Free Poorly Written Short Stories From Super Trampoline: Everfree Northwest 2017 Edition

by Super Trampoline

Starlight, Trixie, and, Sunburst love Triangle

"Oh Trixie," said Starlight, "You are great. I think you are second best pony, besides myself of course, because I have finally gotten over my crippling feelings of guilt brought on by brainwashing an entire town and enslaving a bunch of national heroes. Those were definitely not my proudest moments."

"Oh, Starlight," said Trixie, "'you are also second best pony behind myself, but you shouldn't feel bad. Because Behind my bravado and general insufferability I hide serious anxiety and self doubt and self esteem and self loathing issues that I really should see a psychiatrist for."

"And I love both of you," said Sunburst, relaxing in the hot tub with his two marefriends. "I mean, all we do all day is 'practice magic'."

"Yeah," Starlight replied. "Want to practice magic some more?"

"Sure," Trixie and Sunburst replied in unison.