//------------------------------// // Chapter 10 - Blaze // Story: The Change in Our Wind // by Sapphire Harmony //------------------------------// "Blaze?" Asked Soarin with shock, although he was trying to cover it up. "That's me, well, at least the last time I checked," Blaze responded light heartedly. "What are you doing here?" Dash asked, very curious on what the mare wanted. "Why do you two seemed so shocked to see me?" "We just..." Soarin thought of what to say, "didn't expect to see you here." "Soar, did you forget I'm also a Wonderbolt? Whether I like it or not I'm supposed to be here." Dash sensed something. No, she didn't know Blaze well but she felt something different about her. She reminded Dash of Fleetfoot, but darker. She was talking and acting like Fleet would, but it seemed forced. Dash put this thought away quickly, for she thought it was the new found anxiety swirling in her mind. "Anyway," Blaze continued, "Soar, we have to go soon. Wonderbolt emergency." "What's going on?" Dash asked, curious onto what could've possibly gone wrong. "None of your business." Blaze quickly stated in a dark tone. Was Blaze trying to scare Dash? If that was her goal, she was failing miserably. Dash may not have been herself recently, but that wouldn't make her cower. Soarin looked at Blaze quizzically when she immediately corrected herself. "I meant it's classified information. Wonderbolt's eyes and ears only." Blaze went back to her previous self and smiled at Dash, who glared in response. "Well, technically Dash is part of the Wonderbolts..." Soarin said, questioning why Spitfire didn't just come herself. "I meant real Wonderbolts. No offense, Rainbow Dash. You're a great flyer and all, but it's very important that Soarin comes with me now." "What about Wave Chill? He's in The Tasty Treat. Want me to go get him?" Soarin offered before Dash could respond. Blaze nodded in response. "Yeah, sure. Go ahead." Soarin flew into the restaurant and both mares watched him. "He's very generous," Blaze began, "such a great coltfriend." "Yeah," Dash said, not paying much attention of what the yellow Wonderbolt mentioned. That was, of course, the words processed through her mind. Dash whipped her head to Blaze. "Excuse me?" "What? You... you didn't actually believe him when he said nothing was going on between us, right?" Dash looked away in response, which resulted in Blaze falling to the ground laughing. "Oh my Celestia, you've gotta be kidding me!" Dash watched Blaze with confusion. Surely Soarin wouldn't lie to her, right? "What's so funny?" Blaze wiped a tear and stood back up. "Rainbow, you're a great flyer, one of the best I've ever seen. Too bad you're so naive. Soarin and I have been together way before you even joined the reserves!" "That... makes no sense." "Listen, seriously. The only reason Soarin is 'dating' you is that we both felt sorry for you. I mean, look at you. Messy mane, annoying voice, a Wonderbolt wannabe. I wouldn't even be surprised if your mane wasn't really a rainbow." Dash knew exactly what Blaze was doing. She was trying to break her confidence. Blaze continued. "I don't see how you thought he'd be into you. Your attitude is way too much to even put up with for five minutes. If you really think about it, you're not that special. A lot of pegasi can fly just as well as you, maybe even better. That's why they get to be in the Wonderbolts unlike you..." She's trying to get in your head, Dash. Ignore her. "You couldn't even fly that well back in Flight School, right?" Dash lowered her head slightly when the memory began to fade into her mind. The first day of Flight School she barely could do a simple flip without crashing into something. She hated that day with passion. Blaze, unfortunately, read her mind as she continued once more. "The whole class, if not the school, was laughing for years after that. Gotta say if there's one thing you do right is making a fool of yourself. Seriously, you came all the way to Canterlot just to see if Soarin was cheating on you? Dear Celestia, Dash. Wasting your bits on the dumbest of things." Blaze shook her head as she smirked. Dash watched Blaze as she continued to insult her. As soon as Blaze finished, Dash grabbed the opportunity to fire back. "Why should I believe you? Last time I checked, Soarin has been with me the whole day trying to get me to believe him." "All acting." Dash thought quickly. "What about the letters, huh? Soarin and I have been writing to each other almost non-stop and the only reason it stopped was that you took them yourself. You lied to Airbrush saying that you were doing a favor for Soarin and you lied to Soarin saying that my letter got lost. I know you have them." "I never lied about doing Soarin a favor! I did him a favor by getting rid of you!" Dash took a step back in shock. "Why would you want to get rid of me?" Dash questioned in a hushed voice. "Oh please, ever since you became more involved with the Wonderbolts, I've been a shadow. I figured if I could get you and Soarin to break up over something as bad as cheating, I could take him for myself and use his fame to boost my own! The press conference that started it all wasn't part of my plan, I'll admit. I wanted to wait until after the two of you broke up, but hey, take all your opportunities while you can." "Soarin is going to hate you once I tell him." Dash began to walk towards The Tasty Treat but was stopped by Blaze's hoof. "You are not going to tell him or anypony anything. You're gonna keep your mouth shut if you want what's best for you. I can ruin your life." Dash glared at Blaze and moved closer. "Is that a threat?" "It won't be soon if you don't get out of my face." That. That was it. Dash had enough of it. All this sadness turned into anger. All this anger turned into rage. Dash had finally snapped. "I'm telling you, Soar. I'm not going. If it was so urgent, Spitfire would come instead of Blaze," Wave Chill stated. "Blaze sounded pretty serious. What if Spitfire is hurt or dead?" Soarin tried to pull Wave Chill out of his seat. "If that was the case, there would be medics and reporters flying everywhere." "Oh you two, stop it. You're