Of Monsters and Girls

by Fullmetal Pony

Don't Kill. Don't Be Killed

Blue and yellow light flashed through the gym’s windows. Inside, Apple Bloom flipped backwards when a field of bones shot up through the ground. She raised her blade as she flew through the air, blocking a kick from Mettaton.

Mettaton grinned and sent out his other leg while he and Apple Bloom were still airborne. Apple Bloom met the kick with another knife. Sparks sprung off of where the blade met steel. Apple Bloom smirked and raised her first knife up and away from Mettaton’s leg and straight for his chest.

A blue glow took hold her and threw her to the ground. Mettaton brought a boot down on Apple Bloom, but she managed to roll out of the way. The floor cratered and wood splintered into the air. A knife cut through the dust thrown up by the attack and cleaved Mettaton’s right arm from his should. It fell to the ground in a shower of sparks.

Mettaton spun sent out a flurry of yellow bolts from his chest. Apple Bloom fizzled with electricity and flew back. Mettaton looked down at his limb and sighed. “Oh dear, and right after Alphys made improvements.”

“eh, show business does cost you an arm and and a leg.” Sans appeared at Mettaton’s side with his left eye glowing bright. With a sweep of his hand, he cleared the dust around them. Apple Bloom struggled to her feet a few yards away. Black liquid dripped from her eyes and from the wound on her side. “kid, you ain’t looking so hot. my advice? give up.”

“That’s the one thing I can’t do.” Apple Bloom grinned and then charged at Sans and Mettaton.


Rainbow Dash shifted around and then opened her eyes. The throbbing pressure on the back of her head forced her to close them again.

“Hold her still!” a voice called out. “I… I just need another few seconds here.”

A cooling sensation washed over Dash’s head and she felt the pressure on it go down. She took a few breaths and then opened her eyes. Her friends and Alphys looked down on her, with faces stretched tight and lips bitten.

“Guys? I thought I was Appleja—” She bolted upright, which sent her vision spining. She clasped her face with a hand. She focused her uncovered eye on Sunset’s blurred visage. “Applejack is in trouble! We gotta get back to the farm!”

“Whole lotta good that will do ya,” came Applejack’s voice to Dash’s right.

Dash’s vision refocused. She twisted and saw Applejack propped up against the Canterlot statue’s base looking a bit pale.
Applejack shifted her attention over to Sunset. “Sunset, we got Dash up, so what’s the plan? Because if you ain’t got one, I’m getting up and saving my sister myself.”

“Whatever is possessing Apple Bloom should be purgeable, like what happened to me and Twilight,” Sunset explained. “That thing is essentially corrupted DETERMINATION, so we just need to hit it with a blast of FRIENDSHIP.”

“I like this plan.” Dash pounded a fist into her hand. “So do we like play a song or something?”

“I… “ Sunset looked down. “I’m not sure, and that thing knows we’re a threat, so we may only get one chance.”

“And you already wasted it!”

Everyone spun around as a knife plunged down at Sunset.

Flowey leapt out of Frisk’s hands and grew bright.


Sans and Mettaton gasped for breath. Sweat poured down San’s skull and a shrill beeping came from  Mettaton’s chest. Apple Bloom lay on the floor ahead of them, unmoving save for some shallow breaths.

“What happened?” Mettaton huffed.

“that thing feeds on DETERMINATION. maybe it couldn’t sustain itself any longer.” Sans caught his breath and stared at Apple Bloom. Her earlier words then rang in his head and he spun towards where Sunset and her friends had fled. “Oh Hell.”

Sans vanished and reappeared a few feet away and then fell to the ground. He tried to pull himself forward with an arm, but his body refused to listen.

“Mettaton!” he called out. “It’s still out there!”

“On i—” Mettaton launched off the ground, but then its chest went dark and it crashed to the floor. His eyes fizzled and then went dark. His next words were still and crackled as if coming from an intercom. “S-sorry… darling… Battery… low.”

“Sunset!” Sans cried out.


A spray of flower petals erupted in front of Sunset. Cinch, with blackened eyes and reddened pupils, stared at the hilt of her broken knife and then jumped back.

Flowey fell to the ground. The remains of his pot crashed around him. Most of his petals were gone and a gash ran across his face. A sickly grey liquid bubbled up from the wound.

“No!” Frisk screamed and rushed over to Flowey. “Asriel!”

“Hee… hee…You idiot,” Flowey coughed and wilted. “Who am I kidding? I-I’m the idiot.”

