//------------------------------// // First Meetings // Story: Unexpected // by nebulaegalaxy //------------------------------// I look up at the mare I had unintentionally bumped into. I recognize her instantly. I had bumped into none other  than Princess Luna, bringer of the night. Knowing my place, I bow, apologizing profoundly for my stupidity. She stops me, beckoning me to rise. “There is no need for that. It was an accident, you should not worry about it too much.  To be honest, though, I was not exactly watching where I was going,” she says, offering a small, sheepish smile as her own apology. “Well, I wasn’t either. Besides, you’re a Princess of Equestria. You don’t need to apologize to me. I’m a nobody,” I reply, bowing my head. She lifts my head with her hoof. “Do not be silly. If you were a nobody, I do not think we would have ran into each other.” “You’re too kind, Highness.” Princess Luna laughs, a sound that is pleasing to my ears. “Well if you think I am kind, you obviously have not met my sister.” “But I really should be going , or said sister will begin to wonder what’s taking so long. Farewell… I’m sorry, I don’t believe I caught your name, good sir.” “My name is Sombra. Now, get along, your highness, else your sister may just burn the city to the ground,” I say, a playful smile on my features. The princess laughs again. I feel I could live off her laugh. I watch her wave as she goes, a still visible smile on my lips. Uh oh. I think I may have just fallen in love with a princess. I shake my head, banishing the unbidden thought. She probably would never love me in return anyway, seeing as I am of the lower class. I walk away, knowing I will most likely never run into her on the streets like this again. ~ Of course, I ran into her about a week later. This time, however, she was with her sister. Before I could stumble through an apology, Princess Luna smiled at me. I almost melted on the spot. She didn’t seem upset to have bumped into me again, rather, she seemed pleased. “Celestia, this is the stallion I was telling you about,” she says, turning to me. “Hello again, Sombra. How have you been this past week?” Before I can reply, however, her sister’s gaze falls upon me. “Luna, I don’t get what you see in him. He seems a bit… uncouth. Are you sure he’s the same stallion who had such humor?” Princess Celestia asks, looking back at her sister, ignoring me completely. “Of course! Do you know of anypony else who has ruby red eyes that seem to sparkle like that? Or red eyes altogether?” I am startled by the comparison. Sparkle? I’m not sure if I like the comparison. “Your highness, I assure you I did indeed run into your sister a week ago, though I’m not sure she told you the circumstances, it was indeed accidental. I meant your sister no harm at-” “Sombra, she knows it was an accident. I have told her everything that had happened,” Princess Luna said, giving me a reassuring smile. “Well, did my joke make her laugh like you did? Or is that why she’s glowering at me?” I ask, getting a small giggle from Princess Luna, and a soft, but noticeable growl from Princess Celestia, which gets me to smirk. “Celly, do not growl at him! He is only trying to make a joke! He meant you no offense.” “Of course I meant no offense, your highness!” I say, though I do not mean it. I think she could  tell, her ruffled feathers and arched eyebrow were kind of a dead giveaway. “So you say, Luna, but I really don’t think you should be fraternizing with his kind,” Princess Celestia says, in a firm, but gentle way. Princess Luna scowls. “Who are you to tell me who I do or do not hang out with? You are the one who took a common unicorn for your pu-” “You will not speak ill of her! She brought you back before you delved too far into dark magic!” The princess of the sun was enraged. Her mane was starting to turn to fire. Damn, she’s kinda scary. “She is of common birth and you know it!” Before this could get any worse, I started to back away, as everypony else in the vicinity had done a while ago. ~ A month after that particular incident, I found myself sitting alone in a diner eating some hayfries. I was enjoying the delicious food, when I hear a familiar voice. A familiar voice that made my day. “Hello, sir. Is this seat taken?” the princess of the night asked. Yes. She asked me the most cliched question in the world. I would’ve cringed if it weren’t so adorable. I shake my head, beckoning her to go ahead and take a seat. She sits down, and immediately steals some of my fries. “Hey! I was eating those! You’re buying me more if you keep that up,” I say, smirking, even though I probably look stupid for it. At least I got the laugh I was hoping for. “Oh, am I now? Who would have thought that somepony would tell me such a thing!” she says playfully between fits of laughter. I playfully whacked her upside the head, to which she started laughing harder, doubling over to where her head was touching the table. I eventually gave in, letting a small chuckle escape. When the princess stopped laughing, I got up and went to get more fries. As I waited in line, I looked back in her direction, though she didn’t notice. She was busy eating what was left of my fries. I rolled my eyes, turning my attention back to the line. I was only behind a couple other ponies now, and before I knew it I was up at front of the line, ordering more fries. When the mare at the register told me the price, I reached for my wallet and paid. I know I said I’d have the princess pay, but I wasn’t being too serious. I digress. I waited until they called my name to go back up and get the fries I had ordered. Returning to my seat, I find that the princess had finished off the fries.”Hungry, weren’t you?” I say as I sit down, setting the fries between us. “Good thing I got a bigger size this time then.” She smiles, but says nothing, instead choosing to eat more fries. I join in, munching the delectable food, contemplating my feelings for the mare sitting across from me, enjoying her own fries. Is this love? Or do I just want her as a friend? Damn these complicated feelings! I’m startled out of my thoughts when the princess cleared her throat loudly. Apparently, she had been trying to catch my attention for a while. I smile coyly, obviously embarrassed for not noticing her. “As I was saying before you zoned out, it is rare I get to enjoy such food as hayfries. They have quite the appetizing smell, and taste heavenly,” she says in a tone that signifies an obsession with the unhealthy snack. “They’re cheaper than a full meal, too.” The princess whaps me for that. I honestly don’t regret saying it. “Well, if you are not going to pay extra just to feed me, then I do not think this friendship will work out, my dear Sombra,” she says, teasing me. And I know she’s only teasing, and not trying to hurt me, but when she said friendship, and then called me dear… I winced. Shit… I guess I am in love with a princess… Well fuck. Of course, my wince didn’t go unnoticed by the mistress of the night. She leaned in close. A bit too close for comfort. “Sombra, are you alright? Did I hit you too hard? If I did, I am so sorry, I did not intend t-” “I’m fine, Your Highness… I was just… It’s nothing you should concern yourself with,” I say, waving it off as though it were nothing, despite how heavy my heart feels now. “If you say so…” she says, leaning back. We finish the hayfries in silence. She stands up, saying something about returning to her duties, and bids me farewell before heading out, leaving me to my thoughts. ~ Hayfries and sometimes a shake became a thing Luna and I did often. During one such meeting, she had asked me to just call her Luna, rather than ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Your Majesty,’ or even ‘Princess.’ This delighted me, however, I reacted calmly in front of her. “I’m honored that you would allow me to call you by your name, Your- Luna.” I slipped up, but she only laughed. “Your Luna? I kinda like that actually. Call me that instead,” she said between fits of laughter. I laughed with her. “Now I know you have a joking side, instead of all Miss Serious Princess.” Quite frankly, she laughed harder. It was a fun night. ~ Another night, we tried something fancy. The mare that waited on us said we made a cute couple after we had finished eating, and I would’ve blushed if Luna, bless her, hadn’t explained to the mare that we are not a couple. “Oh… Sorry for assuming. Here’s your check.” I payed without another word. Not really the best night. Needless to say, we didn’t try it again.