A Dragon's Selection

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 20

A week had passed by, and Applejack could see in the mirror of her cheek being less puffy but she still had a trace of the cut. Since their time in the hospital wing she and Sunset were keeping their distance from each other which was a good thing in AJ's eyes. Then during the week she patched things up with Rarity after admitting it had been the strain of losing Twilight that made her act the way she did. The unicorn forgave her and in turn apologized for her behavior so everything was good between the two now.

When she had arrived in the leisure room, Pinkie waved her over to where she, Fluttershy, and Rarity were and the cowgirl gladly joined them. She had noticed that Sunset was in her own little corner of reading another book but she didn't care, she was glad that that the amber unicorn kept away. She started chatting with the others when Ms. Harshwinny and Princess Celestia entered the room.

They immediately got up and bowed before the princess as Ms. Harshwinny spoke.

"Ladies, as of next week we will have important visitors coming over. His Royal Highness, Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan and His Majesty, King Thorax of the Changelings as they will be meeting to sign a peace treaty with each other as our dear Princess Celestia oversees the event."

The sun princess then spoke, "I would actually like all of your girls' help in this."

The mares gasped even Sunset. Then Pinkie had a wide grin on her face as she bounced in excitement.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Does this mean we get to help plan a party for them?!"

Celestia smiled, "That's correct, my dear. I figured at a time like this we could all use some cheering up and I'm sure you girls are tired of just sitting around doing nothing."

There were some slight agreements.

Ms. Harshwinny stated, "We'll be splitting you up into two teams. Miss Fluttershy, Miss Pinkie Pie, and Miss Sunset Shimmer will be a team while Miss Rarity and Miss Applejack will be the other team. The trio will work on impressing the yaks from Yakyakistan and the duo will work to impress the changelings." she held out two lists and handed them to the groups.

Celestia said, "We'll leave you be to start planning." she and Harshwinny were about to go when Applejack ran up to the princess.

"Your Highness."

The alicorn turned to the cowgirl with a raised brow, "Yes?"

Applejack took off her hat in respect putting it close to her mouth, looking as sincere as possible. "I want to formally apologize for my behavior last week… I know it was wrong of me to start a fight like that and to do it in your own home… I hope someday I can earn your forgiveness…"

The princess seemed to give off no emotion until a small smile formed on her lips as she said, "You are forgiven, my dear. I know it was a tough moment for you… Twilight was my dearest student after all, and I saw how close you two were, it made me happy she had a friend like you."

"I miss her…" AJ confessed, "She was my best friend."

"That doesn't stop because she's gone. In fact, she might actually be closer then you think…" she said that last part with a wink then went on her way.

Applejack wasn't sure what to make of the princess's words but she couldn't linger on it as she went back to Rarity so they can start planning for the Changelings' arrival.

The prim and proper unicorn looked over to where Fluttershy and Pinkie were with Sunset who seemed to be giving them orders already.

She commented, "Poor Pinkie and Fluttershy… I do so wish they didn't have to get paired up to that witch…"

Applejack nodded in agreement, "When this is over the four of us should do something together to help them forget about being with her."

"Ooh! Like a sleepover! Great idea, Applejack!" then she started going over the list, "Oh, my… we got a lot to do… there's finding the right decorations, the right food, the right flowers, even the right attire! Luckily, I should be able to help in that department."

AJ slightly chuckled.

Suddenly the unicorn asked, "Do you think Spike will attend?"

Applejack blinked a bit from the question and replied, "I'm sure he has to, he is a royal guest after all."

"I hope so, I can just imagine the look on his face when he sees what a great job we've done…" she had a dreamy gaze on her face.

Applejack grew concern over Rarity's sudden affection toward Spike. Before the unicorn would praise the dragon but never to the point where she mooned over him… What in the world could have happen to them in such a short amount of time?

It was late at night when Applejack was force awake by her maids.

Night Gilder said, "Applejack, hurry! The griffons are attacking again! We need to get to the safe room!"

The cowgirl scowled, she was getting mighty tired of these griffons always attacking the castle all because they were trying to get back an idol they thought the dragons stole when Spike told her that wasn't the case but the griffons were too stubborn to see that. She had her maids leading the way and as they were about to enter the safe room, something whizzed past Applejack and she saw a figure dressed in black flapping around the hallways.

Without a second thought she quickly followed after the figure barely hearing her maids calling after her.

Spike was in the safe room with his sister and cousin along with Princess Celestia and several of the castle staff, some of his Elite were there too, being Sunset, Fluttershy, and Pinkie. Fluttershy and Pinkie were more frighten while Sunset looked annoyed. He couldn't blame her, he was getting pretty tick off at the griffons himself, and this was the third time now they've attacked during the Selection. He wished they would just leave them alone.