Flowey’s face then morphed until it resembled Toriel’s but younger and with a more defined chin. “Frisk. D-don’t let them hurt mom and dad. D-don’t let them hurt anyone else. Don’t k-kill or be killed…”

Flowey then went lip and its face shifted to a just a regular flower.

Frisk stared at the wilted flower. Tears spilled down their face.

“Fool,” Cinch huffed as she drew another blade. “Oh well, not like I needed him at this point anyway.”

She raised her blade and rushed at Frisk and brought her knife down. The girls all screamed as aura raced over their bodies. They transformed just as the knife jabbed into Frisk’s neck.

But it refused.

The blade didn’t meet flesh and instead rebounded off a shimmering barrier. Cinch’s blood ran cold. She looked down at the radiant heart that had emerged from Frisk’s chest. Each beat sent out a wave of rainbow light.

“Now!” Sunset screamed.

She and her friends rushed forward and placed their hands at Frisk’s back. The glow coming from their heart grew brighter. Cinch tried to jump back, but found herself bound by the prismatic light.

“No!” she roared, black bile pouring out her eyes and mouth. “You can’t do this! I have power here! This is my story! My Story!”

“And that’s why you lose!” Sunset shot back.

“It’s never just about you!” said Twilight.

Dash glared at Cinch. “Now it’s time to taste the rainbow!”

A beam of chromatic light exploded out of Frisk’s heart. Cinch’s limbs were thrown back by the blast and then she was consumed by beam. She let out a blood curdling scream that turned into a demonic bellow as the bile pouring out of her coalesced into a figure the mimicked Frisk’s. The beam stripped away chunks of it, leaving blocky gaps instead. The thing devolved from a humanoid shape to graphics that glitched and spassmed. Yet, it still tried to reach out with a crumbling hand.

Frisk stared up at it and frowned. “We… we could have been friends, you know.”

The thing roared even as half its face decayed into pixels.


Another burst of light surged out of Frisk’s heart and slammed into the thing. All it could do was scream. Then, the light engulfed it.


It was dark.

Flowey remembered this feeling. Rather, he remembered this lack of feeling. He had come to this spot many times, by either his own hand or through others. Yet, this time, instead of feeling himself drifting away, he felt his chest grow tight.

“Frisk,” he said.

He then turned his attention inward. The process was familiar to him. In the darkness, he always found the spot, the thread, the DETERMINATION that pulled him back. He poured through his deaths and his memories to find it.

The DETERMINATION didn’t appear.

“Heh, so this is it then,” he sighed. “I used it all up protecting that idiot.”

He floated in the void for some time. A cold slowly took hold of him. The isolation and darkness forced a memory to rear up from the deepest confines of Flowey’s mind.

“N-no,” he stuttered. “Not again. S-somebody will come. Somebody will have to come. It can’t just be this.”

His breathing quickened. The memory of waking up alone repeated again and again in his head until he cried out.

“Somone? Anyone?”

But nobody came.

“Please!” he wailed. “I don’t want to be alone anymore!”

His sobbed into the void.

Then, there was a flash. Flowey sniffled and looked up. There was a speck of light in the void now, a pinprick in the darkness. He tried to move forward, but the light remained stationary. He was about to cry again when another light sparked into existence. Then another one. And another one.

Countless lights popped into the space. Many were white, but some glowed blue, red, purple, and countless other colors. As more lights filled the space, they gathered into dazzling constellations, swirling galaxies, and vast nebulae.

“A close call there,” came a voice from behind Flowey.

He turned. Before him stood a mare that glowed with the luster of a full moon. Her mane glided by her horn and sparkled like the galaxies around them. The mare drew closer and Flowey tensed up.

The mare stopped. “Fear not, young one. I mean you no harm. You may feel a little disoriented though, I am not used to performing my duties at this time, especially for one close to the void, but it is the least I can do for Twilight and her friends.”


“Yes, a bit chaotic for me too, but you come to expect these things as a Princess.” The mare peared a little closer at Flowey. “Hmm, you seem stable now, so I will leave the rest of your recovery up to Twilight and her friends. Pardon the quick exit, but I must rest myself now, this has taken a bit out of me.”

“Wait!” Flowey cried out. “I don’t…”


“I don’t want to be alone!” Flowey bolted upright.

He flinched from the sunlight stinging his eyes. He instinctively snatched up the covers and shielded himself. Then, he realized he was holding covers and let them drop. He looked around.

He was on a bed. Its mattress and covers were the only thing in the room wasn’t glistening in the morning light. The walls, the floor, and the furniture were all crystal. Flowey blinked.

“You okay?”

Flowey spun to his right but a claw sprung out and held him in place. It was attached to a short purple creature that resembled a large lizard.

