Argonian My Dream

by mitchboy

Chapter 11: Cellmates ( Pebblestone Part 2 ) (Edited 11/21/17)


I woke up and found myself in the dream realm again and I was human again. I am starting to get a feeling that Princess Luna is gonna show up right

Princess Luna appears in a form of a blue cloud and transform into her Alicorn form. I was amazed by her spell but when I look at her she seems to be a bit curious about something. "Is something wrong Princess Luna?" I ask her.

She shook her head. "No, but I am wondering about how you three lost to the Diamond Dogs?"

"You saw that?"


"Wait, how can you see what where doing?"

"Well, I'm not just a princess of the night but also a goddess as well."

"You're joking right?"

Princess Luna didn't like that as she use her Canterlot voice. "YOU DARE NOT BELIEVE ME!? HOW DARE YOU, FOOL! I AM PRINCESS LUNA AND YOU WILL NOT DENIED ME! IS THAT CLEAR!!!!???"

"Ahh, Yes! Yes! jeez, I hear you," Damn, hear voice is so loud I almost went deaf. 'keyword' deaf.

She cleared her throat to relax her voice. "Good. I'm glad we have an understanding. Now then, you see every god and goddess has to watch their piece do what they do and see what they are up to."

"Is that bad?" I ask while cleaning my ears from her shout.

"It depends on how they do. If a piece decides to quit or wants to be with another god or goddess, they will be aloud, but they need permission from said god or goddess," She stated firmly.

Wow, I never knew that. I know I'm new to this game but I gotta say, I don't think I ever want to leave here or be with someone else.

Princess Luna snaps me out of my train of thought when she started talking. "Razor, I'm not mad at you, but disappointed."

Wait, she's disappointed at me? Why? "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that you have use the ice staff as a toy and not as a weapon. You could have frozen Flash Sentry or yourself," She must be bluffing....Or is she? Princess Luna gave me a hard look but deeply sighs "Look, Razor, while the ice staff is a weapon, it's very unpredictable it can freeze anyone from the insides as well as freezing any place in the larger area."

I never knew it could do that to your insides. "So, you want me to not kill anypony."

She gave me a glance and spoke. "While I'm not a type of Princess who loves a good slaughter, you must only use it to injured enemies and not kill them. If you kill even a signal pony by freezing his inside, I will not only banned you from using that weapon but also sent you back to your world."

Is she serious? She'll send me back to my world if I kill even a single Pony. I don't know why, but she must be like Batman and I'm the Damien Wayne of this world. I look down at my feet as if I was feeling guilty for what I've done before I look up and gave her a questionable look.

"Can I kill monsters with my weapon?" I ask her while she looks at me like I was asking the most stupidest question in the world.

"I be lying if I said you can't," That made me feel better a bit. So, don't kill Ponies but kill monsters.

I gave her a hug and a kiss only for me to realize what I was doing. I let go of her and we both stared at each other with our eyes wide. Princess Luna was the first one to break the silence but changed the subject. "It seems that I've over stayed my welcome."

"Yeah I guess so," I said, feeling a bit red in the cheeks. Did I kiss her again? What the hell is wrong with me? I don't wanna think about this, I love her but I'm not in love with her am I?

Princess Luna slowly use magic and points her horn at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, raising my arms up in the air in fear.

She didn't look mad but her face must be a bit shy. Her horn glows brighter and I heard her said "It's time to be awake and me to go back to Canterlot. Just remember what I told you.

I didn't get chance to talk to her as her horn blast me awake with a jump.

I woke up and see that I'm an Argonian again as well as seeing myself in a Dungeon.


I got up to rub my eyes to make my sights clear. I started walking only to feel something pulling me.

I look at my wrist and ankles and see that I was in chains. The wrost part is that I was attached to the wall where the chains are connected. "What the hell? Why am I in chains and where the hell am I?!" I shouted, hoping for someone to answer and sure enough, someone did answer.

"Your in Pebblestone Dungeon. A place for Ponies and other creatures to become slaves to the Diamond Dogs," said a voice that sounded like a male with a surfer dude voice.

Then another voice chimed in and this one sounded so cheerful. "Yeah, but don't worry, it's not so bad."

"Are you kidding me? We are slaves here and I hated it."

"I'm sure it will be fun if you give it a chance. Besides, work is fun!"

"Not the way we do it."

"Come on, I got my cutie mark."

