Equestria Wars Episode XVI: The Crystal Princess

by sonicdash123

Chapter 12: The Return of Danny Eclipse

A celebration has taken place at Canterlot. Banners and posters of Danny Eclipse hung everywhere in the town as Charming Thunder and Twilight walked in the streets looking around. They see stands where ponies were selling merchandise in honor of Charming Thunder's brother; action figures, posters, etc. Charming Thunder was impressed with this celebration he had planned. A stormtrooper approached the two and saluted. "You are needed at the castle, your hignesses," he said. Charming Thunder and Twilight then followed the stormtrooper to the castle. They then arrived to see Celestia and Luna waiting for them. The soldier then left to return to his post as Charming Thunder entered the throne room with them.

"Galaxia and Cosmos are ready with their part of this special celebration," Celestia said.

"Good," Charming Thunder said. "Have everypony gather at the castle at sundown and we will make an eclipse in honor of Danny." Celestia nodded and left the throne room leaving Twilight, Charming Thunder, and Luna. "I just hope I make this up to Danny. Even if he returns."

"I hope so too," Luna said. "In the meantime, you should prepare for your speech, nephew." Charming Thunder nodded and walked up to a window to watch the celebration going on.


Everyone gathered at the castle courtyard as Charming Thunder walked up on stage with the princesses along with Cosmos and Galaxia. Two stormtroopers stood at two front ends of the stage standing guard. A cam droid floated around and looked at Charming Thunder at a good angle so it can record a live feed to all of Equestria. Charming Thunder took a step closer to the edge of the stage and cleared his throat. "Citizens of Equestria," he started. "We have gathered here to celebrate an anniversary of a hero who saved Equestria countless times in the past before his death. Today is the anniversary of the death of my brother; Danny Eclipse." Charming Thunder turned to Galaxia and Cosmos then nodded. He then looked back at the audience and continued. "We have also gathered to honor him with an eclipse." Galaxia and Cosmos's horns glowed as the moon began to come to the sun forming an eclipse.

The crowd began to cheer and celebrate until one of them shouted, "Look up there!" Charming Thunder and the others followed their gaze and see a blue beam was approaching the eclipse. It hit the eclipse and these the beam became a mixture of blue and purple. The eclipse looked like it darkened a bit. Galaxia and Cosmos ignited their horns before they cried out in pain and turned off their horns.

"What happened?" Twilight asked.

"The beam is holding the eclipse in place while draining the cosmic energy between both sun and moon," Cosmos replied in the midst of the pain. Charming Thunder looked at the nearby stormtrooper.

"I want you to have our best minds find out where that energy is going and where the beam is originating from!" Charming Thunder ordered.

"Yes, sir!" the stormtrooper shouted as he ran to get to his task. Charming Thunder looked at the audience who were about to panic.

"There is no need to panic. I'm sure there is a solution to all of this. Just return to the celebration in town and we will solve this problem." The citizens left the castle courtyard to return to town and returned to the festivities.


Back in the castle, Charming Thunder and the princesses looked at the eclipse as they figure out what caused the moon to stay in place. "Who could be doing this?" Charming Thunder wondered.

"I don't know," Cadence said. "But whoever is behind this, it can't be a good sign." A stormtrooper came in the throne room to make a report.

"We have found the source, sir," the stormtrooper said.

"That's good news," Charming Thunder said. "Where did the beam originate?"

"Our probes manage to send an image of a large structure along with the Eternal Fleet."

"The Eternal Fleet?" Luna asked.

"So the Eternal Empire is behind this..." Charming Thunder said. "Any idea where that structure is located?"

"Judging by the terrain, it is in the deep desert past Appaloosa," the stormtrooper said. "Your orders on how to proceed?"

"Prepare an assault party and inform the fleet with the coordinates to that location."

"Yes, sir!" The stormtrooper rushed out of the throne room to assemble some troops while Charming Thunder was about to take his leave as well.

"I'm going with you," Twilight said; stepping up to her husband.

"No. This is a matter I must handle on my own with. Light and Lucina will accompany me. Danny has taken things too far during his absence."

"And what of Rainbow?" Celestia asked with concern.

"She will not be a prisoner if she cooperates with me." Charming Thunder then left the throne room as he used his magic to close the doors behind him.


Shockwave was pressing buttons on some terminals while a machine fired at Danny's dead corpse. "At long last, the moment has come!" he shouted with glee as he, Rainbow Dash, HK-55, and SCORPIO watched. "For so long, he has waited to be reborn and return to the mortal plane! Now, that moment has arrived! Awaken and be reborn, Danny Eclipse!" He pulls a lever up and when he does, the satellite stop draining the cosmic energies of the eclipse as well as released the eclipse itself. The cosmic energy stopped being poured into the cryo chamber and then, a blue lightning bolt shoots out of the cryo chamber and began to take to the skies and began to head somewhere. He pulled another level up and then the Cryo Chamber opened and smoke came out of the chamber. Then, they see a figure rise from the chamber and landed on the ground. When the smoke cleared, Danny was now standing on his four hooves once more. Although, he was now different. He had black batpony-like wings and his eyes opened, showing them being purple and purple mist was radiating from his eyes. Danny gave a grin, showing his fangs.

"I...have...returned!" Danny shouted as his power flared.


Charming Thunder was looking out from his Star Destroyer's bridge when he felt the balance of the force shifted. "He's returned," Primus's voice said to Charming Thunder. "He's stronger than before now, he can probably even take on Midnight in his Predacon Form now and probably win."

