A Dragon's Selection

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 25

Spike kept kissing Sunset much to his guilty pleasure. He felt bad having to do this but he knew Sunset was after one thing and that was becoming royalty. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie had confirmed this to him with all the talks they've share about Sunset and that day in the hospital wing was further proof given she provoked Applejack into that fight. So why did he keep her around? For two simple reasons.

Applejack and Rarity.

The only two mares in this Selection that ever gotten close to him and since Rarity wants to withhold any kissing between them and Applejack was uncertain about the life he lives in and has kept her distance from him so the only passion he can receive is from Sunset who is more than willing to deliver. So he has no trouble using her the way she uses him.

When they took a breath he said to her, "I haven't kissed anyone like this before." telling the truth while making it seem that Sunset was doing something right with him.

She giggled, "But you do it so well!" she leaned for his neck and started making a trail of kisses there.

He sighed and tilted his head to the side, but he'll soon realize that was a mistake.

There was Applejack standing on the side looking shock with hurt in her eyes.

He froze at the sight and thought, Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.

Applejack was the first to move as she ran away and he could hear her hooves clopping up the stairs.

Sunset stopped kissing and asked, "Something wrong, honey?"

He turned back to her and stepped away from her.

"I apologize. My behavior wasn't the best tonight, I have to go."

"Go? Why?! We were having such a good time!"

"Sunset, you are a very passionate and determined pony, and those are traits I do admire about you but I've led you on tonight and it was not right of me. So if you will please excuse me I have go and see someone." he started to move.

"Who?! Rarity? Pinkie Pie? Fluttershy? Applejack? Those girls can't offer you what I have to offer, Spike!"

I'm afraid that's where you're wrong…

But he simply told her, "I'm sorry." and ran up the steps leaving Sunset behind and headed straight to Applejack's room. He didn't bother knocking since he figured if he had she would have never let him in.

When he came in he saw her back was to him as she faced toward the balcony.

She uttered, "You lied to me…"

He inquired, "I lied to you?"

"Yes!" she shouted and turned back with a dark scowl, "You said you would pick me over her!"

"And I would!" he countered.

"Oh really?! Then what the hell do you call to what I saw down there?!"

He gulped and felt himself sweating, "I know it looks bad but there's an explanation for that!"

She let out a sarcastic laugh, "That's rich! What possible explanation could help make all that go away?! Just why would you want her, Spike?! I kept telling you how awful she was and yet you still kept her?!"

"She's not the kind of pony I would marry, Applejack!"

"Oh…! So that's it! She was your plaything! Weelll, that explains everything! So glad we cleared that up!" her voice dripped with cynicism.

He held his face and moved it down with exasperation, "Sweet Celestia, Applejack! Would you just let me explain?!"

"No! I'm done with this! I don't want to hear anymore from you! Just send me home!"

"No." he said firmly.

She gritted her teeth, "You stubborn, pig-headed, son of a… dragon! What makes you think I would stay here after all that?!"

"You're upset right now, once you've calm down-"

She shoved him back, "There's no way in hell or high water that I would ever agree to hang about here, I tellin' ya, send me home."

He grabbed her arms and held her in place as she struggled in his grasp. He stared her down and when she looked into his eyes she suddenly felt calm.

Her head was screaming.


Her heart, as broken as it was, replied.

I just do…

When Spike let go of her she quickly moved away from him and softly asked, "Are you sending me home?"

He sadly shook his head.

"Then leave me…"

Spike didn't need to be told twice and left.

Applejack stayed on the floor in a fetal position and let herself weep from all the pain she was feeling. She knew she couldn't stay here anymore. There's was too much heartache where Spike the Dragon was concern. She had to get out and tomorrow night, she would do just that.

All day, she was able to avoid contact with Spike and everyone else by keeping to her room all expect for her maids but she was able to dismiss them shortly after receiving her meals. She managed to pack some provisions since she wasn't sure how long a walk it would be from Canterlot to Ponyville. Taking the train would be too risky since guards guard the train station and she didn't want anypony to recognize her while on the train.

