//------------------------------// // Ice Cream Makes Everything Better // Story: Time Lost // by Terciel1249 //------------------------------// Time Lost Ch. 9: Ice Cream Makes Everything Better Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to MLP, but all other characters are mine. Discord paced the pristine throne room, ignoring the ponies and Princess Celestia as they did boring pony things. Things are transpiring in the craziest of way. Another god here? Discord searched his mind for a solution of the potential disaster on the horizon. Knowledge of any of the Old Gods where wiped along with humanity. Each god had forsaken this place when there was nothing of value or use to their gods. Which means there was only one person who would know… Discord gulped, the large lump in his throat growing larger as his mind reached its natural conclusion. That Luke Skywalker not only knew about the Unknowable Gods, but he had the means to reach some of them.  If his knowledge were to get out, the world would be doomed to an unimaginable evil that would far overshadow his own crimes against this planet. There were two logical courses of action to take. Discord could inform Celestia about the potential danger. She could use her resources to monitor Luke and ensure no one would get close to the truth.  This was not a good choice. Manly because as protector of these lands, Celestia would use every ounce of her power to ensure its safety and providing her with knowledge of how insignificant she really was. Celestia would work tirelessly to find a way to protect her ponies. The knowledge would set a blaze within her a blind terror of irrevocable consequences; much like the lioness, soothing to her cubs but a nightmare to those who would threaten her kin. That would cause her to delve further into the unknown and with her knowledge she would find something in the abyss of infinity. That is a day I fear to come. And I hope that these peaceful creatures would never have to face such shapeless congeries of matter that cannot be placed into any category or scientific understanding. Option two was a little better in Discords opinion. He would have to be to guard this secret. Discord would have to break his word and get as close to look as possible to ensure the worlds safety. That sounds so wrong, Discord shook his head, snorting at the idea. But it would be necessary.  Discord’s mind continued to wonder of the implications. He couldn’t approach Luke like he was. He certain could not take him away from the Apples without arising suspicion. No, if Discord wanted to watch Luke he would have to approach him as a friend, someone who he could trust.  Discord groaned loudly, running his mismatched claws over his face. To ensure that he didn’t appear as a pedophile or worse, Discord would have to be close to Luke’s age and act as any child would to avoid suspicion. If I remember correctly, Luke should be starting school tomorrow. And if a family just moved into Ponyville with their only son, I can fulfill my purpose of keeping him and the Universe’s dark secret safe. With a snap of his claws, Discord disappeared in a shower of confetti. Celestia sighed in relief at finally being free of Discord’s strange depressed behavior. Now I can get some actual work done. Unfortunately, the moment that thought crossed Celestia’s mind a sudden gust of wind tore through the throne room and sent every single sheet of parchment into the air without care. Celestia held a hoof to her forehead, feeling the migraine growing as paper snowed across the polished floor. 0 0 0 As Sunday progressed, Luke found himself sitting at the dining room table with Applebloom and Granny Smith. After his little outburst, Big Mac found it best he spend some time with a more mentally stable pair. Even though I saw that bottle of booze you had on your back. Don’t hide that from me broh. You’ve gotta share the love man.  Instead, Luke was forced to work on a puzzle with the two other females of the Apple family. It wasn’t a bad thing. Granny Smith was talking about Zap Apples with Luke and Applebloom listening intently while the picture of a bright red barn came closer to completion. I think these guys are a little obsessed with farming. “And that is the final sign. Then a rainbow flies across the sky, hitting every apple and turning them into a Zap apple,” Granny Smith said, her smile indicating her fondness of the event. “Wow,” Luke said, imagining what that spectacle would look like. I’m imagining a laser rock show with rainbows and apples. While Big Mac was enjoying some alone time to quell his trouble thoughts of meeting an abomination, Luke was perfectly fine by just repressing the soul crushing weight of the universe. I know it’s not healthy for me, but that’s Future Luke’s problem. Not mine. Though Luke did feel his dry lips, the desire to take a lick of the creature and bury his thought into nothingness. Luke shrugged at the notion. Soft memories like the trickle of the desert rain filling a dry river basin flowed from the obscure parts of Luke’s brain. Images of a bare grey concrete wall, cold and lifeless as the individual felt with a bottle of Jack Daniels lying against his leg. Only a sliver of the amber liquid was left within the glass bottle. Its drinker remained still, his alcoholic stupor a much needed reprieve from the hell he found himself in. With a little help, he would be welcomed by the lovely darkness away from conscious reality. Luke shook his head, fighting against the cold feelings of dread in the pit of his stomach. Granny Smith and Applebloom were here with him in this wooden house. This was a gift that Luke would enjoy with all his heart. Something so simple produced a warm feeling within his feathered breast. 