“Woah, woah,” the creature said. “You were just having a bad dream is all.”

Flowey leaned back and took a breath. It stung a little to do so though. “Where am I? Where are all the girls? Where’s Frisk?”

The creature counted down his answers with his claws. “Twilight’s palace, but that probably doesn’t make a lot of sense to you; the girls that are my friends but aren’t my friends here are back on the other side of the portal, and that probably makes even less sense; and well, I think Frisk was the other person with them. Does that last one make sense at least?”

The creature was sweating by the end of its explanation. It scratched at the fins drooping along its head. “Uh, I’m Spike by the way.”

“Spike?” a voice called from outside the room. “Is he finally up? I’m coming down. Make sure he doesn’t move too much!”

Something about the voice was familiar to Flowey.

A violet glow surround part of the room’s door and pushed it open. A violet mare stepped into the room. Her coat wasn’t as dark as the mare from Flowey’s dream, but she had a horn and wings like her. For some reason, he couldn’t stop thinking of one of the girls Frisk had been with.

The mare smiled and moved over to the bed. “How are you feeling? You gave us all a scare when Sunset brought you here, but it looks like whatever Luna did helped a lot. You were crying so much until she came.”

“Crying?” Flowey blinked. “No, it was probably just some sap. I got slashed pretty bad, but I’m tough for a flower.”

The mare raised an eyebrow. “A flower? Oh, that injury did leave a pretty bad wound, so you may have some head trauma. I want to say you’re something in the Caprinae subfamily, but your anatomy suggests something more like a minotaur.”

“What?” Flowey asked.

The mare blushed. “Oh, where are my manners? Sorry, sorry. I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle, but you can just call me Twilight.”

Flowey stared down at the leg Twilight had thrust at him. He sighed and leaned back. “I guess you helped save me then?”

Twilight looked at her leg and then retracted it. The blush remained on her face. “It was mostly Sunset and her friends, I mean they’re also my friends, but it’s a little confusing to explain.”

“Heh,” said Flowey, “guess you have my gratitude, if I could give it.”

Twilight corked her head. “What do you mean?”

“I’m…” Flowey lowered his eyes. “I’m not right. No matter what people do for me, I never feel anything back.”

“Hmm.” Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof. “Head injuries have been known to affect our emotional centers. Well, you just take it easy for a few days and then we can run a few tests, okay?”

“Whatever,” Flowey sighed. His bloom itched a bit so he reached up a leaf to scratch at it.

A furry paw rose up from under the covers instead. Flowey’s eyes widened. They shifted from his arm to a mirror glinting nearby. Spike yelped when Flowey threw the covers onto him and rushed for the mirror. He slipped when he landed on the floor. Instead of roots, knees stung from the impact, as did his elbows instead of branches. Twilight was yelling and hyperventilating but Flowey made it to his feet and barreled over to the mirror.

He gasped for breath when he reached it. Something pounded in his chest— a sensation he had only felt for a few minutes back Underground. A reflection of Asriel Dreemurr panted within the mirror in front of him. He looked just as Flowey remembered save for the bandages over his chest and head. He fell to his knees.

Twilight raced to his side. “It’s too early for you to be moving like this! You need to rest!”

Tears spilled down Asriel’s face. “Frisk, you did it!”

“Oh no, oh no!” Twilight lit up her horn. A box with a cross on it flew over to her. “Just… just take some deep breaths then tell me where it hurts!”

“I don’t think he’s hurt, Twilight.” Spike came over and stooped down beside Asriel. “You okay?”

“I… I think,” Asriel sniffled. He put a paw to his chest and felt his heartbeat. “It’s been so long, and last time…”

Asriel teared up again. Spike gave him a pat on the back.

“Spike, can you keep him company?” Twilight asked. “I’m going to get him that pie Sunset sent. She said it would help.”
“Sure thing, Twi.”

Twilight made her way out of the room. Spike remained at Asriel’s side. Soon, his cries died down. He hiccuped a bit, but managed to wipe his face. He looked at Spike with puffy eyes. “Thanks for staying. That… that must have been a little weird.”

“Eh, ain’t the craziest thing I’ve done here.” Spike shrugged. “So… you mind me asking your name?”

Asriel smiled.


Students made their way between classes at Canterlot High. No one batted an eye at the teenage monsters interspersed among the human, unless they had caught one another’s fancy.

“Now, can anyone tell me when construction on New Home was finished?” Toriel looked over the classroom, spotted a purple hand sticking up and tried not to sigh. “Anyone?”

A look from Sunset made Twilight blush and she lowered her hand.

