Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls

by KnightGomora1994

Trust in your Heart

A battle was taking place far from Canterlot City, two Kaiju stood in a territorial stand off. The smaller one, was a Kaiju named Neronga, a 45 m 40,000 t kaiju that can absorb electricty. The larger one, was a monstrous beats of a Kaiju, named Golza, a 62 m 68,000 t Kaiju. Neronga roared out and began to charge, Golza snarled and smacked Neronga across the head, and grabbed him throw him down. Neronga rolled on the ground but got back up and swung his tail, but Golza managed to catch it and lift Neronga off its feet. He swung Neronga around and threw it back to the ground, Neronga writhed in pain but got back up. Golza had to finish it quickly, he powered up his signature attack and unleashed his Ultrasonic Ray. Neronga saw it and quickly vanished before the ray could reached it, Golza saw it and looked around sensing Neronga was still around.

Till suddenly when he wasn't aware, Neronga reappeared behind him and unleashed an Electric Bolt at him, hitting him in the shoulder. Golza writhed in agony from it as it fell to his knee's, Neronga went to finish him off. But Golza swung his thick tail at Neronga smacking it in the face knocking him to the ground. Neronga thrashed around as it felt the pain in its face, Golza took the chance and started burrowing underground. Neronga saw it and sneered at it, it soon looked out noticing something in a distance. Canterlot City was 12 miles away, and if there was a city there's people, and if there's people... there's electricty.

Neronga's body became transparent as he started to disappear, meanwhile underground... Golza was making his way towards Canterlot City himself to hide. His shoulder was badly hurt, he knew he needed to find a way to recover quickly before facing Neronga again. He borrowed as fast as he could to reach Canterlot City, before Neronga turns it into his personal supply of energy.

Canterlot High School, Track and Field

In the Canterlot Hight track and field, Sunset Shimmer was pulling out her book for she received a message from Princess Twilight. She looked inside to see what the message was.

"Dear Sunset Shimmer,
I would like for you to know that I am on my way to Canterlot High for a little visit. I know its been a while since I last saw you. But it would be nice to see how things were going since my last awkward visit, I hope to see you and the rest of the girls soon.
Your dear friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

To know that Princess Twilight was on her way, Sunset began to panic. Because with all that's been going on with the craziness, Rei, and the Kaiju attacks, Sunset tried to write a reply. But before she could...

"Hey Sunset..."

She was too late as she jolted up and slammed the book.


She forced an innocent smile, trying not to show any guilt. But that was not fooling Rei by a long shot.

"Sunset, you okay? You seem a little worried."

"Worried? Me? Why would I be worried?"

"You're speaking fast, your ears are red, and you're sweating like you've went for a mile long run."

"Rei, I'm perfectly fine, really I am."

Rei was not convinced as to why she's acting so strange, he soon noticed her book and was curious to what was in it.

"Then I hope you don't mind if I-"

He quickly reached and snatched her book.

"Hey! Rei no!"

She tried to get it back from him, but Rei leaped far from her given his super human agility. He looked inside the book reading Twilight's message.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle...?"

"Rei come on! seriously! That's private!"

Rei turned to her curiously.

"Then who is this Princess Twilight Sparkle...? Surely this can't be the Twilight we know."

Sunset began to panic, but she knew there was no chance of hiding it any longer.

"Remember when I said I came from a different universe?"


"Princess Twilight is a pony princess from that universe."

"That explains the title."

"Yeah, she's on her way to visit, I was gonna tell her not to. Because of the Kaiju attacks happening and of course, you, Flash and this worlds Twilight."

Rei looked at her but smiled and gently placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure if we explain everything to her, she'll understand."

Sunset looked to him with a worried expression.

"But what if she gets caught up in the Reionyx Battle like we did?"

"We'll see what happens. In the meantime, we have a Princess to welcome."

As much as Sunset didn't want Princess Twilight getting involved, it would be nice to see her again after so long.

Canterlot High, Wondercoltz Statue

Sunset, Rei, Flash and the girls waited in front of the Wondercoltz Statue, hoping to see Princess Twilight.

"Oh I cannot wait to see Princess Twilight again, we really need to catch up with one another."

"We're all pretty excited she's coming Rare."

"Pretty excited?! We should be REALLY excited!"

Rei chuckled at Pinkie's excitment, he soon noticed the Wondercoltz Statue glowing with magic aura. What emerged from the portal surprised him, it was Princess Twilight, he soon saw just how different she was compared to the Twilight he knew.

"Sorry I took so long, dimensional travel is kind of like rush hour."

"Its perfectly fine Twilight, its just good to see you after so long."

