//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 - The Talk // Story: The Change in Our Wind // by Sapphire Harmony //------------------------------// The four ponies walked into The Tasty Treat. Wave Chill looked around the restaurant as a mare approached them. "Hello! Welcome to The Tasty Treat! I'm Saffron Masala," Saffron introduced herself. Twilight waved her hoof. "Hi, Saffron! We were wondering if Blaze was here?" "Specifically a yellow mare, orange eyes and mane?" Wave Chill added. Saffron thought. "Yes, I remember her coming in here." Saffron looked around before turning back to Twilight. "I'm sorry, she must've just left." Airbrush then walked closer before speaking up. "We can catch up to her later, I'm starving!" Saffron quietly giggled at the pegasus's exclamation. "Sure thing." She then lead the four ponies over to an empty table and handed them menus before walking into the kitchen. Their meals had arrived rather quickly. While they ate, they all broke the silence by talking about casual things going on in life, all except Dash. She continuously looked around for Blaze, hoping that she could get this over and done with. She was getting tired of it. She looked out the window to see it was starting to get dark. They were running out of time. The Wonderbolts had to leave tomorrow night, and if they didn't get this sorted out who knows when the next chance will appear? Soarin, who was sitting directly across from Dash, looked at her with concern. He wanted to talk to her more and he felt awful about this whole thing. He wanted to clear this up almost as much as she did, but he understood that Dash had to see for herself that there wasn't anything going on. Still, he had to talk to her. While Twilight, Wave Chill, and Airbrush continued to talk about whatever, Soarin whispered to Dash, which thankfully got her attention the first time around. He nodded towards the door which Dash nodded in response after a few seconds. They managed to slip out of The Tasty Treat before Dash turned to Soarin. "What?" "You okay?" Soarin asked with concern. "Pfft, of course, I'm okay! I love it when all of Equestria thinks my coltfriend is in a relationship with somepony other than me! It's great! Best feeling in the world!" Soarin watched her as she spoke. Like Airbrush had seen in Dash earlier, there was pain in her eyes. The more Dash said that everything was fine, the more pain appeared in her eyes. How long was it going to take until she couldn't hide it anymore? "Dash, if that was true you would not be here right now." Dash quickly looked for an excuse. "Well, the joke's on you cause Twilight and I had to come here to... solve a friendship problem!" She smiled, "You're not the only one with a busy life. Ya know because I'm the Element of Loyalty so I have to solve certain problems to keep Equestria from falling apart. Very important stuff here." Yeah, that sounded good. "Oh really? Then what is this friendship problem you have to solve?" Soarin played along. "Oh, uh, you know... the problem between... um... you and Wave Chill!" Soarin looked at her with confusion. "Yeah, I don't think that's true." "Well, the Cutie Map says otherwise." "I think the Cutie Map is saying that it made the right choice of not making you the Element of Honesty," Soarin laughed. Dash rolled her eyes playfully before joining in on the laugh. It was nice to finally laugh for real. Eventually, the laughter died down and Soarin spoke up again. "Seriously though, I totally understand if you can't trust me anymore. I know that you can't really go with my word with stuff like this." "I want to believe you, I really do. I don't want to think that you'd do this, but... I don't know what to think right now." "Spitfire, Fleetfoot, Fire Streak, AND Blaze can tell you that this is all a misunderstanding. They were all there." "But Spitfire and Fleetfoot have been your friends for how long now?" Dash stopped before she realized something, "Come to think of it, I don't think asking Blaze would help either." "What do you mean? She's kind of involved in this too." "Yeah, I know that but if what you've told me is true, she could easily lie and ruin our relationship just like Sun Chaser!" Soarin tilted his head. "Who?" "I'll tell you later, it's a pretty long story." "Oh I love stories!" a new voice came from behind them. Both Dash and Soarin turned to see who the voice belonged to. They both stared wide-eyed. "Blaze?" Earlier, just after Dash and Soarin went outside Twilight, Wave Chill, and Airbrush watched both Dash and Soarin from their table. "How do you think this will turn out?" Twilight asked. "Knowing Soarin, I'm going to have to lean towards not well. You?" Airbrush said. "Knowing Rainbow, I'm going to have to say the same thing." All three of them watched in silence, hoping this was not going to end in a war. That's when something unexpected happened. The two were laughing. Not an awkward laugh, no quick smiles. Just pure laughter. Something Pinkie would like to see. Twilight smiled warmly as she watched the positive exchange. "What do you think they're laughing about?" Airbrush shrugged. "Could be anything, but by the looks of how nervous Rainbow was, I'm going to have to go with something she said." "This is probably the first time Rainbow Dash had actually laughed since we got here." Wave Chill, who had been awfully quiet since this started, had a bad feeling in his gut. This was going way too well between the two. That's when he saw it. Or her. "Uh, girls?" he finally spoke up. Twilight and Airbrush turned to face him. "Yes?" "I don't know if I'm going crazy from lack of sleep or something, but does that mare look a little bit too much like Blaze?" Both the girls snapped their heads around as they eyed the suspicious mare. It couldn't be. But... "What do we do?" asked Airbrush. "We should go out there, this could get ugly," Wave Chill said as he began to sit up, but was quickly pulled down by Twilight. "No. If Blaze really wants to help and fix this mess, we should let her do what she needs to do." Twilight was right. Blaze wouldn't want to hurt her teammate's relationship. She was a good friend of his. She knew how much Dash meant to him. She wouldn't ruin his happiness. ... Right?