Satsui no Hado in Equestria

by Frogace55

Round 21: Dead End Irony

I awoke and heard growling, a collie’s to be more precise, from the front of the barn. At first, I thought to flare my power, but quickly discarded the idea. I want to actually stay here for a bit and a whimpering pet is not the best idea. I decided to ignore the dog and stretch to prepare for the day.

After some simple limb rotations, the growling ceased but I could still feel the stare.

Well, it’s a improvement.

I went through the rest of my stretches and grabbed a couple of baskets. Having prepared for the day, I headed out to begin my work, careful not to approach the pet with any threatening motions. The dog watched me with an unspoken threat, but I paid it little mind.

I quickly got to work and almost finished my share by lunchtime, as I only needed to carry the bushels to the barn. The meal break was nice, and my work was done within the next couple hours. With nothing left to do here, I headed to the dojo.

With my presence around here more common and my aura suppressed, I was able to see more of the ponies in town. A few nods, a couple hellos, and even a smile or two came my way as I took my brisk walk. Then, as I got closer, I heard shouting.

“Why are we here?” One voice shouted.

“I don’t know! The Princess said something about rehabilitation for violent criminals.” Another snapped back.

So, I got approved? I wondered before making myself known by clearing my throat.

“Someone’s finally here,” A third voice, who I could see as a light blue pony with a dirty blonde mane in chained handcuffs. The other two ponies, who seemed to be standard guards turned to me. “You here to take these off?” The prison asked me.

“Absolutely not! Even if he was the pony-” The left guard started before I spoke.

“Demon.” I corrected.

Both guards’ faces went pale at my statement while the prisoner chuckled. “A ‘Demon' you say? Never fought one of those before.”

I shook my head with a slight smile and took a closer look at the prisoner and his binds. He was in a orange-and-blue striped prison outfit and his hands were cuffed. The chain that connected the two cuffs was about a foot long with markings engraved on them. He was rather muscled and looked like he’d been in a brawl or two.

With my assessment done, I walked in, beckoning the group to follow. “If you want to actually fight someone that can entertain you, I recommend you come in. The name’s Akuma, and I’m the guy who you are here for.”

I wasted no time heading for the main sparring room and, once there, started to stretch in preparation for my evaluation of the pony’s abilities. He was led in by the guards with a puzzled look on his face.

“So, how will you get me out of jail?” He asked.

“Simple, fight me for a pardon.” Within three seconds, he closed the distance and swung a left hook at my face. I grabbed his arm and pulled him forward, stepping behind him in the same motion, before chopping his off-balance back into the ground.

“Rather eager, are we?” I asked as the guards stood slack-jawed. “I didn’t say ‘Begin’. Still I’m impressed. That was some quick movement.”

“Ma was a Pegasus,” The pony wheezed out under me. He wobbled back up. “Could go faster without the cuffs.”

“Before we actually start, I still don’t know your name.” I walked to the other side of the mat.

“Dust Cutter.” He shook his head and stopped shaking.

“Dust Cutter, eh? Let’s see if you can’t do something about my boredom. When you’re ready.”

He nodded and put his fists up. “Let’s see what you got, ‘Mr. Demon.’” He charged forward with a few straights. I matched each punch with one of my own, our blows thunderous with their collisions. Suddenly, he swept low. I flipped back and threw a Gohadoken, expecting him to simply jump back. Instead, he threw a punch and disk-shaped projectile flew out, striking mine and canceling them both out.

“You can do better than that!” Dust taunted, sending two more at me. I simply phased through them with the Ashura Senku and swung a right hook into his jaw. He spun and staggered back.

“You’re right, and so can you.” I returned, stomping on the floor and charging my aura with my taunt.

He sent a jab at me, only for me to parry the blow and hit him with a Goshoryuken, launching him into the air. He rode the attack up to the ceiling before slamming his hands into it. He bent his arms with the impact, before straightening them back, launching himself at me.

That's interesting… I thought as he came down at me, feet first. I phased backward to dodge, but he wasn't done. The wood splintered when he hit the floor and a couple of the wooden boards were broken upwards. He kicked a few of the boards at me and they were reduced to dust.

The dust struck me head-on as I came out of the Ashura Senku, leaving me open to his wild strikes. I took five or six hits before he launched me into the air. I recovered my senses at the top of the pop-up and flipped back.

“For a ‘demon,' you don’t seem that strong if I can keep up with you.” Dust Cutter said, joy in his voice.

“You want to pick up the pace?” I asked and his eyes widened, before a smirk appeared on his face.

The guards decided at this time to speak up. “What in Tartarus was that?” The first one spoke.

“Warm-ups.” Both Dust and I said, relaxing slightly.

The guards paled at this. “Neither of us were at full.” I continued. “If we were, We’d be outside. I’m not keen on punching too many holes in the place.” I cast a glance at Dust. “That was a impressive move with the floorboards. You use that trick often?”

“Before the runecuffs, I did a lot,” He nodded. “Part of my Talent. I’m really good with aeromancy and cutting things with it.”

“Wind magic? That explains a few things.” I said, tensing up once more. “Now, testing isn’t over. Ready for round 2?”

He nodded and put his fists back up. I flipped forward and landed with a sweep kick. He jumped over it, only to meet a Goshoryuken in mid-air. Two Zanku Hadokens sent him back into the ground, making another smaller crater in the floor.

“Got anything left?” I asked as I landed.

Dust groaned as he sat up. “Little bit, not much.”

“Good, because I want to see what you can really do. Take them off.”

Dust looked at me with confusion, before smiling. “Couldn’t fool ya, huh?”