"Is Spike with you?"

"Not this time Fluttershy, he had to stay behind to help Starlight Glimmer with some spells she's learning."

She looked to Flash and Sci Twilight, and smiled a bit.



"Hey Twilight... its been a while."

"It sure has..."

She soon noticed Rei standing amongst them.

"Um... who's he...?"

Rei walked up to greet her.

"My name is Rei, its a pleasure to meet you Princess Twilight."

"Oh, well its nice to meet you too, Sunset could have mentioned she made a new friend... unless you're her..."

Sunset blushed at how embarrassing it was when she thought Rei was her boyfriend.

"No, no, no, Twilight he's not my boyfriend... he's just a friend..."

Sunset tried to hide her bright red face behind her hair, but Applejack noticed it clear as day. She knew something was going on with her, but she thought it best not to meddle with it.

"Anyways... its good you came to visit, we have a lot to tell ya."

"I would like to hear al-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the ground began to shake as everyone tried to keep their balance.

"Oh no, not now...!"

"What's going on?!"

Sunset looked around, but before they could react. The ground began to rise, as a colossal creature rose up. Rei looked to the creature and recognized it as Golza, he reared his head up and roared out frightening the pony princess.


"Its Golza... an Ancient Kaiju..."

Before he could reach for his Battlenizer, he soon noticed Golza's wound. Golza held it and he hissed from the pain, his vision soon became blurry as he passed out and crashed onto the ground. Rei watched as Golza laid before them unconscious from the loss of blood, he cautiously walked up to him to look at the wound. He observed it carefully noticing a few scorch marks from either fire or electricity, he turned to the everyone including Princess Twilight.

"He's unconscious, its possible he was in a battle recently."

"How can you tell?"

Rei pointed to Golza's wound.

"These wounds are fresh, its possible the creature he fought had a higher advantage than he did."

"Its also possible he's not done with him either."

Fluttershy walked up and looked at the wound.

"Oh you poor thing... what ever attacked you was not fighting very fair."

"In the Reionyx Battle... nothings fair..."

"Kaiju? Reionyx Battle? Can someone please explain this to me so I can understand?"

Sunset touched her shoulder.

"That's what I was gonna talk to you about."

Canterlot High, Music Room

After Rei, Sunset and the girls explained everything to Princess Twilight, it started to become a little more clear to her.

"I see... so you have to fight off any Kaiju that try to attack your city, or any other place around the world?"

"That's right sugarcube, my partner is Red King. He may be a tough guy, but he's a lot nicer once ya get to know him."

"My partner is Lidorias, she's fast and pretty powerful, but she's still just as awesome as I am."

"My partner is Bolgils, he may look dangerous, but he's really protective of his friends."

"My partner is a kaiju named Shepardon, he's fierce as well as fabulous."

"My partner is a choju named Lunatics, reason why he's called choju, is because he's a Super Beast."

"And my partners are Gomora, Litra, and Eleking, they are good friends to me as well as fierce kaiju."

Princess Twilight was amazed by such a unique selection of kaiju, she looked to Sunset and Sci Twilight.

"So you two are the only ones without partners?"

"For the moment, yes..."

"But we're getting there."

Princess Twilight scratches her chin a bit and looked to Golza as he remained unconscious, she soon looked to Sunset wondering if it could be possible.

"Sunset, do you think Golza might work for you?"

Sunset's eyes widened to the point they were as big as dinner plates.


"Whoa, hold on Twilight, don't you think that's kind of rushing it?"

"I'm trying to test a theory... if your Battlenizers react to what ever Kaiju that are injured, don't you think it would work with Golza?"

Rei thought about it for a moment, she could be right about it.

"Princess Twilight's right about one thing, but we don't know if Golza is Sunset's partner or not."

"But... I don't know if I can have him, I mean you told me your sister Kate had a Golza of her own, and it nearly beat the life out of Gomora."
"That may be true... but she was only testing me to awaken my powers, because she had faith. Hope."

Sunset looked to him as he walked to the window, looking at Golza.

(This song is the English Dubbed version and parody of Light in your Heart from Superior Ultra Brothers 8.)

Rei: The spread of dark clouds,
begins to cast a shadow over the streets.
Repelled by the stormy skies,
a frozen little bird waits for a break in the weather.
Clutching a wish that seems soon to vanish,
it dreams of the next day...

He turned to the others with a smile.

Rei: We can be Hope, go on, keep hoping,
believe in the light in your heart.
No matter how much splitting pain you've felt.
Don't forget, it's here,
The light in your heart.

