Time, Space, and Paradoxes

by Christophe


A/N: Text in [ ] are the words or actions of actual ponies/people, also time skips mean Paradox is speeding the memories along.

The reassembled team moved into the Tardis while the townsfolk returned to business as usual. The group were stunned upon entering the Tardis and all her glory. The general "Bigger on the inside" comments were made along with Paradox commenting on his appreciation for that phrase.

"So, Paradox how did you make it back and HOW did you fix the Tardis?" asked The Doctor as he inspected every nook and cranny of the main room.

"Why tell when I can show," retorted Paradox.

The group looked at each other and were suddenly swept up in a torrent of black and gold. When they could see again all that was before them was the same room, then realized the changed. Paradox stood next to a near mirror image of himself but the image was smashed up against the damaged Tardis console with blood streaming down his face. The Image abruptly stood and rushed out the door of the Tardis with the group sliding though space and time with him.

-------------- Day 1

Paradox stood with his mouth agape. He was staring at the majesty of the planet. The Tardis had taken him to the moon. Once the shock had worn off he started to ponder his next course of action. That is, he pondered until an angry scream and blast of magic interrupted him.

"DID MY SISTER SEND YOU TO WATCH OVER ME BEAST!" bellowed the armor clad black alicorn as she tried to strike Paradox down.

Paradox spouted some obscenities as the seat of his pants were burned off, only having narrowly avoided losing that and his right kidney. Paradox did the only thing he could to avoid the next flying bolt of agony. He summoned up his favored weapon, a war-scythe of no equal and crafted from the black bones and sinew of a beast from below (A fancy way to say demon from a sub dimension that exists in all planes such as Tartarus) . With his negative magic flowing through it extended another full length and dug into the rock below and with another pulse in the opposite direction he pulled him out of the way just in time.

The mare wasn't about to let up on here onslaught and launched another bolt of energy. Paradox did the only sensible thing in his situation. Paradox took his stance and swung at the bolt with the side of his scythe. The bolt connected with the magic charged weapon and reflected back at the dumbstruck mare. She didn't even register the thought of dodging because of the shear audacity of using her own attack against her. The mystery mare reeled back, her vision blurred from the impact. Her vision returned to the sight of Paradox holding the tip of his scythe to her neck.

"While I think that hit was a real 'Home Run' -snort- I don't feel like killing somepony for no reason. So please enlighten me as to why you hate me so much."

"My sister sent you here to watch me, as if my defeat and banishment weren't enough."

"Nopony sent me, in fact I have no idea who your sister is."

Paradox moved the scythe away and offered his hand to the downed mare. She looked at it and slapped it away. She huffed and disappeared in a burst of smoke. Paradox leaned on his scythe as he looked back at the planet.

------------------- Day 75

Paradox was laying on his back under the Tardis console. He had been able to repair the shape with magic but something about inner workings of a sentient machine that traverses the time vortex at will makes it hard to fully repair with magic. Fortunately Paradox had other means to work on the Tardis.

"Quite the contraption you have beast, tis larger within," said the black mare.

Paradox was started by the sudden intrusion. He sat up quickly only to regret that action as he slammed his head against the console. He pulled himself from under the console rubbing his head with one hand and holding a metallic tube with a red light at one end.

"I have a name yaknow. Even if your to rude to do it I'll introduce myself. Hello princess Luna, my name is Paradox."

"My new name is Nightmare Moon beast. Now what is that you are holding?" She continued to try and belittle Paradox to no avail, since he physically couldn't care less.

"It's my sonic screwdriver… an old friend made it for me a long time ago."

"What is this place?"

"This is the Tardis, which stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space. Basically this is, or was, a time/space ship."

"A time ship? Good then I command you to take me back in time to destroy my sister!"

"First off let me tell you why that isn't going to happen."

[ "I can't believe how you're speaking to princess Luna," said Dash.

"That wasn't Luna, that was Nightmare Moon." ]

"One, No. Two, It's broken. Three, you tried to murder me a few days ago. Four, and this is key, GO BUCK YOURSELF WITH A RAILROAD SPIKE!" Paradox bellowed hoping to put off her off before she could really get her mind set on it.

Moon was taken aback by this outburst. Nopony had ever spoken to her in such a way. Moon huffed and exited the company of such a brutish creature.

[ "How did you manage to fix the Tardis Paradox?" asked The Doctor.

"The screwdriver's scan showed me what was broken and how so I did it in steps. It was kinda like building a lego set, and just like a lego set you eventually step on one and think you're gonna die. That was me when right about now." ]

Paradox connected a set of cables and reached to wipe sweat from his brow. When he hand left his face another cable swept down and pulled him into the workings of the machine. He was systematically stabbed, shocked, impaled, burned, and finally crushed before he was spat back out on the floor.

[ "I don't think Sexy liked me touching her bits… at first." ]

--------------- Year 10 Day 47

Paradox stepped out of the Tardis in nothing more than The Doctor's hourglass pajama pants while holding a cup of coffee. Paradox stretch and started to take a walk. He had finally finished the repairs on the Tardis yesterday after much pain on his part. Now he had to wait for the auto-calibrations to finish because he lacked the ability to do so manually. This process would take another hundred years then he would have to learn to fly it. Paradox possessed the knowledge to fly a Tardis but one much older than this even if Sexy was an antique already.

Paradox strolled out to the edge of a large crater and sat down with his feet dangling. Down in the crater lay the sleeping form of Luna. She did not have the same evil look to her now without the armor. Paradox slid down the crater using his magic to muffle any sound. Luna began to cry in her sleep while tossing and turning. Paradox moved close to her and sat down with his legs crossed. She continued to thrash about while sobbing. Paradox sighed and slid down until he was laying next to her. He pulled Luna's head to the right side of his chest and let the rhythm of that heart calm her.

