Written Off

by Georg

TBD - Post-Season Party Planning

“And cut!  That’s a wrap for the year, everypony!”

A wave of cheering swept around the Ponyville soundstage, and the inhabitants promptly surged forward to clap the director of Friendship is Magic on the back.  Once the traditional congratulations had been spread around and most of the actors had headed over to the wrap party, Twilight Sparkle landed in front of the Town Hall set and took a moment to appreciate the relative quiet.

“Hey, Twilight!”  Rainbow Dash, detecting said moment of silence and filling it in the way she was accustomed to, dove down out of the rafters of the soundstage and landed solidly to her friend’s side.  “Best season ending so far, right?”

“You bet.”  Twilight grinned and elbowed Rainbow Dash in the ribs.  “And no fair asking me who Scootaloo’s parents are in the season opener next year.  I’m not telling.”

“Oh, come on.  Just a hint?  A tiny little one?”  Rainbow huffed and crossed her forelegs while hovering.  “I swear you have an in with the writers.”

“You’ll just have to wait until we start shooting again.  So…”  Twilight looked around, but there was no sign of pink anywhere.

“Pinkie Pie is packing for our trip to Vegas,” said Rainbow Dash.  “This year, we’ve got a sure-fire system.”

“I swear the studio just needs to make out your check to the casinos.”  Twilight rolled her eyes.  “I can’t complain about you getting a jump on things because Spike is off to the lava diving championships in Hawaii with Ember in about an hour.  Applejack is taking the family up to Montana, while Rarity and Fluttershy will be in Paris by the weekend.  Every year once shooting is over, it seems like we all head to the far corners of the world to get as far away from each other as possible.”

“But we always come back.”  Rainbow Dash punched Twilight in the shoulder gently.  “Even someday once the show is over, we’ll see each other at the cons.  Friends forever, and all that.  Speaking of which.”

With a flick of the hoof, Rainbow Dash produced three airline tickets.  “Ta-da!  Trixie taught me that one.”

“Are you taking her to Las Vegas too?  Oh.  I see.”  Twilight pushed away Rainbow Dash’s hoof as she tried to push the ticket into her saddlebag.  “No, I can’t.  I’ve got a full schedule planned this break, Rainbow.  I’m booked for every minute.”

“Oh, come on!  That’s all egghead stuff.  Come with us to the Dark Side of the Strip and discover your density!” Rainbow added in a low, rasping voice.

“I can’t.”  Twilight heaved a breath and got out her cell phone, poking in a quick unlock code.  “Look, why don’t you take Trixie?  She puts on a good face, but I don’t think she’s got anything scheduled.  If you hurry, you can catch her before she makes it to the parking lot.  Take her gambling and pranking, and I guarantee you’ll have a blast.  I’ll even put up bail if you need it again this year.”

“Really?”  Rainbow Dash perked up.  “Well…  Only if you’re sure you—”

Twilight looked down and checked her phone.  “You better hurry if you’re going to catch her.  The app says she just left the building.”

“OkbyecatchyoulaterTwi—”  By the time Twilight blinked away the dust from Rainbow’s rapid departure, she was long gone.

“And just in time.”  A familiar face under a shock of unruly brown mane poked around a nearby collection of props on the soundstage and gave Twilight Sparkle a wink.  “All clear for our departure, Miss Sparkle?”

“Yes, Doctor.”  Twilight scurried over to the nondescript blue box at the back of the sound stage. and floated several sheets of paper to the stallion standing there.  “I made a list of where I’d like to stop off this year again, only this time, I think I’d like to spend a full week at the Library of Alexandria also.”

“No arguments here.  Wonderful place, with the right company.”  Doctor Whooves gave Twilight a quick peck on the cheek and a mischievous grin.  “In return, I think I’d like to show you the Fire Fountains of Reculius Seven.  It’s quite a sight.  Provided the old girl can still find her way there and get back on time.”  He patted the blue box on the side and opened the door for Twilight.

“Thank you, Doctor.”  She giggled.  “Olly-onze?”

“Allons-y!” he corrected.  “Onward, to vacation!”