0 0 0 Big Mac made his way towards the crystal tree castle of Twilight. A light warmth filled his body thanks to his old buddy, hard cider. While he was nowhere near his limit, he felt a nagging feeling pluck across his cerebellum and he would not be able to get rid of it until he figured out just what in the world got Twilight so worked up. Ah know math and Ah’ve never heard of the Clover Conundrum, Big Mac pushed open the double doors. “Anypony home?” Big Mac’s voice echoed through the home. It was past noon and Spike should have been making his way towards the entryway. The lack of scaly feet on the solid crystal floor was slightly unnerving.  Big Mac moved through the long winding hallway, keeping his ears open for any sound. Softly, Big Mac caught the faint sounds shuffling paper and angry muttering. Without hesitation, Big Mac followed the noise and soon found himself inside the two story library of Twilight’s Castle.  While the princess was not available, her Number One Assistant was keeping himself busy by organizing and piling a mountain of scrolls and parchment. The purple dragon had his back to Big Mac. The sound of Big Mac’s hooves echoed in the room, alerting Spike to the workhorse’s presence.  Turning, Spike smiled at the sight of Big Mac, “Hey Big Mac! How’s it going?” “Going alright,” Big Mac responded with a smirk, bumping his hoof against the dragon’s extended fist. “You?” Spike sighed in exasperation, “Twilight’s gone crazy again.” “Tell me about it,” Big Mac grumbled, “Ah actually wanted to talk to her about that. Is she available?” “Nope,” Spike sighed with a smile. “She just teleported into her room and I’ve only heard snoring sense.” Big Mac’s brow furrowed as he asked, “Do you know what’s been going on with her lately?” “Oh let me tell you about it,” Spike said, returning to his work. “First Twilight yells about an equation on the board. Then suddenly I’m being used to send letters all around Equestria. I mean I kept getting letters every five minutes almost.” A sudden burp from Spike, a scroll appeared in the flash of green fire. Spike simple plucked the scroll from the air and tossed it towards its awaiting brethren.  Big Mac noticed Spike grumbling as he rubbed his sore stomach as a means to sooth it. “Ya sure yur all right sugarcube?” Spike shrugged, “I’ll get over it. It’s not like I have much to do anyway.” Big Mac’s keen ears caught the not so subtle anger lacing the young dragon’s words. The mounds of paperwork indicated that Spike had been going at this for over a day. The little dragon looked tired, his scales weren’t as well kempt as before and the dark circles that were beginning to develop under his eyes.  Big Mac moved and blocked the purple dragon from continuing his work, “How about you take a break? We can get some ice cream.” Spike made to argue, but Big Mac knew the young drake needed some time outside the castle. Taking the dragon by the scruff of his neck, Big Mac placed Spike on his back and the pair made their way out of the crystal castle and into the bright sunlight of Ponyville. Big Mac and Spike sat silently in the plastic covered booth. Spike was enjoying a scoop of vanilla littered with rare gems while Big Mac was enjoying a scoop of Rocky Road. Big Mac watched the dragon use his abnormally long tongue to completely circle the ice scream several times. “So, Spike?” “Mmmm-mmmmm, Yes?” Spike finally said his grin wide. “Can Ah ask ya a question?” “Sure,” Spike shrugged.  “What’s the Clover Conundrum?”  Spike took a break from his dairy treat, taping his chin with a claw. “Let me think… I remember that Clover the Clever was one of the most influential ponies after Starswirl the Bearded left with Scorpan to deliver the magic of friendship to his people. After that Clover became the head of the Magis Guild, she began setting the foundations of modern mathematics among other mages. While she didn’t create the modern version of Calculus like Starswirl, she applied these principles into describing the physical world. It was Clover that improved the fields of physics, even going as far as describing tensors; or geometric objects that describe linear relations between geometric vectors, scalars, and other tensors.” Spike took a second to take several bites of his frosty treat. “While Clover was very knowledgeable, she could not finish the connection between light, matter, gravity and time. Many ponies have tried, but none have gotten even close to solving her theories.” Spike looked up to Big Mac with a confused gaze, “The crazy thing is that the Clover Conundrum is