[ Twilight gasped and looked at Paradox. Paradox looked down at her with sad eyes and she heard his voice in her mind.

'Twi, I know it looks bad and it does get worse, but don't for one-second think that I had stopped thinking about you or stopped caring about you. You will always be my Special Somepony now and forever.'

Twilight walked over to Paradox as he knelt and the two embraced. The embrace was met with 'Dawwwwws' from the others. ]

Luna pulled closer to Paradox in her sleep and he began to stroke her mane. After a few minutes Luna's eyes started to flutter open and she was greeted with a smiling, half-naked, and affectionate Paradox. Luna's eyes were comparable to dinner plates and her mind was racing ninety miles a second.

"Morning, moonlight." Paradox said in the most sultry tone he could muster having sensed Luna's distress.

"Di-di-di-did w-w-w-w-we…"

"Yep, yaknow for a goddess you squeal like a filly." Paradox couldn't hold his laughter anymore and started rolling around while howling in a fit of joy, Luna looked on in disbelief until she realized she had been made the foal of the joke. She blushed deep and slapped Paradox across the face.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW WE FEEL BEAST! DO NOT MAKE LIGHT OF US!" Luna had changed back into Nightmare Moon and looked as if ready to kill Paradox where he sat. "WE HAVE BEEN THE BUTT OF A JOKE FOR TO LONG AND WILL NOT STAND FOR IT ANY LONGER!

"Is that what you think you are? A joke? Honey you can't say I have no idea 'cause you don't know me." Paradox rose to his feet and a looked Moon directly in the eye with a mixture of pain and sadness in his own. "Take the time to know me before you judge me, Princess."

Paradox walked away from Moon. She stared at him as he walked. What could a somepony so young know about hardship? Little did she know the voices in his head raged with memories of the past and thoughts of the friends he had been separated from for far to long.

------------- Year 10 Day 48

Luna strode into the Tardis to find the main room empty. She began searching for him all over. Eventually she found him in a room resembling that of a teenager on earth. Posters from various game series lined the walls, a desk with a drawing paper and pencils, a large hammock covered in a equally large flat pillow, and a body pillow adorned with a lewd depiction of some girl named Saeko (If you get that reference you get +250 rep with me). Paradox lay in the hammock clutching he pillow trying to nap. Luna crawled into the hammock with him and clutch the pillow along with him.

A few hours later Paradox reached out in his sleep and gripped something… soft? Paradox opened his eyes and saw Luna looking at him with a blush and an apologetic smile. Paradox chuckled and ruffled her mane. He rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling.

"I'm a lot older than I look yaknow," Paradox said still looking at the ceiling.

"How old?"

Paradox explained his situation to Luna, even the things about him being from 1000 years in the future but claimed to have traveled around the past for knowledge instead of divulging the element's existence. Paradox conveniently left out any details about the big happenings and his station as peacekeeper. Luna was shocked by his story and even more shocked when he refused to answer her questions about things related to her, replying only with "Spoilers."

"So… you do know why we are here correct?"

"I know why you are here, what I don't know Is why you would do those things."

"…We discovered a dark secret about our moon. The light of the moon is nothing more than a reflection of our sister's sun. Once we realized this we began to question our place… like we were under appreciated and useless."

"Let me tell you something. You are very far from useless. I have seen the night sky that you have made. It was as if I was looking at the artwork of a master, a breath taking spectacle of beauty."

'Thank you Paradox, we…" Paradox hushed her with his finger and continued.

"No matter what always remember this, nopony can look at the sun like they can the moon. The moon is a great mirror that casts soft light down on your subjects to keep the darkness at bay. Without that light the ponies below would have nothing to keep them safe after their long day of work under the blazing sun. Now promise me you will always remember that Lulu."

Luna was once again dumbstruck. Paradox had such fire in his eyes as he spoke and Luna knew he meant every word he had spoken and by the nickname only Celestia had ever used. Luna smiled and placed her hoof on Paradox's hand.

"We Promise."


Over the next 990 or so years Luna and Paradox became the best of friends. Luna was thrilled beyond words to have a true friend like him. They taught each other magic, Paradox had even learned the black mist trick and telepathy.

Paradox had to learn how to drive the Tardis the hard way. Eventually Paradox mastered the art and took Luna on a few trips around the universe. Luna love every second of the time they spent together and began to understand that she loved the man she was with more and more. That is, until the 1000th summer sun celebration.

"Come with us!" cried Luna.

"I can't do that Lulu, I can't go with you," Paradox said standing at the console not looking at his friend.

"Why can't you? We could rule the land together!"

"I will take you there, but then I have to leave Lulu. Remember Lulu, I love you and I will always care about you, but this is something you gotta do alone. Next time you see me I may not remember you, but never forget that I will always care about you." Paradox was sobbing as he pushed Luna out into the woods. Paradox returned to the console and traveled to the castle just as Nightmare Moon was being defeated forever.

Paradox's eyes changed to their black state as he watched the event unfold. Once it was over and the ponies had left Paradox remained and stared at the place were Moon had been. A black ooze seeped out of the cracks in the stone and rushed down to the elements room only to disappear into the stones once more. Paradox glared at the spot and turned back into the Tardis.


The Illusion faded and the group stood in the Tardis. Everypony was trying to process the events that had unfolded and what they had seen. The Doctor looked at Paradox and nodded. The two strode over to the console and started up the Tardis. The other ponies shook themselves from their daze at the sudden movement.

"Where are we goin?" asked Ditzy.

"We need to get the Princesses, 'cause we're goin monster hunting."

A/N: ooooooooh snap, Luna vs Twi ship fight awww yeah.