragon that no one really cares about. It had a new chair with a new occupant. As if it had always had 7.5 seats, and wasn't a shoddily done retcon to sell more toys. You know, like Twilight Sparkle never mentioning that she had an older brother for almost two seasons. Nothing like that. "I, uh, guess I'm working with you now. So uh, yeah, i promise not to um enslave any more ponies or take over any more cities. Yeah. Probably. Maybe.'' "Okay, said Twilight. But if you try shipping any of us, I will ban you to Tartarus so fast you'll think you're a Sonic OC." "Okay, I won't," said the Element of toyeticsLove, hiding her shipping chart underneath the table. Everypony on it was shipped with Twilight. Including Herself. THE END