Sun Salutation

by Twinkletail

June 15th

Dear Journal,

It's been wonderful to write in you again. I can promise I'll try to do so more in the future. However, a large portion of why I did so was as part of my attempts to reduce my stress. Now that things with Tree have progressed as they have, I'm getting the feeling my levels of stress might not be quite as high as they have been. Sure, it'll still be there, but, well...she calms me down so much. Don't worry, I won't completely stop writing, no matter what!

Tree and I are going to try and take things as they come. Not too fast, not too slow, hopefully just right. That kiss was a bit faster than necessary, I believe, but it was saved by virtue of being well-timed and well-received. From here on, we'll probably take it just a bit slower than that. However, if she wishes to speed things up...well, I can't say I'll be too upset.

For now, I should get back to my day. Yes, I'm writing this entry a bit earlier than usual. It is my journal, and I may write when I please :) If I were to write later, it might interfere with my slightly-later-than-usual session with Tree tonight. She says she has some special stretches to show me, and I simply cannot wait. Oh, I feel like a schoolfilly again...