"Sir, we are detecting an incoming energy surge!" an officer shouted; making Charming Thunder look at him. "It's ahead of us!" Charming Thunder looked and see a blue lightning bolt approaching. He was about to dodge but it was much faster and it hit him in the chest, making him cry out in pain. Light and Lucina looked worried for their father when they see him change back to his alicorn form. After a bit, he began to get up, but he was staggering. Lucina and Light help keep him up.

"What happened?" Light asked; concerned.

"I-I feel..." Charming Thunder said as he looked at his medallion. "...more powerful. Whatever that lightning bolt did, it increased my power tenfold."

"Hmm, it would seem that when pure energon cosmic energy had entered your system, it had increased your power tenfold," Primus explained in Charming Thunder's head. "You've also achieved a new form." Before Charming Thunder could say anything, alerts began to sound.

"Sir, Eternal Fleet ships are coming out of light speed!" an officer reported. "We are detecting an unknown ship among them." The entire Eternal Fleet appear in front of their ship along with another ship in front of the fleet.

"Sir, we are receiving a transmission from the leading ship," another officer reported.

"Put it through," Charming Thunder ordered. The holo figure of SCORPIO then appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Charming Thunder," SCORPIO greeted. "It has been awhile since we last talked."

"What do you want, SCORPIO?"

"Nothing. But there is someone who is dying to meet you." Before Charming Thunder could ask, the transmission ended and the entire Eternal Fleet fired on the Star Destroyer. The entire ship shook before after a few minutes, the firing stopped.

"Damage report!"

"They have destroyed our shield generator, engines, communications, and weapon systems," an officer reported. "We're practically disabled, sir."

"Sir, our sensors are still online," another officer reported. "I'm detected a shuttle leaving the leading ship with a fighter escort. They may be planning to board our ship and commandeer it!"

"Can we deploy fighters?" Charming Thunder asked.

"No sir, their fighters would destroy ours before they get the chance to launch."

"What of the CR90 Corvette in the bottom hanger bay?"

"It is still active, sir. It has not been damaged or disabled. We can use it as an escape vessel."

"Give the order to have all crew members evacuated to the corvette and make sure to delete all the data on this ship." The alarm began to sound as Charming Thunder, Light, and Lucina began to make their way to the corvette.


All the soldiers were evacuating and a group of guards were trying to get to the ship when the hallway blackened out and the door was partially open. They tried yelling at passing stormtroopers to help them when they heard faint footsteps nearby. They looked into the dark hallway when they see two lightsabers ignited, one green blade with a black core and another a purple blade with a black core. The one holding the lightsabers was none other than Danny Eclipse, but he was wearing different armor. He wore crimson robes, he had his hood on and he had armor braces on his front hooves and around his stomach and chest with shoulder plates. His eyes were glowing purple with menace and the medallion on his neck was shining purple. "Open fire!" a stormtrooper shouted. The stormtroopers began to fire with the one at the door pounding harder. Danny was deflecting blaster bolts either around him and two blaster bolts at the two guards in front of him.

"Help us!" The stormtrooper at the door shouted, pounding at the solid glass. As Danny kept his walk, he used force grip to have a soldier stuck at the ceiling. Charming Thunder, Light, and Lucina who were about to walk by, heard the pounding. They looked at the stuck stormtroopers and were shocked and horrified when they saw Danny approaching the door. Danny saw them and began to move slightly faster and Charming Thunder saw his medallion glowing.

"Run, Charming!!!" Primus shouted in Charming Thunder's head. "You can't save them, run!" Danny blocks another blaster bolt while cutting the soldier on the ceiling in half and letting him go. Another Stormtrooper fired a blaster bolt but Danny reflected the bolt with his right hoof back at the soldier. Danny, using the force, pull all the four stormtroopers in front of them from their blasters and cut two in half then slashed the other two up. The last stormtrooper with his blaster backed up and tried to fire another blaster bolt but Danny force choked him. The stormtrooper looked at Charming Thunder.

"Run, your highness!" the stormtrooper shouted. "RUN!" Charming Thunder, Light, and Lucina stepped backwards as Danny stabbed the last stormtrooper and opened the door with the force.

"Go, your highnesses!" a stormtrooper shouted. "We'll cover you! Get out of here!" Charming Thunder, Light, and Lucina began to run to the Corvette. The two stormtroopers began to fire at Danny, stalling for time. Danny got to them and cut the two down as Charming Thunder pulled down the lever to close the door.

"LAUNCH!!!" Charming Thunder ordered. Lucina ran to the other side of the hallway and pulled the lever there, releasing the Corvette from the dock. As it begins to fall out of the disabled Star Destroyer, the engines turned on and began to fly away in haste. Danny watched as the Corvette took off and four Skytroopers joined him.

"Lord Danny, shall we pursue them?" SCORPIO asked in Danny's comms.

Danny stayed silent before saying, "Yes, lay in a pursuit course. Send only the Gravestone, have the Eternal Fleet maintain position."

"Shall we wait for you, sir?"

"No, I have my own way of following them." Danny then smirked. "Besides, I'll go ahead and disable their corvette. If Charming thinks he can evade me that easily, he is poorly mistaken." Danny jumped down from the ramp he was on and he was surrounded by a purple flash. When the flash disappeared, Danny was now a new type of robot. He transformed into his fighter form and began to go the same direction of the corvette and entered lightspeed.