Prismatic Soul

by Prism Sparkler

Chapter 1

"Thank you, Zecora!"

Milky Way called out to her friend while walking with another out of her shop. She had once again collected enough herbs for her annual trip to Canterlot to make a few extra bits reading the stars for rich ponies. Not exactly her favorite past time, but it certainly kept her afloat with the help from that and help from other ponies everywhere. It was now getting dark, and she couldn't help but stare at the night sky as she walked. Her eyes glittered with admiration... Wishing she was up there with Orion, Sagittarius, Pisces, Horologium... And so many other wonderful, glittering night sky companions. She was brought out of her trance with a few pokes on her shoulder. She blinked and turned towards her lavender friend.

"You okay there, Mil?" Twilight Sparkle asked, a small smirk tugging on the corners of her mouth as she looked at her daydreaming friend.

"You need to start watching where you're walking, it's starting to get ridiculous," she continued, giggling a little. Milky Way's daydreaming got out of hand on several occasions, almost leading to her own demise just by not paying attention. Milky Way chuckled.

"Sorry, sorry! Yeah, I'm cool. Just wishing the world was more like what it is up there. I mean... Just stare at it for a second with me..." Her creamy coat glistened brightly in comparison to the dark forest as her blue, purple, black, and white mane and tail shimmered in the moon's light cast in the clearing they stopped in. She lied down on the grass, nodding her head to the spot next to her, edging Twilight to relax with her. Twilight sighed, but smiled in content as she laid on the foliage next to Milky. Her violet and pink blended eyes gazed upwards, taking in every hue of the night sky. Every blue, purple, black, and white hue. It painted a picture of its own and was so beautifully captivating. Twilight smiled as she looked at Milky, who was still looking at the sky, her deep magenta eyes clouded with thought and longing.

"You're right... It really is lovely..."

"I knew you'd like it once you tried it..." Milky Way got back on her feet and yawned. Her stomach then grumbled.

"Do you still not know how to cook?" Twilight asked, chuckling lightly. "Or have you just not tried yet?" She also returned to her hooves and continued to walk down the path. Milky Way stuttered and laughed as she spoke, a slight tone of panic in her voice as well.

"Well!... Uh... Um... Let's just say my stove is a friend!" She paused for a few seconds, still and silent, before continuing. "...That I've been neglecting." Twilight winced before sighing and shaking her head.

"Yeah, that's not good, Mil. You can't just keep spending bits on food, then you'll never be financially stable! Your trips to Canterlot will no longer be needed. May I suggest a thorough, thought-out plan that you and I can-"

"Yeah, about that..."

"No, none of that. I'm going to have Applejack and Pinkie Pie teach you how to cook starting tomorrow!"

Milky Way cringed at the thought. She believed the two of them will be traumatized on her lack of cooking skills. Making inedible food was always used as teasing material in grade school, but it was completely true. Rarity thought that Mil could teach Sweetie Bell how to cook. That was a grave mistake.

As the two continued to walk down the path, Mil observed her surroundings a bit more thoroughly than usual. The moon cast a more eerie glow than what she was used to when going during the day. She thought herself crazy when she thought she saw a shining mirror when passing another clearing. She stopped and turned to face it for only a second or two before Twilight called her back to reality. She sprang to her hooves and caught up with her friend, looking back the entire time. Twilight looked at her, a stern expression plastered on her face.

"Milky Way, this is the route you must take. Going any other way is unexplored, and will most likely be dangerous. I want you to listen to me when I say to not go off this path. At least not on your own. Can I trust you to do that?"

Milky Way was shocked at her friend's sudden serious demeanor, and swallowed as a lump in her throat formed. She cleared her throat before nodding and grunting in affirmation. But that didn't shake off her curiosity. She wanted to know what a mirror was doing in the middle of a so-called "unexplored" part of the forest. Was it the cause for the suspicious glow from the moon? Maybe she would go for a quick investigation tomorrow. Who says anyone had to know? She had to go back out for some errands anyway, and conveniently, she had to go through the forest. If anyone asks, she can just say she got lost, and try again later.

It wasn't long before they reached Twilight's home. Spike came to greet them at the door. With Twilight making her give another confirmation about the forest, they said quick goodbyes before parting ways, leaving Mil to her own devices. She began to walk home, a small, but comfy cabin in Ponyville. She built it herself after moving out from Manehattan to pursue small-town business. Sure, it wasn't the most luxurious thing, but it worked for her, and that's all she needed. She opened the door and turned on the lights. She yawned and stretched, setting the bag of herbs on the dining table rug with her magic before going up to her room and lying on her bed. On her nightstand was a small, royal purple covered journal. Next to it was a navy blue pen with a small crescent moon on the opposite end of the pen's nub. She levitated them both with a silver aura emanating from her own, surrounding the items with it. She opened the book and began to write about the herb collections, keeping inventory on what she would need later. She then went to the opposite end of her room where a telescope was propped to face out the window. She lowered her body to take a look through it, before gasping and rushing back to bed. Milky had seen the brightest star in the sky that night. What was so special about it? It was located right above the Everfree Forest. There was no time to wait for the morning to come.

She began to pack her bags for an overnight trip to the forest.