A changeling's purpose

by SwarmLordAbdonis

Moving forwards

Right now, there was nothing that could make me smile any harder than seeing our once imprisoned bretheren now cast from their shackles and celebrating their freedom. All six prisoners had been retrieved without any casualties on our side, other than a couple of bruises on one or two of the infiltrators. And now, here we all were. Seventeen changelings in total celebrating what at the moment feels like a major strike for our kind. There was plenty of talk from each infiltration team on their missions to take over their targeted pony leaders, taking them back to the not so long ago past when we were strong enough to topple empires, back when our true leader was in charge.

Well, I say let them remenice on the past. It keeps them from dwelling on what may be an unkind future. Something I need to keep one step ahead of. An increase of numbers, as enlightning as it is, means more work for me. Being the highest ranking changeling here, I obviously need to keep everything and everyling in order. Not by too much but still the list of things to do steadily grows.

So far we have ten infiltrators, five warriors including myself and thee warrior undercover at the changedling hive, and two drones. The only problem is that I need to find a way to have them do more than merely talk and chat all day otherwise we're not going to get anywhere. I've already put the two drones on building an underground hive some time ago. As one can imagine with merely two of them it's a work in progress and will remain that way. Especially with our newest arrivals but once it is done, we won't have to worry about being attacked by the wildlife as we sleep. Speaking of which, that's something I can get the remaining few warriors to do. They're practically bred for it. As for the infiltrators, I have several ideas on how to use them effectively, some of which I'll talk to them about soon.

Speaking of ideas, I still need to talk with Fang about that special project I mentioned to him yesterday. It will be interesting to see the look on his face when he hears about it.

"Fang"! I called out. The infiltrators head popped up out from the crowd and he steadily made his way over to me. "We need to talk. About what I discussed with you yesterday".

Fang's face scrunched up a bit as he tried to remember. Five seconds passed before he realised what I meant and his face quickly took its original form.

"Of course. About the swampland"?

I nodded. "Yes, about the swamplands. One thing I remember, back when I was taught about changeling tactics from my own swarmleader when I was a youngling was that you must use the environment to your advantage. For our kind, a simple skill we must use every day to survive. But I choose to go further and seek what exists in the environment and use it to our advantage".

"I don't think I follow. Is that not the same thing"?

Amusing how naive and confused we can be when forced to adapt to new situations. Like a nymph learning everything on our entire species. Again.

"Yes and no Fang. The old rules still apply to changeling-kind, but now with too few of us we must find new ways to survive. Create new rules, understand? One in particular I wish to bring into effect as soon as possible".

"You know I follow and admire your goal to restore us to our former glory, but I still don't understand. What is this rule you talk about? And how does it relate to the swamplands"?

What I was about to share with Fang was... sensitive information, so even after checking to make sure no-ling else was anywhere near us, I used the hivemind on Fang and Fang only. I told him what I knew about the swamplands and one rather critical piece that almost made his eyes bulge from their sockets. I could see the gears turn in his head as he did his best to process this news. At least it proved that he knew nothing about it. In some ways that was a good thing, but hearing it now, what I have planned, I do not doubt that he would refuse it. I wouldn't blame him for doing so, even I had difficulty wondering if this was worth the time and resources. However I still remain confident that we should at least try, depending on whether he agrees or refuses. I suppose I should have waited until everything else has settled down first before addressing it. My superior always told me I was quite easily inspired.

"So". I began again, snapping him from his frozen state. My confidence drained slightly as I noticed this. "Now you know".

For a moment, Fang still said nothing. Perhaps he still couldn't get over the risk of what I had in store. Or maybe he was trying to figure out how I could have come up with such a ridiculous idea. I almost didn't notice that I was holding my breath, eager for some kind of response. Finally he spoke.

"That is... a plan I don't believe any changeling has come up with before". He spoke, voice slightly shaking.

"No, it's not. We never needed to worry about this sort of decision making in the past, but now. Now it may help give us the edge we need".

"And... how do you know it's there? In the swamps"?

"A scout told me several days ago when I decided that we needed more knowledge of the surrounding terrain. I had to order him not to tell another living soul about what he found. I'm sure that hearing about it now, you're curious why I've not shared it among everyling else".

"It would help to know, yes". Fang's voice sounded slightly irritated.

"Because they would demand that we leave and set up somewhere else. After everything we've been through you would expect us to simply go somewhere else"?

"Considering what you told me"-

"We've spent enough time building up this camp. It's easily defendable against anything this forest can throw at us".

"Even that thing you would have us find"?

"Fang. Look where I'm pointing. That is the direction of the swamplands. A fair distance seperates us here from there. Do you see what else seperates us from the dangers of the swampland"?

Fang followed my hoof as I pointed in the direction of the swamp. For a moment he focused and thought hard at what I was trying to show him. Eventually, it clicked.

"The trees"...

"Exactly. The area is thick with trees. Thick enough to stop anything big from approaching. At least unnoticed. An early warning system, just in case".

