//------------------------------// // Chapter 63: The Music Video [Equestria Girls Specials, Part 1] // Story: The Cassandra Chronicles // by CassandraMyOCisBestpony //------------------------------// It was a little while after the events of Camp Everfree, and the girls were hard at work collecting money for the camp.  Pinkie did a bake sale, where sales exploded when Rainbow Dash showed up with the softball team "Sorry again for that time before Equestria Girls when I didn't show up to a bake sale with the softball team, can you forgive me?" said Dash "Of course I forgive you!" said Pinkie Pie, "Friends forgive mistakes, Cassandra taught me that!" "She is the best, isn't she?" swooned Rainbow Dash.  She wasn't ordinarily one for the mushy stuff, but Cassandra was lightyears away from ordinary. "It's too bad she can't be here," said Pinkie, "she's out fixing every McFlurry machine in the world so they'll never break again, and I can deal with a little heartache for such a noble pursuit!" "Excuse me, I'd like to buy your entire stock," said a customer, "I was on the fence, but the softball team's presence has swayed me." Twilight and Sunset were in the music room, Twilight looking through college pamphlets. "What do you think Sunset, Hoofford or Pranceton?" "Oh, honey, you're at a public school now, and one where Applejack is in the top percentage of achievers.  Here, why don't you have a look at these?" She handed Twilight some community college brochures. Before Twilight could respond, the others walked in. "Good news everyone!" announced Rarity, "I have found an opportunity to make the rest of the money, with what is probably a reasonable risk, at least I think it is, I don't really  do math." "I told you already, Rarity, I can't ask the horses who's going to win the race," said Sunset. "No no no, not that, darling.  I found a music video contest.  All we have to do is pay the entry fee of all our money, and if we win, we get to sign away the royalties in exchange for about a fraction of what could be considered fair compensation.  But it'll be double enough to save Camp Everfree."  Since they didn't have Cassandra to evaluate the risk, none of them could find a problem with that idea. At the mall, Rarity was just about to submit her application when she encountered four of the Shadowbolts. "Why hello, are you here to submit an application for the dance contest?" "We feel pretty optimistic about our chances," said Sour Sweet, "so why don't you just quit?" "I'm afraid I cannot do that," said Rarity, "for you see, we need the money to save a camp run by two orphans." "We need the money for our class trip," explained Sunny Flare. "We promised our class a yacht but don't have the money for it." "UNLESS OF COURSE, YOU AS A FRIENDSHIP EXPERT, THINK THIS WOULD BE A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN A LESSON ABOUT OVERPROMISING." added LEMON ZEST. "Of course not, darling," said Rarity, "your situation seems just as dire as ours and not at all like a first-world problem.  Say, wasn't there five of you last time we met?" "Indigo Zap was only with us because of the Friendship Games, none of us like her or would spend time with her unless forced to." said Sugarcoat bluntly. "Well then just be glad you don't have some kind of divine Equestrian power that only works if all of you are together.  That's the very definition of a double-edged sword.  Oh my, look at us the banterers, I'm just as sophisticated as you are." "If you say so," said Sour Sweet. "SINCE WE'RE ALL EQUALS, WHY DON'T YOU GIVE US A DETAILED LAYOUT OF YOUR DANCE ROUTINE???" suggested Lemon Zest. "Yes, it would be divinely generous of you, bordering on naïveté," said Sugarcoat. "Hoooold on a minute," said Rarity, "this seems oddly familiar.  How do I know you won't steal it for yourselves?" "Because we're... not Suri Polomare?" suggested Sunny weakly. "Good enough for me~!" sang Rarity. "Good news everyone!" announced Rarity, "the Shadowbolts are entering the contest too!" "How is that good news?" said Rainbow , "without Cassandra here, we've got no chance of coming up with a dance routine." "It's good news because pressure turns even the roughest rocks into dia-monds!!" she said, putting a flair on her favorite word. "If my sister were here, she'd say, 'not all rocks become diamonds under pressure, some just shatter," said Pinkie, using a deadpan impression of Maud. "Well Maud isn't here, and thank goodness because she'd just drag everything down with her can't-do attitude.  Now back to work, Fluttershy, you're up!"  Fluttershy awkwardly attempted a ballet routine before toppling over frontwards. "Cut!" yelled Rarity through the large director's cone, "Horrid!  Do it again!" "Rarity, I'm clearly too top-heavy to do this part, and frankly I think you're making me do it out of jealous spite." "Oh, pish-posh," said Rarity.  Flash walked in, and Sunset held him back from getting too close to Twilight "Oh, hey Twilight, I didn't know you were going to be here." "That's a lie" said Sunset.  Flash threw his wallet on the ground "Oh, whoops," he said with clearly exaggerated acting, "I dropped my monster condom that I use for my m a g n u m d o n g."  