One Plus Six Equals Family

by Gravestone

Chapter 3 First Day Outside

As the sun rose, its life-giving energy bathed the world in its glow and the same glow had to shine right in my face. Grumbling I rolled over only to have an empty picture frame reflect the light right back into my eyes. Know I will never escape this torment I get up complaining to no one but myself. As I raise I look over to the alarm clock 7 AM the alarm won't go off for another hour why, why am I awake now? Oh yeah, my girls now I remember I was going to take them outside today. And as if on cue my six angels start waking up the first was Applejack, to be honest, I think she was up at dawn but waited until I started to get up but who knows. Walking it to their room I was greeted with the sight of five of the girls smiling at me I say five because Rainbow Dash had wrapped herself up in her blanket refusing to wake up. Seeing this I decided to play a little game with her.

Getting down lower to her crib I looked at the other girls and smiled.
"Oh, no girls it looks like Rainbow Dash is gone I guess she won't be able to go outside today," I said I my most childishly shocked voice.

Not even ten seconds later a blanket flew through the air with the now fully awake Rainbow Dash hovering in front of me with a smile on her face.

"We go ouside dat is awesome!" Rainbow yells trying to do a flip in the air for her only to go in a circle.

"Yes we are but first, we need to get cleaned up then eat some breakfast so let's go my little ponies," I said as I shook my head for saying that last part. Man, it was just so cheesy.

After getting all the girls cleaned which, was easier this time we headed downstairs only to be greeted by everyone's favorite caregiver and housekeeper Ruth but this time she wasn't alone. Standing next to her was the ten-year-old form of Tai. And when she saw the girls I could have sworn she 'squeed'.

Running over to the girls she bounced around laughing and saying "They're real they're really real I told momma they were real and grandma and I were going to visit them but she said it was just a dream." Tai said lowering her head at the last part thinking her mom didn't believe her.

Hearing that Ruth and I looked at each other before I spoke. "Tai sweetie what do you mean you told your mom that they were real how did you know?"

She turned around looking at me while holding Fluttershy in her arms like a newborn baby smiling. "Princess Luna told me in my dream, she said I was going to meet them and be their Aunt then when they grew up all the..." She said before trailing off looking a little upset at the end. "I'm sorry Uncle Devin but I can't remember anymore." She said still looking upset.

Walking over to her I pull her into a hug making sure not to hurt Fluttershy. "That's ok sweetie it 'll come to you in time but look on the bright side you get to be the girl's Aunt Tai right?" I said making her smile once more.

"Now that's all well and good but certain little ponies and a little girl still need to eat their breakfast and so does a big oaf of a father," Ruth said walking past me to the kitchen.

Looking at her as she made her way in there I smiled. "I love you too," I yelled to her as Tai help me gather the girls up and take them into the kitchen to get breakfast.

Placing them in their respected high chairs I helped Tai into her seat seeing how she needed a booster seat I stacked some books up for her. When everyone and ponies were seated we said grace and began eating. During our meal, I decided to tell the girls what we going to do today.

"Girls I have a surprise for you, today we're going to go outside and play in the yard," I said making them all look at me with the biggest smiles they could muster.

I looked at all of their happy faces them I saw something that made my heart hurt Fluttershy was shaking in fear.

Moving over to her I pulled her into a hug. "Fluttershy sweetie what's the matter?" I asked her.

She looked at me with her big doe eyes and trembling lips." It going be scarwe outside?" she asked in an almost whispered tone.

"Oh no sweetie it's not scary in fact you might get to see some animals like birds, chipmunks, and squirrels," I said making her light up with the hope of seeing real animals. (Oh how wrong I was at saying that.)

After that little bump, we went back to eating to their credit Rainbow Dash and Applejack started to show their competitive sides as they were eating a little too fast for my taste. So being the adult I put a stop to it telling them if they don't behave there's no going outside. And that did it although they still kept giving each other sideways looks, I guess they'll always be like that no matter where they are. As we finish up I helped Ruth clean up before I got the girls ready thankfully Tai was there to help me. When the girls learned they were going outside this morning not much could keep them still.

I did find out one thing all those fanfics saying giving Pinkie caffeine would be bad well they were way off because she got a hold of Tai's Mountian Dew and chugged half of it before we could stop her. And nothing happened well except for the thunderous burp and the change of her diaper that is but there was nothing.

Besides that, I still needed to keep my promise and take them outside so we gathered at the back door and made our way out into the vast space that is the yard. At first, the girls just huddled around me but after some encouraging words, they started to venture out. It didn't take long for Rainbow to start hovering around while Applejack moved over to the small tree line. Oh yeah, remember when I told Fluttershy about the animals well we did get some birds and a few squirrels but we also got two skunks, five cats, and a raccoon yeah all of that showed up and hung around Fluttershy. To tell the truth, I was so scared not because of the animals hurting her but of how cute she looked talking to them. Things were going well all the girls either sat and played with Tai or like rainbow tried to fly around the yard. Then I saw Ruth come outside she was carrying three small saplings with her. I looked and recognized what they were, apple trees and not just any apple trees two of them were very special ones.

