//------------------------------// // Epilogue: A New What?! // Story: Canterlot High Has A Club About What?! // by Enclave2277 //------------------------------// Epilogue: A New WHAT!? “Canterlot High School,” Skyrocket Kite read the draft, “The best school for young minds and aspiring talents. Not a bad selling point and look it rates high in its special education program.” The balding man walked over to his wife Whistler, who was seated at the kitchen table looking over the same pamphlet Skyrocket had, her ginger hair tied up in a bun. Most of the kitchen was filled with boxes as the family was getting ready for their big move to Canterlot. “Yeah but it doesn’t say anything about their student life. That doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence.” Whistler bemused. “Well ya needn’t fear dear,” Skyrocket smiled as he sat down, “I made calls through some old buddies of mine in the Air Force and they say CHS has the best student life in the city.” Whistler gave Skyrocket a disbelieving look. “I’m serious, Breezy’ll be fine don’t you worry.” Skyrocket comforted, taking his wife’s hand. “I do worry and so should you. You know how our niece gets.” Whistler whimpered, “And what if the student body rejects her? They’ll be just like the other schools she’s gone too.” “They’ll accept her I promise you. This school’s very well liked when it comes to people with…injuries and disabilities.” Skyrocket smiled though even he had to agree towards his wife’s point. But he kept his face firm and warm trying his hardest to reassure his wife. Eventually she came around, “Alright I trust you Sky. Let’s go talk to her.” As they got up, the sound of a Viola Organista soundtrack began playing from one of the bedrooms. Skyrocket and Whistler walked over to the room where the music came from and softly opened the door. There they saw their niece sitting on the bed. She turned to look at them, a white mask covering her face. “Breezy,” Whistler spoke with a smile, “We’d like to tell you about the new school you’ll be attending.