Trixie Gets Part-Time Wages With Full-Time Hours

by FamousLastWords

Day 2: Trixie Tries To Call In Sick

Trixie moaned and groaned and tossed and turned in her bed. The alarm from her clock was blaring in her ear. She positioned her groggy head up to look at the clock.
“Five-thirty?” Trixie could feel a tear escape her eye. “Why must the universe be so cruel? Who needs heart-attack inducing food this early in the morning?”
She swore she could hear Flitter’s voice exclaiming ‘customers!’, and ‘always!’, and ‘right!’ along with other nonsense she would have no part of.
You know what? She worked hard her first day. If anypony deserved a day off, it was her. Luckily, technology had finally reached from Manehattan out to Ponyville, so she had a telephone she would make great use of.
“The Great and Powerful Trixie does not need Spike and Flitter’s garbage work, not today.”
Trixie got out of bed at a pace that would make a slug jealous, and slogged her way over to where the telephone sat on top of the receiver. She snatched it and dialed up the number for Spike’s Salty Sandwiches…
*Ring! Ring! Ring!*
“C’mon, pick up you crazy pony.”
After another few rings, the phone was picked up and Trixie almost lost control of the phone from the sheer volume protruding from the other side.
“Thank you for calling Spike’s Salty Sandwiches on this lovely, super-terrific morning! What can I help you with?”
“Oh, um, it’s Trixie,” the blue unicorn said, trying to sound as sick as she could. “Ahem, cough  cough, wheeze and so on. I’m sick. I can’t come in, today.”
“Oh, really?” Flitter asked. “That’s too bad.”
“Oh, the Sick and Mournful Trixie knows and appreciates your un—”

“It’s too bad because you’re on a point system! If you call in today, you’ll get fired the moment you turn up at work the next day after! I’d hate to let you go, but I’d still do it with a smile on my face.”
Trixie’s jaw fell open. “B-But, there is no place in a food service environment for a sick Trixie. What if I make other ponies sick?”
“Oh, you big ol’ silly willy, we have first aid kits for a reason! Just slap a band-aid on that cough and you’ll be all set!”
“I— what?”
“That’s the spirit!” Flitter’s static-y voice shouted through her phone.
This mare is insane, Trixie thought to herself. “B-but Trixie is allergic to the material used to create band-aids.”
“Not to fear, we have gauze tape!”
Trixie smacked a hoof to her forehead in frustration. “Trixie does not like gauze.”
“And Spike doesn’t like ponies calling out. Would you rather speak to him?”
Flitter giggled. “I’ll take that as a no. So, I’ll just let Spike know that you’re going to be a little late and—”
“No!” Trixie cut off her coworker. “I, uh, I want to talk to you some more, Flitter! Get to know you. Yeah, that’s it. So, Flitter, how was your day yesterday?”
“My day went well! Nopony tried to call out, so I didn’t have to waste any of my time talking to ingrates on the phone!” Flitter happily answered. “What about you?”
“So, you’ll be here in a few minutes?”
Trixie groaned. “But The Messy and Disheveled Trixie must properly wake up and do her mane and get dressed before addressing ponies?”
“Nonsense! You’re not super attractive on a good day, so we can all handle you on a bad day!”
“Now see here you little—”
“Five minutes?” Flitter asked, her smile practically bursting through the phone and infiltrating Trixie’s personal space.
“Meh, grr, five minutes…”
“Great! See you then!”
There were few times in life that Trixie felt the actual need to use vulgarities toward another citizen. She had always tried her best to be above the cuff when it came to her personal vocabulary, but Flitter was an exception.
“I hate that bitch…”

The door to Spike’s restaurant, and Trixie’s personal Tartarus, opened with a ding. “Welcome to Spike’s— Oh, it’s just you, Trixie!”
“Yes, yes, Trixie is here…” the groggy pony replied, coffee in hoof. “You know I hate you, Flitter, right?”
“Well of course, but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to help you learn!” Flitter replied, a huge grin adorning her face. A grin that Trixie longed to wipe away.
“Trixie does not need to learn anything about the fast food industry. This is merely a temporary job while I look for something with more opportunity for advancement.”
“I mean… I’ve advanced pretty far. Spike even said that I can take over the restaurant when he retires!” Flitter replied, sounding excited about the chance.
“Seriously?” Trixie replied. “I thought Celestia outlawed dictatorships”
“Oh, that’s so funny!” Flitter cried out. “Now you better clock in before you’re fired on the spot!”
Trixie grumbled and walked behind the counter to clock in.
“Oh, no no no!” Flitter said. “You need to put on your uniform, first!”
Trixie pointed at the signs of servitude she clearly had on her body. “Excuse me, but the Demeaned and Distressed Trixie clearly has her uniform on, already!”
“Oh, that’s so funny, but you’re missing one glaring detail!” Flitter pointed at the back of her uniform. “You forgot to tie your apron!”
“What? But? You’re not wearing an apron!”
“That’s because I’m the assistant manager! I don’t have to reduce myself to your ranks!”
“Then Trixie demands to be made into an assistant manager!”
Flitter, for the first time, broke her normally even composure with uproarious laughter. “Hah! That’s a great joke, you didn’t tell me you were such a comedian, Trixie!”
Trixie’s brows furrowed, and she growled a little. “Trixie is not wearing an apron.”
“Alright, alright. I can tell you’re a very uptight pony,” Flitter nodded, her eyes closed. “I think we have a very suitable alternative for you.”
“That’s more like it,” Trixie huffed.

“This is not what Trixie had in mind.”
Trixie stood in the main lobby, a pair of jean overalls adorning the front half of her body. Spike’s laughter could be heard from his office in the back of the restaurant.
“Shut up, you stupid dragon!”
“You lose a point, Trixie!” he shouted back.