A grey hand shot up.

Toriel raised an eyebrow. “Ms. Hooves?”

Derpy grinned. “About thirty years after you dumped Mr. Asgore!”

Everyone nearly fell out of their seats.


Snips and Snails gulped. They watched a webbed hand grasp a dodgeball.

Undyne grinned. “Losing team has to face me in a match.”

Canterlot High annihilated Crystal Prep at the next Friendship Games.


Sans napped under a tree.

Nearby, Papyrus spread his arms wide over the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Frisk.


“Your stories are the best!” said Scootaloo. She then blushed. “Well, I mean, second best, I’m sure Rainbow Dash has got some pretty good stories too.”


Sweetie Belle leaned over to Frisk. “He means that last soccer game, right?”

Frisk nodded.

“Frisk!” Pinkie called out. She rushed over to the group and caught her breath. “You have to come quick!”

Frisk jumped to their feet. Pinkie took their hand and they raced off. Papyrus and the Crusaders followed after them. Sans watched them go and then drifted back to sleep.

The rest of the girls were waiting in the library. When Frisk arrived, Sunset waited a second for them to catch their breath and then held out a scroll.

“We just got this from Twilight,” she said. “But it’s addressed to you and it's definitely too neat to be Twilight’s hoofwriting.”

“You’d think she’d have better writing as a Princess,” Dash quipped.

Applejack elbowed her and then looked at Frisk. “Go along, sugarcube… guess it might be something private though, so if you need to read it somewhere else that’s fine too.”

Frisk undid the scroll’s seal and opened it up. Their eyes widened and then grew damp. By the time they finished reading, tears flowed down their face.

“Oh dear.” Rarity bit a nail. “Is everything okay?”

Frisk lowered the scroll and smiled. They then handed the scroll over to Sunset.

“It’s okay if I read this?” she asked.

Frisk nodded.

Sunset started to read.

Dear Frisk,

I woke up a few days ago, but wanted to make sure I was a little healthier before I wrote this so you wouldn’t worry. I’m sure I must have made a really crazy face when I found out I wasn’t a flower. It still hurts a bit to move too much, so Ms. Sparkle (She doesn’t really like being called a princess and we thought calling your Twilight “Ms. Twilight” would be a little less confusing. I hope it is because it’s still confusing to me.) is keeping me in bed. She has a lot of neat books though. Do you have Daring Do books over there? You should totally read them! Or Power Pony comics.

A bunch of Ms. Sparkle’s friends also came by. It’s kinda weird meeting them since Flowey kinda already saw some of them. It’s confusing, but they’re all super nice. Ms. Applejack and Pinkie (she won’t let me call her anything else) gave me a lot of tasty treats. They both looked at me funny when I asked if they knew how to make snail pie.

Ms. Rarity showed off some clothes she’s making for me when I’m fully healed. That made Spike (he’s a purple talking dog where you are but a dragon here. Neat, right?) glare at me like I’d stolen one of his gems. By the way, he eats gems. He got better later when I mentioned how awesome the latest issue of Power Ponies was.

I haven’t really talked with Ms. Dash that much, but she, Ms. Applejack, and Ms. Rarity said they’d introduce me to some ponies my age when I’m a little better.

I like seeing Fluttershy (she turns as red as a Pyrope if I call her Ms. Fluttershy) the most though. She reminds me a lot of mom. I’d like to see where she keeps all her animal friends someday.

There’s also two Princesses that rule this place like Dad. I wonder if they like tea too. Ms. Sparkle would only say that it’s a long story and that it would be better if Princess Celestia explained. Oh, right. Princess Celestia is a big white alicorn (a pony that has wings and a horn) that raises the sun and Princess Luna is a slightly smaller big blue alicorn that raises the moon. Isn’t that cool?

Actually, Princess Luna was the first pony I met. Then, I saw her again a few nights later. I had a bad dream that my old friend had taken control of you and was hurting everyone again. But, Princess Luna showed up and stopped them like it was nothing. She says it’s part of her job to safeguard dreams. It’s been a very long time since I had dreams. Now I even have somepony to protect them.

Everypony here is so nice. It’s so great to be able to feel thankful for all the kindness they’ve shown me.

That’s the reason why I’d like to wait a little until we meet again. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything for anyone or anything for more than a few minutes. Even before that, I didn’t have many friends. So, I’d like to learn how to make friends again and become a better person. I’m sure you’ll make even more friends too. So, one day, let’s all get together and have a party!


P.S. Ms. Applejack says she’ll cater.

P.P.S. (Pinkie Pie says) she’ll plan it.
