//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: A Dragon's Heart // by NightShadow-z //------------------------------// Spike jolted awake, gasping in fear. Another nightmare… He thought to himself, as he buried his face in his claws, tears, and sweat mixing in his palms. I need to get some control over this fear of mine. Last night’s nightmare was different from his first nightmare, even though they both started out with Rarity calling him a disgusting creature for loving ponies. He found himself being ridiculed and hated by everyone, including the Crystal Ponies... and even Twilight. He feared that all his friends felt the same way as Rarity, that everypony felt the same way as Rarity. And he would have no choice but to accept this law and either jealously watch as all his friends found that special somepony, or leave Equestria and try to live among dragons with Ember. He already felt jealous of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. He wasn't all that surprised when they hooked up last year. What he was surprised by, was that they continued to remain a happy couple, even though they kept challenging and trying to best the other. And it all accumulated inside his chest, making him feel jealous of them, his fear of never finding anypony growing stronger by the day. Realizing that he was sending himself down a – as Cadence had put it – heartbroken rabbit hole, he shook himself out of it before climbing out of bed and walking to the adjoined bathroom, where he proceeded to wash his face. Looking himself in the mirror, he remembered his conversation with the Princess of Love the night before. ***** Cadence had looked surprised when Spike had told her what had happened at the Carousel Boutique and then saddened by the time that he had finished. He looked down at his half-eaten soup and cocoa, having suddenly lost his appetite. “I can see how that would break your heart and instill fear where love should be,” Cadence started, breaking the silence after a few moments. “But I wonder if there is anything Twilight herself is going through right now that is making her act this way?” Spike sighed airily, expecting this argument from Twilight’s very own foal-sitter/sister-in-law. “I thought she might be going through her estrus cycle, but during the train ride, she wasn’t giving off any pheromones.” He explained thoughtfully, finally realizing it himself. “Then she’s either hiding something, or she meant something else, but used a poor choice of words.” Cadence suggested, scratching her chin with a hoof. “Or, she also thinks ponies should love ponies and dragons should love dragons.” Spike countered sadly, before conceding with, “Or she’s afraid because of how ponies will react to a Princess loving a Dragon.” Cadence watched Spike with sad eyes as he laid his head on his forepaws. She didn’t like seeing him hurt like this, after all, the Crystal Ponies of her kingdom owed him so much, as did she, what with bringing her the Crystal Heart to finally defeat King Sombra, saving the Equestrian Games from that huge ice block, providing them with an opportunity to befriend and study a Changeling by introducing Thorax - which in turn made a peace treaty between the new Changeling Kingdom - and even helping foal sit Flurry Heart when he was with Twilight. “I think I’m going to get some sleep.” Spike suddenly spoke, slowly making his way to one of the two beds. “I had a rough flight, and I’m still kind of exhausted.” He explained, giving her an apologetic smile. “Oh, of course,” Cadence replied, sounding surprised. “I’m sorry, I forgot that you flew here yourself. I’ll be gone to talk to Twilight tomorrow, so feel free to explore the city or castle at your leisure.” He smiled and nodded before his exhaustion got the better of him and he collapsed on the bed, succumbing to a well-deserved sleep. ***** Sighing, Spike used a towel to dry off his face before walking back through the room toward the door. While opening it, he had to take a couple steps backward in surprise so he didn’t run into the same castle maid from last night and the tray of food that was beside her. “Oh, good morning, Spike.” The mare greeted him with a soft blush. “I, uh, brought you some breakfast.” “Oh, thank you.” He smiled a bit at her and stepped out of the way so she can push the tray in, before she quickly got out of the room again, a flush expanding on her cheeks. “Well… that was random.” Spike commented before shrugging to himself. Sitting down on the bed, picking up the tray off the cart and digging in, his stomach growling appreciatively. ***** Twilight awoke to Starlight knocking on her bedroom door. “Twilight, Princess Cadence is here.” She called through the door. The lavender alicorn groaned before sitting up, still half asleep. She was about to shout towards Starlight when her door opened and Cadence slowly trotted through, her normal pink, yellow and blue mane was done up in its old ponytail, rather than her usual straight on one side. “Cadence!” Twilight gasped before rushing to her old foal-sitter. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” The two princess said in unison, giggling afterward at their antics. “Not to ruin the mood, but I spoke with Spike last night,” Cadence told Twilight. “I came here to talk about why you were afraid to be seen with him during dinner yesterday.” Starlight looked at Twilight, surprised, while the lavender Alicorn’s ears drooped in embarrassment and fear. “I wasn’t afraid to be seen with him in a romantic light,” She told Cadence. “I was afraid of what ponies might do to him if they saw him with me.” “Did they do anything to him or you?” Cadence asked, suddenly worried. “No, thankfully none of the ponies at the Tasty Treat did anything to him,” Twilight reassured. “But there was a stallion at the Canterlot Train Station who didn’t know he was Spike and attacked him.” Cadence sighed gustily in relief. “Alright. Spike told me as much last night.” She told her before turning and trotting toward the balcony. “Now I must go and talk to Rarity and see if I can’t uncover why she acted the way she did towards Spike.” Spreading her regal wings, she jumped off the balcony and flew off towards the Carousel Boutique. Once Cadence was out of view, Twilight sighed sadly, looking at a picture of her and Spike at the crystal fair a few months back. “Oh, Spike. I wish I could take all your pain.” She whispered to herself, a single tear splashing on the glass. “Hey, Twilight, I was wondering if you could help me make some cupcakes!” Pinkie Pie suddenly spoke from the doorway, causing Starlight to jump and shriek in surprise, to which Pinkie just giggled. “Oops, sorry, Starlight.” She looked back at her lavender friend, her mouth open when she noticed that she wasn’t smiling or reading. “Hey, why are you crying, Twilight?” ***** Back in the Crystal Empire, Spike was looking at the Crystal Heart that he helped Twilight retrieve, stopping and destroying King Sombra. “Did we destroy him?” He whispered to himself. “I should probably find a library to do some research on him... Wow, never thought I’d say that I needed to do research. I think I've been spending too much time with Twilight.” Shaking his head, he started walking in the direction that he knew the Crystal Library was in. He may not have been a baby dragon anymore, but he was still young, barely a toddler by Dragon Standards. He suddenly stopped when it occurred to him. I’m still a toddler…. Anypony that isn’t an alicorn will die long before I do… If I ever do… Running towards the library now, he had to find out exactly how long he would live for. Screw King Sombra, his real fear was hammering into him with a vengeance. He just hoped he wasn’t given more bad news.