Then his annoyance was turned into concern when he saw Rarity being carried in by magic as Fancypants brought her in. The stallion explained, "I saw her tripping in the hallway, your highness and she couldn't get up afterwards."

Spike smiled in gratitude, "Thank you, Fancy, I'll take her from here." he reached his claws out as Fancy levitated Rarity to him. Once he had her in his arms he asked, "Are you alright?"

Rarity replied, "My hoof hurts a little but I don't think it's broken." she turned to Fancy with a smile, "Thank you so much for your help…"

The gentlecolt bowed, "It was my pleasure Miss Rarity, I certainly would have been remiss had anything terrible happen to you." he went to the back of the room to talk to some of the staff.

Spike had carefully set Rarity down on a nearby cot when he saw Applejack's maids rushing in with terrified expressions on their faces but what was worst was that Applejack wasn't with them. He quickly went to them, "Where is she?"

Sugar Belle shouted dismally, "Oh your highness! She ran after something that flew past us!"

Night Gilder added, "We tried to stop her!"

Coco sobbed, "But she was running so fast!"

Spike's heart started pounding furiously in worry, he was about to run out of the room when his sister held him back.

"Let me go!" he yelled.

Ember stated in a firm tone, "Those griffons are still out there, if you get caught by them then that's it."

"So I'm suppose to sit here and do nothing?!" he demanded, but no sooner had he said that his eyes widen as Applejack's words came back to him.

"If beings are punished over the littlest thing or for something so harmless, I am not going to be able to sit there and do nothing!"

He landed on his knees in shock. He understood now why she couldn't stand by and let bad things happen to those around her. He was feeling the exact same thing as he feared the worst of Applejack being out there right now.

Suddenly Princess Celestia declared, "I will go out there myself and find her."

There were several protests from the servants but she ignored them as she said, "My sister is attending to her nightly duties, with her help we will find Miss Applejack quickly." she then trotted out of the room.

Applejack was still after the figure in black but the figure had gone outside in the gardens making it more difficult to find them.

"Dangnabit…" AJ muttered under her breath, "I lost him…" but just then her ears picked up a sound and went toward it. The sound became louder as she heard two voices.

"Gilda, we can't keep doing this!" said a female with a raspy voice.

"And I say we do, Dash! That idol was the reason the griffons were able to work together to make Griffonstone a majestic place but thanks to those scaly reptiles we don't have it anymore and Griffonstone is a totally dump because of them!"

Applejack carefully looked behind a bush and thanks to Luna's moon she was able to see who the two voices belong to.

The raspy voice spoke, "But they keep claiming they didn't take it!" and as it turned out she was the figure in black! Not only that but she was a pony as well!

The griffon retorted, "Grandpa Gruff and a bunch of other griffons were there when the idol was taken, and they swear it was a dragon that took the Idol of Boreas! You just have to keep on trying on where they're hiding in that castle! And we'll keep on attacking until you do!"

"Look, I'm grateful you kept me hidden from when every mare in Equestria had to sign up for the Selection but what I'm doing now makes me feel I'm betraying the princesses and by betraying them, I'm betraying my country."

Gilda sighed, "Dash, I don't want to force you to do this, but right now you're our hope of getting that idol back. As my friend, I am asking that of you."

The pony sighed deeply, "Alright, Gilda, but I'm only going to do this a couple more times and if I still can't find their hiding place, I'm leaving."

The griffon nodded in understanding before she flapped up and released a giant lion's roar. That was the signal for the other griffons as they came toward her and the pony flapped her own wings as they left high into the sky.

Applejack gawked at the exchange that had occurred between the pony and griffon. Then a voice suddenly said, "An interesting development is it not?"

The cowgirl turned in surprise of Princess Luna standing beside her.

"Princess!" she bowed her head in respect before saying, "Did you hear all that?"

"I did. When I was searching for you on my sister's behalf I spotted you here and just like you I overhear the conversation that went on between the pony and griffon."

"What does this mean for Equestria now?"

"Since now we know a pony is helping the griffons it means that my sister and I will now have to intervene between the dragons and griffons. Especially since one side truly does believe that that the idol was taken and I can't help but think there's some truth behind it."

AJ nodded her head, "I agree. The way the griffon spoke she felt a great wrong had been done to them and she wants to make it right."

Luna pointed, "True, but how she is going about it is all wrong. Still we can't do anything about it until my sister and I talk to our royal dragon guests. As for you, everypony is concern on how you just ran off like that. You better go and show them you're alright."

Applejack agreed before she headed inside.