Vault Dweller's fate

by TheValdetiosi

How it started...

I opened the door and looked inside. It was an ordinary library, a bed next to a window and a violet-coated pony, with sapphire-blue mane with violet & rose streaks and with a horn on her head reading a book. A horn? I couldn't really believe myself. She saw me and quickly gasped. Applejack came inside.

"Twilight, let me introduce ya to-" Applejack managed to say, before she and Twilight disappeared like a flash. I confused and started to look, if they were inside hiding or something.


Twilight & Applejack were teleported back to her house. Applejack was going to protest, but Twilight quickly shove her hoof on her mouth.

"Shh! Be quiet! If that thing is going to find us, who knows what-in-the-name-of-Celestia would happen." Twilight whispered to Applejack, but she pulled Twilight's hoof from her mouth.

"Ya just listen to me now! He isn't dangerous and we must introduce him. Ya were right from Zecora first time, so why not from him?." Applejack growled.

"Because he isn't a pony." Twilight stated.

"Twilight, come on! He's not so different from other good fellows, who aren't ponies." Applejack begged from her.

Twilight knew, that Applejack wasn't the best liar on Equestria and she could see the truth coming from her lips. She sighed.

"Alright then, Applejack. Let's see, if we can trust to him." Twilight said and they both teleported back to see him standing there, more confused.


"Where were you? I just saw you two disappearing and now you're back. Did you use Stealth Boy to sneak away? To leave me alone?" I asked from them. They both looked at me confused.

"No, of course not. It just happened, that Applejack said you're no harm to anypony. Is she correct?" Twilight asked.

I dropped my head. Yes, i wouldn't start to shoot ponies, but any other from California would do that for the meat.

"To tell the truth, no." Twilight looked back to Applejack. "But, i'm not one of my race, who would do that for you." Twilight got interested.

"And why not?"

"You see, the world where i come from is full of death and pain. The resources of food and water is low and there's a rare change to find fresh samples. If one of that world's human would ever step to here, he would had turned you to his meat." I told and i could see shivers on Twilight.

"So, how did you survive from all that and appeared to here?"

"That's a long story, but i will try to put it to short." I said, clearing my troath. My mind started to look back from where it all began.

"So, from my time, there was a "Great War", which happened to clear whole world. Atomic bombs were dropped on the surface and everything was wiped. Still, there were these nice little places to stay safe; underground Vaults. I had a nice life there, until the day, that our water-purification chip we relied on to, was broken. The Overseer, our leader, gathered heatlhy of us and made us to draw straws. I was the one who took the shortest one."

"Just wait a darn minute. What the hay is an 'Overseer'?" Applejack asked.

"Overseer is the one, that plays a role as a mayor inside the Vaults." I answered.

"Ah. That name was just real odd." (I would say same from the ponies names.)

"So, my only clue was to find another Vault, number 15. It was not easy, to walk through the desert, but I could rest, in the settlements. The human race wasn't so rare after all at the wasteland, though, it was suffering. I helped them and they helped me. I learned the way that survival requires work together, even to the ones you wouldn't trust. I did, however, earned trust of 2 citizens of Shady Sands.
Thanks to them, I could continue my journey towards Vault 15. But what i saw, was my end. It was on ruins and the way to find the chip, was under ten ton of fallen rock, so I had to find another solution."

"So, you couldn't get along with everyone?" Twilight asked.

"No, it depends from the person. But the rule is that you help another, they help too." I said to her.

"So, I ventured into Junktown and boy, I realised, that doing the good deed sometimes means doing bad things. I acrossed there with the best pal you would ever have, a Dogmeat.
I didn't find the chip from there, but I wasn't panicked. I had time, but I needed to hurry on. Still, they pointed me towards the Hub, the largest city in the wasteland.
The Hub could be fit into my Vault and you won't see difference from how big it was, but instead than my people, these were desolated. But thankfully, I finally found merchants to hire and bring water back to the Vault. From a little note, I found myself at the city of ghouls, called Necropholis. There, I saw the most hideous thing ever, super mutants, armed with weapons to their theeth. It was sad that I had to lost Ian there, but it was not over; I found the water chip, buried underneath the city. I could go back home."

"Y-yer friend got burned?" Applejack stuttered.

"Yeah. It was not the best moments of my life, but life still goes on and i had a mission to do."

"But wait! What's a ghoul?" Twilight asked.

"Let too much radiation to your body and there you go."

"But that doesn't help anything to describe it."

"Well, it looks like me, except it's skin is very burned and teared off and after a weeks, it's a monster against everyone else but their kind." i said. That was a mistake, cause Twilight frightened from idea to get that radiation to her body.

"The Overseer was happy to get the water back, but he was frightened about descriping the super mutants. Though, this time, I had to leave again. Finding the super mutants leader and finish them from this earth. As I left it again, I decided to look from Hub some clues. Though nothing getting covered, I managed to rescue young man who belonged to Brotherhood of Steel. I decided then to journeyed into this Brotherhood. Though they picked me into a quest before letting in, I completed it with little effort putting on it. Thankfully, I received their information I needed and some of their technology.
Though not getting yet to Boneyard, my road ventured to visit in Necropolis. Though, the city was literally dead, super mutants roaming the streets. One of the survivors told they were looking for specific human, meaning me, before dying. It was again, one of the sad moments of my life, but without looking back, I headed towards Boneyard."

"How could anyone kill somepony? That's horrifying!" Twilight shouted and was close to tears.

"Twilight. It's not your world. It's my world and i promise, that this won't happen to you." I tried to cheer her up and it worked a little.

"The city of Los Angeles was really dead, telling the truth, as there wouldn't be more disturbing place to see. I took my chance and killed foes and helped fellow friends. Getting inside, I stole an outfit of my enemy and dressed like him, getting myself deeper into underground bunker. It was horrifying, as the flesh inside there was not just gross, it was sentient, living.
Inside the chamber was the Master, the one, who created super mutants, in his gruesome form. Without doubts, I ended him, letting super mutant army to crumble without the leader."

"That must have been disgusting sight to see." Applejack said.

"Yeah, but back there, i didn't have choice to watch that abomanation. I destroyed him, before his plans could succeed."

"Though, my job wasn't over. The army was still made, dipping humans into vat and forming them into super mutants. But I didn't stop. I bursted my way inside of the place where they made them and finished every one of those bastards, but in the cost of Dogmeat. I miss him very much. But his life wasn't put on empty rail, I managed to destroy the vats, finally ending Master's army."

"Ah have a dog too called Wiona. It must be sad to lose someone so close to ya." Applejack said.

"Yeah, but i had done it. I did the right thing. I killed them, who would have killed us or turned us to them." I replied.

"Though, returning victorious, getting into Vault 13, I saw Overseer there, congratulating me from what I have done. But instead giving a reward or praise, he simply pointed me out. I was too different, he said. I was really holding back tears. All of my things...was to get banished from my home. I simply walked away, looking back a little, before deciding to find a place to rest. After waking up, well, here I am."

"That was crueling, horrifying and most disturbing story ever! But still...You did the great thing, I guess..." Twilight cheered me.

"Indeed. Now, would you please tell me any kind of place I could storage my weapons?" I asked.

"Weapons?" Twilight got nervous.