He held up the condom for emphasis. "Flash, that bit doesn't work when there's someone in the room who's seen your - and I use air quotes here- magnum dong," said Sunset, "now unless you're volunteering to make our dance video into a snuff film, I suggest you go cry to Derpy about how no one loves you, and her inability to see straight is the only reason she can't see how much you suck" "Being in Flash Sentry's presence has left me so drained," said Rarirty, "I need some retail therapy." "Count me in too," said Sunset, "at least you didn't have to touch him." At the mall, they noticed the Shadowbolts rehearsing a familiar looking dance. Rarity gasped, "By the fifteen-faceted fire rubies of Fillydelphia!  They've stolen my dance routine!"  She stomped over to the four dancers, "I demand you cease using my dance routine this instant, you... you... Stealybolts!" "Your request is very persuasive," said Sour, "but like hell we will!" "Well, we tried," said Sunset, "girls, may the best team win.  Put'er there," she said, offering a handshake, which Sunny took.  "They have no song," said Sunset with a smirk. "What???" Sunny was so flabbergasted that she dropped the  Purell bottle she was using, "how in this world or the other one did you know???" "We could've bluffed our way out of it if you didn't just spill the beans," pointed out Sugarcoat. "Oh, uh, yeah, I was just faking, we do have a song" insisted Sunny. "GUYS, WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T TELL THEM WE HAVE NO SONG!" said Lemon. "Ideeeeea~!" sang Rarity, "we can write songs and you can dance.  If we combined ourselves we'd be unstoppable!" "They're announcing the winner!" squeed Rarity. "We're probably going to hate you if we lose!" said Sugarcoat. "Here it comes," said Rainbow Dash, "it's....Cassandra???" "Konichiwa, minawa" said Cassandra , who was fluent in Japanese, "I got a sense you were doomed, so I made that in the basement during my downtime as an insurance policy." "But didn't you see our video?" asked Rarity, "we had it all locked up for sure." "Oh, I saw it alright.  And let me tell you, it looks a lot different when you don't have the bias of someone who made it.  You Shadow-dolts tried to learn a song in a day, and you Canter-clods tried to learn to dance!  It was ill-rehearsed, completely out-of-time, and basically lucky to get you second-to-last place. Any sane pony would have to step in." "But how'd ya do it?  You couldn't have done that all by yerself," said Applejack, "that'd be like the time ah tried t'harvest all th' apples durin' Applebuck Season." "Ok, first of all, don't ever compare yourself to me, Applejack, you are leagues beneath my greatness even on your best day and my worst.  But the point stands - while I built the sets, designed the costumes, choreographed the dance, wrote the song, and directed & starred in the video, and did all the editing, it is true that I needed someone to bring me cold beverages and help me practice kissing." "Who?" asked Twilight. "Surprise, bitches." said Indigo Zap, leaping out from behind a pillar, holding a fat envelope full of cash.  The four Shadowbolts looked very sheepish. "Er, Hey Indigo," said Sugarcoat, "Our group here had a deal to split the prize money.  What do you think, can we still make it happen?" "In between ensuring the unimpeded flow of soft-serve ice cream and working on the music video, Cassandra still had time to teach me a valuable lesson on overpromising, when I promised to get her an apple and brush her hair, but couldn't find the time to do both in the same day.  So I think this is a great chance for my Crystal Prep 'friends' to learn a lesson about overpromising.  Catch, beta-me!"  She tossed the envelope to Rainbow Dash, who fumbled a bit, but managed to recover it. "We can save Camp Everfree!" declared Twilight.  The Canterlot students gave a cheer. "Hey Cassandra," said Indigo, "since we didn't get the yacht, how about a consolation motorboat?" She waggled her eyebrows. "Maybe later," said Cassandra, "for now, you must amend fences with your friends, who are very sorry for kicking you out... A-HEM!" Getting her signal, the four Shadowbolts changed their expressions of annoyance and cynicism into very forced smiles. "You're arrogant and loud..." began Sour Sweet, "but if Cassandra says we should be friends, then you must be ok." "But what are we going to do about the class trip?" said Sunny. "I JUST REMEMBERED, WE ALL HAVE RICH PARENTS, LET'S GET THEM TO PAY FOR IT!" said Lemon Zest. "Zest, you're brilliant!" exclaimed Sour, "for once."  The Shadowbolts high-fived and walked off. "I'm glad you're all here," said Cassandra, "because I have another big announcement.  Remember that time I helped famous director Canter Zoom win an Oscar?  Well, I got in contact with him recently, and he agreed to let us tour the set of the new Daring Do movie!" "So.... Awesome!!!" exclaimed Raimbow Dash, tackle-hugging Cassandra.  She wasn't strong enough to actually knock Cassandra over but got her point across nonetheless. "I say," said Rarity, "if there's one takeaway of this episode, it's that Cassandra is the best friend a girl could ever have."