//------------------------------// // Round 24: Alternate Costume // Story: Satsui no Hado in Equestria // by Frogace55 //------------------------------// The next day I awoke to see Void on my lap, sleeping soundly. She looked like she was at peace, so much so I didn’t wish to wake her yet. Since I wasn’t going to be getting up soon, I let my thoughts drift.   First was Shin and finally answering why I was having problems fighting anyone with actual skill. I wasn’t using my full strength, but moving as if I was. Shin was no transformation or power increase tapping into an unknown well of power. It was simply my version of not holding back anymore. This was something I knew, especially after my mind match with Oni, but just realized. Unfortunately, this also meant I just realized that my training these past weeks were much less effective as I liked as well. After all, trying to get stronger only works if you are using everything you got and I wasn’t.   Next was Void. Many questions surrounded her and not many answers would be easily found. I’d still be training her, but I’d probably be her guardian as well. Schooling would probably be the first thing to come up. Which reminds me, she’s going to need clothes that fit.   She began to stir as the sun rose, snapping me from my thoughts. She stretched and stood, the barely fitting clothes hanging off her form. “Morning, Void.” I said, still wondering when the name came from, before shuffling it away for later. “We have a couple thing to do today before I can continue teaching you.”   Void looked at me in confusion. “Like?”   “Getting you a fitting outfit to train in.” I answered and headed for the door, Void following behind me.   With two powerful beings here, the wildlife of the forest were nowhere to be seen. I wasn’t convinced, however, that we were truly alone and reached with my other senses. What I found was much more enlightening. I could apply my usual senses to Void, but when I felt for her power, there was nothing there. Not like a “empty cup” nothing there, but like a “black hole” nothing there. I couldn’t feel her, but I knew something was there simply because I could feel energy around her.   That’s interesting…   We travelled through the forest with ease, more ease than naturally possible, and came out near Fluttershy’s cottage. We continued down a path towards Ponyville in silence, just taking in our surroundings. That was, until a rainbow streak came at us.   “Yo, Crayola,” I addressed the speeding form, taking a step to the side. “Charging me again?”   “What do you want?” Rainbow stopped.   “Nothing from you right now, unless you’re a tailor.” I said. “And considering your lack of detail…”   “I get it, dumb idea.” She stopped. “A tailor? Why?”   “In my eagerness to return my days to something familiar… I forgot to acquire gis for those I’d be working with.”   “So… you need someone to make workout clothes?”   I nodded. “And I’m pretty sure who to ask.”     I stood in front of a lilac purple cylindrical building I could only assume was the Carousel Boutique. It was vaguely as I remembered from the show, but bigger and more gaudy. I couldn’t look at it without feeling revulsion within the very core of my being. I wasted no time knocking at the door and closing my eyes.   I didn’t open my eyes until the door opened revealing Sweetie Belle and, even better, the fact that the inside wasn’t overly decorated. “Mind if I come in? I have a bit of business to attend to.”   Sweetie let us in with a nod and hurried away, presumably to get Rarity. The wait wasn’t long, thankfully, as I heard hoofsteps above me.   “A customer?” I could hear her voice. “I wasn’t aware of any event recently that would…” Rarity locked eyes with me. “Can I help you?” Her voice suddenly had a slight chill to it.   “I was hoping to use your services as a seamstress.” I pointed to Void. “I’m going to need two sets of clothing for my student Void Blitz. One causal and one like the gi I’m currently wearing. Nothing fancy.”   Rarity looked me over. “Make something like that dirty rag you’re wearing?”   “You’ll find that this ‘dirty rag’ is cleaner than you think, but that’s besides the point.” I pulled out a small sack of bits from my top. “She needs something a bit more form-fitting and a lot more durable for practice. Then something to wear at other times.”   Void picked this moment to speak up. “I would wish to be able continue my lessons quickly. It would be much easier to accept the request.”   Rarity was taken aback after Void spoke. “Nightmare Moon?”   Void bristled at the title and the air started to become heavier. “DON’T CALL ME THAT. My name is Void Blitz.”   Rarity quickly nodded and I could swear I saw a sweat drop. “Oh, I’m sorry. Could I ask you to stay for a bit? So I could get the measurements.”   The pressure lessened immensely as Void nodded. That was concerning. Did the Hado affect her in some way I wouldn’t know about? “How long will it take?”   