//------------------------------// // Chapter 12 - Mind Over Magic // Story: Fairy Tail: Light and Dark // by Moonlight Spark //------------------------------// Fairy Tail: Light and Dark Chapter 12 - Mind over Magic Written by: Moonlight Spark —————————————————— Previously on Fairy Tail… Happy: Abyssal and Drac were having a hard time fighting Crescent. Since that stallion wasn't breaking a sweat. Lucy: He even took out Drac with that cheap move. But that only made Abyssal more determined to beat him. Natsu: Yup! The only time I saw Abyssal this mad is when me and Gray trashed the guildhouse during our brawl. Happy: That's also the time you and Gray were both in a coma for a week. Natsu: Let's not talk about that, please. Lucy: Anyway, The only pony standing between us and Cysgod is Eclipse. Natsu: Bloodmoon and Ember got this in the bag. Happy: Let's not get too confident, Natsu. Cysgod may have planned something for them since they are the strongest wizard and mage other than Abyssal. Lucy: Let's just hope that what ever it is, they'll be alright. —————————————————— Inside the chamber… Ember, Bloodmoon, and Eclipse were getting ready to attack. But suddenly Eclipse created a barrier then it expanded across the room. Ember was knocked by the barrier but it only passed through Bloodmoon and the barrier stopped expanding behind him. “This will keep your sister or anypony outside the barrier from seeing us while we talk.” Eclipse said calmly. “What do you mean, ‘talk’?” He asked, raising an eyebrow but keeping his guard up for any surprises. “As you can see, the only way you can get to lord Cysgod’s lair is to beat me, and other four dark wizards. And our job is actually not to defeat you. But to get you exhausted enough so our master can drain your magic without the struggle to fight.” She said as Bloodmoon felt something coming behind him. He flew up just in time as a wave of dark spikes came rushing behind him. Before he can recover, a tentacle grabbed him by the body as he struggled to get out. Bloodmoon powered his hoof with chaos magic as he punched the tentacle, and it disappeared. “If that's his plan, he’s more of a coward than I thought.” He said as he threw a ball of chaos magic at her. She pulled up a barrier as it blocks it and it explodes. Meanwhile, Ember tries to break the barrier from outside but to no avail. She stopped as she look at it. “Please, be careful, Bloodmoon.” She said softly with a worried look. Back inside the barrier, Waves of dark energy flew towards Bloodmoon as he made a sword from his magic and starts cutting them in half. But instead of disappearing, the dark wave keeps flying at him as they hit him. “My magic waves can't be destroyed that easily. You'll just double the pain they inflict.” Eclipse said as Bloodmoon fell to the ground. As he got back, the ground beneath him started to shook as the ground exploded, blasting him towards the barrier. He panted as bruises were visible in his body from the attack. He slowly stood up as he breath heavily. “Still alive, I see. Then it's time.” She said as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. As she opened them once more, her eyes glowed as a shadowy figure appeared in front of her and rushes towards Bloodmoon. As it collides with Bloodmoon, it disappeared as Bloodmoon’s eyes widen as he clutches his head in pain. “I...won't...let you…” He said barely as he kept clutching his head. But after a little while, he slowly relaxed as he let's go of his head and his breathing became calm. “Can you hear me, Bloodmoon?” She asked calmly. Bloodmoon opened his eyes and stared forward, his eyes was glowing purple. “Yes, mistress.” He said. He was now being controlled by Eclipse. “Good, then it's your sister’s turn.” She said as the dark barrier disappeared and Ember saw Eclipse and Bloodmoon. Ember gasped as she saw Bloodmoon. “Oh, no.” She said quietly in a scared tone. “Oh, yes.” Eclipse said with a wicked grin. “Get her!” She commanded as Bloodmoon dashed towards Ember. Ember managed to avoid Bloodmoon’s attack by sidestepping to the side. “Bloodmoon, snap out of it!” She said but Bloodmoon continued to attack dark beams flew towards her. She casted a shield to deflect them but Bloodmoon teleported behind her, kicking her hard on the back, sending her crashing through her barrier and towards the wall. Ember slowly stood up, and just barely managed to teleport away from a strong kick from Bloodmoon, cracking the wall. She appeared from the opposite side as she casted a spell. “Light magic: Sunstrike!” A small ray of light shined above Bloodmoon and suddenly a large beam