"That's not a cutie mark,"

"And how would you know?"

"Because, your a Griffin and Griffin's can't get cutie marks!"

"Well, I got mine from three little fillies the other day."

Wait a minute? a Griffin? could it be? I look towards the voices from the wall on the left which is dark and I notice two figures. one was Pony shape while the other was Griffin shape. I know I seen these two before but I can't put my finger on it. "Excuse me?" They both turn to face me with a glance. "Do you mind stepping into the light? I wanna see your faces."

They did as they were told and they both step into the light at the same time. The first one I saw was a white Earth Pony stallion with white mane who's cutie mark was a pair of skies and the other was a grey Griffin who looks like she has a head of Falcon and possibly the legs of domestic house Cat. She looks like she was happy despite being in the cell with me and him.

"Hi, My name is Gabby and I am a Cutie Mark Crusader! See I got my cutie mark," She showed me the round wooden badge that has the same symbol of one of the Crusaders.

The white Earth Pony rolls his eyes before speaking "I'm Double Diamond and I am a ten time Ski Racing Champion! I am great for my awesome stunts like the 'Double Trouble' and the 'Diamond's Edge'. So' what's your name?"

"My name is Razor and I am an Argonian," I said.

Both Gabby and Double Diamond gave me a confused look until Gabby broke the silence. "What's an Argonian? I mean aren't you a Lizard?"

I was stun by that. How can they not see Argonian? I mean for god-sake, it's not like they don't have reptiles in Equestria Pinkie Pie has a pet Alligator name Gummy and he's reptile. Rainbow Dash has a pet Tortoise name Tank and he's a reptile. If this show has actual Argonians here, This wouldn't be problem for them.

"Argonians are Lizards but like you two, they are sentient. Also, we live in Black Marsh." They both shuddered at what I said.

"You live in Black Marsh? That's where the zombies, skeletons, ghost and vampires live," Gabby said, holding herself in fear.

Double on the other hand looked like he seen a ghost. "Dude, that place is not a good place to live and I am so glad I don't live here."

'Who wouldn't?' I ask myself mentally. I may want to go there when I find away to escape. I bet it would look just like Halloween Town from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I decided to change the subject. "How did you two get caught?"

"They ambush me when I was practicing my new Skiing tricks about yesterday," Double said, looking like he has pouting.

"I got ambush by them when I was trying to take a short cut to get home about two days ago," Gabby chimed in, feeling sad about that answer. "What about you, Razor?"

"I got ambush by them when I was going to Yakyakstain. I tried to fight them off but they were strong as hell," They seem to be shocked about how I fought the Diamond Dogs even though I was defeated by them.

"You battle the Diamond Dogs when they ambush you? Dude, you are so awesome!" Double exclaim with much cheer in his voice.

"You rock! WHOO-HO-ACK!" Gabby flew back down as she remembered that she was chain to the wall like us, but was round her waist. "I forgot about that. I wish I could fly again."

I feel sorry for that Griffin. She must really want freedom as much as we do. I then realize I was forgetten something. "Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to know where Thorax and Flash are would you?"

They both gave me another confused look until Gabby's eyes shot up as if she remembers. "You mean the orange Pegasus and the Changeling? Yeah I know where they are."

I was relieved to hear her say that. "You do? where?" But before she can answer, the cell door opens and the big Diamond Dog steps inside as he looks down at us with a sneer.

This made the three shook in fear due to his scary look on his face. He then looks at Gabby and Double. "You two. Step back," They did as they were told when the big Diamond Dog stomps towards me and unchain me with his key he had in his hand.

"Am I free to go?" I ask him, hoping I would be free to see my friends and leave this place.

The big Diamond Dog looks at me and shook his head. "No. You meet Fin and Fan. Now."

"Why?" I ask with my eyebrow raise.

"You'll find out. Lizard. Now hold still." He pulled out a rope and tied me up by the arms and waist. I tried to get out of them but they were tight real good.

"Why am I tied up when I was in chains?" I ask, giving the big Diamond Dog a glare.

He smiles at my expression before speaking. "Fin and Fan wants me to make sure you don't run away, little Lizard. Now move."

He motions me to move and I did. I turn my head and took one final look at Double and Gabby who both seem so worried about what they are gonna do to me.

'I hope to god they don't eat reptiles,' I thought to myself not wanting to speak out loud.
