//------------------------------// // Episode 10: Dropping The Ball // Story: Equestria's Crazies // by Thorax //------------------------------// {Authors Note: It might seem dark, but trust me. It's not as bad as it seems. It’s also shorter, much shorter but it’s all I can do to try and break my block. I’ll admit that I find this to be the weakest thing I’ve written, and if you want you can completely skip the chapter.} In the time since her return Luna had grown use to waking up to the blinding light of her sister’s sun. However, today was different. Today it seemed, Celestia had turned the sun up to eleven as the Lunar Alicorn opened her eyes she was met with the most intense light she had even seen. With a quick flare of her horn she was able to conjure up a pair of sunglasses, though they couldn't hope to stop the blinding light completely, Luna could at least see now. The groggy and partially blind princess made her way to the large chamber doors, and with a tug of her magic they slowly pulled open. Revealing a sight Luna hadn't seen in ages, Canterlot castle laid in ruins most of the ceiling had been destroyed, small and large holes dotted the walls. Adding to the scene of Destruction were the charred skeletons scattered around the halls. In front of her door were the Skeletons of her two personal guards the purple armour they wore had somehow managed to survive whatever horrors had occurred through the night. Unfazed Luna continued through the hall casting a quick glance at the occasionally scene of destruction and giving a grin to the blinding light each time she passed a window. Luna knew exactly what had occurred, what she needed to know was how had it happened? "Oh sister, you've really dropped the ball one this one." she muttered to herself with a light chuckle. Yep Luna you've still got it she told herself. However, before she made her way to her big sister she had two quick stops to make. One to pick up her arguably more fun half and another to pick an extremely annoying god of chaos, with any luck he might have even suffered some third degree burns. Luna smiled at the thought of a slow roasted Discord; it'd be a nice punishment, sure he’d shake it off, but for a few seconds he’d be cooked to a nice golden brown, she thought to herself. Shaking the wishful thoughts out of her head she continued her march towards the chambers were chaos itself slept. Upon arrival at Discord’s chambers Luna felt a ping of joy shoot through her as she stared at the rubble that once served as Discords room. The chocolate fountain that served as his bathroom sink was still operational however; it was no longer bound by the siding that had held it in place when the castle was stable, the chocolate slowly spreading around the room. Luna could make out what she believed to be a bed beneath one of the large magically crafted pillars that had held the ceiling aloft. That must have been one hell of a wakeup call, Luna thought to herself. The Lunar Goddess shut the one remaining door and watched as it fell over, joining the rest of the rubble. “We told you to set up a protection spell” Luna muttered to herself “We told you it was for your protection not ours, but no, the god of Chaos is too good for protection barriers.” as Luna smugly continued her trot down the destroyed and crumbled walls towards the chambers of Nightmare Moon. Once she arrived at Nightmares Chamber she was met with a surprising sight. The room was in perfect condition both on the inside and out from what she could tell. Luna was somewhat stunned; it appeared Nightmare protection spell was even more powerful than hers. Which after she thought some more about it made sense, Nightmare would need an even better spell to ensure Discord would stay out of her mane, She probably has most of her magic focused on that single spell. For any other creature in Equestria this barrier would be impenetrable, but Nightmare’s magic and Luna’s magic were almost identical, meaning they’re spells were almost useless against each other. A small tingling sensation shot through her spine as she slowly passed through the magical barrier and opened the chamber doors. As Luna had suspected the room was in perfect condition. However that wasn’t what caught her attention the most. It wasn’t the rooms condition that the most shocking aspect, it was its appearance that made her pause. Celestia and she had only seen the room once and that was on the day she picked it. Both of them had speculated on what the black Alicorn's room could possibly contain, they had expected the room’s primary colors to be black and the main theme to be darkness as to match the mare’s personality. However, Luna was finally able to see there were a few things she hadn’t known about this piece of herself. The room had a cheerful air to it; the walls themselves were a light shade of blue. The curtains that she had expected to blacken the room were wide open, once again revealing the blinding light from outside allowing it to flood the room. Luna’s gaze continued to shift around the room, a small grin spread across her lips as she caught glimpses of things she was never meant to see, her personal favourite finding were three hoof sown dolls sitting on a shelf. One was a small White Alicorn she could only assume was Celestia, another was darker Alicorn, she could recognize as herself and finally there was a black Alicorn sitting in the middle was a doll of Nightmare herself. Luna let out a small chuckle at the lack of a Discord doll. “Focus Luna” she muttered to herself, turning her gaze to the large bed in the corner of the room. The bed itself was unremarkable compared to the room; the sheets were white as were the pillows and at the head of the bed slept Nightmare Moon, now that was a strange sight. The mare of utter darkness slept soundly a look of complete peace on her face. A small tinge of fear went through Luna at the thought of waking the sleeping beast, but she knew if they were to fix this, they’d need Nightmare as well. “Hey Nightmare! Wake up!” Shouted the Lunar Goddess “Nightmare!” She repeated “Okay then, if you wanna do this the hard way, we’ll do this the hard way.” mumbled the mare as she grabbed the end of the sheets in her mouth. With one mighty tug she removed the sheets from the bed, however Nightmare did not stir. “Fine then, I tried to be gentle.” Luna’s horn slowly came to life as the purple aura surrounded the Dark goddess. However, there was something else there. Luna released the magical grasp on Nightmare and slowly slid the object from the sleeping mare’s hooves. When she was finally able to get a good look she was stunned, it was another doll. But this was different from the previous three. This was not a pony it was it appeared to be a patch work bear, the limbs were all different colours and mismatched sizes. Then it dawned on Luna, the doll was supposed to represent Discord. Luna did her best to suppress a giggle as she slowly returned the doll to its place on the shelf. If Celestia or Discord ever knew about the contents in this room, Nightmare would probably lose her mind. “What are you doing?” growled Nightmare Luna could feel absolute fear spread through her body, how much had she seen? Can I play stupid? This is how I die. All of Luna’s thoughts ran through her mind as she slowly turned to face the now awake Mare. “I… I came t…to wake you up.” Stuttered the nervous Lunar Princess “You know what I meant, what are you doing with my stuff?” the groggy mare once again growled. “Oh, I was just admiring your… things.” Nightmare slowly climbed to her hooves, never breaking eye contact with Luna. Her Dragon like eye stared right through Luna increasing the fear she felt. “Tell anyone about my room and I’ll make you wish you could die.” She whispered as she pulled Luna closer to her “Do you understand?” Luna slowly nodded “Good, also tell your sister to turn that damn ball of hate down.” Hissed the mare as she open the door to her room and was completely engulfed in the light. With another flash of Luna’s horn another pair of Sun glasses appeared this time to dampen the light for Nightmare. “What in Tartarus?!” stammered Nightmare as she took in the wreckage outside her room. Looking around the hall she was able to spot the charred armour of her guards. Once again they had been sneaking off late at night. After a few seconds of reviewing the seen she was able to determine the cause. An event she hadn’t seen since before her and Luna had been banished. “Hey look, I’m Discord and I love you Nightmare, Kiss me.” Luna said mockingly as she slowly drifted the Discord doll into Nightmare’s field of view. With one swift kick Luna was sent hurling back through the wooden door and with a simple thought Nightmare released the spelling holding her room together. Joy returned to Nightmare as the entire room came crashing down on Luna. “I’ll meet you in the throne room!” Shouted Nightmare as she happily trotted through the carnage Meanwhile in the Throne Room The Draconequus laughed “I can’t believe yo-“ “Shut up Discord” The grumpy Sun Goddess hissed “Hey don’t get mad at me my dear princess, I didn-“ “Don’t finish that sentence Discord” “Drop th-“ “I swear Discord, if you finish that sentence, I’ll make you wish you could die.” Growled Celestia “You dropped the Sun on Equestria” the Draconequus blurted out before falling to the ground in a fit of laughing.” Celestia continued to stare through the blinding light at the large ball of energy that sat were Ponyville had once been. It had been several thousand years since the last incident like this had occurred and Celestia was almost sure it would not happen again. However, it had been a crazy night and when Celestia woke up everyone was extra crispy. Several minutes later both Nightmare and Luna had arrived in the throne room. Luna’s coat still coated in dust and small rocks. Nightmare on the other hoof was completely clean in fact, it look as though she had stopped to clean herself up before arriving. “Oh good you’re both here, let’s just get this all done so we can get on with the day.” With a flare of Celestia horn, the four gods were gone in a flash and after several seconds they reappeared. However, they were no longer in the ruined Castle, but instead an almost completely white void. “Okay the three of you remembers what you’re supposed to do?” Nightmare raised a hoof “Yes Nightmare?” “Why am I needed, couldn’t I just sleep through this and not have to deal with you guys destroying Equestria?” Celestia sighed “We’ve gone over this before Nightmare, you’re part of Luna, and we need both of you in order to complete a spell such as this. Now are there any other questions?” No response “Good, let us begin the spell casting, I’d like to go back to pretending these kinds of things don’t happen and that we don’t make mistakes.” “Don’t you mean, pretend you don’t make mistakes?” Discord said with a laugh “That it, you don’t get to keep the memories of today.” Celestia said flatly “Awww, you’re no fun Celestia” Groaned the Draconequus The spell had finished Charging and formed a Large Ball of blazing light in the center of the room all it needed was Celestia to release it and the fail safe spell would activate. Sure it wasn’t as easy as a hard reset, but it was better than letting the other gods know she managed to roast her world, for the eighth time. “Before we fix this, is there anything you guys saw that you want to forget?” Celestia asked the two other Alicorns?” “Nop-“ Luna was cut off by a small magical aura “She’s still in shock.” Nightmare said with a forced tone of sadness. “I think it’s best if she doesn’t remember any of this happening.” “Very well then” Celestia answered as she released the spell “Wait” Shouted Luna “Nightmare love Dis-“ Celestia sat up in her bed, turning her head towards the window she could see another beautiful night coming to an end in Equestria. She smiled the spell had worked perfectly she’d jumped Equestria back to before her little “incident” and she avoided her hangover. She paused for a moment as she prepared to raise the sun, maybe it could wait a few more minutes.