Ponyformers: Dark Of The Moon: The Video Game

by Same2

Chapter I

"Three years have passed since we last saw the kul'asepticons, despite our best efforts, Starlight Glimmer and her army have evaded us, some of our human allies believe the kul'asepticons have fled earth, defeated, I wish that was true, they remain here, hiding, watching, waiting"

The screen pulled back, coming up a satellite and it followed a cord up the satellite, revealing Vinyl Scratch.

Meanwhile on some airplane...

The plane was flying at least 400 feet, It had a autopony symbol on it sides, then the airplane's door opened, and inside was a blue and rainbow stripes sports car, its light turned on, then boosting outside, falling out of the airplane, Then it transformed into a blue Pegasus, with rainbow colored hair and tail, it had a cloud with the rainbow coming out of it on its sides, it used it's wings to land itself. "Rainbow Dash, we suspect the kul'asepticons have been monitoring our communications with NEST. Doctor Whooves discovered several transmission beamed to a soviet relay facility in this area" Said Twilight Sparkle.

"<beep>" Rainbow Dash said because she couldn't talk. she started walking.

"We were unable to pinpoint the location, I want you to investigate the relay facility up north of the village, Lightning Dust and I will land and look over the neighboring towns" said twilight on the com link, witch was a long distance communications device.

"<beep>" said Rainbow. She kept walking forward till she spotted a gate, She took her gun and shot it open, and she kept walking and ducked under the gate. She walked over a corner when she got a message on the com link.

"Autoponys, make sure your friendship modes is functioning properly , friendship mode allows you to move nimbly in any direction" said Twilight.

"<Beep>" said Rainbow dash.

"Your weapons are more powerful" said Twilight.

"<beeps>" Rainbow said, she spotted some gates and shot them open as she drove thru them, repeating until she got outside. She transformed and started walking up the village, She then reached a gate.

"Remember, Autoponys, Your vehicle mode is the fastest way to travel!" Twilight said on the com link. Rainbow Transformed and started driving north.

"Twilight, this is Lightning Dust, I am detecting no human activity in this town" said Lightning Dust.

"According to major Reynolds, the Soviets abandoned these villages at the end of the cold war, keep your guard up, each of them would make a perfect Kul'asepticon's hideout" Said Twilight.

"What do we do when we find the Kul'asepticon's transmitter?" asked Lightning dust.

"Upload Doctor Whooves virus, it would override the transmission code so that we can monitor the Kul'asepticons" Twilight said. Rainbow kept driving, making turns and boosting ever so often, She spotted a bridge with a big gap in it, She jumped over it, Getting a emergency transmission from Twilight. "Rainbow, our scans are showing several bogeys moving toward the satellite base at high speeds, They could be Kul'asepticons, you need to reach the base before they do!" Twilight said.

"<Beep>" Rainbow said.

"Be careful Rainbow, your readings indicate the base is still active" Said twilight, getting this news, Rainbow boosted and didn't stop, She noticed and few hard turns, She drifted around them to reach the base. Then she jumped over a part of a tree that fell.

"<Beeps>" Said Rainbow.

"That's a kul'asepticon signal! Find a access point and get inside the relay facility" said Twilight said as Rainbow boosted. She reached the base, "Our scans aren't indicting and enemy movements, plant the virus, but be careful" said Twilight. Rainbow transformed and walked into the base, and seeing the device, She walked over and put it in. "Good, now leave before they find you" Said Twilight said as Rainbow walked outside, she saw some Kul'asepticon drones, better know as changelings. One turn around and saw her.

"A AUTOPONY! DESTROY HER!" said a changeling, as one transformed and left.

"A Changeling is getting away" Twilight said as Rainbow started shooting the Changelings, she switched to her handheld and started shooting the rest, noticing some more, she started shooting the others and killing them.

"Dash, this is Lightning dust,I'm running down the Changeling that bolted you, but my scanners indicate several others coming your way" said lighting dust.