not just one equation but multiple. Each one focused on a different area; Neightonian physics, behaviors of light, behaviors of gravity and time.” “At least until recently,” Big Mac nodded, his mind processing all the new information. “Ah remember studying Calculus and physic, but ah don’t remember anything on this stuff.” “That’s to be expected,” Spike continued, “This stuff hasn’t been substantiated yet. It’s still an unknown process and most ponies are not sure how these many factors relate to each other.” “What do you mean?” Spike’s tong took a relatively large ruby from the ice cream with a loud slurp. “The best example would be the theory of gravity. We can measure the gravity of the earth, but we don’t know exactly what it is. How does gravity relate to the atom? What forces cause atoms to stay together? How does gravity relate to time? Just because we can describe the results of something and prove it’s there, doesn’t mean we can fully understand it.” “Ya seem to know a lot about this stuff, sugarcube,” Big Mac admonished, his eyes holding both surprise and awe at Spike’s knowledge. “When you’ve worked with Twilight for long enough, you kinda pick up a few things,” Spike smiled. Big Mac silently watched Spike returning to his ice cream with great gusto to avoid it melting further. Ideas where floating around Big Mac’s brain. The biggest one was of Luke mind. The child acted as any other child; with wide eyed wonder, a carefree nature and happiness. It was when Luke focused that really surprised Big Mac. The mind behind the young feathery face was so thorough and capable that even he could not fully understand how Luke could perform such mathematic feats.  That must be it, Big Mac thought. It must be the level of education Luke had received. The education of Luke’s home must not only be advanced, but their science must be even more so. Outside of his understanding, Luke had never shown a very high mental capacity in his standard day. Only when he was forced to focus did Luke show his aptitude.  The only logical conclusion was that Luke had worked hard in his studies, but had not natural gift to mathematics or science. Big Mac felt some warmth enter his heart like at Spike’s knowledge and understanding. To be so young and learned was a great sight to the older pony. Maybe Luke and Spike could hang out sometime… They could call it, Guy’s Night. Big Mac released a chuckle at the idea. Luke and Spike could use a few more friends and Big Mac was certain he could make it so. I’m sure Spike could use a few male friends. I’ve seen that apron and a few less female influences would be good. 0 0 0 The sun lowered into the West, casting shadows across Sweet Apple Acres. Luke returned to his room, his mind on the sudden conversation with Big Mac. Who’s Spike and why do I need to hang out with him? Luke shrugged, pushing his door close after he entered. Luke jumped nimbly onto his office chair. The simple wooden surface was covered with bits of paper and random notes. Ignoring the book on magic, Luke moved his attention towards the other two books. ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ was an entertaining read, I miss drugs. So many magical, mind altering drugs… Which I do not know what they feel like. The other book was a rather thick volume of Equestrian history. This book was Luke’s major annoyance. It was too clean and felt too fabricated. Several major events in Equestrian history could literally be connected to only a handful of ponies. For example: Commander Hurricane, Smart Cookie, the Princesses and let’s not forget the countless achievements of Starswirl the Bearded. Then, there was nothing. There were no major historical events out of three wars: the changling war, the Lunar Rebellion after the banishment of Nightmare Moon and the Prench Offensive that lasted three months against the expansion of Neighpolion’s army. Then there was the lack of technology advancements. The steam engine was invented over a hundred years ago and there have been no major changes to it from what the historical value it is said to have for the pilgrimage towards Appaloosa.  Even magic was lacking. An annotation of Starswirl the Bearded noted that his last correspondence to the Princesses was about the lack of development of ponies was because the princesses where there to protect them. Ponies faced less natural opposition than any nation around the world. While the book did not establish what these other nations did when a giant monster attacked, Equestria’s answer was to throw their ruling body against it. Luke sighed in frustration, not even opening the book again. He knew it was ridiculous to look at Equestrian history with such a critical eye, but he could not shake this feeling in his gut. Something was missing. Perhaps it was in his nature to not believe in this apparent utopia the Princesses have created.  Luke thought back to his conversation with Twilight. He knew he overreacted, but Luke’s understanding of Equestria was that each pony had their role to play. It went against his nature to allow destiny to rule his actions like the ponies did.  