"Then why go through with this plan? If we're as safe as you say we are then what's the need"?

"Two reasons. One to rid ourselves of a possible threat. The second to gain some serious power".


"If we are able to pull this off, it will be one stage of many". I took a moment to allow my thoughts to sink in. If I was doing something reasonable or insane. Sometimes it's a must to take risks and gain something in return, or face the inevitable of remaining with nothing for the rest of your days. "You know everything I do about this plan. Now all that I can do is ask if you will trust me and follow me on this? I won't be able to do it alone, and I trust you more than any-ling else".

Of course he said nothing right away. Not because he had been reluctant to speak like he had been throughout this entire conversation, but because he needed to think about this just as hard as I had. He knew the risks, but he also knew what success would mean. He took at least three minutes before he delivered his judgement.

"Normally, I would disagree on such a... bold idea, even against some-ling of your rank, Abdonis. However, after everything we've been put through I have yet to see a plan or strategy of yours fail. Maybe it's luck, but it's been wth us this far. I still can't believe you would want to try this, but maybe you're right and we can indeed benefit from this madness". He sighed before continuing. "I don't like it, but I trust you have the best interests of the group in mind, so I'll do it".

Lack of enthusiasm aside, it was still enough to make me smile.

"Thank you Fang. Now, first things first, we're going to nee"-

"Abdonis, we have a serious issue that needs your attention"!

Disbelief filled me as the hivemind sprung to life at the worst possible time.

"Okay, Fang, gather as much love as you can from the cocooned ponies. I need to deal with the Warrior for a moment".

"Yes Swarmleader". Fang nodded before disappearing from my sight. I then returned to the Hivemind.

"This had better be important warrior"! My anger was well known to him as my words were spat with venom.

Twenty minutes later...

This is bad. Very bad! They know, HE knows we're out here! Chrysalis curse it all! I expected it to happen at some point but not this quickly!

Thorax knows of us. He knows we're hiding from him and according to the warrior, he intends on trying to find us!

I was panicking on the inside, feeling as though I had caused this by rescuing the changeling prisoners.

The warrior had told me everything that had occured over the last few hours at the hive. It seemed that Thorax had warned the entire hive that we were out here. He claimed that he would do everything in his power to find us and make us see 'the error of our ways'. No doubt that means he's going to try and convince us to transform into them! Fat chance I'll go down that path! Fat! Chance!

Right okay, so let's focus on the good news. If they've learned of our existance today then they'll most likely be coming up with a plan to track us down. And if they're doing that, I can have the warrior find out about and possibly sabotage it before they have the chance to put it into effect. And since Warrior is going to have to remain in the hive, I'm going to have to step up my own plans. I'm still going to proceed with Fang to the swamps, but first things first. I need to have a chat with someone else.

"Shadow. I need to talk to you. Get over here".

As I mentioned before, Shadow is the warrior who I personally converted back to his natural form. He my not know it now, but how he's about to answer the question I'm about to give him could depend on the entire future of the changeling race.
"Yes, Swarmleader? You called me"? The changeling wheezed as he made his way over in seconds.

"I need you to be truthful with me Shadow. What I'm about to ask you is more important than it may seem".

"I'll do my best to answer it Swarmleader".

"You came to Fang back at the hive because you wanted to go back to how things were before, yes"?

"That's right. A decision I do not regret Swarmleader".

"During your time as one of Thorax's minions, how did you feel from the moment you transformed to the moment you met me face to face"?

"Well, at first, I felt amazing! I no longer felt the hunger that had pestered me for so long, and for the first time in ages, I was happy! As the days went on however, Thorax quickly set up diplomatic relations with the ponies and upon doing so, declared that Changelings were about to enter a new era where they would embrace the friendship of ponykind. I remember that some of us were allowed to travel to pony cities in order to bond and become more accustomed to our so called new friends. But it was clear that many ponies still despised us, as though nothing had changed. I was called names and humiliated the entire time. The more it happened, the more I realised the Thorax's new era was not what he expected it to be. Like everything he said was nothing more than a gigantic lie. By the end of the week alone I was miserable. And remained that way until I was given the chance to come here and be given another chance. When I returned back to normal, the hunger slowly returned as well, but even then, I felt happier than I did under Thorax's rule. And I still am to this moment".

I listened carefully to everything Shadow had said and picked up on the pieces of information I had been looking for. It was interesting how fast he had gone from going to loving Thorax's rule to hating it. And there hid the key to hope.

"Thank you Shadow. I appreciate you telling me this. You're free to go". I paused for a moment. "Oh, and... gather every-ling up in five minutes. I have something they all need to hear".

"Yes Swarmleader".

Once again, it was me on my own. Good. I needed to think on how I was going to tell every-ling about Thorax's discovery of us. And afterwards, Fang and I's journey to the swamplands. And then... a lot of work lies ahead. But for now, I need to access the hivemind once again.

"Warrior, do you here me"?

"I hear you Swarmleader. What do you need"?

"We need more soldiers. So I want you to begin recruiting. And here's how I want you to do it"...