//------------------------------// // At The Gala! // Story: I'm Your Villain // by FamousLastWords //------------------------------// The line wasn’t moving. Starlight had just asked Spike to be her date for the Grand Galloping Gala, but that wasn’t what truly mattered. What truly mattered was that they were stuck in line, waiting to go greet Princess Celestia.   “Ugh,” Spike groaned. “I can’t believe we’re stuck in line waiting to meet a pony that we already know.”   Starlight leaned to the right, peering past the many ponies in front of them. When she saw just what Spike was complaining about, she rolled her eyes. “There’s only like fifty ponies ahead of us, Spike. I’m sure we’ll be there on time.”   “Do you think this line is for a roller coaster or something? It’s not like eight ponies are getting a ride at the same time, Starlight. It’s just one at a time.” Spike shook his head and let out a groan. “And the ones that do take so long! Can’t you just bust out some magic laser beams or something and clear the way?”   Starlight let out a heavy breath. “Complaining won’t solve anything, Spike. Besides, we could use this time to get to know each other!” She beamed.   “That is true!” Spike said with a smile. “We’re on a date after all, so I suppose a little knowledge of each other is in order here. And it’s not like we have much else to do.”   The first time Starlight had met Spike, she had assumed the dragon to be the pony equivalent of a foal. Now, as she looked down at him, one question loomed in her mind. “So, um… how, uh, how old are you?”   “It depends,” Spike said. “Are we talking basic pony years or dragon aging? Because the two are very different.”   “Your actual age,” Starlight clarified.   “Well, in dragon aging, I’m in my third cycle,” Spike replied.   “Third… cycle?” Starlight raised an eyebrow in confusion. She knew that ponies had different age groups, but she wasn’t aware that dragons had ‘cycles’.   Spike nodded. “Dragons age a lot differently than ponies, and in the native dragon lands there isn’t very much variation in seasons to count the years by, so as per tradition, aging is counted by growth cycles. The first cycle was a new hatchling, the second was my juvenile stage where I gained the thick scales and fire breath and whatnot that I have, and the one I’m in now is basically the post-adolescent stage. With any luck, I should hit a growth spurt and physically start changing over the next few years. But, there are still a lot of questions that don’t have answers regarding the whole deal, so we’ll just have to wait and see.” Spike shrugged and put on a smile.   Starlight blinked a few times before responding. “That’s… actually kind of cool. But, just wondering, how does that translate into pony years?”   “I’m eighteen in pony years. Twilight hatched me when she was five after a two year incubation period in my egg. Trust me, I get confused just as much as you all do, so I just go by dragon aging.”   “Fascinating! Do you know how big you’ll get to be?”   “There’s no exact science to figure that out. Some of Equestria’s scientist theorize dragons grow throughout their whole lives until territory fights or disease kill them off. Others think that dragons grow based on their environment. Those raised in dangerous, deadly habitats get larger and tougher, while those raised in safe, smaller environments stay a bit smaller. I couldn’t tell you for sure.” Spike shook his head and moved forward in line with Starlight. “I pretty much just read all of that out of an encyclopedia.”   Starlight smiled. “Well, either way, I guess we’ll all find out some day.”   “Oh yeah,” Spike said. “Now, it’s my turn to ask a question.”   “Okay, shoot.”   Spike rubbed his chin for a moment. “What’s your favorite memory from when you were a filly?”   “My favorite memory?” Starlight shuddered. “I’m, well, I’m not really sure.”   “Oh, come on.” Spike nudged her. “We know about all the depressing stuff that happened with you growing up, so it’s high time you talk about something good. Even if it’s small.”   Starlight sighed. “Okay, let me think.” She racked her brain for a moment. It was true, as far as her past goes, she was almost entirely focused on all the bad things that happened. “Well, there was this one time…”   “Yeah? Go on.”   “So, Sunburst and I were taking a break from magic practicing and stuff for a bit, and we tried to build a house of cards. No magic to support it, no help, just us two trying our best.” Starlight chuckled and shook her head. “We tried all day and guess how far we got?”   “I would, but I assume the truth is a lot funnier than what I could come up with.”   “You’re not wrong,” Starlight replied with a grin. “We tried for hours, but couldn’t even get three cards up. Do you have any idea how hard it is to use your hooves so delicately? Eventually, Sunburst got upset and used his magic to burst the cards into flame.”   Spike clapped. “Ah, I see you were exposed to using destruction to solve your problems from a young age, it all makes sense now.”   “Oh hush,” she said, knocking his arm with her hoof. “Actually, at the time, it was really frustrating. But, looking back, it was one of the best days I can remember. Nothing to worry about, no responsibilities, just a day of fun with my friend. Of course, that all had to come to an end a bit later.”   “Hey, don’t think about that,” Spike said, resting a claw on her shoulder. “With any luck, we’re gonna have so much fun tonight, it’ll put that day to shame, alright? Besides, look, we’re almost at the front of the line!”   Starlight looked forward, and sure enough, there were only two more ponies ahead of them. “Finally!”   “Good evening and welcome to the gala,” Celestia said, smiling and nodding at the ponies walking in. “Have a wonderful night.”   “Hey, Celestia!” Spike called out as the got to the front, waving frantically. “I actually have a date for once!”   Starlight blushed and bowed. “Good evening, Princess. Thank you for inviting me.”   “Oh, good evening to both of you,” Celestia said. “How nice to hear that you found someone to accompany you, Spike. Especially a pony as beautiful as Starlight.” Celestia winked at her, causing her face to heat up even more.   “Thank you, Princess,” Starlight replied. “I’m just really glad to be here.”   “Oh yeah, we’re gonna have a ball,” Spike said.   “Alright, you two have fun. And Spike, try not to break her heart to quickly, alright?” Celestia winked as the two passed her.   “Hey, no promises,” he replied. “I am me, after all.”   Starlight rolled her eyes and dragged him into​ the building with her. “C’mon heartbreaker. Let’s go in and have some fun.”   *****   Indeed, fun was what the oddball pair ended up having. The party was just getting started, yet the two had already gotten on the bad side of one of Canterlot’s more notable, not to mention rude nobles, Sir Harrington Hoofworth III. The potential for chaos was right there, and they weren’t going to let it slip by. One of the more creative pranks they had pulled on the uptight pony involved a punch bowl and some silly string, courtesy of Pinkie Pie.   The two laughed as Sir Harrington grunted in disbelief, his previously pristine jacket and tie now sporting a bright red punch stain, and bits of silly string hanging from his mane and tail. That, Starlight and Spike decided, was enough for the night. They were simply lucky  to be in the presence of Princess Celestia, otherwise their poor victim may have caused a scene. Of course, no noblepony was going to do that. This was the Grand Galloping Gala, after all.   As the two walked out of the main ballroom and into one of the castle’s many beautiful gardens, they shared a laugh.   “Man, did you see the look on his face when the silly string shot out from his cup?” Spike asked, wiping a tear away from his eye. “That was classic.”   “Not as great as his reaction when the punch bowl flipped into his snout,” Starlight giggled. “How did you even come up with that?”   “Let’s just say that nobody calls my friend a ‘plothead’ and gets away with it,” Spike smiled.   Starlight blushed a little, directing her attention to the ground. Her left hoof moved to rub at her other idly. “Thanks, Spike. That means a lot.”   “Anything for you, Starlight. Some dumb noble ponies may not trust you, but I’d put my life on the line for you.”   “... I wish I could say the same,” Starlight sighed. “I just don’t get what you and Twilight see in me. I don’t feel like I’ve changed very much.”   Starlight felt a claw come to a rest on her shoulder, and redirected her attention back to the drake in front of her. The look on his face said it all, but he put it into words anyways. “Trust me, Starlight, you’ve changed. You may still have some work left to do, but you’ve come an amazingly long way since we found your village.”   A lone tear etched its way down Starlight’s cheek. “Thank you, Spike…” She muttered softly, falling forward and pulling the drake into a hug. “Thank you so much.”   The young dragon gave his close friend a pat on the back before pulling back and gently reminding her, “This is getting a little too sappy for my taste. What do you say we take a walk through the garden and plan out some more pranks?”   That lone tear finally found itself wiped away, courtesy of Starlight’s hoof, and she nodded. “Deal!”   *****   Spike and Starlight paced around the tree laden garden trails outside the palace. It was quite late at this point, so there weren’t any other gala-goers out aside from the occasional couple.   “So, what do you think of your first Grand Galloping Gala?” Spike asked.   “It’s a lot of fun!” Starlight responded. “I just wish there weren’t so many snobbish ponies. I feel like I’m constantly under a microscope in here.”   “Yeah, that’s a downside,” Spike said, shaking his head. “Ponies in this town pay out the nose for a chance to come. That way they can look fancy and discuss their business ventures while congratulating each other on being rulers of the stock market. But hey, we’re so cool, we got our tickets for free.”   “That’s true,” Starlight responded with a chuckle. “I guess I at least have that knowledge to take comfort in.”   A cold burst of night time wind flew through the trees, catching the two off guard. Starlight shivered uncontrollably and looked at Spike, who just walked forward without the slightest look of discomfort. “How are you not cold? It’s like a freezer with that wind.”   “Did you forget? Dragon flames, baby. They keep my inner temperature regulated at all times.”   Starlight rolled her eyes. “Well, aren’t you lucky. Too bad not everyone has that luxury.”   Spike scratched his chin. “I have an idea that might help.”   “What’s that?” Starlight asked, pausing to look at him.   “Perhaps if you let me get a little closer and link your arm around mine, you might feel a bit warmer,” Spike said with a shrug. “You know, purely in the interest of helping you out.”   Starlight tried to stifle a laugh, but lost the battle. “Oh, you’re just so generous, aren’t you Spike? Rarity better keep an eye out since you're obviously trying to take her element away.”   Spike grinned. “What can I say? It comes with the territory of being me. I can’t change how awesome I am.”   “Well, I guess I can give it a try,” Starlight said with a wink. “In the interest of generosity, of course.”   “Of course.”   Spike moved in closer and Starlight wrapped her leg around him.   “Heh, what do ya know, this doesn’t feel half bad.”