acting like schoolcolts," Airbrush said as she rolled her eyes. "Airbrush is rig-" Twilight was cut off by a pony running passed their table to the entrance. "EVERYPONY! THERE'S A FIGHT!" The pony announced. "Woah who's in it?" asked another. "You won't believe it, it's Blaze and Rainbow Dash!" Wave, Airbrush, Soarin, and Twilight all whipped their heads toward the scene. "Oh no." "Why did you leave those two alone?!" Wave exclaimed. "YOU CALL THAT A PUNCH?" yelled Blaze. "KEEP TALKING BABY HOOVES!" Dash yelled. "SAYS YOU!" By the time the four ponies walked out of The Tasty Treat, Dash had Blaze pinned. Both had several bruises and cuts all over them, and both looked as if they were fighting to kill. "Should we stop them?" asked Soarin. "No, I want to see who wins. Sixty bits says Rainbow Dash," Airbrush said as she situated herself to watch the rest of the fight. Twilight rolled her eyes before using her magic to pull the two pegasi apart. "Twilight! What gives?! I was about to whoop he-" yelled Dash as she was levitated away. "I don't care what you were about to do. You're both going to stop this now." Both Blaze and Dash rolled their eyes. "Good." Twilight gently set them back to the ground. "Wave Chill, can you go get some band-aids?" Wave Chill nodded and saluted playfully as he flew off. "WHAT THE HAY IS GOING ON HERE?!" A voice boomed throughout Canterlot. Spitfire landed between Dash and Blaze, who had been glaring daggers into each other the whole time. "Soarin, tell me what's going on now," she ordered. "Blaze came here to tell me that there was a Wonderbolt emergency and to bring Wave Chill with me." "While he tried to get Wave Chill to follow him back out here, Dash and Blaze were left out here by themselves. Next thing we know is that the two of them are fighting each other," Twilight added. Spitfire looked at the two angry mares with thought. "I should have you both kicked out, I don't tolerate this kind of behavior." Blaze and Dash looked at the captain with wide eyes and dropped jaws. "Spitfire, listen. I don't think it was Dash's fault," Soarin quickly flew in front of Spitfire, "I know she doesn't fight without reason." "Oh yeah? And this reason, what is it?" Spitfire wasn't convinced, but she needed a good laugh from a bad excuse. "Ma'am, Blaze wanted to get me away from the Wonderbolts since I first met you guys. She told me that she wanted to use Soarin as her way to gain more fame, and with me in the way she couldn't achieve that," Dash stated. "Blaze, is this true? If you lie to me, I swear to Celestia I'll make you suffer." "Well..." Blaze trailed off, "Fine yes. Everything she said is true." "Alright," Spitfire began, "Rainbow Dash, you're suspended from any show for the next three months. If you complain, you're fired. Blaze, you're fired. After you're bandaged up, you'll be on the next train out of here." "No no no no no no Spitfire please! Give me another chance!" Blaze pleaded. "You assaulted a reserve, you don't get a second chance." Blaze groaned as she walked to Dash. "Don't think you're off the hook. Remember, I can still ruin your life." "I wouldn't hold your breath," Dash responded coldly. "I can't believe you got her good, Dash!" Soarin praised, "I've never seen so many injuries on one pony before!" Dash laughed a little as Twilight wrapped bandages around her left wing. "So, what are you going to do now? Equestria still thinks you and Blaze are a thing, Soarin," Airbrush asked. "We have one last press conference tomorrow. I'll tell them that the Blaze thing is not true." "What about us?" asked Dash. "What do you mean?" Soarin looked at his marefriend quizzically. "Well, are you gonna tell them about us?" "You sure you want me to do that? I don't have to if you want it to stay a secret." Dash shrugged. "Do whatever you want. I just think all of Equestria should know that you're with the greatest flyer to ever fly in the world." Soarin rolled his eyes playfully as he laughed. "Okay, fine. I'll tell them." Two days later, back in Ponyville Rarity, Applejack, Dash, Pinkie, and Fluttershy walked towards the Friendship Castle. "I simply cannot believe you finally decided to make your relationship public," Rarity said. "It's way less stressful than keeping it a secret," Dash laughed. "Too bad you can't perform for the next three months, you must be super duper sad!" exclaimed Pinkie. Dash shook her head, "I love performing with them, but it was totally worth putting Blaze in her spot." "I can't believe she tried to ruin your chances of becoming a full Wonderbolt," Applejack shook her head in disappointment. "I should've known something was up. I'm so quick to blame Soarin for everything," Dash frowned. "It's only been two weeks since you and Soarin started dating, I'm sure it will get better soon," assured Fluttershy. Dash responded with a smile as they finally reached the castle. When they walked inside, Spike came out of the Cutie Map room holding three textbooks. "Twilight's in there, and Rainbow?" Dash tilted her head. "What's up?" "Somepony is here for you. Pretty important," Spike continued his way towards the large library down the hall as the rest of the Elements of Harmony entered the Cutie Map room. To everyone's surprise, Soarin stood directly in front of the large table holding flowers. "Surprise!" He exclaimed with a goofy grin, a grin Dash adored. Dash smiled brightly as she flew up to him, taking the flowers he had been holding. "The Wonderbolts are on our way to Las Pegasus, and we stopped here for the day. I was wondering if maybe you wanna go out with me? Like a date?" Before Dash could respond, Rarity jumped between the couple. "OF COURSE SHE WOULD! COME ON, RAINBOW DASH, IT'S MAKEOVER TIME!!!" She exclaimed excitedly as she pulled the pegasus out of the castle faster than the speed of light. Soarin looked at Twilight with confusion written over his face. Twilight laughed as she waved a hoof. "You'll get used to it. I do suggest that if you propose to Rainbow, you should do it privately, otherwise Rarity's squeals will be heard throughout Equestria and beyond." Soarin nodded. This was going to be one crazy ride. And it's totally worth it.