He held out his hand to Sunset, she was hesitant to take it but she reaches and takes it.

"I don't know if I can do this..."

"... Its Golza's only chance to survive... you just need to trust in your heart, trust in me."

Sunset looked at him as her cheeks started to turn red, but she smiled and walked with him and the others.

Princess Twilight: Swallowed by the sandy winds,
we can't see the signs of morning either.
We always put our palms together when this happens,
because man will never stop praying.
Start up a fire in your heart until you can see the light.

Rainbooms: We're Gonna Be Hope, go on, keep hoping.
Believe in this courage of yours.
If you give up,
the warmth of love in your days of existence
will never be within your grasp.
The light in your heart.

They walked out to Golza, Sunset looked to him feeling unsure. But as she got close to him, she felt more unsure by the minute.

"I... I change my mind..."

Rei grabbed her hand.

"Nope, too late now, just remain calm..."

He took her hand and gently placed it against Golza's thick hide.

Rei: If you keep wishing for it for sure,
despair will also come to pass before.

Rainbooms: We're Gonna Be Hope, go on, keep hoping.
Believe in this courage of yours,
If you give up.
The warmth of love in your days of existence.

Sunset looked at Golza as she pulled out her Battlenizer as it slowly began to glow, she closed her eyes concentrating as it began to open.

Rainbooms: We're Gonna Be Hope, go on, keep hoping!
Believe in the light in your heart.
No matter how much splitting pain you've felt
Don't forget, it's here.
The light in your heart!

A light shot from Sunset's Battlenizer and touched Golza, causing his body to form an aura of light around him. His body soon formed into a small light and entered Sunset's Battlenizer, Sunset could hardly believe it... she finally got her Kaiju partner. She smiled happily because Rei believed in her, she turned around and looked to him.

"I... I did it...!"

Rei smiled at her proudly.

"Guess Princess Twilight was right."

Sunset smiled at him, and rushed over to him giving him a hug. He was surprised by her action.

"Thank you Rei..."

Rei's face turned slightly red, but he smiled and returned the hug. Pinkie Pie's eyes widen as she formed a large grin on her face.

"I think I know where this i-"

Applejack quickly covered her mouth.


Something soon caught Sunset's eye as she saw lights flickering around them, Flash noticed it too as he looked around the entire neighborhood.

"The whole neighborhood is having a power surge?"

"How's that even possible...?"

Rei looked at the neighborhood and started to recognize the pattern, he quickly turned to Sci Twilight.

"Twilight, where's the nearest Power Station?"

"Its up the hill, 2 miles from here."

"Rei what's going on?"

"I have reason to believe that creature Golza fought is there, and its feeding off the electricity there."

Sunset began to put it together as she realized what it meant.

"If it is feeding on Canterlot City's power, it could lead to a total black out."

"That's right, we need to hurry."

They made their way to Canterlot City Power Station as fast as they could, hoping they aren't too late.

Canterlot City Power Station

By the time they reached the power station, the entire station was getting wrecked by an invisible enemy. No one could see what it was, but Rei had a pretty good idea as to what it was.

"I can't see anything..."

"That's because its a transparent Kaiju, its invisible."

Princess Twilight heard a roar coming from the kaiju, she looked to where it could be. The kaiju slowly became visible, revealing itself to them, Neronga roared out and started feeding off Canterlot Cities power supply.

"Its feeding off the cities power!"

"Time to bring out Red King..."


Applejack looked to Rei surprised.

"Why not Rei?"

Rei looked towards Sunset knowing this was her only chance to use Golza.

"This is Sunset's battle, let her unleash Golza."

"What? but what if...?"

Princess Twilight reached and touched her shoulder.

"Sunset, we know you can do this, don't be afraid."

Sunset looked to both her and Rei, then looked her Battlenizer sensing that Golza was wanting to get back at Neronga. She began to harden herself as she looked to where Neronga was, she stepped forth and held out her Battlenizer.

"Come out, GOLZA!!!"

"Battlenizer, Monsload!"

A light shot out from her Battlenizer and clobbered Neronga's face, it shrieked and fell to the ground. From the light itself, formed into Golza. but to Sunset's surprise, he was different. Red markings were all over his body, the orbs in his body were fiery red, and just as she sensed it, his strength was stronger than before. Golza rose his head showing an intense glare towards Neronga, he stood up and roared out revealing his new form. Sunset was surprised by his new look, as were the rest of the girls.

"I... I don't understand, what happened to Golza?"

Rei smirked knowing this was going to happen.

"This is Fire Golza... Golza's evolved form."

Rainbow looked to him surprised.

"And you failed to mention that before?!"