of light strucked a large area on the room, with Bloodmoon in the center of it. As the beam disappeared, Bloodmoon was still standing, though burnmarks could be seen if his coat wasn't pitch black. Ember was breathing heavily from casting that spell. After a minute, Bloodmoon fell to the ground unconscious, then the figure that possessed Bloodmoon rose from his body and turned to Ember before charging towards her. Then out of nowhere, an orange magic spear strucked the figure before suddenly engulfing it on fire and disappearing. She then turned to Eclipse as Eclipse unleashed a barrage of waves of dark magic. Ember casted the same orange spears and it flew towards the dark waves before exploding. As the dust between them faded, Eclipse’s eye widen in shock as she saw Ember casted a very powerful spell. “Fire magic: Pyro’s Judgement!!” She yelled as she was charging a large ball of fire as the flames were dancing as it was like the sun’s. She then threw the large fireball towards Eclipse. Eclipse tried to shield herself with the same dark barrier that she used the first time. But as the fireball makes contact with the barrier, it melted the barrier as a large explosion erupted. The others outside felt the ground shaking as they heard the explosion from Bloodmoon and Ember’s door. As the larged dust faded, the fight was over. Ember was standing tall as she was breathing heavily and then collapsed to the ground, before getting caught by Bloodmoon. “Are you alright, Ember?” He asked with a worried look. Ember gave a weak smile and said, “I'm fine… I just need some rest that's all.” She said softly. Bloodmoon gave a sighed of relief that she was fine. He then turned to Eclipse as he saw her laying in the middle of the large crater, unconscious. And then a door appeared behind them for them to leave the room. “Can you walk, Ember?” He asked calmly. Ember nodded as she slowly stood up, leaning beside Bloodmoon as she regains her balance. She then turned and saw the door. “Bloodmoon, we can leave now. Let's go.” She said before walking towards the door but stopped as she turned back to Bloodmoon. “Bloodmoon, what are you waiting for?” She asked. Bloodmoon glanced at the still unconscious Eclipse and said, “We can't leave her here.” He said. She then look at her and nodded. “You're right. I think I overdid it a little.” She said before she walked towards Eclipse, Bloodmoon following. As they were near her, Eclipse woke up and groaned from the pain as she slowly stood up. She then turned to them. “So, you beat me, huh? Fine, then do it. Finish me off.” She said. “It's not like Lord Cysgod would welcome me back after I failed him.” She said softly as tears welled up in her cheeks and falls to the ground. “No, we won’t.” Ember said calmly. Eclipse looked up to her, shocked at what she was hearing. “You're kidding, right? After what I did, you’re sparing me? But why?” She asked, was surprised of her to just forgive her like that. “Well, believe or not, deep down inside there's some good in you. You just need to be walk the right path.” She said calmly. “But, I don't know the first thing on how to change.” She said in a sad tone. “You can start by helping us defeat Cysgod.” Bloodmoon said. She thought about it and then looked at them. She then nodded. “I accept your offer.” She said more calmly. She then wiped the tears from her face. Ember smiled as Bloodmoon only nodded. “Then let's go, I bet the others are waiting for us.” He said as he walked towards the door. Ember would follow but she stopped as she look at Eclipse. “You coming?” She asked. “I don't know if the others will accept me as a friend.” She said sadly. Then she felt Ember’s hoof on her shoulder. “Don't worry about it. It takes time but before you know it, they'll be good friends.” She said with a small smile. She smiled back and said, “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Now let's go meet with the others.” She said as Eclipse nodded. They meet up with Bloodmoon near the door before the trio stepped through the door and back to the awaiting group. —————————————————— Next time on Fairy Tail… Happy: I can't believe how strong Eclipse was when she successfully took control of Bloodmoon in a matter of time. Natsu: Alright! Now I want a go against Ember, she's awesome! Lucy: Come to think about it, we never actually saw Ember in a fight. Until now, she's more powerful than I thought. Happy: Aye, she is an S-class wizard, you know. But this was the first time we seen her like this. *Next time on Fairy Tail, Light vs Dark* Lucy: This is it, the final battle. We can do this. Happy: Go us!!