A Dragon's Heart

by NightShadow-z

Chapter 7

Twilight was mad. She wanted to talk to Cadence about Spike, ask how he was doing, and if she could go see him. Instead, the pink alicorn had brought Rarity back to Twilight's castle in hopes to get to the root of the situation. And of course, the pearly white unicorn sat oblivious to her friend's anger.

“Rarity, while you don't think so, you hurt Spike with what you said to him.” The Princess of Love spoke. They had been talking for a good thirty minutes with the seamstress, hoping to understand why she blatantly ignored Spike's own feelings.

“I was just explaining that it's wrong for a dragon to love a pony.” Rarity replied, for the umpteenth time. “It's not my fault if he refuses to see reason. You must see what I mean, Twilight, being a princess and all.”

“See what you mean?” Twilight asked, growling, surprising her seamstress friend. “No, I don't see what you mean. Haven't you ever thought that Spike has only known ponies since he was born? Can't you at least try to see what you said from his point of view?” She was practically screaming by the time she was finished.

“Twilight, I know how you must be feeling,” Rarity said, trying to be diplomatic. “But what would ponies think if-”

She was suddenly cut off by a lavender hoof slapping her across the face.

Twilight's eyes were brimming with tears as she stared at Rarity. “You're so insensitive!” She shouted at her before running up to her room, crying the whole way.

Why? She asked herself as she ran. Why does she have to be so clueless, so hurtful…. So much like the Canterlot Elite that she despises so much.

It was true, Rarity hated the Canterlot Elite, but it was them that made most of the orders from Rarity. She's not infallible, after all. That didn't stop Twilight from being mad at her for hurting Spike like that.

Flinging herself on her bed and using a burst of magic to close her door, she buried her face in her pillow.

“Spike…” She whispered. “I hope you're okay. Come home soon…”


Spike stared at the book in front of him. Shining Armor had brought it to him upon the librarian's request. But now, he was wishing he'd stayed blissfully unaware.

His specific breed of dragon, it turns out, was considered immortal, until an outside force killed them, such as a dragon hunter, or another dragon. Which meant he'd only be able to fall in love with an Alicorn, or a Dragon.

“Cadence had the same fear when she fell in love with me.” Shining confided to Spike. “I may die, but she'd rather love me than not love at all.”

Spike sighed before looking at the ex-royal guard captain. “Yeah, I guess that's a better way to look at it.” He agreed. “But what's really plaguing my mind is whether or not I can even love a pony. Will ponies think I’m weird, or even unnatural?”

Shining brought his hoof up to his chin in thought as Spike looked straight ahead. The library was a bit darker than he remembered, but, he had only been in it once when he was young. Shelf after shelf of books of all different colors and sizes spread out like some kind of researcher’s paradise. The crystalline blue desk that they sat at had an almost polished glow to it as if it were a finely crafted gem. Of course, thinking of such made him hungry, so he returned his mind to other thoughts…. Even though they were the last thoughts he wanted in his head at the moment. Thoughts of love He didn’t even think it was possible for dragons and ponies to be romantically involved, and that thought burned him to his core in more ways than any natural fire could. Maybe he should leave and be with dragons? No, Twilight would just burn her castle down without him. So, it was with unhappy resignation that he finally chose to stay with Twilight in Ponyville, even if he may never find one that he may call his one true love.

“Who’s to say what ponies are going to think?” He heard Shining finally say. “There are always going to be ponies that accept your choices and ponies that are going to challenge your choices. But you have to decide which side to listen to.”

Spike stared at him, thinking that his words were infinitely wise before a sly grin crept onto his muzzle. “Those were Celestia’s and Cadence’s words weren’t they?” He asked the ex-guard captain.

“What? No, they were, uh…” Shining stammered, a flush along his cheeks before he slumped his head down. “Yeah…”

Spike laughed at his honorary brother’s discomfort, a strange numbness encasing his heart.


The next morning, Twilight awoke to a bright flash of green and the sound of a scroll landing on her bed.

Groaning, she slowly sat up and used her magic to unravel the scroll, the letter waking her up faster as she read.

Dear Twilight,
I’m sorry I just left a couple nights ago, but I had to do some research, and I knew Princess Cadence still had some books on dragons from when you were a little foal. I’ll be arriving back at the castle later this evening, so if Cadence is still there can you tell her that I’d like to ask her for a bit of advice? Don’t worry, I’m fine, and as an apology, I’m going to make you that dandelion and wild poppy salad with apple and peach slices that you love so much. I’ll see you tonight.
P.S. Try not to do anything crazy that results in you burning the castle down.

Twilight smiled at the letter, hearing Spike’s usual upbeat and snarky voice in her head helped her relax. “Thank you, Spike.” She whispered to herself before setting off to writing a reply to him.

Dear Spike,
You better make good on that promise mister. Only then will I forgive you. Cadence is staying here until tomorrow, so you'll have plenty of time to talk to her until then. And I'm the one who should be apologizing. I let my own fears cloud what was important to you, and as a result, I ended up hurting the best and oldest friend I've ever had. I can't wait to see you tonight, and I think we all need to sit down and talk about you. And, no, you're not getting out of it that easily. I know you think you need to take this burden on all by yourself, but you don't. You have me and your other friends who are willing to help you out. (Except Rarity, obviously, as she's made her claim fairly knows to all of us) Have a safe travel and please don't freeze to death on the return flight. I'm glad Shining Armor was there to find you, otherwise, I'd have more to worry about.

A stray tear fell onto the parchment and she quickly wiped her eyes before continuing the letter.

I also have a surprise planned for you, but you're not finding out until you return home, mister. So hurry your scaly butt up. I'll see you tonight.
P.S. I can't make any promises.

Rolling the letter up and chuckling to herself, she watched as her magic made the letter burn up it a bluish-purple fire, on it's way to Spike.

Getting up from her desk, she made her way down the halls of her castle, already planning her little surprise for the dragon of her heart.

A dragon's heart... She thought to herself giddily. I never thought I'd find myself excited about the prospect.