Rarity pulled out a few measuring tapes. “Not long.” She ushered Void to another room.   Sweetie and I watched them leave before turning to each other. “So, any idea on how long this will take? I’ve seen ‘Not long’ turn into half a day many times.” I asked.   “I doubt it will be that long.” Sweetie answered before coming with her own question. “Apple Bloom said you said yes to career day, but what do you do?”   “Before I came here? Martial Arts Instructor. I’ll be starting again soon.”   “You taught people how to fight?”   I nodded. “It’s not only about fighting, though. There are life lessons there as well.”   “What would a fighting cutie mark look like?”   “I’m sure there is no set look. Depends on how and what you fight with. A staff-wielder wouldn’t have a shield, just as sure woodworker wouldn’t have a carrot.”   “Well, What’s your cutie mark?” She looked at the back of my gi.   “You want to know?” I asked.   “I do.”   I channelled my energy through me and revealed the kanji on my back. I held this flow for a couple seconds before stopping.   “What’s it mean?”   “Literally? Heaven. Figuratively? I have yet to learn fully, but that’s the joy in discovery. At least, that’s what my parents said.”   Our conversation continued for a few more minutes before Sweetie excused herself. Now alone, I decided to give general energy scanning another try. I close my eyes again and just felt. Void was the first one I noticed, but I was uninterested with that. I was feeling for weaker signatures. It was one thing to be able to find powerful or abnormal energy signatures, but being able to pinpoint a mess of weaker people would be much more useful.   I stood like this for a good amount of time, simply feeling around the flow of energy of the people before I felt the energy in the air itself. It was like a lazy river for the most part, brushing past most. Interestingly enough, I could sense it actively avoid me and, for lack of a better term, fight itself around Void.   I was brought from my musings by a shout from Rarity. I turned my attention to Rarity and Void. Void was in a plain white gi and clearly not in a happy mood. Rarity, for her part, either didn’t seem to pick up on the anger or didn’t care and was trying some type of meaningless small talk. Whatever the case, Void was nearing the end of her patience and it showed.   “Heads up.” I tossed Rarity the money purse before my student used Rarity for a dye job. “When can I expect the other set?”   Rarity barely caught the little sack in her magic. “It may take a bit longer. I expect tomorrow.”   “That’s good.” I said. With Void in tow, I headed to a clearing outside of town.   When we arrived at the clearing, I began to stretch. Void followed suit. We did rotations, flexibility stretches, and a few practice punches before a thought occurred to me: How hard can she hit?   “Before I show you the next technique, there is something I need to know.” I pointed to a nearby boulder. “I want you to hit that rock as hard as you can.”   “How?” Void asked.   “Anything but blasting it with magic.”   She nodded and went over to the rock. She took a deep breath. Then another. Afterwards, she punched the rock with a hard straight. The stone crumbled quickly to the blow and I had to bite back a whistle. It was a very impressive display of strength and I was about to congratulate her when she shook her hand out.   I snickered. For all her power, she was still a kid. Granted, an extremely powerful kid, but a kid all the same.     “Thank you, that was very insightful.” I said, before asking, “Ready for the new technique?”   She nodded.   “The Shoryuken, or ‘Rising Dragon Fist,’ is a devastating uppercut, useful for knocking opponents out of the air, or launching them into it.” I demonstrated the technique, crouching for a moment before leaping. My fist became a glowing purple uppercut, ripping through the air with precise destructive power. When I landed, I turned to Void. “Give it a try.”   Void nodded and crouched. She stayed like this for awhile. I was confused at first, but then I felt her power surge.   “Technique first, then you can increase power.” I called to her. “Otherwise, these skills are more dangerous to you than your target.   The energy stopped increasing, but as I could visibly see the amount of power she was putting into her first try, the point was moot. She unleashed the attack, leaping ten feet easily with the uppercut. A blade of nothingness slashed through the air from the swing before striking a nearby hill. When she landed, her eyes widened at the unintended target.   “What the attack supposed to do that?” Void asked.   I didn’t answer at first, instead looking at the impact in the hill. The blast cut into it, but not all the way.   “Not at all.”  I said, but i thought something extremely different.   I wonder how long until the brass notices...