''Autoponys, we can let any kul'asepticons get away,if even one escapes, Starlight will learn of the hole thing" Twilight said.

"Then I guess we would have to shoot them all" said lightning, Rainbow walked over to the gate and jumped over it, she saw a changeling there, she snuck up on it and then killed it, then transforming and driving down the mountain like how she came up, "Dash, use your target lock in friendship mode, its perfect for fighting in close courters combat" Rainbow came across some changelings and she turned into friendship mode and shooting them down.

"remember the armor in your vehicle mode offers extra protection" Said Twilight as rainbow started driving down the mountain only to come across another Kul'septicon ambush and having to shoot them all and then boosting and jumping across the bridge and kept going just to run into more Kul'asepticons, "Rainbow Dash be sure to destroy every changeling, we cant let any get away" said Twilight as Dash was walking into ANOTHER Kul'asepticon ambush. "Rainbow Dash use your recon radar to mark your targets" Twilight said as Dash used it and then went over to them and killing them, only to get hurt, "Rainbow, if you take damage seek cover till you repair" twilight said as Dash killed the last ones then proceeding to go down the mountain and killing changelings along the way.

"My sensor show the changelings building something in the nearby village" said Lightning.

"Its a long range transmitter, they will use it to contact starlight, take it out" Twilight said as rainbow keep taking out Kul'asepticons left and right while driving to the village, soon re-entering the village. with the first beacon on radar, transforming back into pony mode and took out the first one. with the sound of the explosion, changelings ran to the location and shooting rainbow, rainbow taking them out one by one, "I'm picking up three more transmitters, lightning dust and i wont get there in time, you must destroy them" Twilight said.

"<beep>" rainbow said in response to twilights message, she slowly made here way to the next one taking out changelings on the way, finding the next one and repeat what she did and blowing it up.

"Two more rainbow" Twilight said.

"<Beep>" Rainbow said as she was walking the next one, when she got there, she saw it, but she soon realized it was a ambush as changelings were shooting at her, she threw a grenade at them, blowing them up, and taking out the rest with her blaster, then blowing it up.

"Just one more!" Twilight said as rainbow was walking to the other one taking out Changelings, then she jumped over a building to see the final transmitter, being guarded by a few changelings, taking them out and blowing the last one up, unknown to her it was a ambush, Changelings came from everywhere, in front of her, behind here, the forest, they were all shooting at her.

"You can hold on forever Autopony, YOUR ALL ALONE!" A Changeling said as rainbow was doing her best to defend herself, but she was stuck with the fear that her life was about to end, but at the last second.

"A AUTOPONY IS NEVER ALONE" Twilight said as she stood on top of a building and Lightning and running to Twilight, Twilight and her jumped down with there blasters and started shooting the changelings, Rainbow took the distraction to take out the Changelings and then join Twilight. they started to shoot changelings, with three it was easier to take them out faster. "Rainbow this way, lets move to higher ground" Twilight said as they moved up to a building, they started to shoot the changelings they could see.

"Looks like they gave up trying to tell on us and are now trying to finish us off" Lightning said as they keep shooting the changelings, Rainbow jumped off the building to engage the enemy up close being the scout, she was used to this, especially on Equesitron, she was taking care of changeling while Twilight and Lightning were shooting from the building, they were both successful taking out changelings.

"Autoponys follow me" Twilight said she and lightning move to the ground as more Changelings came out, but team Sparkle easily took them out. "Look Rainbow" Twilight said as they look at some more changelings, but these were different these were flying changelings, as they transformed and landed as they and team sparkle were traded shots, more drones came up and the battle began again, destroying them, then more came, and then they destroyed them, after destroying the last one they walked to Rainbow. "Good work Autoponys, with the virus uploaded in there communications network, we have finally turned the tables on the Kul'asepticons" Twilight said with a proud voice, because she knew, with the virus uploaded, they had an advantage on Starlight Glimmer and her army of changelings.