The young hippogriff did not hold it against the ponies. It was in their nature and nothing more.  Luke was grateful that the Apples where this way. Taking a silent claw, Luke undid the bindings around his face. With gently fingers, Luke traced the stitching of the three claw marks across the empty eye socket.  In all honesty, Luke felt conflicted about the feelings in his gut. Happy at the family around him, confusion about the world he was in, fear at the unknown threat he knew was behind the scenery, and the guilt he felt for indirectly questioning the Apples and their good nature. All I know is that the evidence presented before me points me towards certain conclusions. Hastur himself reveals that this is my Earth. Humanity was indeed wiped out. These kind ponies live in a world of friendship and love. But I live in a different world.  I live in a world of gods. And their will can either destroy this world again or leave it in utter ignorance. Luke jumped to his bed like a nimble cat. He felt so tired about these ideas and topics. They weighed heavy on his heart. Sleep would suffice for now. He had no power in this world of his. He was only a speck of dust before a multi-limbed creature that killed his race and the Eldritch Gods beyond both space and time. 0 0 0 A certain child wanted to continue to sleep under his homemade quilt provided by the Apple family. Until that god forsaken bird decided to crow. Motherfu-, Luke groaned to himself, his eye cracking open to see the faint blue light of the early sun. The echoes of the farms roosters still held the morning air. Screw the sun, nightlife’s where it’s at. Yet the thrice accursed crow’s call pierced the air again, signaling the arrival of the day; which happened to be the most despised day of the week, Monday. But this was not just any Monday. No, no, no. Today was the beginning of the end, the rising of the Eldritch gods of old, as transcendent as death and taxes. Today was the first day of school for Luke Skywalker. Luke slowly lifted himself from the warm comfort of his quilted blankets and grand dream of something. I may have forgotten, but who cares its school. I can catch up on some sleep later. Luke dropped to the ground, his wings held out to soften his landing. Still working on that, Luke grumbled, picking his beak up from a close in counter with the floor. Echoes of hoofsteps announced the Apple family was ready for this day. Exiting the room, Luke got an eyeful of bed head Applejack. Her unbound hair was sticking up in all direction in every possible direction, rubbing her eyes as was her normal morning procedures. Oh my god, Applejack has ascended to the level of Super Saiyan! Now let’s go find the Dragonballs! Luke chuckled at the sight. Applejack turned towards the sound of Luke’s light laughing, seeing Luke’s all knowing smirk. “Ya’ll keep that to yurself,” Applejack said, passing Luke on her way to the bathroom, surely to battle the vile monster of her blond locks.  Luke nodded, knowing that one day he needed to get his hands on a camera for just these types of moments. One day, Applejack. One day. Making his way to the stairs, Luke’s carefree facade vanished at the sight of his greatest enemy… stairs. Slowly, Luke approached the edge of his eternal turmoil. Gently, Luke’s hand rose, moving towards the base of the first step. Luke’s palm felt the smooth wood. Putting his full weight onto the appendage, Luke froze for just a second. It felt solid. But Luke’s minute weight was nothing to talk about, barely getting a tiny squeak from the aged wood. With a content sigh, Luke made his way down the warn stairs without any incidences.  Breakfast was quick. The older ponies had a large workload and needed to get started early. With his saddles ready and strapped on, Luke and Applebloom walked next to Applejack as they made their way towards Ponyville Elementary. “Are you nervous?” Applejack asked, smiling towards Luke. “Nope,” Luke responded lazily. It’s elementary school, not Harvard Univserity. “Good,” Applejack nodded, “You just be sure to not git into trouble.” “Do I look like trouble?” Luke asked with fake offense. “I was talking to her,” Applejack nodded towards her own sister. “Hey!” The small group enjoyed a good laugh, the red building soon coming into their sights. With a farewell, Applejack left to two children before class began. When the bell rang, Luke found himself standing in front of the entire classroom. Cheerilee stood in front of the class with a wide smile, “Now class let me introduce our two new students.” Wait… two? “First is Luke Skywalker,” Cheerilee waved a hoof with great exaggeration towards the hippogriff. A light applause from the class followed this announcement. “And next is Entropy Q,” with another wave, Cheerilee motioned towards the door.  “Sorry! Sorry!” a high-pitched voice called from the outside. Stumbling into the room was a dark grey unicorn that seemed unsteady on his white hooves. His mane stood in all kinds of crazy directions. What caught Luke’s attention were his eyes. One iris was green and the other red. On his face he wore a rather blushing and goofy smile. God I wish I got more practice with hooves. This is so embarrassing.