//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Tomorrow is Always a New Day // by Wheller //------------------------------// Chapter 5 Twilight Sparkle had been right about one thing, snow had made the trio’s journey to Manehattan much more difficult. Ordinarily, somepony would keep the roads that connected the cities together clear, but nopony had been out to do it yet, considering that it had just started snowing several hours prior. Twilight was more annoyed at their slower pace than both Rainbow Dash and Vinyl Scratch put together. Although when she thought about it, Vinyl didn’t look the slightest bit annoyed, in fact she seemed to be enjoying herself, and every time Twilight looked at her she was still grinning like a madpony. Twilight thought Pinkie Pie was out there. Vinyl Scratch made Pinkie look tame. She also decided at this point that the two of them must never meet, or their collective insanity would rip a hole in the fabric of reality. Twilight found herself smiling at her own joke. “You know something? I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you smile,” Vinyl said grinning at her. “You should do it more often. You’ve got a cute smile!” Twilight thanked her, not realising what Vinyl was doing. Causing Rainbow Dash to facehoof, the egghead really needed to stop being so naive. Later Rainbow made it a point to speak to Vinyl privately, asking her to lay off Twilight when she clearly wasn’t getting it. “Aww, but I’m having so much fun!” Vinyl whined playfully. “You just want her all to yourself don’t you?” Rainbow turned a bright red upon hearing this, causing Vinyl to laugh. “Chill out! I’m just playing with ya!” Rainbow had begun to agree with Twilight on one thing. She was worse than Pinkie Pie. The days rolled into weeks, Rainbow Dash and Twilight had become well acclimated to Vinyl’s kookiness, they were glad to have her along for the ride, knowing full well that the trip would not have quite as... interesting, without her. They were nearing the end of the first leg of their journey. They stopped for the night, had dinner, and spent a few hours telling stories. The sun had finally set when Twilight let out a loud yawn. “I’m beat! I think I’m going to go to bed, I’ll see you girls in the morning,” Twilight said, she rose to her hooves and trotted off into her tent. Vinyl watched. Rainbow Dash prodded her with her hoof after Twilight went inside. “Would you stop doing that?” Vinyl looked at her and grinned. “Oh come on! It’s not like you haven’t looked!” Rainbow blushed. “I don’t swing that way!” Vinyl smirked at her. “Yeah, sure, that’s what I told myself at first too.” Rainbow’s face turned an even brighter red, not form embarrassment, but from anger. “Why does everypony think that?!” Vinyl’s grin rapidly faded. “Whoa, hey I’m sorry I...” Rainbow cut her off. “I don’t care what everypony says! I. Am. Not. Into. Mares! Everypony back home thinks I don’t hear them talking about me. Gossiping behind my back! ‘Oh! I heard that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are secretly dating!’ and ‘I heard she was with Applejack!’ and ‘Rainbow can deny it all she wants, but we know the truth!’ I don’t know if you can tell Vinyl, but I. HATE. Gossip!” “Rainbow, I...” Vinyl tried again, but was quickly cut off again. “And you! You think what you’re doing is just harmless fun, well it’s not! Do you hear me Vinyl? It’s NOT!” Rainbow was really laying it into her, years of stifled rage were pouring from her mouth. “I’ve heard the same thing since I was a filly. ‘Rainbow Dash and that Gryphon are so cute together, they act like they can’t stand each other, but we know they’re totally into each other!’ and ‘she’s got a crush on Fluttershy! You can totally tell how protective she is of her.’ Well I’m tired of hearing it, and I don’t need it from you! You get me?” Vinyl nodded, afraid that if she did anything else Rainbow would start yelling again. She didn’t instead she got to her hooves and stormed off into the trees. Vinyl felt horribly guilty, she rose to her hooves and went over to Twilight’s tent. “Twilight? Can I talk to you?” ... Rainbow Dash sat down on a fallen log, her face buried in her hooves, tears flowing freely. Her rant had brought years of buried emotions to the surface, emotions that she’d never dealt with properly were all swimming around in her head. “Rainbow?” Dash turned around to see Vinyl standing behind her, Rainbow Dash realised that Vinyl looked incredibly different without that grin on her face. “What do you want?” Vinyl frowned at her. “I wanted to say, I’m sorry.” Vinyl sat down next to her. “I was just... being me, and sometimes just being me upsets somepony. I don’t mean to do it, it just happens.” Vinyl lifted her goggles of her head with magic, tossing them to the ground, this was the first time Rainbow had seen her without them. She kept them shut, but Rainbow could tell that she was crying too. “You and Twilight are the first real friends I’ve had in a really, really long time. I am so sorry,” Vinyl said. Tears were dripping from her eye lashes onto the snow covered ground. “I just don’t want you to hate me for what I said.” Rainbow Dash put her hoof around Vinyl’s shoulder, causing the unicorn to open her eyes and look at Rainbow. She gasped a little in surprise; the Unicorn’s eyes were blood red. Vinyl frowned at her, she slid out from under Rainbow Dash’s leg, picking up her goggles and putting them back over her eyes. “I think I’m going to go. I’ve done enough damage,” Vinyl said. Rainbow’s jaw dropped, she’d just hurt her. “Vinyl, wait!” She called out. “It’s not you.” Vinyl stopped and turned back around to face Rainbow. “It’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong. I shouldn’t have lashed out at you like that... I’ve just got a lot of feelings from fillyhood that I haven’t dealt with in a really long time. I was in the wrong, not you!” Rainbow said. She got to her hooves and went over to the Unicorn. “I’m sorry I went off on you like that. You didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t have to leave! I don’t want you to leave! Please don’t.” Vinyl raised her goggles up and wiped away more tears that had formed in her eyes. “I won’t. I promise I’ll stop making passes at you and Twilight too.” “Don’t promise that! You said yourself, it was just you being you, don’t stop being you!” Rainbow said with a smile. Vinyl smiled back at the Pegasus and the two ponies joined each other in an embrace. “Oh Rainbow!” Vinyl said in a seductive voice. “You’re so warm and soft...” “Knock it off,” Rainbow said sternly. Both ponies looked at each other and burst out laughing. ... Morning came and the trio packed up their gear for what seemed like the thousandth time, and soon enough. The trio arrived at the edge of Manehattan. Just in time too, as they had eaten the last of their food that morning. Vinyl led the group to her flat in the downtown area, they entered it to find a roomy, and very expensive looking one room flat. “I thought you said you lived in Canterlot?” Rainbow asked her. “One problem with having lots of money is that you tend to have a lot of stuff that you don’t need,” Vinyl said with a shrug. “I’ve also got a flat in Fillydelphia. Though I’m probably going to be dumping that and probably this one too... Actually I might be getting rid of my one in Canterlot too. I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet.” Vinyl looked back at her friends and grinned. “I’m thinking about moonlighting as a hermit.” “Vinyl you are so weird!”Rainbow said with a chuckle. “Just figuring those out now are ya?” The trio spent the night here, each of them grateful to have a proper night’s sleep in a warm bed. Tomorrow would be a long day of gathering supplies, and setting out for a place that was totally alien to them. They would be going out of Equestria for the first time in their entire lives.