"Applejack sweetie could you come over here," I said as I took one of the trees from Ruth.

Crawling over Applejack looked up and the smile on her face grew as big as Pinkies.

" Daddy does apple twees," She asked pointing a hoof at the one I was holding.

"Eeyup, they sure are my little apple farmer," I said making her sort of dance around it was more like wiggling and laughing.

We walk over to the perfect spot and planted her first apple orchard. And yes I know three trees do not make an orchard but to a little filly, it was so I am going with that. We even put up a little sign in front of the trees that said, Sweet Apple Acers, I think I put up a picket fence with a gate so I can hang the sign above it. But before that, I had to make a point across so I turned to look at my little apple pony.

"Now Applejack you have to remember that these trees are your responsibility that means you have to take care of them so they can grow big and strong giving us delicious apples," I said as she finished patting the soil around the last tree.

"Ok, papa, I will," She said before turning to look at the trees. "Now you grow big and strowng just like Papa said so we can hab debrious apples,"

As Applejack made her way over to the others I went and got the sprinkler and set it up to water the trees. But I had to stop over at the faucet when I became lightheaded and it was hard to breathe. I knew what this was what it mint but I wasn't going to let it. Leaning against the house I closed my eyes.

"No, you will not do this not now you have six little fillies that need you, so suck it up you hear me this family needs you, and nothing or nobody is going to stop it." I thought to myself over and over until I started feeling better.

After that, I checked to see if the coast was clear before turning on the water. Then I made my way over to join everyone else. Getting closer I could see the look that Ruth was giving me and I knew that she knew what had happened but she seemed to keep it to herself. As I watched my girls played and for the first time I truly felt like a father. We had a ball until seven little tummies began to rumble and I knew it was time for lunch. Instead of going inside, we decided to have a picnic out on the patio. Looking around at everyone while they ate I thought for a moment before going to retrieve my laptop setting it on the patio table I began looking through websites until I found the right one.

"Whatcha looking for Uncle Devin?" Tai asked me leaning over to look at the screen.

"Well, I was thinking of having a pool put in. Nothing fancy just something that we can use to have fun and help keep me in shape," I said looking up from the computer to see eight surprising sets of eyes looking at me.

I started to laugh but stopped when a loud pop was heard and confetti began to fall from the sky. I looked over to see Pinkie dancing around in her chair with what looked like her party cannon.

"Yay, we can hab a pool party!" Pinkie cried again as she pulled the string on the cannon making it go off once more but this time balloons and streamers flew everywhere.

"What in the how did she...." That was all Ruth could say before Tai jumps in to explain.

"Grandma that's just Pinkie being Pinkie," She said laughing at the confused look her grandmother was showing.

"I don't think the Lord Almighty could figure out that pink little angel of yours and she being one of his creations," Ruth said shaking her head.

We all had a little laugh about that but after lunch, it was time for the girls to take their naps even though a few of them tried to get out of it. but a stern look from Ruth changed their minds. I figured it would be better for them to sleep inside I laid out a few blankets and pillows on the living room floor. Heck, even Tai laid down to join the girls. And as they all fell asleep I move to the kitchen table to continue looking for the right swimming pool only to get hit in the back of the head by a very annoyed-looking Ruth.

"Yeah, yeah I know and I'm sorry ok?" I said not looking at her

"You should be apologizing to me you should do it to your daughters. What if this was the one did you ever think about that? What do you think would happen to those girls of yours?" Ruth said through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry I should have told you but I didn't want to scare the girls ok?" I said looking her in the eyes. And I promise you if it happens again I say it, but I swear that nothing  is going to stop me from raising these girls."

"I hope you're right and I'll pray for you now get you but in there and take a nap with your girl because before too long they'll be getting too old for that," Ruth said taking my laptop away from me and pushing me to the living room.

I laid down on the floor and without opening their eyes all six girls crawled over to me to cuddle even Tai moved over. Closing my eyes I knew that I was going to keep that promise no matter what.

The rest of the day went as well as it could go. After the nap, I had the privilege of changing six wet diapers it seemed that the girls were a little too relaxed from their nap. I didn't care it's what a father would do. But Ruth could have helped but no all she did was stand there and laugh at me until I threatened to throw a diaper at her. When all that was done we went back outside for the rest of the day until it was dinner time. But this time instead of having the girls sleep in their own room they all slept in mine. Cuddled up to me they fell asleep quickly. I waited until I knew they were asleep before I got up and went downstairs to say goodnight to Ruth and Tai. Who by the way was asleep and being carried in her grandmother's arms.

I let them go and turned to head back upstairs only to stop and think about well everything that has happened and will happen. Saying a silent prayer that I would be here for the girls until it was time for them to go out and start their own lives hoping that day would be very long-off. Before continuing back to my room where my daughters are sleeping and waiting for their daddy to cuddle up with them for a good night's sleep.

Unknown to anyone, outside there stood three shadowy figures looking at what was happening in the home.

One of the figures spoke up. "Do you really think it was a good idea to let this one raise all of them its health is very questionable?"

"I am absolutely sure he is the right one and this will prove to you both that humans deserve a second chance," The figure answered.