//------------------------------// // I Want Her Attention // Story: Do You Really Love Me Unconditionally? // by stephamazin //------------------------------// The ceiling wasn’t anymore interesting than it had been the night before. Yet, Fluttershy’s eyes remained open. Her mind was filled with thoughts of that mystery filly. Her luscious hair that gently changed from yellow to orange and continued until all the colors in a rainbow were included. Her defiant eyes had been a vibrant pink while her fur contrasted with a blue that reminded her of the sky on the clearest day. Fluttershy shot up when she felt her throat dry up. With how shy she was she’d never be able to catch the rainbow filly’s attention. Fluttershy sighed loudly, maybe if I get Derpy’s help I can get up the confidence. Tomorrow I’ll try asking Derpy if she still wants to be friends. The coming morning she ended up unlucky. “Are you fine with Zephyr taking you to flight camp today? Me and Dad are a bit busy today but I promise one of us can take you tomorrow.” Fluttershy turned to look at Zephyr; currently he was leaning back in his chair, dangerously close to falling, eating a piece of cinnamon raisin bread with an aloof expression. She didn’t dislike her brother she just found his flakiness annoying. Especially with how she was actually excited to go to flight camp. She sighed inwardly before planting a smile on her face. “Don’t worry mom I know it can’t be helped if you’re not always free. Zephyr can take me instead.” With that her mother breathed a little earlier, she always worried for her little girl’s well being. “Zephyr, you better make sure your sister gets to flight camp and pick her up or we’re grounding you for a week” Mr. Shy glared at his son. Zephyr simply sighed and assured that he would. After eating both parents left. Once Zephyr finished his toast both children left their home towards the camp where Derpy and the mystery filly that had stolen every thought in Fluttershy’s pink head. Once they arrived at the gate Zephyr ushered her in, said a quick hello to his old coaches and counselors he’d talked to when he was as young as Fluttershy was. Fluttershy walked to the same office she had met Derpy at in hopes that she would be there. While she was peering through the window to see if any blond hair would catch her eyes she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her neck. She made a noise similar to a fainting goat. Fluttershy’s legs stood stiff in the air as she tried to breathe to lessen her panic. Two yellow eyes looked at her worriedly. “I’m sorry for startling you, do you want me to help you up?” Fluttershy nodded and reached towards the outstretched hoof. Once all four buttercup yellow hooves were placed on the ground she noticed three colts across the cloud-yard. “Geez, Have you ever seen more of a coward? I bet if the smallest down feather touched her flanks she’d seize up.” Hoops cracked up at his own joke and several foals joined in. He must be a very popular colt to have that many friends this thought confused Fluttershy; to her he seemed mean. Thankfully after the initial comment he had walked off with the rest of his entourage. Fluttershy was glad he left as he did because she needed to talk to Derpy. “That boy is such a bully but don’t let him bug you he’s mostly bark and only a little bite.” “It’s fine, but on a more serious note could you help me out of my shell, pretty please? O-only if it’s not too much trouble, I don’t want to impose.” Fluttershy was sure her heart would explode as she force out the words she had gone back and forth over asking. Derpy stared at her and then but a hoof to her chin. “I’m not sure that I’m the best filly for the job... but I love to helping my friends and that includes you.” Fluttershy thanked her gratefully. “I told you its no problem. However, one of my friends is great at coming out of her shell. In fact, I’d say she is the most confident filly I’ve ever met. Thankfully she doesn’t have a single bullying bone in her body.” Fluttershy’s glee turned into slight fright at the thought of an unknown filly. Before she could agree she was dragged across the yard to the finish line. There her eyes were drawn to the outline of blue that stood out against the white clouds. Fluttershy’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates; she was oblivious to the fact that her mouth was hanging open until Derpy pushed it back up. The filly rushed past right after a different blur crossed the finish line. The strong gust of wind that followed them pushed the hair out of her face so that both eyes could view the goddess in front of her. Anyone who saw her at this moment would confirm that stars were in Fluttershy's eyes. "You were even closer to beating me than last time, maybe next time we'll get a tie." Said the orange filly with a fiery mane. "Just you wait, Spitfire, Next time I'll be the one ripping that red ribbon" Challenged the blue filly a large smile on her face. Fluttershy had yet to blink, she was too focused on the filly that was as beautiful as the mist from a waterfall turning into a rainbow. Her eyes trailed from her windblown mane to the sweat trailing down her heaving chest. "Rainbow, hey Rainbow come here, I want to introduce you to my new friend." Fluttershy manages to tear her eyes away from her to face Derpy. She couldn't believe how lucky she was, in the back of her mind she worried she'd used up all of her good luck for an entire year. "This is Fluttershy, she's pretty shy but she wanted to break out of her shell. I thought you would be the best one to ask, after all you're the most confident filly I know." Rainbow Dash looked from Derpy to the pale yellow filly to her side. When Rainbow Dash began speaking to Fluttershy she felt her ears perk to catch everything she spoke. Fluttershy thought the way she spoke was similar to colts, the way it squeaked reminded her of when a colts voice broke. Her voice made a shiver travel down her spine and she temporarily focused on keeping her wings closed. "You came to the right filly, Derpy" A cocky smile graced her face when the rainbow filly spoke. "Are you prepared to train harder than you ever have before?" Fluttershy nodded vigorously. "Good, then lets get started"