She bided her time as she waited for Princess Luna's night to come so she could sneak away under the cover of night and with everyone being asleep during that time she would not have to worry about getting caught. Nothing could possibly stop her plan.

Spike was kicking himself for what he did. He never should have kissed Sunset, but more importantly he should have stayed in Applejack's room last night and should have explained regardless of her anger and sadness. He sat on his bed sighing heavily while covering his eyes.

"Uh-oh, I leave for a few days and I can tell you made a mess of something…"

He gasped at seeing his sister by the door, he ran to her and embraced her.

Ember patted his back, asking, "What happen?"

In moments, Spike had explained the entire situation and Ember had been listening intently before giving a concern look.

She said, "Oh, Spike…"

"I know, I know… it was stupid…"

"More like brainless…" she muttered.

"That too." he sighed then asked, "So any luck on finding the Idol of Boreas?"

"No. I've searched every part of Dragonia. Either someone is hiding it well or the griffons really are nuts."

Spike sighed again.

"But my trip wasn't a total loss." she used her claws to make a whistle and on her signal, a full grown phoenix flew in with a package.

Spike lit up when seeing the phoenix, "Pee-wee!"

The phoenix flew to his owner and landed on the dragon's head nuzzling it affectionately. Spike chuckled, "I've missed you too, buddy." petting the majestic bird.

Ember picked up the package and handed it to Spike. He opened it and gapped at what was inside.

"My comic books…"

She explained, "I figured you could use them as a way to relax and to escape from the stress of the Selection."

Spike immediately hugged her again, "You're the best sister ever."

Ember slightly smirked, "Yeah, I am. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to clean up the mess you made while I was gone."

Spike sighed, "I don't think anyone would be able to help me with my relationship to Applejack… I think it's over…"

Ember questioned, "Then why are you bothering with keeping her?"

"I don't know… I guess a part of me just doesn't want to let her go…"

"Because that part of you refuses to lose hope… At most the best thing to do is wait a few more days before approaching her again."

"And if she's still angry with me?"

"Then I'm sorry to say this little brother, but you're going to have to let her go."

He sighed again, "Yeah… you're right."

Suddenly a guard rushed into the room having a fretful look on his face, "Your highnesses!"

Ember groaned, "Don't tell me, the griffons are attacking again."

"No, your highness!" he addressed Spike, "Sir, I'm sorry to report that a member of the Elite is missing from her room!"

Spike gasped, "What? Who?!"

"Miss Applejack, sir."

Ember and Spike looked at each other with the she-dragon saying, "Well, looks like she decided to leave herself…"

In minutes they met in Celestia's suite where Garble had Torch summoned on the magic mirror and told the large dragon of what happen much to Spike's dismay.

"NO PONY LEAVES THE SELECTION WITHOUT THE PRINCE'S DISMISSAL!" Torch bellowed to the point the mirror actually shook.

Garble grinned, "Of course, Uncle, which is why I shall find her and bring her back to be punished."

Spike was about to speak up when Ember held him back and whispered to him.

"Go… find her before he does… I'll stall him as long as I can."

He smiled with appreciation and ran out of the room.

Applejack was at the edge of the Everfree Forest. She had just sneaked out of Canterlot, now all she had to do was go through the forest and she would be back in Ponyville. With a determined look, she went in.

She wasn't sure how long she'd been walking but she could tell from Luna's moon that it was still the middle of the night. She wished she could have said her goodbyes to the girls, her maids, and Shill but it was imperative that she left without anyone knowing since she didn't want anyone held responsible for her escape.

Her head told her.

You're doing the right thing… You should have left from the beginning had you known he was capable of something like that…

Her heart of course defended him.

But he was kind, sweet, and noble… There's no way he could've fake those moments and the gifts he gave were so wonderful… Yes, what he did was upsetting but surely you'll miss him, right?

She sighed, she didn't want to admit it, but she would. She then checked her surroundings again and as she was trying to figure which way to get to Ponyville a foul stench suddenly filled the air.

She tensed up the moment she smelled the stink. That stench belonged to only one creature… She slowly turned around and she came face-to-face with a terrifying Timberwolf…