"You didn't ask."

Rainbow was about to say something, but she figured out she already lost that argument. Meanwhile Fire Golza roared out challenging Neronga to a rematch, Nergona glared at the titanic creature and started charging.

"Get him Fire Golza!"

Fire Golza nodded and started charging, Neronga went to strike him but Fire Golza punched it in the chest, slammed his head against its stomach, and kicked its jaw. Neronga writhed in pain and disappeared. Fire Golza saw it and started looking around, Sunset also looked for it along with Princess Twilight.

"Where did it go...?"

"I don't know, but it has to be here somewhere..."

"Concentrate... the only way you'll find him if you concentrate."

Sunset looked around, but closed her eyes and let her ears listen to what's around her. She heard nothing at first, but soon she heard the sound of growling. Neronga was circling Fire Golza, and readied to strike him from behind with another Electric Bolt. Sunset's eyes soon snapped open, and she looked to where Neronga was.


Fire Golza's eyes darted to his left and he quickly swung his arm and struck Neronga's horn breaking it off. Neronga shrieked as it became visible, Fire Golza charged and kicked him away. Neronga crashed onto the ground writhing in agony, Sunset held up her Battlenizer ready to finish the battle.

"Fire Golza! Maximum Ultrasonic Ray!"

Fire Golza's head armor glowed as he powered up his signature attack, and fired a fiery beam from his forehead. Striking Neronga as the ray overheated his body and caused him to explode. Fire Golza roared out in victory, Sunset was amazed by his power, it was scary but it stunned her beyond belief. Fire Golza turned to her, looking at her with a smile, Sunset smiled back at him and held out her Battlenizer.

"You did great Fire Golza... now return."

Fire Golza roared out as his body turned into a small light and returned to her Battlenizer, Sunset smiled proudly at her Battlenizer and who rested inside it. She looked towards Rie, curious about the Golza his sister had.

"Rei... the Golza your sister had, it was a Fire Golza like mine, wasn't it?"

Rei smiled knowing she finally figured it out.

"Yes, she tried to help me in her own way, even if it meant getting a terrible beating."

Sunset smiled at him, Rei looked to the wreckage of the power plant.

"Well we best better-"

Before he could finish, Sunset kissed his cheek leaving him stunned. She walked away with a blush leaving everyone else shocked.

"Did that...?"


"Did she seriously...?"

"Yes Rainbow, she did..."

Rei touched his cheek feeling his cheeks burn, she looked to where Sunset is.

"She kissed me..."

Flash walked up to him.

"I think she's starting to like you."

Rei watched as Sunset and the others walked away, but he smiled and looked out. He sighed and followed after them.

Canterlot High, Wondercoltz Statue

Princess Twilight was getting ready to leave, but she looked to the others with a smile.

"I know Ive only been here for a short while, but it would be best I head back to Equestria and not get involved with the Reionyx Battle."

"It is for the best, besides you will also have to check and see that there are no Kaiju in your universe."

"I'll keep and eye open..."

She soon looked to Flash noticing his expression, Rei noticed it too... he knew he had feelings for Princess Twilight, and he wanted to give them time to talk it through.

"We'll... give you guys some time alone..."

He and the girls walked away to give Flash and Princess Twilight a moment with each other. Sunset walked beside him, and looked to him.

"You sure its gonna be alright...?"

"Pray to the heavens if it does."

Meanwhile, Flash and Princess Twilight stood in silence, but Flash looked to her and finally decided to break the silence.

"Twilight... I know things are crazy right now, I mean with the Kaiju, the Reionyx Battle..."

"This worlds Twilight...?"

Flash looked down knowing she was right, he looked to her with a sad expression.

"Twilight, I don't want you to think that I'm replacing you with her... its just... I don't know how to expla-"

He was soon cut off as Princess Twilight pulled him, and kissed him on the lips. Flash was surprised by what she did, but he closed his eyes as he kissed her. Princess Twilight let go of the kiss and looked to him with tears, not of sadness, but a little bit of joy.

"I know... but even though you wish to be with her, that will never change the way I care about you."

Flash looked at her but smiled at her knowing she understands.

"As much as I care about you, she needs you more."

"Thank you Twilight..."

Princess Twilight smiled at him and let go of his hands, and heads through the portal. Flash smiled and looked out to the stars, Rei watched the scene with Sunset and smiled.

"Guess that worked out better than I thought."

"Yes it did..."

He looked to Sci Twilight, knowing she was the last one to get a Kaiju Partner. He looked out to the sky wonder where they will find her partner. Only time will tell, when it comes out of hiding to reveal itself.